AN: Well, that was something. Glad I finished, though. I kind of left room for a sequel. But I'm not really sure where that will lead. I would have to think about it.
Chapter 31
Rodney had just informed Carter that their new Wraith ship left on schedule, they sent a crew to bring it to a remote planet and then they would be able to study it to their heart's content. It made him smile; at least something good came out of this trip. As he walked down the hall, towards the room the Chomanians leant to him, Sheppard fell into step with him. They really hadn't talked since he had yelled at him for being an imbecile but they were guys. MEN. And since they were the manly men they were, that conversation can easily be put in the past.
"Busy these last few days?" Sheppard started, somewhat awkwardly.
"Eh," Rodney replied, "With a whole Wraith ship for us to look at I'm sure I'll be even busier soon."
"About what you said-" Sheppard started and trailed off suddenly.
Rodney shrugged it off, he really didn't want to talk about it. He really didn't mean to explode like that, it just kind of happened. He opened to the door to his guest quarters and sat down at the desk and opening his laptop in one completely smooth move.
"When are you going to Atlantis?" Sheppard asked sitting down on the narrow bed.
Rodney had already thought about this. He knew that Sheppard would feel compelled to stay on Choma until the Wraith were wiped from the planet. But at the same time Rodney knew that Sheppard had no way of staying away from Atlantis. Sure, he'd be behind in the times but he catch up soon enough.
"When you do." Rodney answered simply. Though he wasn't well versed in all human emotional exchanges, Rodney knew that he just couldn't leave Sheppard alone. How could he? They were best friends.
Sheppard nodded in acceptance, clapped a hand on his shoulder, and left slowly.
"Where is Earth?" She asked vehemently.
He fell onto his hands and knees, his breathing labored as he shakily resisted Her pull. His hand of its own accord started to trace something out on the floor. With nothing to keep the markings where they were the symbol disappeared before they were even truly there but he could see them in his head. Crystal clear. Even though he had no idea what it could mean.
He wrenched himself away, rolling into a tight ball to keep whatever more symbols from spilling out. Whatever this was, it was the only thing keeping him alive.
She growled and kicked him so hard that he flew up and knocked against the stone wall before falling painfully back on the ground. As he passed out he heard the door swing open and another Vamp urgently whispering something to Her.
John knew there was a job ahead of him. But he was returning to Atlantis as of now. He would be back in two days, with a bit more help, better plans, weapons, and vehicles. They had already moved the gate from Laynend Park underground. Everything was set and ready to go. John---no Atlantis. Atlantis would help Choma free itself.
By destroying the Wraith here, they would gain powerful allies. And he'd be helping his friends. It was really a win-win situation.
AN: Thanks for joining me on this ride. Please review!! I don't care if you read this twenty years from now, its nice to know that someone noticed me.