Chapter 15: The baby

Review replies:

UchihaHyuuga: Well here it is, I hope you enjoy!

Babycobweb:Really? I never knew. Well anyhow, Neji doesn't know as well ;)

koko: Well you'll find out in this chapter!

A couple days later, Neji and Sasuke were at the doctor. Neji had made an appointment and told Sasuke to come with him. They were there to take scans and ask about Neji being sick so often.

Sasuke had been nervous pretty much all day. He was actually gonna see his baby. They were sitting in the waiting room now. "...That doctor should hurry up.." Sasuke said.

"..We're two minutes too early.." Neji muttered, nervous as hell. What if something was wrong with the baby?

Sasuke quickly grabbed Neji's hand. He felt Neji's hand were almost as clammy as his. "..I'm nervous." He said.

"..What do you think I am.." Neji said softly. He was a little cranky this morning.

Sasuke looked at Neji and then pulled his hand back. "..Sorry..." He said. Neji wasn't really helping.

"..No I'm sorry for snapping." Neji said. "I'm just a bit.. too nervous I guess.. what if something is wrong with the baby?"

"...I know..I hope it's all fine." Sasuke said. At that moment the doctor arrived. "Hyuuga Neji?" He asked. Neji looked up.

"Yes, that's me." Neji said, standing up. "And this is Sasuke, my boyfriend who I would take with me."

"Ah yes. Nice to meet you two." The doctor said and shook Neji and Sasuke's hands. "Nervous?" He asked with a smile as he signed Neji and Sasuke to follow him.

"Yes, very." Neji said. "..You see, I've been ill a few times.." He followed the doctor, just like Sasuke did.

"Ah I see. Well we'll be talking about that in here." The doctor said and opened the door for them. Sasuke walked in and sat down on a chair. There was a computer in the room and a bench where Neji would be laying on. "Please, take place." The doctor said.

Neji nodded. "Alright.." Neji said and laid down.

The doctor walked over to the computer and placed it beside Neji. "Now if you please pull up your shirt. " The doctor said. He had known about Neji's pregnancy, so he wasn't surprised about it anymore. He grabbed a tube with some kind of glue in it. Sasuke looked at it with big eyes.

Neji nodded and pushed up his shirt.

"..Is it going to hurt?" Neji asked.

"Not at all, everything will be painless. We'll just have a look at the baby and do a little blood test to see why you're sick a lot." The doctor said and put on some rubber gloves. "This'll be cold though." He said as he put some of the lubricant on Neji's stomach.

"..Is the size of the stomach healthy?" Neji asked, a little worried.

"It's perfectly normal. Don't worry, it all seems healthy. Now let's have a look." The doctor said and placed a small thing on Neji's stomach. Immediately you could hear something beating. It was the baby's heart.

"...Is that..?" Neji asked, amazed.

"Yes. You are now hearing the baby's heartbeat." The doctor said and smiled. Sasuke listened to it amazed, then looked at Neji happy. "..It's alive..." He said softly.

Neji smiled and nodded. "I'm so glad it is..." Neji said softly. "..Can we see it?" Neji asked the doctor.

"Of course. It sounds perfectly normal, so let's see if it looks normal too." The doctor said and turned on some kind of TV-screen. He moved around over Neji's stomach for a while before stopping. "There it is." He said and pointed out the baby with his finger. Sasuke stared at it. That was his baby. Inside of Neji. It was really there.

Neji looked at the screen too. "...It's healthy right..?" Neji asked. Wow, this was strange..

"Well let's see. It's got legs, arms, a head, it moves around. The eyes are there and it all seems perfectly fine. We can say with 90 it's healthy. There's always the chance of course that we can't see it now, but that's a rare thing." The doctor said and smiled at Neji and Sasuke again.

Neji let out a relieved sigh. "That's good.. very good.." He said, looking at the screen. Should he ask about the baby's gender..?

"Should we print this out? It looks perfect like this." The doctor said.

Neji nodded. "Gladly." He said.

The doctor nodded back and pushed a button. "You can get it at the counter. Now, do you wanna if it's a he or a she?" The doctor asked.

Neji looked at Sasuke for this answer. He wanted to know, but did Sasuke want it?

"Do you wanna know?" Sasuke asked as he saw Neji looking at him patiently.

"Well, I'm really curious.." Neji admitted.

"Me too. So we wanna know right?" Sasuke asked and smiled at Neji a little.

Neji nodded and looked at the doctor.

"Well, let's have a look then." The doctor said and moved around over Neji's stomach again. It was silent for a while. Sasuke watched it all, excited as hell. What were they getting? They could start thinking of the name, then start buying baby clothes and a crib. "Well congratulations. It's a she." The doctor finally said.

Neji felt more happy then ever. He had really wanted a girl and now they were getting a girl. He looked at Sasuke with a happy look on his face.

Sasuke looked back at him, equally happy. "Just like you wanted." He said and gave Neji a quick kiss on the lips. "I see this is good news. Now Neji, since I see no problems concerning the baby, I think it's just lack of vitamins. Your body isn't used to this. Just eat some more fruit and vegetables and I'm sure it'll be fine. We're done for today." The doctor said and removed the lubricant.

"Alright." Neji said. "I'm glad it's not something serious."

"I wouldn't have expected anything else. Now, you can go. We'll meet up in a couple weeks for a new appointment." The doctor said as he helped Neji up.

Neji nodded and accepted the help gratefully. "Thanks a lot." Neji said. "And we will."

"Good. Now have fun with the new information. You can start the shopping." The doctor said and let Neji and Sasuke out. "Thanks." Sasuke said and took Neji's hand.

Neji smiled and then followed Sasuke's lead outside. They went to the counter and asked for the scan, then walked out. Neji smiled at Sasuke. "I'm so glad it's a girl." He said.

"I know you are. Me too. Even though I have no idea what girls want." Sasuke said and looked at Neji happily.

"Hmm we will find out." Neji said, still smiling. "Pff... but it's not easy, walking around with a stomach this big."

"You've been doing it for a while now, don't start whining now." Sasuke said and smirked. He did put his arm around Neji's waist though, to at least help him a bit.

Neji smiled thankfully at him.

"We should go shopping for clothes. And look at cribs." Sasuke said.

"Now already?" Neji asked, a bit surprised.

"Well the clothes would be handy and we can just look at cribs, so we know what we want right?" Sasuke said. "The doctor said so too."

"Myeah.. but not today, I'm tired now." Neji said, pouting a bit.

"I know. We'll walk home now and you'll get into bed and get pampered. Like everyday." Sasuke said and smirked.

Neji snorted. "Like I can help it." Neji said.

"Yes you can, you're not totally incapable of doing anything. You're just lucky I'm such a great guy." Sasuke said and grinned at Neji.

"In the morning I can do a lot of things." Neji said. "And now too, but I can't go shopping or something, I just need to sit down."

"I know, I know. Well we're almost home so you'll be in your bed in no time." Sasuke said. He didn't really wanna admit it, but he loved taking care of Neji.

Neji snorted. "You don't 'have' to take care of me, you know." He said with a smirk.

"I know." Sasuke said, not about to tell Neji his little secret.

"Hm... do we still have apples?" Neji asked.

"Yeah. Why?" Sasuke asked surprised. They had now arrived at their apartment. Sasuke walked inside and waited for the elevator. Neji couldn't walk stairs very well.

"You know it's my new addiction Sasuke." Neji said and sweat dropped.

"Oh right. Well we still have them so." Sasuke said and then took Neji into the elevator.

"Ok good." Neji said and leaned against the wall.

Sasuke bend down a little to Neji's stomach and rubbed over it. "Can you believe that it's really in there?" He asked

"It's hard to believe hm." Neji said, and then smiled at Sasuke when the baby kicked against Sasuke's hand.

Sasuke looked at it with big eyes. He had never felt it kick before. He was always too late, or not around. But he had just felt the tiny foot of his daughter. "...Was that?" Sasuke asked as he looked at Neji.

Neji smiled and nodded at Sasuke. "That was the first kick you received of her." Neji said, smirking now.

Sasuke smiled now. This was so great. "...I can't believe I felt her.." He said as he walked out of the elevator with Neji.

"I've felt then more then enough times." Neji said, rolling his eyes a bit. "She can't keep still."

"Well I never felt it. And I think it's great." Sasuke said and opened the door for Neji.

Neji walked in, pulling off his coat. "Yes, it is, but not when you're going to the toilet." Neji said, giving Sasuke a smirk before sitting down onto the couch with a soft moan.

"Hey grandpa." Itachi said, from the other end of the couch. "How was it?"
Neji gave Itachi a growl before fixing his hair into a ponytail.

"He's not a grandpa. He's a dad. Or mom." Sasuke said and smirked as he sat down too. "Anyhow, it went great. She's healthy." Sasuke smiled at Itachi.

"It's a girl?" Itachi asked with a grin. "Oh dear."

"Why oh dear? That's great you know." Sasuke said.

"I don't want to know what kind of girl you two would raise." Itachi said with a smirk.

Neji snorted. "Probably a pretty girl, but as arrogant as hell." He joked.

"No. It'll be a perfect girl. Might turn a little crazy though, with you as her uncle." Sasuke said and smirked at Itachi.

Itachi smirked. "Probably." Itachi said. "Well, I'm going to cook."

"You do that." Sasuke said and then turned over to Neji's stomach. "Hello." He said. Maybe the girl would actually hear him.

Neji looked at him like Sasuke was crazy all of sudden.

Itachi snorted. "Sasuke you idiot." He said.

"What? I read it's good for the baby if you talk to it." Sasuke said and turned to Neji's stomach again laying a hand on it.

"Like the girl knows what hello means already." Itachi said and sweat dropped.

"I don't care, we'll talk to her when she's out too and she won't understand us then either." Sasuke said stubborn and rubbed over Neji's stomach now.

"Jeez." Itachi said with a smirk.

Sasuke ignored Itachi now. "Anyhow, what will we name her? What do you think is a good name?" He asked the baby, or rather Neji's stomach.

Neji bit his lip to not burst out into laughter now. This was just so cute.. and so funny.

"Don't you laugh." Sasuke said to Neji. "Your mommy's mean to me isn't he? Yeah you think so too hm. We'll do something about that once you're older." Sasuke said to the baby again.

Suddenly Sasuke received a kick and Neji burst out laughing.

"You see, she wants you to stop." Neji said, still laughing. Now Itachi started to laugh too.

"She does not! That was a yes! I'm sure it was!" Sasuke said annoyed. No matter what Neji and Itachi would say, he knew his daughter was listening to him.

Neji smirked, shaking his head. Oh god, poor Sasuke.

Sasuke just ignored Neji and Itachi now. "You like me don't you. Kick if you like me." Sasuke said to Neji's stomach again.

Neji smirked when Sasuke got no reaction. "Seriously Sasuke, you should wait until she's born." Neji said.

"I'm sure she hears me." Sasuke said and smiled at Neji's stomach. He still couldn't believe his baby girl was in there. And yet it had become so real all of a sudden.

Neji smiled. "You're cute Sasuke." Neji said.

"I guess.." Sasuke said. He was thinking of his baby now, not really hearing what Neji said. He then looked up at Neji. "I hope she looks like you." He said.

Neji looked at him surprised. "Really?" He asked. "Why?"

"I told you a millionth times Neji. You're perfect remember. And I think your eyes and hair and body shape would suit her more then mine. And the personality too." Sasuke answered.

"Hmm.. it would be beautiful if she'd have my eyes and your hair." Neji said. "And the body shape would be different anyway, since she's female."

"Yeah, but you look more like a female then me so. And maybe she should have black hair, but she'd still need your hair for the rest. Mine is spiky." Sasuke said and rubbed over Neji's stomach.

"Hmm.." Neji softly said.

"If she gets Sasuke's skin, she's lucky." Itachi said.

"..Why?" Sasuke asked surprised. His skin? What was with his skin?

"It's pale and soft." Itachi said. "You got that from mom, I got dad's hard skin."

"Too bad for you. You look more like dad anyhow. With the eyes and posture." Sasuke said. "But not the attitude. You got that from mom." Sasuke said and gave Itachi a smile.

"I don't have mom's personality you idiot." Itachi said, snorting.

"Yes you do. Maybe a little less caring and innocent. But you are caring like her, take care of everyone, put others first, that kind of stuff. Mom did that too." Sasuke said serious.

"Hmm.. " Itachi said. "Well, thanks for the compliment."

"You're welcome. It's too bad our daughter won't have any grandparents..." Sasuke said as he looked at Neji.

"..Indeed.." Neji said. "Well... she'll have lots of friends.."

Sasuke looked at her confused. "...How do you know now that she'll have a lot of friends?" He asked.

"She will, if she doesn't have a lot of family." Neji said, shrugging. "It's like that most of the times."

"You didn't have a lot of friends. But it would be great if she had a lot of friends." Sasuke said and smiled, then gave Neji a kiss on the lips.

Neji smiled at him and then stared ahead of him. He felt really tired all of sudden.

"You tired again?" Sasuke asked. He knew that look. Neji had those when he needed sleep. It was one of his many mood swings.

Neji nodded. That was the only thing he did, nodding.

Sasuke nodded back and helped Neji of the couch, to his room. He knew he wouldn't get a respond now.

Neji walked with Sasuke and when he arrived at their room, he slowly pulled aside the sheets, to go into bed.

Sasuke helped him in bed and pulled the sheets over him. He gave Neji a kiss. "Night Neji." He said and then left the room.

Neji curled up a bit, as far it was possible, and muttered something. He fell asleep almost immediately.

Another two months later, in the middle of the night, Neji woke up with a moan. His stomach and his under body hurt a lot.

Sasuke was sleeping next to him, one arm around him. He didn't wake up fast so he just kept sleeping.

Neji started to pant now and tried to shake Sasuke awake. Oh god.. the baby.. the baby was coming..

Sasuke moaned a little. "...Fve more mintes..." Sasuke mumbled, still half asleep.

Neji now gave Sasuke a hit on the head, while he tried to sit up. Oh god.. oh god...

"Hey!" Sasuke yelled, wide awake now. He then saw Neji's face. Sweaty and nervous. Panicked even. What the hell was going on? "What's wrong Neji? Are you ok?" Sasuke asked as he helped Neji up and looked at him.

"..T-the baby.. hng.. t-the baby is c-coming.." Neji panted, while holding his stomach.

"...WHAT!? NOW!? OMG! WHAT SHOULD WE DO!?" Sasuke asked as he jumped out of bed and started to panic. "..O-ok...breathe...breathe...ITACHI! ITACHI GET YOUR ASS HERE!" Sasuke screamed desperate. They hadn't exactly prepared for what to do when this happened.

"..J-Just call an a-ambulance you i-idiot.. hng.." Neji panted, while trying to stand. You could hear a few things fall in Itachi's room, then you could hear Itachi running towards them and the door opened, revealing a shocked looking Itachi, only wearing some boxers and a shirt.

"Neji's in labour! Call and ambulance!" Sasuke yelled panicking as he held Neji tightly, so Neji would be able to stand at least a little.

"Oh shit!" Itachi yelled and ran towards the hallway, cursing. He quickly called an ambulance.

Sasuke brought Neji to the living room and placed him on the couch, getting his coat on and then putting Neji's coat on Neji. He was so nervous right now. "You'll be ok right? It's ok right?" He asked Neji and grabbed his face.

Neji looked at him with a pained face but nodded. He tried to speak but couldn't let a word out.

"Did you call the ambulance?" Sasuke asked Itachi and wiped the sweat of Neji's head.

"Yes, they are coming." Itachi said. "We have to get to the door already."

Sasuke nodded and carefully pulled Neji up again, supporting him and slowly moving him towards the door. "Remember to breathe right Neji..." Sasuke said.

Neji was still holding onto his stomach, breathing in and out, on a regular pace.

Sasuke took Neji to the door then into the elevator. Itachi was following them. When they finally arrived at the front door of the building the ambulance was there and nurses came running to them with a wheelchair. "Put him on this." One of the nurses said and Sasuke did so.

Neji groaned. The baby tried to search a way out, but there wasn't room enough... If it would succeed, he wouldn't have an ass anymore when it had come out.

"Move him, fast." The nurse said and they got Neji into the ambulance. Sasuke and Itachi joined them. They got off to the hospital as Neji was getting a drain and some oxygen. "You'll be fine Neji.." Sasuke said and grabbed Neji's hand.

Neji kept panting, moaning softly. Shit.. shit.. shit..

"He's stable." One of the nurses said. After a while they got to the hospital and brought Neji inside. He was being transported to a room where they would give him a ceasection.

"..Do you want to see it, or..?" Itachi asked Sasuke.

"...I do. I wanna see her get born." Sasuke said.

Itachi nodded. "Let's watch then."

An hour later, Neji and Sasuke's daughter had been born by a ceasection. Sasuke and Itachi had been asked to leave the room when Neji was being brought to a room to recover and the baby was being cleaned and checked. After a while of waiting a nurse came up to Sasuke and Itachi.

Itachi smiled at Sasuke and patted his arm, moving him to step forward.

"..Well mister Uchiha, here she is." The nurse said and smiled at Sasuke.

Sasuke looked at the nurse with big eyes and then to the bundle she was holding. He took it from the nurse and looked at it. A tiny, beautiful baby girl was sleeping in his arms. His baby. His daughter. Sasuke smiled at her. He had never been this happy in his life. "Is she ok?" He asked softly.

The nurse said. "She is." She said. "She's completely healthy. Congratulations mister Uchiha."

"...Thank you..And Neji?" Sasuke asked as he kept staring at his girl. She looked so pretty. So tiny. She was so tiny. And she was his, all his.

"He's ok." The nurse said. "He'll be awake in fifteen minutes."

"Can we go see him then?" Sasuke asked as he signed for Itachi to come and look. He was sure he was gonna be one of those show off dads.

"Of course." The nurse said and smiled.

Itachi looked at the baby in Sasuke's arms, while the nurse mentioned Sasuke to follow him.

"I have to warn you though." The nurse said. "It looks a bit disturbing."

"..Why?" Sasuke asked as he started to follow the nurse. Itachi was right beside him.

"He has to breath through a mask and we just operated him, so.." The nurse said and opened the door, mentioning them to be quiet.

Sasuke nodded and walked inside, holding his daughter close. Neji did look a little disturbing, how he was laying there. But honestly, he had seen worse. "..That's your mommy.." Sasuke whispered to his daughter.

Itachi smiled at Sasuke.

"I hope that he wakes up soon."

"I hope so too." Sasuke answered and sat down on a chair in the room. "I forgot what Neji wanted to call her."

"I'm going to do a few things, call me when he's going to wake up ok?" The nurse asked. "You can push the button." She pointed at the button and Itachi nodded to her. She left.

"You don't have to choose already." Itachi said, smiling at Sasuke.

"I know, but Neji told me what he wanted to call her and I forgot." Sasuke looked up at Itachi. "Do you wanna hold her?" He asked and smiled.

Itachi smiled. "I'd love to, but I think it's better Neji holds her first." Itachi said.

Itachi smiled broadly all of sudden. "She has your skin.." He said, looking at the baby.

Sasuke smiled too. "..I guess she does...I hope she has Neji's eyes though. But I'll let her sleep." Sasuke said.

Itachi smiled. "If she does, I hope she has your hair." Itachi said. "She's going to be beautiful."

"I'm sure she will. She's lucky you're her uncle too." Sasuke said back and kept smiling too. He hoped Neji would be up soon so Neji could see his daughter too.

"Hmm.." Itachi hummed and smirked. "Are you serious?"

"...Yeah, why wouldn't I be serious?" Sasuke asked confused. Why the hell was Itachi smirking?

"Would a child be happy to have me as her uncle?" Itachi said, still smirking.

"Well I think she would. Because you would take care of her like she's your own child. Just like you did with me." Sasuke said.

Itachi nodded. "Ah yes, true." He said. At that moment Neji gave a moan and a deep sigh, his eyes fluttering open.

Sasuke looked at Neji and then walked over to him. "..Hey..Are you ok?" He asked, still holding his daughter close.

Neji looked at him and smiled softly. He then took off the air mask of his face.

"..I'm fine.." He softly said, looking tired. Then he looked at the small bundle in Sasuke's arms and looked at Sasuke again, this time with a broader smile.

Sasuke smiled back. He sat down on Neji's bed and held their daughter before Neji. "She's beautiful don't you think?" He said softly.

Neji looked at her and kept smiling. "She is... can I hold her..?" Neji asked, holding out his arms.

"Of course you can." Sasuke said and handed the baby over to Neji, still smiling. It felt so good to see Neji with his daughter. Their daughter.

Neji took his baby girl into his arms and looked at her, still smiling.

"Hey." He said to her. The baby snuggled closer into Neji's chest, feeling Neji's warmth and Neji smiled, holding her close.

Sasuke stroke softly over the baby's head and she grabbed his finger. It was such a tiny hand, not even as big as one of his fingers. "...I'm so happy.." Sasuke said.

"I am too.." Neji said and smiled at Sasuke, almost getting tears in his eyes from happiness.

Sasuke gave Neji a soft kiss on the lips. "..She's our daughter.." He said as if to reassure himself that Neji acknowledged that too.

Neji nodded. "..She is.. and ours only.." Neji softly said.

"..Yeah.." Sasuke sat himself down more comfortable next to Neji and made sure his daughter kept holding his finger. He had never thought of himself sitting here now when the year had begun. And yet he didn't regret it at all.

"..I'm so happy.." Neji said. "..We don't have money problems anymore either so we can take care of her very well.. I earned 10.000 with my singles now.." He looked at Sasuke very happy.

"..I know, it's great. She'll be raised in a good way. By us." Sasuke said. He then pushed the button behind him that the nurse had showed him. Then the baby opened her eyes slightly and looked around a little. "...Good.." Sasuke said and smiled.

Neji looked at the baby with a smile on his face, while he muttered a soft 'yes'.

"..She's got your eyes..." Sasuke said and smiled at his baby.

"..Yes she has.." Neji said, still smiling. "..And your skin.."

"Itachi said that too..." Sasuke said. "Hello little girl.." Sasuke said to his daughter and smiled at her again.

Neji smiled while the baby almost squeezed Sasuke's finger. Then suddenly she started to cry.

"..Oh don't cry." Neji said and shushed the baby by rocking her a bit.

"..Maybe she wants food." Sasuke said, confused. He didn't really know what to do with a crying baby.

"Perhaps." Neji said and kept rocking her a bit, then she finally was silent again. Then the door opened and the nurse came in, smiling. "Hello." She said.

"He woke up." Sasuke said to the nurse. Then turned to his daughter again and smiled at her, moving his finger, with her hand around it, into the air, somewhat playing with her.

"I can see that. How are you feeling Neji?" The nurse asked Neji as she checked a couple things with Neji.

"I'm fine." Neji said, smiling. "Still a bit tired, but I'm glad to finally have my child in my arms."

"Of course you are, who wouldn't. May I ask what the pretty girl's name is?" The nurse asked and checked Neji's temperature.

"..We don't have a name yet." Neji said, frowning.

"What do you wanna call her?" Sasuke asked Neji. The nurse in the mean time checked Neji's pulse.

"..I wanted to call her Maemi.." Neji softly said.

"Then Maemi it is." Sasuke said and smiled at Neji. Everything Neji wanted was gonna happen. He would make sure of that.

"...Are you serious about that?" Neji asked, happily surprised.

"Of course I am. It's a pretty name and you want it so." Sasuke said smiling.

Neji smiled. "Thanks.." Neji said and then looked at the baby. "Maemi it is.."

" hear that? Your name's Maemi." Sasuke said to the baby and smiled at her again. The nurse smiled at the scene too.

"Ah well, one big happy family." Itachi said and smirked.

" big happy family.." Sasuke said and pulled Neji closer.

Neji smiled and leaned against Sasuke, sighing softly. "..And everything's alright again." Neji softly said. Itachi smiled.

"Yeah. And I'm sure we'll be fine forever now...As long as we stay together." Sasuke said and stroke the baby's face again.

Neji nodded and smiled. "We will." Neji said. "We always will."

"I love you Neji.." Sasuke said and then whispered to his daughter that he loved her too. And he always would.

"I love the both of you." Neji said. "And I always will."

Sasuke smiled. "I'll always love you too. All three of you." He was sure that was the truth. And he was sure that Maemi would love them too. And he was sure he would love the three persons in this room forever. Itachi, Neji and Maemi would love him till the end. And he would do the same.