Stephanie laughed at Frank's growl as they walked inside the elevator.

"I told I was the genius in the family." She chuckled, "My brother thinks he is such a brave and cool guy, truth is… he's afraid of guns and bombs, he can't even be in the same room when somebody dies. He always has to leave before."

"That means he got some sort of a heart inside of him." Frank muttered. He felt liked banging Stephanie's head against the elevator walls, but she was holding a lighter in her hand to make the dynamites explode, and in the other hand, she held her gun. She aimed her gun at Frank's head, and he aimed his gun at her head.

"Did you really think I'd just walk in here without a 2nd plan?" Stephanie asked, grinning.

She knew that the police would never let her leave. No matter how many of them she held hostage. But if she was about to die today, she might as well take as many cops with her as possible, while on the same time destroying a part of the PD.

"All I have to do is to put the fuse on fire with my lighter and watch as the panic spreads around me." Stephanie smirked.

Frank said nothing. He just wished that she hadn't figured out that SWAT was waiting for her by the holding cells. The elevator doors opened and Frank was forced to step outside first. Stephanie cautiously followed him. She slowly looked down the hallway and recognized her brother.

"There he is." She smiled.

"So go get him." Frank muttered.

"Do you think I'm that stupid? You go get him."

Frank shook his head, "He's your brother."

"And how do I know that you don't have Lt. Caine or SWAT waiting for me down the hallway?"

"What makes you think they would be there?" Frank asked.

"My gut." Stephanie smirked, "Now go get Mario."

Frank sighed, he didn't seem to have another choice. He walked down the hallway and stopped in the doorway. He spotted Horatio and Mark behind the corner. Frank used his empty hand to make his fist into a ball and then spread his fingers out. Trying to make SWAT know that Stephanie had a bomb with her.

Horatio glanced at Frank's hand and nodded.

"Bomb." He whispered to Mark, "She has a bomb."

Mark nodded and pointed for some guys to leave the room through a different door and then find a way to sneak up on Stephanie. Frank opened the holding cell and handcuffed Mario.

One the same time as Frank walked back to Stephanie with Mario. Rick Stetler, the stupid soul that he was, decided to check on the other prisoners in the holding cells. He had no idea that they had been moved and that Stephanie had a dynamite. Rick whistled as the elevator kept on going down to the holding cells.

"What is taking you so long?" Stephanie asked.

"I'm just being careful." Frank said.

"Why? Afraid you might break a toe if you walk faster?"

Frank snorted and walked faster to Stephanie. The truth was that he tried giving SWAT some time to sneak up on her. He could see four SWAT guys sneaking towards her from another hallway. They would come up behind her, and hopefully be able to knock the lighter out of her hands.

"Stop!" Stephanie said, "Why is he handcuffed?"

"He's a prisoner." Frank shrugged.

"But he's being set free now."

"Yeah, well I'm sure you can take these cuffs off him later." Frank said.

"Take them off him now." Stephanie demanded.

"Stephanie, hay alla de los polis redondo nosotros. Le matarán si usted no sopla este lugar para arriba ahora! ¡Prisa!" Mario said.

He feared both for his own life and for his sister's life.

"Is that true?" Stephanie asked Frank.


"That there are cops surrounding me?" She growled.

Frank's silence was enough of an answer to her.

Stephanie growled and then chuckled, "You're a dead man now."

Just as she lit her lighter, Mark and Horatio jumped out in the hallway ready to shoot her. Frank jumped down on the ground with Mario. And just as Stephanie was about to lit the fuse on her dynamites, Rick Stetler stumbled out of the elevator and fell onto Stephanie. She fell to the floor, with Rick over her. She dropped her lighter, but on the same time she fired her gun. Horatio felt the bullet hit his head and he covered his forehead and crouched down to the ground.

"For the first time Stetler, you actually show up at a good time!" Frank smirked as he handcuffed Stephanie. Rick stood up and ripped the dynamites away from Stephanie.

"Horatio, you okay?" Mark asked.

Horatio nodded and stood up. He was bleeding from his temple, but it was only from a bullet graze.

"Were you hit H?" Frank asked.

"Bullet graze." Horatio said, "Oh shit…"

Frank and Mark suddenly got worried again.

"What?" Frank asked.

"Calleigh is going to kill me. She told me not to come back to the hospital harmed in anyway." Horatio sighed.

Frank laughed and patted Horatio on the shoulder.



Horatio carefully peeked inside Calleigh's room. She was awake and smiled widely when she saw him. Her smiled faded when she saw the bandage he had covering his small wound.

"What the hell is that?" She asked, pointing his temple.

"Oh that! Well, it's um… a… bullet graze." Horatio said nervously.

Calleigh growled and slapped the side of Horatio's head, that was unharmed.

"What did I tell ya?" She asked.

"Not to come back hurt."

"And you promised me that you wouldn't."

"Cal, it's not like I planned for this to happen." Horatio smiled at her.

Calleigh yawned and nodded. She knew he hadn't planned it. She just didn't want to deal with anymore injuries.

"I hope our boys don't take after you when they grow up." She yawned.

"So do I. I hope they become as beautiful as their mother on the both the outside and the inside." Horatio grinned and gave Calleigh a soft kiss, "Now sleep."

Calleigh nodded, but before she went to sleep, she pulled Horatio down on the bed with her. They embraced each other and fell asleep. An hour later the rest of the team, except Ryan who had already gone home to Cole, found them in the room.

"Why does he get to do that?" Frank asked, "When my ex-wife was at the hospital many years ago, I didn't get to sleep in the same bed as her."

"Oh Frank, leave them alone." Alexx said, "They need to rest."

"I'm just wondering why." Frank whined jokingly.

"If you want you can share my bed with me." Molly winked at hi. Then blushed as everybody looked at her, "I mean… Eh whatever." She snorted and pulled Frank in for a deep kiss.

"Disgusting." Eric joked and slapped Frank's head.

"Well, I should go home and give my husband a soft kiss." Alexx grinned and left Eric and Natalia lone with two pair of lovebirds. Frank and Molly eventually parted and left the hospital together in hand.

"Are you hungry Eric?" Natalia asked.

"Oh yeah."

"Feel like having dinner with me?"

Eric grinned and nodded. He left the hospital with Natalia. Once everybody had left Horatio opened his eyes and chuckled.

"I told you that Eric and Natalia would get together eventually." Horatio smirked.

"Oh shut up, Horatio." Calleigh said sleepily.

The End!

AN: I'd like to thank everyone who had read and reviewed in this story!

The sequel to this story will be a one-shot, called Family Time, and it will just be a fic with cuddling from all of the characters. Full of love. Which I think the characters deserve after everything I put them through, lol!

Thanks for reading!