Mike Cullen Mike CullenMPOV- Mike's Point of view

BPOV – Bella's Point of view

EPOV – Edward's Point of view

JPOV – Jasper's Point of view


Naturally, I was nervous. Who wouldn't be? Everyone had had a first day of school. Hers was just more announced. The small town of Forks obviously had heard the gossip of her arrival. I tried not to think about that part. Being the center of attention wasn't really my thing. I talked to the secretary quick and walked silently to my first class.

Just as expected, everyone stared. I tried to control my crimson cheeks but it was just no use. I met a girl named Jessica, and she seemed nice. That was most of the talking I did that day. A couple of guys had tried to talk to me but I just walked away for the most part.

Lunch was normal. Jessica introduced me to her friends. I forgot their names immediately. It was when I saw them that I actually became interested in Forks high school. The most beautiful people I had ever seen sat around the table. Pale, topaz eyes, beautiful, the same shadow under their eyes… I took them all in. The big one, the beautiful blond, the blond boy, the spiky-haired small girl, and the most handsome of all of them; the bronze haired boy. They paid no attention to me. Jessica muttered their names to me while I glanced at them out of curiosity. Why weren't they eating anything? Could anyone really sit that still?

To my shock and happiness, I sat beside the beautiful boy whose name I found out was Edward. He cringed away from me and the deepest of loathing was emitting off of him. I was confused. Who could just hate me so strongly so fast? I didn't understand. The bell rang and Edward ran out of the room; faster than naturally possible. I blinked back tears. A boy walked over to me. He had blond, spiky hair and a round, boyish face. He was very handsome.

"Hi. I'm Mike Newton." He smiled at me.

"I'm Bella." I grinned back weakly.

"What did you do to Cullen? I've never seen him act that way before."

"I honestly don't know." I said truthfully.

"Well, if I was lucky enough to sit beside you, I would have talked to you."

He smiled at me. I tried to smile back. Another boy named Eric had already tried this on me earlier. I was sort of sick of this whole thing already. I picked up my books and Mike walked me t o my next class.

"How do you like Forks so far?" Mike asked me.

"It's okay. The weather is terrible though."

"You'd better get used to it. It always rains here."


"Do you need any help or anything? Can I show you around?" Mike asked hopefully. I blushed.

"I think I'm fine, thanks."

"Can I take you to a movie sometime?"

I didn't mean to. I really didn't. I couldn't control how my jaw dropped, though. I had met the guy about ten minutes ago and he was asking me out. Lovely. I had never had this problem before! Why were guys so interested here? Mike was very nice though. And cute. Charlie would be pleased that I socialised a bit. Maybe this was worth a shot.

"I'd like that." I smiled. He beamed.

"When can I pick you up?"

"I'm not sure. What's playing?"

"There's this new comedy out. It starts at four."

"Sounds great. Do you need an address?"

"Nah, I know where Chief Swan lives. I'll follow you home after school, you can drop off your truck and we can go." Mike said.

"Okay. I should probably leave a note for Char- I mean my dad. Just so he knows where I am." I said.

"Okay." Mike smiled.

I went through the rest of the day surprisingly eager for the bell to ring. All in all, this was a very good first day. Except that whole Edward thing. What was that about?


I knew that Bella was going to be here today. I never expected her to be so pretty though. She was just so nice looking. She seemed shy. I could work with that easily.

"Are you going to ask her out?" Eric asked me.

"Maybe. She doesn't even know who I am yet. What about you?" I asked.

"Already tried, sort of. She didn't really seem interested." Eric sighed.

I tried to hide my laugh. Eric wasn't exactly smooth with the ladies. I was sure that I could charm Bella Swan enough. Even if just to prove to Eric that I was better at picking up chicks. But she was just so hot. I didn't really expect that. Cool. It was an added bonus. I walked over to her desk. She looked up. I was very pleased when she gave me the once over. That was a good sign. I walked her to her next class and shot out the question. I was getting ready for a smooth letdown but it didn't come. My mouth almost fell open when she said yes.

"I'd like that." She smiled at me.

"When can I pick you up?" I asked quickly.

"I'm not sure. What's playing?"

"There's this new comedy out. It starts at four."

"Sounds great. Do you need an address?"

"Nah, I know where Chief Swan lives. I'll follow you home after school, you can drop off your truck and we can go." I shrugged.

"Okay. I should probably leave a note for Char- I mean my dad. Just so he knows where I am." Bella said.

"Okay." I smiled at her.

I probably looked like an idiot, strutting down the halls. Eric was furious at me. He thought that Bella just didn't date or something like that. I guess he didn't expect that I would be better at the whole dating thing than he was. That was really a no-brainer. I leaned against my car and smiled when Bella waved to me. Her truck roared to life and I climbed in and followed her home. I could have sworn that everyone was watching us. I didn't really care but when I saw the pretty-boy Cullen staring – no, glaring at me, I drove away faster.


Why was her blood so appealing? Why did I have to come here? Why did she have to come here? Was there no end to this nightmare? Venom gushed into my mouth. I will never forget that deadly hour. That hour when I could have so easily killed the entire school just for her. Her blood. And why could I read her mind? Everyone else was perfectly clear but not her. It would have made things easier if I could relate to her or know something about her. Something that would make me want her alive. I really don't even know how I got through that little sample of hell. I ran to the car and just breathed for the first time.

And Mike Newton was with her now. How idiotic could that girl be? I couldn't entirely blame her. Only I could see the filthy mind that belonged to Mike Newton. Only I could see everything he ever thought about her. The ideas he came up with…

It disturbed me when I saw the rest of the classes' reaction to my thirst in Biology.

What's up with Cullen?

Why is he glaring at the new girl?

He is so handsome…

I wonder what Bella did…?

Everyone noticed. Especially Bella. I wonder what she thought of me now. I heard Jessica Stanley talking about me to her. Who couldn't hear that annoying mind of hers? Ah… right. Everyone couldn't hear her. Everyone except me. I was past trying to fit in. But the constant reminders of the thick wall between me and the rest of the world… even my own family were getting utterly absurd. Separated by vampire versus human, mind-reading versus other gifts, the worst and most terrific – the most egregious – craving for blood the world has ever seen versus the normal thirst that radiates our bodies. The separation was unbearable. Bella Swan was unbearable.

How could she accept Mike Newton's offer? I growled slightly without being aware of doing so. Why did I even care? Mike Newton and Bella Swan could be miserable together for all that I cared. I shouldn't care. This girl had just risked everything Carlisle had made for me; for the family. Alice and Jasper came up behind me and rested a hand on my shoulder. I closed my eyes and sighed. She looked at me.

I've just had a vision Edward. Please stay away from that Mike Newton. I'm not sure why you're mad at him but just stay away. I saw a fight, Edward.


I felt his longing. It was unbearable. I yearned to help my brother. Nobody had ever had blood that influenced us so much. The mere emotion of it made venom gush into my mouth. I swallowed and tried to focus on something, anything else. I tried to think about Alice and how beautiful and perfect she was. It worked for a little bit but more longing consumed me. I told Alice. But she wasn't with me anymore. Her face was blank and her eyes were wide.

"Alice?" I whispered in a barely audible voice. "What did you see?"

"We need to find Edward." She told me.

I felt her worry. What was happening? I grabbed her hand as we walked to the parking lot. We could have been there in a few seconds if we had run, but that was out of the question here. Edward looked worse than I had ever seen him. His eyes were black. The shadows under his eyes were a deep purple. He was breathing heavily, as if trying to rid himself of the memory of the scent.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Bella Swan. The new girl." Edward said quietly.

He closed his eyes and Alice stared at him. I was very annoyed now. Edward looked up warily.

"I swear that I will never come in between Bella Swan and Mike Newton. I would never fight him. I have no reason to. The girl is nothing to me. Nothing but a demon sent to torture me further. Don't worry, Alice. And I'd tell Jasper what you saw. He's very nearly about to explode." Edward said slowly.

If it weren't for the fact that we were in a crowded parking lot, I would have punched him.