Okay this is the first chapter to this new story of mine i hope its good!

I dont own Naruto, Twilight, Inuyasha, or Harry Potter.


"KAGOME!" Inuyasha yelled. "Come on. I didn't mean it. We can be together, even if you'll die. Not everyone can be immortal."

Kagome looked out from behind the boulder she was hiding behind. "Oh yea that helps me so much more." She sobbed.

"If it makes you feel any better…when you die, I'm not going o be too far behind." Inuyasha said softly while pulling Kagome to her feet. "I'll never leave your side."

Edward looked right then left. Searching endlessly for his daughter and wife. They were playing a game of hide and seek. His head perked up when he heard some crunching sounds. He turned and ran towards the sound. "Oh it's just you. Dropping by?" Edward said.

"I've come to pick Renesmee." The person explained.

"Ok Jacob. Take care of my girl! Bella and I are going for a while. Alice sees us being gone fore quite sometime. So I'll leave her in your care!" Edward explained. "Renesmee, Bella!" he called. "Come out Jacob is here." As soon as he said Jacob was there two figures popped out.

"Hey Jake." Bella said while smiling pleasantly.

"Uncle Jacob!" Renesmee hollered as she jumped into Jacobs's arms.

"Bye sweetie. Have funny with Uncle Jacob. We don't know when daddy and I will be back, so be a good girl!" Bella said as she kissed her daughter on the for head and patted Jacobs shoulder.

"Bye mommy and daddy!" she replied while Jacob started to walk away with her still in her arms.

"Bye." They said in unison.

"So Ron, how are you and Hermione?" asked Harry.

"Just fine, and you and Ginny?" Ron replied.


Just then the two people they were just talking about walked into the room. "Hey!" they said in unison as they walked to their boyfriends and kissed them on the cheek.

"-sigh" Sakura sighed.

"What is wrong Sakura?" asked Ino.

"Well I was thinking…is magic real?" sakura replied.

Ino burst into laughter. "What brought that up?"

"Well if you think about it…why would Sasuke leave? I mean I know he wants his revenge and all. But it…just doesn't seem right." Sakura murmured

"Sakura…you should just forget about Sasuke. I no you love him and all. But look at what he has done to you." Hinata said.

"Easy for you to say, you have Naruto, and Ino has Shikamaru." Sighed Sakura. "But not only magic having to do with Sasuke, but also everything. Questions we don't have answers for. Why is it we don't understand many things? I think magic is all the unexplainable things in the world." Sakura stated.

"I guess you're right. But I believe in vampires." Ino exclaimed.

"But what purpose do they serve? Magic is like what keeps life going." Explained sakura.

"Well if you believe in magic then I can believe in vampires!" protested Ino.

"Sure, sure." Sakura said. "How about you Hinata? Anything you believe in?"

"Well I believe in demons." Hinata replied.

"That's probably because you're going out with one!" exclaimed both Ino and Sakura.

"Well not only bijuu's. I believe there are other types of demons out in the world. Maybe past tense, and that's probably how bijuu formed. How else would they?" Hinata said.

"You've got a point there Hinata." Sakura agreed. "Well I'm going home. Talk to you guys later." She said then walked off towards her house.

"Same here." Ino said. "See you, Hinata." She waved and walked off.

Hinata leaned back the tree and looked at the sky. She remembered that she had a book with her so she brought it out to read. It was called 'Mysterious Beings'. She opened it and skimmed through the pages. Stopping on a page she saw a diagram. The diagram was of four words. The first one was NINJA then the second one was DEMON then the third one was VAMPIRE then the last one was WITHCHES/WIZARDS. Hinata gasped as she read through a paragraph under the diagram.

"Ninja, demons, vampires, and witches/wizards." She ran her fingers over the words. I big gust of wind closed the book. Hinata looked around her and saw it was getting dark. And the wind was overwhelming. So she headed home. Once she left the park she just recently was in it seemed to get brighter and the wind was gone. 'Must be getting paranoid' Hinata thought to herself.


Hinata, Ino, and Sakura, who lived in the same apartment together. Woke up n the morning ready for any mission thrown at them. They got dressed, ate some breakfast, and headed to the Hokage's office. But when they were almost there…something unexpected happened.

Ninja were flying past the three girls. There faces held confusion.

"What the hell?" Ino blurted out.

Right then Shikamaru stopped in front of the three dazed girls. "Orders from the Hokage says for all available ninja to head towards the main gate, a.s.a.p." he told them. "Lets go." He grabbed Ino's hand and dragged her with him. Sakura and Hinata followed. Soon joined by the rest of rookie nine and team Gai.

"Mind telling us what's going on?" Sakura asked.

"Some un-known people are in the village. And we have to defend the village incase it's to invade Konaha." Explained Neji, his Byakugan was activated and he had a serious face on. Hinata then activated her Byakugan as well.

"Oh…" Sakura said. She then started to go faster as she saw the gate come in view, whatever these people are. They better think twice about coming here.

All eleven of them stopped when they reached there destination. To see some weird looking people staring at them.

"What the hell is this crap? Kagome we have to get out of here." Said one of the people. When no one answered he looked to his right and saw Kagome standing there eyes wide. "Kagome?" he asked.

"I-Inuyasha! Your hair is black! How'd you turn human?" Kagome asked.

"How the hell should I know…maybe these freaks did it?" Inuyasha pointed towards the ninja.

"Who are you calling a freak? You teme!" Naruto yelled.

"Who else! You!" he retorted.

"Why you!" Naruto said and was about to go and attack him when Shikamaru held him back.

"Hey Edward…was this what Alice saw?" a girl asked someone standing next to her.

"Yes, very much so, Bella." Edward answered.

"Bloody hell. Hermione…what did you do this time? What weird incantation did you read to take us to a different world!" some man with red hair asked.

"I didn't do anything Ron! We just ended up here!" Hermione replied. "Why is it always me, why not Harry or Ginny?"

"I didn't do it, how about you Ginny?" Harry asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all." She replied.

Then Shikamaru asked, "Mind telling us who you guys are?"

"Er…well I don't know who those people are," Kagome answered, while pointing to the other people. "But I'm Kagome, and this is Inuyasha."

"Where'd you come from?" Neji asked.

"The Feudal Era." She replied.

All the ninja looked at each other. "Wow…" was all Tenten could say.

"How about you guys." Lee questioned pointing towards Bella and Edward."

"Oh…yea sorry." Edward apologized. "I'm Edward and this is my lovely wife Bella." He answered. "We're from America."


"Feudal Era, and America." Mumbled Hermione. "Where do you think we are Harry?"

"I don't know but it doesn't look good. Lets move out." He replied. They all nodded.

"Wait just a minute!" yelled Kiba. "Who are you people and where are you from!"

"Who said we have to tell you?" asked Ron.

"We don't know who you are and you're in our village. If you don't answer us we will have to arrest you." Neji said.

"Like you could." Ron snorted.

"Ron!" Hermione cried. "We don't know these people…don't underestimate them!"

"Yea Ron! Cant you ever use your brain?" asked Ginny.

"Guys…let it go. I say we don't tell them who we are and we just leave." Harry calmly said. They all nodded.

"Bakas…" Inuyasha whispered.

"Edward what do we do?" asked Bella.

"Just stay put." He replied.

Just then Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione drew there wands. And started to back away.

"We won't hurt you if you don't go after us." Harry called to the ninjas.

Naruto rolled his eyes and stepped forward. "We asked you a question!" he shouted.

"Stupefy!" called Ginny.

"What the hell is that?" Naruto asked while dodging a light that came towards him.

"Are those wands?" asked Sakura.

Hinata gasped.

"Hinata something wrong?" Naruto asked.

"Demons," she whispered Inuyasha and Kagome flinched, "vampires," Bella's eyes widened and Edward snarled, "and witches/wizards." Hinata gulped. She knew that something strange was with these people when she looked at them with her Byakugan. "Neji you see it don't you? They don't have chakra…"

"Yes Hinata your right. But the ones with sticks have some chakra." Neji added. Hinata nodded.

"Harry, Ginny, Ron, put down your wands. Why don't we just talk to them?" asked Hermione.

"Sure." Ginny agreed. She, Harry and Ron lowered there wands.

"Can you answer the question now?" asked Tenten.

"Ok? Well I'm Ginny, this is Harry." She pointed to a guy with glasses. "He's my boyfriend, and his best friend and my brother is Ron, and his girlfriend is Hermione." She concluded pointing towards a guy with red hair and a girl with bushy brown hair.

"Well now that that's settled…who are you guys?" Kagome asked the ninjas.

"I'm Sakura, the loud mouth baka is Naruto, the two people with white eyes are Neji and Hinata, the girl with long blond hair is Ino, the lazy guy is Shikamaru, the girl with bun in her hair is Tenten, the man in green is Lee, the guy eating chips is Chouji, the guy with the dog is Kiba and the dog is Akamaru, and the man with the bugs is Shino." Sakura pointed out everyone.

"Do you guys happen to know how we got here?" Inuyasha asked harshly.

Okay! Thats it for this chapter. If you want some more just review! Please no flamers! And if i dont get at least 2 reviews...im not continueing this story. SO...REVIEW!