Chapter 14: Poisoned

When Christine awoke, her mind began to race with confusion. Did last night really happen? What will happen to me now? Her thoughts drifted to someone else's welfare. Blackheart! What will happen to him?

"Christine?" She quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. She felt his cold hand on her bare shoulder. "Christine, I know you're not asleep." He started to run his hand up and down her arm. "Christine? I know you're awake. What's wrong?"

"What makes you think something's wrong?" She asked, not turning or opening her eyes. She felt his hand on her face, gently turning it towards him. Brown eyes reluctantly looked into ice-blue eyes.

"You're worried. I can sense it." He started running his thumb along her cheek. "What's wrong, Christine?" She just looked at him, unsure of how to answer. She turned away.

"I don't know. I'm just… so confused."

"About what, love?"

"Last night," she whispered. She looked up at him. A tear began to form in her eye. He sighed, then gently smiled down at her.

"You're not ashamed, are you?

"Should I be?"

"Do you love me?"

"Of course!"

"Then no." He leaned down and kissed her. "You have no reason to be ashamed or worried, Christine. It isn't a sin to love." She looked out the window.

"It stopped raining. We should probably go." He nodded in agreement.

"You're right." They crawled out of bed and started to dress when Blackheart said, "Christine, look at this." She turned, relieved to see he had his pants on. He held up a glass bottle. "Looks like someone left us a gift."

"More like you. I don't drink." Blackheart shrugged.

"Suit yourself." He poured himself a glass of the clear liquid. He looked over at Christine, who seemed to be in a trance. He tipped the glass towards her. "Are you sure you don't want a taste?" She grinned.

"Yes. I'm sure." He smirked. He went to take a drink and as the glass came in contact with his lips, he heard Christine scream, "Blackheart!! No!" Too late.

As soon as the wine hit his throat, Blackheart felt a burning sensation in his body. "AAH!" The same burn started to rush through him. His mind began to race and everything became a blur. The next thing he knew, he was laying in Christine's arms, looking up into worried brown eyes. He gasped for air even though he didn't need to breathe. "Christine…"

"Shh. Lie still." He looked up at her and felt a tear hit his cheek. "The wine. It was poisoned. I-I tried to warn you." He felt another tear hit his face. He tried to focus on her but his vision was getting more and more cloudy.

"It's not… your fault." Christine shook her head. She still felt guilty. She had tried to save him and failed. "Christine…"

"Shh… You really need to relax. Moving too much will just make it go faster." She took his hand in hers. "There's got to be some way to help you. I can't lose. Not yet. Not ever." He squeezed her hand and smiled weakly. He was trying to reassure her. She returned the smile. However, the truth was obvious. If they could not find or create some kind of antidote soon, Blackheart would die. "There has to be an antidote of some kind. Perhaps one you don't know about?"

"Perhaps I could answer that."