
Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated lately. I've been really busy! I've got a lot coming up in the near future. One of my best friends is coming to stay with me starting October 29th, and then our County Fair starts on October 30th, and everyone knows the next day is Halloween, and guess who I'm going as?

Scarecrow!! :D

Yep. The Animated Series one…except for the fact I'm not trying to look exactly like him, considering I have long hair and there's no way I can look like a skinny stick man, sooo, we'll say it's a female version, done non-sluttily like most girls do.

Yes, got my costume today, which is totally just a red shirt and brown pants, but, it WILL be awesome. The hat I ordered should be here soon.

After Halloween there's the Renaissance Festival, and that takes a lot of preparing for. I should be updating by the end of this weekend though..

Thank you to all the faithful readers!!

Love you guys!


You guys should find the lyrics to this song:

"Anywhere" by Evanescence.


You'll understand why when you read them.

"Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back, you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you now..."

-Katie Rae