A/N: Another new story! We wrote this one almost half a year ago, so I hope it's still good ;) Enjoy!

summary: Everyone has secrets hidden from within. But Sasuke'd never thought that Hyuuga Neji hid so much from the rest of the school. He hid himself. SasuNeji

Chapter 1: Do you dare?

"Seriously, Sasuke!" Inuzuki Kiba laughed, slamming his hand on one of the tables in the middle of the auditorium of Konoha High. "I can't believe you got another one of those guys to fall in love with you, you're terrible!"

Uchiha Itachi smirked. "It's in the family." He said. "We're just so irresistible, aren't we, Sasuke?" He leaned back into his chair.

"We sure are. It's a gift." Uchiha Sasuke said and smirked at Kiba. "Besides, it's not that hard. I just have to look at them." Sasuke leaned on one hand.

"It's so sad you are gay Sasuke." Tenten said, starting to laugh.

Yamanaka Ino laughed too. "Yeah, that just sucks! And it just works that way with the two of you! If I look at someone like you always do Sasuke, the poor guy will think I'm stalking him!" She yelled.
Tenten laughed because of Ino's joke. "Indeed, only you can look like that." She said and then she smirked. "But I'm sure not everyone will fall for that smirk of yours."

Itachi looked at Tenten, curious about where she was up to. Tenten was always full of surprises.

Kiba looked at her too, and then at Sasuke.

"Hmmm this'll be interesting." The blonde Deidara said and smirked at Sasuke.

"I can get anyone I like, you know that." Sasuke simply said and continued smirking, then looked a passing boy up and down. "Damn, he's fine." Sasuke said, heard by practically everyone around the group.

Tenten smirked. "Alright Sasuke, then I have a dare for you." She said, leaning back into a chair.

Sasori looked at her interested. "Oh?" He said.

"Hit me." Sasuke said and looked at her a little cocky. Uchiha Sasuke always was sure of his case. No dare was hard enough for him.

"Oh dear, what's our lovely Tenten up to now." Hidan said and started laughing.

"Get into a relationship with Hyuuga Neji." Tenten said and smirked broadly. "Get him to love you."

It was silent for a bit in the group, and then everyone started to smirk and looked at Sasuke, wondering if he'd accept it or not.

"Hyuuga Neji!? But he's a mess! A total idiot, he doesn't even know how to dress himself." Sasuke said and raised an eyebrow at Tenten. Where did she come up with that idea. It was probably a dare Ino and her had thought of for a while. They always made stupid girly plans together.

"You can't do it hm?" Tenten said, smirking evilly now, winking at Ino.

"Heh, scaredy cat." Itachi said to Sasuke, carrying the evil smirk on his face too.

"Ah. Fine. It's not that I can't do it. It's that I don't want too. I mean, he's ugly." Sasuke said livid. "But fine, I'll take it. Give me one week for that moron." Sasuke said and smirked at Tenten. He never said no to a dare of the group.

Deidara started laughing. "Now this'll be fun." He said.

Itachi snorted. "Why don't you immediately start?" He said.

Tenten smirked. "We'll see if you can do it." She said, high fiving with Ino.

"Yeah, it's not gonna be easy Sasuke. But remember, have fun!" Ino said and laughed. Sasuke gave her a fake smile. They were so funny. "I'll start after school." He said and smirked again.

"Good luck laddie. You'll need it." Itachi said, smirking.

That day when the school bell had rang, Sasuke walked outside, ready to find his new victim. He found him, Hyuuga Neji, in the school's cycle shed. Sasuke walked up to Neji with a smirk. The guy had baggy clothes on, dirty, brown hair, hanging before his eyes in some strings and had a big cap on. A green one. And ugly. "Hey." Sasuke said as he reached the guy.

Neji just opened the lock of his bike, acting like he hadn't heard Sasuke. He kept looking at the floor, like he always did.

"Why are you wearing that ugly cap? Don't you have anything prettier?" Sasuke asked and turned Neji around.

Neji kept looking at the ground. "...Don't talk to me." He softly said. Why was Uchiha Sasuke, the most popular guy from school, talking to him?

"Come on. You don't have to hide your face even if it's ugly." Sasuke said. Neji's voice sounded nice though. Soft and delicate.

"Leave me alone." Neji said, turning around now, to get his bike.

"It's Neji right? Show a little face once in a while." Sasuke said and pulled of the big cap. He turned Neji around again and pulled up Neji's face with his hand. He looked right into two big white eyes. Pretty eyes. And a smooth face, flawless, small nose, pink lips. Neji wasn't ugly. He was a really, really pretty guy.

Neji looked at him shocked. Why had that guy done that? He had to get out of here. He quickly got his bike out of the bike standard, not even caring about the cap anymore. He just had to get out of here, no one could see him like this.

Sasuke grabbed Neji's arm. He looked at a head full of pretty, shining brown hair. Long, covering Neji's entire back. "You're pretty." Sasuke calmly said.
"..I don't care, let go of me." Neji said, grabbing his cap back with his free hand.

"Why do you hide it?" Sasuke asked surprised. Why would Neji hide his face? He was so pretty. He must be the prettiest guy in school. Why would he hide that and distance himself from the rest?

"...I... I can't tell you." Neji softly said, putting on his cap again now, covering his eyes again.

"...Why would you hide that you're pretty?" Sasuke asked again. He just didn't get it. He had always been showing his looks off. He knew he was handsome. So why didn't Neji do the same?

"I have my reasons ok.. just leave me alone and act like you never saw this." Neji muttered, pulling his arm loose again.

Sasuke was silent now and just looked at Neji, pulling his hair away again to see Neji's face. Maybe he had dreamt it. But Neji was really pretty. For real.

Neji pushed Sasuke away. "Stop touching me." He said, covering his eyes again. "...Why are you even talking to me?"

"Just figured I would talk to you. I can talk to whoever I want." Sasuke said and shrugged. Now that was a lie. But Neji sure as hell didn't need to know the dare. Or his dare would be ruined. He still had to get this mess to love him.

"...I'll see you in class tomorrow." Neji muttered and then jumped on his bike, driving away from Sasuke now.

Sasuke looked at Neji driving away and then sighed. This wasn't gonna be easy. But Uchiha's never gave up. And they always got what they wanted. Sasuke turned around and got on his motor, then drove home.

The next day Sasuke walked into his classroom. He looked around and found Neji, sitting in the back of the classroom, alone. This was a nice opportunity. Sasuke walked towards the bench and dumped his bag on the table, then sat down next to Neji. "Hey." Sasuke simply said.

Neji looked at him for one second and then looked down again. He sighed. "What do you want from me?" He asked.

"Nothing. A nice talk would be neat but over all, I just want to sit here. Next to you." Sasuke said and started pulling out stuff from his bag pack.

In the mean time the entire class, except for the in crowd that were Sasuke's friends, were looking at them like an alien had just entered the room and told them cows could suddenly fly.

Neji frowned. Seriously, what did this guy want..? Now he had seen his face?

"...Alright..." Neji muttered, getting his diary out of his backpack and opening it. He ignored the rest of the class.

"You have a diary?" Sasuke asked and looked at Neji, putting up his most friendly face. Normally he either looked angry or he smirked.

"...Of course I do, everyone has one." Neji said, writing something down in his diary. He flipped one page, to the next two days and let his eyes rest on the Friday.

"I don't. So what does your week exists of hm?" Sasuke said and pulled the agenda towards him and read it. Cooking for the family. Wasn't the Hyuuga family very big? Why would Neji have to cook for all of them? He flipped through the pages. Every Friday it said cooking for the family. Poor Neji.

"...Can you give it back?" Neji silently asked, before Sasuke could notice his other tasks through the whole week. It wasn't Sasuke's business. He didn't had something to do with it.

Sasuke just looked at it some more. Clean the house? Clean up the rooms? Garden? What didn't Neji do at home? He looked like some kind of slave this way. He had parents right? Family who could do it too? "Why do you do so much at home?" Sasuke asked curious and looked at Neji. What a weirdo this was.

Neji looked at him for a moment and then took his diary back of him. "It doesn't matter." He answered.

"Seriously, I thought your family was big, why do they let you do everything?" Sasuke asked again.

"I just don't have a lot respect within the family, so." Neji answered softly.

"Why not? Maybe it's because you act like you're mentally disturbed. Or at least dress as it." Sasuke said and looked at Neji.

Neji sighed a bit. "I don't want to talk about this ok." Neji muttered.

"Fine. Class is about to start anyhow. Can I borrow your notes from last class, I missed it." Sasuke said. He had to at least try to have something to talk to Neji for.

"Sure." Neji muttered and handed Sasuke his notebook.

"Thanks." Sasuke said and gave Neji a smile. He knew a smirk wouldn't work on Neji.

Neji looked at him for a moment and then looked away, moving his left hand a bit over his right under arm, which was covered because of the huge blue sweater he was wearing.

Sasuke looked at it. "What's with your arm?" He asked and started copying Neji's notes.

"..It's nothing, it's just a bit numb." Neji muttered, opening his books.

"Hmmm. If you say so." Sasuke said. This was definitely gonna be harder then how he usually got boys to like him. He'd just have to sit with Neji for lunch then.

At that moment the teacher started to explain about a next subject and Neji started to pay attention now. While he listened he stroke up his sleeves a bit, because it was getting warmer and warmer in the classroom.

Sasuke looked at Neji's arms. They had several bruises on it. How did Neji get those? Did he just do some kind of sport...or..was it something else? Sasuke would ask about it later.

After a whole lot of explanation, everyone was allowed to talk again in class now and they had to make a few exercises. Neji started to work too, completely ignoring Sasuke.

"Care to help me? I suck at English." Sasuke said and opened his books (which should've been opened when class started).

"Sure." Neji answered. He guessed the guy only wanted to be nice so he could live with that. As long as he wasn't going to pull of his cap again.

"Great. Thanks." Sasuke said and gave Neji another smile. He knew it had worked for even the most shy girls, so why not on Neji too, Sasuke figured.

But, unlucky for Sasuke, it did absolutely nothing with Neji. "Where do you want help with?" He asked, serious. "Are we just going to do the exercises together?"

"Yeah. If you could just explain what we're actually supposed to learn. I don't get shit of it." Sasuke said, a little annoyed that Neji didn't care for Sasuke's smile.

"Well, we're busy with irregular verbs now." Neji said. "It's nothing to understand, it's just to know. You just have to use them very often, so you'll finally know them." He was touching his skin again while he was explaining. It felt a bit painful.

"Ah. What's up with the bruises?" Sasuke rudely asked, but too be honest, he was a little worried about them.

Neji quickly covered them again. "..It's nothing." He quickly said. "But you just have to make those exercises, look at the good answers in the back of your book and then you can learn from your mistakes."

"Thanks, but seriously Neji, how did you get them? You have so many, that can't be normal." Sasuke said and pulled up one of Neji's sleeves to look at them.

"..I fell with my bike yesterday." Neji said, pulling his sleeve down again.

"...On your entire arms? I never saw someone do that, you know that's not even possible." Sasuke said as he thought of how someone could actually fall on their entire arms.

Neji was silent. He wouldn't tell this just to Sasuke. If Sasuke guessed it, perhaps he would admit it, but he'd never tell it himself.

"Neji did someone hit you?" Sasuke asked, a little worry heard in his voice. Even though he was a snob, and wasn't particularly nice to anyone except his friends, he couldn't ever let abuse of others just go on.

"...It doesn't matter.." Neji said, knowing that Sasuke knew it now. He stared at his desk, while trying to concentrate on his work.

"Who hit you?" Sasuke asked. Who would hit Neji? NEJI out of all people? What could he possibly have ever done?

"It doesn't really matter who hit me." Neji said. "It happens more, I accepted it. Kind of.." He bent down to his backpack, getting his water bottle out of it.

"It happens more? Neji seriously, you have to go to the police with that. It's abuse." Sasuke said shocked. Neji was actually being hit? More then once? Sasuke felt his blood boil. No one, absolutely no one deserved that.

Neji let out a soft but bitter laugh. Shortly, but it was a laugh. "Do you really think that they believe that the Hyuuga family which is full of neat people, actually does something like that? The head of the family who abuses his nephew? I don't think so. And, I already went to the police." He said. "They didn't believe me, even after I showed the bruises. But I'm used to it now, it doesn't matter." At that moment, the bell rang. "Well I guess I won't tell you more about me, because I already went much too far." Neji said and then stood, gathered his stuff and walked away from Sasuke. He got a few strange looks from his classmates but he didn't care.

Sasuke looked at him. He couldn't just let it rest now. Neji should never ever had been hit in the first place and sure as hell shouldn't be having to deal with it even more. Sasuke was definitely gonna do something about this. Besides, he still had his dare to achieve.

Neji walked out of the class now, towards his locker, since it was break now.

Sasuke packed his stuff and walked to his own locker. Luckily it was near Neji's so he could follow him to wherever he ate lunch and Sasuke would just go and sit next to him.

Neji though, grabbed a few things out of his locker and put some books in again. He took his jacket out of his locker as well and put it on, a huge brown one, just in the wrong colour. Then he walked towards the exit of the school.

Sasuke quickly grabbed his jacket (a lot more fashionable one then Neji's) and walked after him. Where the hell was Neji going during their break?

Neji walked outside now, in the direction of the back of the school. No one came there because there was some kind of rumour going around the school. Someone had been killed there, they said. Most thought it was a joke, but still didn't come there. But Neji just walked to there and disappeared around the corner. At the other side of the corner there were just bushes and a forest. No one would see you if you'd walk around the corner.

Sasuke had seen Neji go there though. And he followed. Why would Neji wanna go to that place? Even if people said it was a rumour, no one went there. Just in case. Sasuke turned the corner now too, after having made sure no one would see him of course.

When he got there, he saw Neji sitting on the ground with his cap off, smoking something and looking a bit upset. He frowned and looked at Sasuke.

"Why are you following me?" He asked.

"I wanted to eat lunch with you. What are you doing here? And what are you smoking." Sasuke said and put up a disgusted look while waving his hands in front of his face. He never liked smoke.

Neji ignored the question. "Do you think that I'm stupid?" Neji asked.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at this. What the hell? "..Huh?" Sasuke just brought out and looked at Neji a little confused.

"You want something from me, and I want you to tell me what it is." Neji said. "You're not just searching for contact with me. I mean, you are disgusted with me." He put on his cap again, covering his eyes again. He felt naked without the cap now.

"Who said I was disgusted by you? If I was, I wouldn't be looking you up. Besides, you're pretty." Sasuke said. There was no way in hell he'd tell Neji it was all just a dare.

"You thought I was ugly yesterday, but you still sought me out." Neji said. "And I know that you are disgusted with me, since you called me dirty and ugly."

"Yeah, before I knew you were pretty and clean." Sasuke said, as if it was obvious. Now that was something true. He actually didn't think of Neji as that anymore. "And I just wanted to know what was under the cap, sorry for my curiosity." Sasuke said a little offended.

"Then why didn't you do that three years ago?" Neji asked. "We've been in the same class since then. And stop calling me pretty, I don't want to be pretty. Why do you think I am hiding my face? Jeez." He turned his head away a bit, breathing in some smoke again through his cigarette.

"I don't know, you wouldn't answer me why you did that. And I didn't do it three years ago because I wasn't curious for that then. I always just do what I want and when I want it." Sasuke said and sat down next to Neji, still waving away some of the smoke.

"Well the answer is simple, I don't want to be pretty and show people my face." Neji muttered. He looked at Sasuke for one moment and then put out his cigarette with an annoyed sigh.

"Thanks." Sasuke said grateful. "So why don't you want people to see your face? Why don't you wanna be pretty? I mean, it's helped me out in more then one occasion, you should use it too." Sasuke simply said.

"I don't want people to be attracted to me." Neji answered. "Especially boys."

"Why not? And if you're not gay, you should just tell them, they'll back off." Sasuke said. He just didn't get it. Why would someone wanna hide his beauty? Not wanna be attractive to anyone?

"I don't want any risk." Neji said. "I just can't have relations. And I can tell them to just leave me alone, but there can still things happen."

"Like rape? You shouldn't spend your life hiding away just because you can get raped. It barely ever happens. So why can't you take the risk? You're just afraid of it?" Sasuke asked. He wondered what was going on in that pretty head of Neji.

"I just can't take the risk to.. Well, there is another reason, but I can't tell you that one." Neji answered. "Let's just say that I can't fall in love or be raped ok?" He grabbed his water bottle again, drinking some.

"Why not?" Sasuke asked stubborn. He really wanted to know now. Sasuke pulled of Neji's cap. It was annoying talking to someone who's face you couldn't see.

"Can you stop taking off my cap?" Neji snapped at him, stroking the hair out of his face a bit.

"No. I can't talk to you if you wear that, I can't even see you under it. Now answer my question." Sasuke demanded and held onto the cap.

"I'm not obligated to answer." Neji grumbled and tried to get his cap back.

"No, you're not. Ok then answer this. Do you wanna go out some time? Just for fun." Sasuke said and looked at Neji. To think he actually WANTED to go on a date with this freak.

"No." Neji grumbled and then grabbed his cap back, standing up.

"Come on. Just one date is all I'm asking. You can't not date forever, you're what, sixteen now?" Sasuke said. He wanted a date with Neji. Just for fun, but Neji was really pretty, so he would surely like it.

"...I.." Neji said and frowned. It wouldn't hurt right? As long as there wasn't going to come sex... perhaps he should just do this once..

"Come on. It'll be fun. And I'll promise I'll keep my hands to myself. And other things too for that matter." Sasuke said and smiled at Neji again.

Neji looked at him. "If you promise to not touch me." He said, putting on his cap again. "I'm crazy I'm actually agreeing on this.." He muttered.

"Well good that you're crazy, we have a date. And I promise, don't worry." Sasuke said. He was actually looking forward to having a date with Neji. He had to plan something nice for this guy. "Tonight. I'll pick you up at eight ok?" Sasuke said.

Neji nodded. "Do you know where the Hyuuga estate i.. oh wait. Don't pick me up at my place ok?" Neji asked. "I'll wait at the bank, it's close to the Hyuuga compound. And eight is fine."

"Why not at your place?" Sasuke asked and raised an eyebrow. What was it now?

"Same reason." Neji said, while getting his backpack of the floor.

"Same reason as what? I don't get it." Sasuke said. He had to admit he was a little dense sometimes. But same reason? Really.. what same reason?

"The one I can't tell you." He said. "Well I guess I see you tonight."

"...Oh. Ok. Well I'll see you at eight then." Sasuke said and smiled again. He was proud of himself for getting Neji this far. The guy was really anti-social.

Neji nodded and then walked off.

"Wow, where does that smirk come from?" Kiba asked while Sasuke was walking towards them. They were sitting together again, the break was far from over. Itachi looked at Sasuke with one eyebrow pulled up.

"I have a date tonight." Sasuke said and sat down, smirking widely.

"Wháát?" Tenten asked, eyes wide. "You actually got him on a date with you?"

"I admire your courage." Itachi said, smirking. "Who'd ever want to date such a freak as that Hyuuga."

"Well, he's actually rather pretty." Sasuke said. Ino's jaw meanwhile laid somewhere on the floor. "Pretty? He's SO ugly." She said.

"Indeed." Tenten said, pulling up an eyebrow. "Did he cast a spell on you or something?" She asked, starting the laugh. The rest laughed with her too. "Pretty my ass!"

"I'm serious. He's actually really pretty. Beautiful even, if I'd use that word." Sasuke said. He felt a little annoyed now that his friends made fun of Neji like that.

"I think you got a bit ill Sasuke." Kiba said, smirking. "I mean, come on. If he'd be pretty, why would he cover his face then?"

"I don't know, he wouldn't tell me. I'm not saying he's not still a freak, but he is pretty." Sasuke said and started eating his lunch.

"And how do you know?" Kiba asked with an eyebrow pulled up.

"I saw his face. And it's pretty." Sasuke said.

"Pretty like Kiba pretty, or me pretty, you pretty, or even more pretty? Model like pretty?" Itachi asked, being interested now.

"The last one. Set aside, that I'm prettier then model pretty of course." Sasuke answered and gave a slight smirk.

Itachi snorted and then he realised what Sasuke had said. "What? Model Pretty?" He asked.

"I don't need good luck, everything I want, I get remember." Sasuke said and smirked widely now. He knew he would get Neji to like him. With a little effort he'd have him in his bed that evening.

A/N: Next chapter coming up soon!