A/N: Hey! I hope you really do enjoy this story. It's my first ever fanfic. So please play easy with me. I'm open for suggestions and opinions so don't hesitate to tell me what you think!

Oh and also please note that if you read something that doesn't seem right it's either. 1. I've made a mistake or 2. I've made it up because I'm unfamiliar with how things are ran in the US. I'm Australian :) So please tell me if do make either.

Thanks to lucretia509bce for editing!

Disclaimer: The wonderful Stephenie Meyer wrote this series. I claim nothing of her work.

Chapter 1

First Impressions are Everything

Bella POV

What was I thinking? This is insane.

I flopped onto my new couch in my living room, not that it looked like it now. It only contained my new couch and coffee table that was delivered yesterday morning. I looked around my newly rented apartment in California.

I'm Isabella Swan, I prefer Bella, I'm 5'4" with dirt brown hair and same coloured eyes. I've never considered myself a beauty and never will, always plain Jane.

Not long ago I decided to move away from home, where is home? Well it was a small town called Forks all the way in Washington. Not many people know of it with only the population just exceeding over 300 people.

Don't get me wrong I love Forks, you tend to miss the green after awhile but I just felt as if it didn't hold much potential for me so I moved here to California. Charlie, my dad wasn't too happy about my choice but he accepted it all the same. Mum, Renee was ecstatic she said I was "finally living my life as I was meant too" that statement meaning I wasn't cooped up in a boring, old, small town like Forks. Renee despised Forks with a passion, one of many might I add.

My mother left Charlie after a 'rushed' marriage as she said. She married young and thought it was best, years after and one baby later she decided she had had enough and left Forks moving to Phoenix, Arizona. She's now married to a baseball player, Phil. I've only ever met him once at their wedding. She took me with her when she moved but, I decided to move back to Forks just before freshman year to give her a clean break from me.

So it was just Charlie and I for the last 4 years, Charlie and I have a close relationship but not shown too much we tend to be alike at lot not letting on emotions and giving each other space but I love him all the same.

I moved here to go to college at the prestigious Stephenie Meyer University or SMU for short. I was originally going to stay in dorms but both parents insisted I find an apartment to rent and find someone to help me with the rent which I'm willing to do tomorrow, the first day at a school of not knowing anyone.

All my friends from Forks had split into different college except for Quil and Claire. Of course, those two were inseparable. My long term boyfriend, Jacob Black and I broke up before senior year and graduation. I found out he cheated on me with my best friend, Karen. I wouldn't forgive him. He had my heart and I was falling in love with him but he broke it. Jacob decided to go to a college in Seattle in order to be close to his father Billy, who is in a wheelchair. We planned to go to college together but everything changed and I couldn't be more grateful, I don't think I can manage dealing with Jacob. I try to block out any emotion or thought even dealing with him.

I picked myself up from my comfortable couch and walked over to the door and opened the boxes there. I hadn't finished unpacking anything yet I arrived two days ago and hadn't had much time to unpack due to the need of new furniture in this empty apartment.

I found my CD player and half on my CD collection in this box. I unpacked them and slipped a CD in so I could listen while I unpacked.

It took awhile but I finally unpacked everything for my room. I checked the time on my phone, it was just little over one in the afternoon.

I decided since that I had a few hours left to spare I might as well go shopping for some essentials.

I drove myself to the mall with my old red, Chevy truck, a gift from Charlie for my sixteenth birthday. I loved the truck. It was quite old but perfect for me.

It didn't take me long to locate the mall. So I drove into the big parking lot and parked in the nearest space available that wasn't too far from the entrance. I got out and looked at the size of the mall and it was huge, nothing like I've ever seen before. I sure hoped I didn't got lost or worse, forget where I parked my truck that would be embarrassing.

I walked into the entrance of the mall and if I thought it looked big from the outside it was nothing compared to the inside. Five levels full of fancy shops selling all things imaginable. There was a food court near by from where I entered. Seeing it and remember how I hadn't eaten either breakfast or lunch today I thought I'd grab a bite to eat.

I went to the closest food outlet and looked at the menu deciding on something light I went to order a small strawberry smoothie with a pre-made packed sandwich. I stood in line waiting, patiently to order my meal.

The couple in front of me was taking an very long time deciding what to order. The blonde changing her mind every two seconds and the bronze haired guy just waiting impatiently for her to decide.

You could tell he was impatient because he had one arm around her pulling her to the counter and the other in his hair whilst one foot was tapping.

"Edwarrrrrrrd, I think I want a smoothie now. NO! Wait, do you think that has lots of carbs?"

I rolled my eyes at her last statement. I mean how thick can you be. She obviously was one of those popular girls with straight blonde hair and blue eyes, the cheerleader type. She said his name making the "R" sound longer than necessary. Doesn't he find that frustrating?

I was just about to tell them to hurry it along, as I heard my stomach grumble loudly. How had I not noticed my hunger when I was unpacking? But just as I opened my mouth the bronzed boy decided to speak.

"Lauren, does it matter? Will you please just hurry up, now."

His voice was melodic it was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. Before I recovered from his dazzling voice, the annoyingly high pitch one interrupted.

"But EDWARD! Of course it matters. Who do you think would date me if I was fat as a pig? Do you want me to look like Jessica?"

Edward just sighed clearly frustrated.

"Lauren, Jessica is your best friend remember?"

The blonde-haired woman, Lauren chose to ignore his comment and continued.

"You know what? I don't think I'll get anything. Let's go."

Edward sighed with relief and they both walked off to the east end of the mall. I caught a glimpse of his face and as predicted it was as beautiful as his voice. His bronze hair that shined in the sun, the pale skin and the deep green eyes made him look like an angel.

An angel? Bella, get real here.

Before I could clear my thoughts he was gone and the cashier was calling on me to take my order. He winked when I saw that he got my attention.

I gave him a small smile trying not to lead him on. He didn't look as attractive as the bronze-haired boy, Edward but still certainly had a cute baby boyish face.

I told him my order and handed him my money. He took his sweet time giving me my change and receipt. He winked again when he handed me back my change, receipt and order. I smiled a small smile again and walked away.

I went to chuck my receipt out when I saw it had writing on it. I frowned at what it said;

"Hey Babe,

I'm Mike - call me?


I decided to chuck the receipt in the bin. I found no use with it. I wouldn't go out with him. My heart belonged to Jacob and he broke it to a million pieces.

I quickly ate and drank, then headed to the nearest stores to find what I needed for school and plus a few pieces of clothing because the weather here in California was very different to Forks, where it was always rainy.

It was just little over 5 o'clock when I finished at the mall. I was walking out to my truck and passed the fountain in the middle of the mall. I recognized the couple from earlier in a wrestling match with their mouths it was disgusting to see I turned away disgusted, I should have known, a player. All the good looking ones always are. The boy didn't look older than freshman's at college. They probably attended SMU due to their appearence, the boy looked like he wore designer but the girl looked as if she shopped cheap and made out that she wore expensive clothing.

I ignored them and walked past, though my hands started to sweat and my heart sped up each step I got closer to the bronze-haired boy. How can he have such an effect on me, I hadn't even met him yet!

Shaking my head at myself. I walked out to my truck, placed my bags in the seat next to me and started off to my apartment.

I got home just little past 6, picking up dinner along the way, pizza. I wasn't in the mood to cook especially only for myself. I left the pizza on the counter hoping it wouldn't get too cold when I got back.

I took my shower and changed into my pajamas. I grabbed Pride and Prejudice on my way out of my room. I've always been a fan of classical literature.

I took a few pieces of pizza on the plate, thankfully it wasn't too cold and I sat on my couch reading and eating at the same time. Hoping to waste a few hours by reading.

It was just past ten when I checked the time. Deciding to call it a night. I went to bed and laid down. Tomorrow was the first day at SMU. I was excited and nervous. I thought of the boy I saw at the mall. Edward. Unusual name but it suited him. But he was player I wasn't going to go there. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

A/N: I hope you like it!! Please review and give me your opinions they're greatly appreciated!

Please do tell me if I made any mistake with how they run in things in the US. I'm still learning and only writing from what I've gathered from other fanfics.