disclaimer: I am not Stephenie Meyer, these are not my characters. Also, please check out the a/n at the end, it explains why this is an epilogue and not another chapter :)


Edward and I were out hunting together, trekking across the Alaskan wilderness for some decent prey. Snow covered the ground everywhere we looked, and although the cold didn't bother us, the fact that we stood out like sore thumbs did. We both ran close to the ground, trying to blend in with the white landscape even though it was utterly impossible. Our two streaks of black and bronze were still smudges against the pristine background.

I suppose it didn't matter too much though. Regardless of whether or not our prey saw us, it didn't have a chance. Moose and caribou were no match for us. If we were lucky maybe a brown bear, but I didn't see that happening today.

"Just moose today, huh?" Edward asked, his quiet voice carrying easily on the wind. He often said that he enjoyed hunting with me because it was like hunting with another pair of eyes. I had once told him that it must be that way with everyone, what with his mind reading ability, but he has assured me my eyes were different. Mine provided a look into both the present and the future; I could see the weather, the animals we might come across, our family back home, in addition to our surroundings now.

It was easier for me to hunt with him too, because I never had to talk. He was so attuned to my mental voice, to all of ours, that he could hear us more than a mile away. That's what it looks like so far. Oh, maybe if we go farther east.

I didn't slow my running as I looked into the future, trying to pinpoint which direction would give us better prey. If we continued north we would run into a small herd of caribou and that was it. Switching east, our paths seemed to eventually cross with a pair of brown bears. "Perfect," I heard Edward say, able to detect the subtle cheer in his voice.

In this snowy wilderness, we didn't have a chance of finding his favorite type of predator. For Edward – and Emmett too – brown bears were probably the best we could come across. The rest of us were content enough with the moose and caribou, though they were by no means good. Just tolerable.

Edward and I switched our direction in perfect synchronization, functioning together like two limbs of the same creature. Besides Jasper, I was most closely attuned to him. Our mental abilities complimented each other, and we got along very well in addition to that. He was my brother in every sense of the word, though the others were my close family too, all in their own way.

Carlisle and Esme were like my parents, the ones I had never known. Carlisle was beyond compassionate and understanding, watching out for all of us – with my help. He had helped me learn a lot about my ability, helping me test and expand it through practice. Together we had learned how to use my visions to maximize our stocks, and because of that we were remarkably well off financially. Esme, on the other hand, was my caring mother. Her maternal instincts never ceased to amaze me, even with a house full of vampires that were nearly her physical age. She always made sure we lived comfortably, mediating between everyone whenever needed. And she loved the fact that I helped her with the gardening, predicting the weather weeks ahead of time.

Rosalie and Emmett were my two other siblings. Our relationships were different, but I loved them all the same. Rose became my best girl friend, despite the fact that we sometimes had our differences. We always went shopping together, braving the malls from sunrise to sunset without ever getting bored. Emmett, on the other hand, was my perpetual amusement. He loved competing with anyone, at anything, and I was usually the cheating thorn in his side. But regardless of that, he never took it badly. Besides, he enjoyed the fact that I had brought him a new sparring partner with Jasper.

Because Jasper had adapted relatively well to our new family life as well. Now that he had a chance, his focus had shifted to higher learning, and he found good company with Carlisle and Edward. I could tell he loved to discuss different topics with them, ranging from medicine to psychology, philosophy to our own lifestyle. With the others he had formed relationships as well. He competed often with Emmett, and generally enjoyed Esme's lovely company. To Rosalie he was civil, an aftereffect of having lost the name (Hale or Whitlock?) battle.

It had never gotten as easy for him as it was for the rest of us though, to abstain from human blood. There were still slip-ups, though they were few and far between. I knew he still suffered, but I was with him every step of the way, getting him out of temptation's way or holding him back.

The years had done nothing to our relationship. My love for Jasper only grew, and as time passed we learned more and more about the many ways we completed each other. We had even been married once, a small quiet wedding in the 1970's, attended only by our family. That was perfect for us, perfect for our unspoken relationship.

"You are happy with us, then?" Edward's quiet voice broke through my musing, and I realized that our running had slowed considerably. He matched my easy pace, about a hundred feet away from me.

I couldn't help but turn towards him and give him a smile, which I knew he would be able to see. Of course I am happy. I could never ask for a better family. Besides, it was meant to be this way.

Edward nodded once, turning towards the quickly approaching scent of two brown bears. He knew better than anyone about my visions, not only because he experienced them in the present time, but because he had seen the ones in my memory. "Let's get us some bear."

The hunt was over quickly. We came across the two brown bears within minutes, and within seconds had attacked. The warm blood was welcome nourishment, and soon our black eyes were lightening considerably. After the bears we headed north, finishing up with several large caribou. Eyes honey light, we started our run back home.

It was during the jog back that I saw the familiar glimmer in my peripheral vision. I held on to it and waited for the vision, slowing down considerably. Edward was soon at my side, watching the vision unfold together with me.

Carlisle walked into the living room, dropping his briefcase unceremoniously by the door. He was home from the hospital several hours later than normal, though no one was very surprised. His calm voice called everyone to the room, claiming he had an announcement to make.

"As I'm sure you all know," he glanced at me in the back, standing next to Jasper. "The time has come for us to move on. I just heard back from a new hospital, and turned in my official letter of resignation at the current one today. I think you'll like this new town, it's nearly always overcast, so we'll be fine outdoors. If you'd all start packing, I'd like to move to Forks as soon as possible."

The vision ended and we picked up our pace again, Edward with a cynical smile on his face. "Forks, is it? Perfect. Another tiny town with nothing of interest."

I laughed, picking some snow up off the ground and tossing it at him, never breaking stride. Oh, Edward, you never know what might happen.

author's note: Don't hate me! I even edited the last chapter's a/n to refer you to this one.

Love and Rock Music essentially gave me this idea, and the more I've been thinking about it, the better it sounds. I had initially planned to just do a few chapters, titled Cullen Moments I, II, etc., but when you think about it.... well, that's like another story, isn't it? So I've decided to write that as a (sort of) sequel instead of continuing Seeking the Unknown. Not only will a separate story have a chance at being longer, but it will also give me a chance to try out different points of view (I mean, I love and adore Alice, but maybe a chapter as Edward? Jasper? Emmett?). Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for Cullen Moments!

All that said... I'm feeling a little sad this story is over. I've had a fantastic time telling Alice's story, and I hope you've all enjoyed coming on the ride with me. Thanks so much to everyone that's been reading and reviewing, I never expected to get so many! Thank you, thank you, thank you! From the very early people who gave me the desire to keep writing, to those who picked up the story halfway, to those who weren't afraid to leave constructive criticisms or catch my grammar, to... well, everyone!

I'll stop gushing now, hehe. Just know that I've appreciated all of the lovely comments, and have definitely enjoyed sharing this story. Now, before this a/n gets longer than the epilogue, I just have one more request. I know for a fact that this story has way more alerts/faves than different people reviewing. I'll just ask that if you've made it this far, leave me at tiny review and let me know? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Thanks for reading :)