disclaimer i do not own degrassi

Emmas POV

I sat down next to Sean not really paying attention to anything he was saying. He finally must have noticed because he grabbed me and made me look at him.

"What?" I said creeped out a bit.

"Whats wrong?" He asked me.

"I don't think I can have an abortion." I admitted.

"Emma whatever you decide I will be here for you ok?" Sean said. I finally smiled. For some reason I felt he was real. He would be here for me. He already gave up his job in Wasaga since he never went back yet. "I'm staying here for good."

"Really?" I said as I noticed I had been crying.

"Yes Emma." He said as he hugged me. I smiled again and maybe after all things would be ok. Sean could help me decide what was best for this baby after I have the baby. Adoption or raise it. I wasn't sure what I was ready to do yet.

"Will you help me look into adoption and even if I decide to raise the baby?" I asked.

"Whatever you want Emma I'm right behind you." He said.

"Thanks." I said. We both headed back inside my house where I told my mom I wanted to go on with the pregnancy. But wasn't sure what I wanted to do after. She was fine with it and said she'd be right there for me no matter what. I guess I had a great support system after all. Now I had to tell Manny as I havn't even talked to Manny in months.

"Hello?" Manny answered her phone.

"Hey its Emma do you want to meet up or come over so we can talk?" I asked.

"Yea is everything ok?" She asked.

"Sort of." I said. "I'll explain everything when you come over ok?"

"Alright." She said and hung up. Befor I knew it Manny was already here. "Ok so whats going on Emma?"

"Manny I have made some stupid mistakes." I admitted as Sean still stood next to me. Manny was confused by seeing Sean. But she didn't ask yet. "I was hanging out at the ravine with Jay." I glanced at Sean I could tell he he hated hearing the word Jay and knowing I had done things with Jay. "Well when Jay finally blew me off I sort of slept with some random guy one night. I was really drunk. Well I'm pregnant. I'm going to continue the pregnancy but not sure what I'm doing after yet." I said. I glanced at Manny who looked like she was shocked and had so much sorrow in her eyes for me.

"O Emma it will be ok." She said as she hugged me. She glanced at Sean again. I knew she was going to ask since I didn't explain him. "Ok but no offense Sean serioulsy, but why is he?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Jay called him. He came back and now he's here to help me."

"Awe ok." Manny smiled. "So are we best friends again?"

"Always Manny always." I said laughing. "But Seans my new tag along is that ok?"

"I think I can handle it." Manny said. Sean glanced at me.

"Emma will you be my girlfriend?" Sean asked me. I couldn't help but let a huge smile out, and hugged him.

"I'd love it Sean." I said and glanced at Manny who smiled for me.

"The two love birds together again." Manny said. "Finally."

"Whats that mean?" I asked confused.

"You two are just perfect together." Manny said. I smiled and hugged Manny.

I really was lucky, I did have awesome friends, family and now an amazing boyfriend. I will get through anything with these people around.

Seans pov

I knew everything would be ok, Emma was a tough girl. She could do anything she put her mind to. I had to get going though. Jay said I could crash at his place for awhile. So I headed to Jays.

"Hey." Jay said. "Is she ok?"

"She will be, shes going to continue with the pregnancy."

"Thats awesome." Jay said. "So are you two a couple again?"

"Yes, so promise you will back off?" I said still creeped out about them together.

"I promise." Jay said. "I feel bad for it going as far as it did."

"Its ok." I said.

Jay smiled and handed me a soda. "Heres to being roomies."

I laughed. "Yea it could be fun." The next day we both woke up and headed to Degrassi. Emma was with Manny. Emma looked upset, so I made my way over to her. "Are you ok?" I asked her. Manny glanced at me as to say dont even ask. I just nodded and brought Emma close to me.

"He is going here now." Manny said. Jay glanced at me with anger in his eyes. I knew Jay hated this guy more then I did.

"You have got to be kidding me." Jay finally said. "Anyone know what way he went?"

"That way." Manny said. Jay followed her hand and grabbed Manny and they both headed in the direction he went. I continued to hold Emma. She finally glanced at me.

"He threatened to kill me." She said with tears coming down. "He wants the baby gone."

"Emma its going to be ok." I said. I thought about this again. Maybe Emma needed to press charges. "Emma I think you need to press charges.