Yugioh belongs to Kazuki Takahashi
Yugioh belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. If it belonged to me, Atem and Mana would've been a couple by now.
"Alright class, add one drop and only one drop of fluid into the beaker," the science teacher says, conducting an experiment at a high school. The school was called, Domino High school. He was standing in front of a class full of teens, demonstrating on what they should do. He drops some of the red fluid into the acid and it sizzles slightly. The rest of the class follows too…well most of the class.
There was suddenly an explosion from the back of the room and all heads turn to see a spiky brown haired girl with an embarrassed look on her face.
"MANA LEE!" the teacher yells from the top of his lungs, his face red.
"Hehehe…" Mana chuckles nervously.
Mana's POV
Hi, I'm Mana Lee and I'm a junior in high school. Yeah that's me standing with a dumb look on my face. Boy I felt like hiding under my desk after that. Mr. K was giving me this scary look and his face was all red. He looked so furious that I thought steam would pop out of his ears.
I was never that good at science but then again I wasn't really good at anything. I never do anything right. Like that soccer game…
A girl with a blonde hair in a ponytail runs with the ball at her feet. She was about to make the winning goal for her team but needed a little assistance. Her eyes goes over to Mana who was open at the time and she kicks the ball to her. Unfortunately…
"MANA YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO CATCH THE BALL WITH YOUR HANDS!" the coach yells throwing his hat to the ground. Mana stands in the middle of the field with the ball in her hands and she turns red with embarrassment.
End Flashback
Mana's POV
Did I mention I can't even do simple things?
"Mana hand me the butter knife," her mother tells her while she was preparing to put some butter on the biscuits. Mana stares at two knives that lay on the counter. One was the butter knife that her mother needed and the other was a lot sharper. She begins to sweat as she goes back and forth in her head to what was the butter knife.
"Mana, hand me the butter knife. The biscuits are getting cold."
"Which one's the butter knife?" Mana ask and her mother sighs and goes over and picks up the butter knife, holding it up for Mana to see.
"This," her mother says, pointing to the object. "Is the butter knife." Her mother proceeds on buttering the biscuits leaving a confused look on Mana's face.
"How can you tell!? They both look the same!" Mana exclaims, with her arms wide.
End Flashback
Mana's POV
And I'm always messing things up, like this science experiment that I totally ruined. I believe the only thing I haven't ruined is my friendship with Atem, Yugi and Tea. Tea is like a sister to me. She's always looking out for me whenever I'm in trouble which is everyday. Yugi is also a good friend of mine. He's also Atem's younger twin brother. And Atem is my closest friend. He always cheers me up whenever I'm down. Tea says he has a crush on me but I don't think that's true. We're only close friends and nothing more…I think.
Normal POV
It was time for intramurals and whenever that times approaches, Tea, Mana, Yugi and Atem always spend their time outside, lounging on the grass or playing football. Yugi and Atem were both twins with spiky tri coloured hair. Atem was slightly taller than Yugi and acted more and sounded more mature as well. Tea was a tall brunette haired girl who is very close to her friends and Yugi especially. Today they decided to play football. Well actually it was Yugi's idea and Tea and Atem were okay with it. Mana on the other hand didn't want to take part in the game. She felt that she had ruined enough things already.
"Two touch downs win!" Yugi yells.
She watches as Tea throws the ball to Yugi and Atem attempts to catch him. But it was no use. Yugi had made the first touch down. Atem looks over at Mana who sits under a tree.
"Come on Mana. I need your help over here," he says walking over to her but she shakes her head.
"I think I should just stay over here…far away from any activity. I would probably just make everything worse."
"I'm already doing terrible as it is. You couldn't possibly make this any worse." He reaches out a hand to her and she sighs.
"I'm going to make you lose," she says, grabbing his hand and he helps her up.
"You'll be fine," he assures her and they walk out to the field where Tea and Yugi were waiting.
"You two are going down!" Tea yells, giving them two thumbs down. It was Atem's turn and he finally catches the ball. Mana runs to an open space on the grass and Atem throws her the football. She looks at it spins in the air. It looked like it was spinning in slow motion like when the sports channels give instant replays in slow motion and show a close up on the ball.
Mana shakes her head. It was time to focus because the ball was coming down and she would need to catch it and make the touch down to keep the game going. She jumps up and attempts to catch the ball. But instead it bounces off her fingers and into Yugi's hands who was standing right behind her. Atem watches helplessly as Yugi makes the final touchdown, ending the game.
"OH YEAH!" Yugi celebrates by throwing the ball to the ground and doing the can-can dance with Tea.
"It was luck," Atem says with folded arms.
"Don't be such a sore loser big bro."
"Yeah, you and Mana lost fair and square," Tea says before giving Yugi a high five. Atem turns around to see that Mana wasn't there anymore and the doors to the school just closing. When did his friend get such a low self-esteem? She was never like that freshman or sophomore year. She used to be the most cheerful and funny person but now she was acting like this.
"I've never seen Mana get so serious over losing," says Yugi.
"Do you think she's alright?" Tea asks, starting to get worried.
"I'm going to go check on her," Atem says.
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