

a/n: so um... blame a lot of things. Most all is that the beginning of spring is here (in the southern hemisphere), thus all the pagan references.

Side note- I can't remember a lot of Japanese culture, it's sort of all blurred, but I do know that old houses in the country have outdoor baths. And that where this is set, so uh.

Enjoy yes?


music: The police and the private - Metric


Itachi could hear giggling, quiet and sweet and as he approached the remote house he stopped and waited, the sound did not abate, instead, (with his proximity), it got louder.

He could not complain if he always came back to that sound. It was so far removed from everything he had known that he would never grow tired of it. The harmony of... sound (of everything that he was now fighting for).

He often scorned the want of others, but he understood now its strength, how it made Naruto undefeatable. (Why he would never give it up).

Turning the corner, what greeted him was just as unexpected. His... lover? They were never formalised in any sort of ceremony, (except the ones of the heart, which bound more tightly in midnight minutes than any official paper) and his child, innocently interacting.

His lover and his child, in a large wooden tub, bathing themselves. Sakura pouring water onto the tiny black head of hair, her elegantly curved back twisted over as she rubbed soap into (his! Not anyone else's) his child's skin. They were both fair in the morning sunlight, drops of water glittering. Sakura's ninja skills kicked and she turned around to him, smiling.

(It was his smile; he could not stand that anyone else would see it)

His child, black haired and green eyed turn to see him waiting, she clambered to see more looking over her mother's shoulder, arm outstretched to him. Sakura put a hand on the girls head, bracing her so she didn't slip.

Sharingan spun and he burnt the image into his mind, this was something to be remembered. He was reminded of images older than even the villages, the ancient power in that second as mother embraced child, and the proud gentle protectiveness that would turn more vicious than he would understand. The baseness of it that he had seen carved in cave walls.

(My goddess mother)

His goddess of pink hair, soft skin, quiet sighs and guttural battle screams. All aspects of the ancient queen.

Because they were only part of the trinity, he was the last part.

Because he knew that she would remain constant and he just a passing king, he would remember the way her tiny smile was tucked into black hair, the tiny fingers pressing into a gentle shoulder for balance, the thumb that brushed gently over the side of his little girls face.

He burnt it deep, because seasons changed too fast.




sidenotes - the 'goddess mother' is the 'queen' of pagan belief, she is constant, despite the changing of seasons. The Oak King and The Holly King are the two male counterparts corresponding to the seasons. The Oak king is the summer/spring months, rules from Midsummer to Midwinter. The Holly King is the winter/autumn months, rules from Midwinter to Midsummer. To me the Holly King is Itachi. Sasuke is Oak King.

They are the holy trinity is a verrrrrry old idea, for those who don't know it . Queen, King and Son/Daughter. ;D

Happy Midsummer/Midwinter (respective of where you are)


