Author's Note:
Yes, readers, this is the sequel to my story "The Not So Troublesome Woman"! To my new readers, it's not a definite necessity to read the prequel, but you might lose some ends here and there if you don't. The story will still be understandable, but to get the full impact, I suggest going to read it.
The Price of Passion
As usual, T. It leaves me more to play with, especially since Temari will be uberly stressed through this fic and might go on a violent killing spree. Kankuro also has a potty mouth. There's some romance, as you can imagine, but noooo, no lemons. You should know that by now.
Main: Shikamaru x Temari
'Tis it.
I'm dedicating this story to a friend of mine, miss Shadow Owner! :D Without her, honestly, there wouldn't have been a sequel. Her fanship (new word for you, dear!) has inspired me to write yet another ShikaTema...
If my NejiTen readers whimper, I have just ALMOST completed (well close to, stuck on prompt 10, of course...) I.Heart.Hatake.Kakashi's 'Ten for NejiTen' prompt challenge before anyone else! -Punches air- So go read that! But first, of course, read this chapter too...
The characters are not mine.
Chapter One: Arrest
The sun was beginning to poke out from the horizon, casting long shadows around the peaceful village of Sunagakure. Almost all windows were dark, except for the occasional lighted one who showed that its inhabitants were awake.
Occasionally, the woman would catch a glimpse of a Genin team sparring, yet it was so early that barely anyone was up yet. Only the most drilling sensei would force their youths so early outside at such an early hour. But the woman had to admit that it was one of the only times of day that was fresh enough to go out with a jacket on.
Undaunted, Temari slid through the door of her own massive home at almost six in the morning, a small smile tugging at her features as she slung her pack from her shoulder onto the nearest wall. She watched it with an amused smirk on her face as it struck the spot, then thumped on the ground and remained motionless.
Eager to see her brothers again after such a long time, the Sand kunoichi made her way to the kitchen, were small noises of cutlery striking plates drifted. She burst in the room without announcing herself, grinning sheepishly. "I'm back!"
The two looked up at her. They were seated face to face, with surprisingly good-looking food between them on the wooden table. The plants around the cozy room, usually rare in the desert, were looking bright and lively. Sunlight softly streamed through the bay window, yet wasn't sufficient for the small chandelier to not be opened.
The youngest of the family was the first to speak up. "About time, Temari. This was a five day mission- you've been gone almost three weeks."
Chuckling awkwardly at the truth behind the accusation, she cautiously brushed a hand against the back of her head and attempted an apology. "I'm sorry?"
"No you're not," Kankuro suddenly teased, looking at his sister with a knowing smirk on his lips. "You've been hanging out with your shadow freak again, right?"
Bristling instantly, Temari bit back, "His name's Shikamaru! Get it right for once, Kankuro!"
The puppeteer burst in laughter and even the corners of Gaara's lips rose lightly in amusement. After a few seconds of resistance, Temari melted into a smile at the memory of spending two straight weeks with Shikamaru. Even Tsunade had allowed the lazy shinobi to take the time off until she'd leave.
A cool breeze made the blonde woman crack her eyes open, yet she was only met by darkness. Blinking, she attempted to sit up, but Shikamaru's arm was wrapped tightly around her waist, binding her to his arms.
Reluctantly, she once again leaned down on the cool grass, resting her head on his chest as her eyes roamed around. They had been watching the sunset together, occasionally sharing a few words, but he had eventually fallen asleep. Temari, unable to wake him up once her eyes had settled upon his peaceful face, had only leaned against him and had herself allowed sleep to overcome her as well.
She was about to succumb to it again when she felt Shikamaru's soft lips pressing against his forehead. Smiling, she opened her eyes to look up at him, her vision now slightly accustomed to the darkness.
"I'm glad Gaara changed his mind about us," he whispered tiredly, shifting to look down at her.
"Me too," she nodded, reaching up to kiss his cheek. "The council wasn't very happy, but they sucked it up for now."
Shikamaru smiled and began playing with a lock of her loose hair. "I'm glad. But even if they'd interdict us to be together, I'd still find ways to meet with you. Even if it would mean being thrown into jail. At least you'd visit me."
Temari chuckled. "Maybe if you'd be nice."
Those were the last words they spoke before settling into a comfortable silence for the rest of the night.
-End of Flashback-
"There she goes againn," Kankuro droned when Temari brought herself back to reality. "Don't even try talking to her, Gaara, we both see that her head's still with that guy."
Temari blinked, before turning back her attention to Gaara. "Did you talk to me?"
"I was asking how the actual mission went," the redhead sighed lightly, a small glint in his eyes. He had known a long time ago that his sister would spend quite a large amount of time with the Leaf shinobi. But it was something he could accept in exchange for her happy features.
"Oh, it went well," she grinned evasively. "It was only document transportation, no big deal. It went fast. Anything new happened here?" As she spoke, she expertly picked a toast from Kankuro's plate and began to chew on it before he could attempt grabbing it back.
Kankuro shot the piece of crusty bread a longing look, before returning his eyes to Temari. "Council's being a bitch."
"I asked for something new, Kankuro," she chuckled, once again planting her teeth in the tasty food. "Ever since we came back from Konoha with the news of our new treaty with them, they've been prickly. They keep wanting Gaara to rethink his alliance."
"Which I won't do." Gaara wiped his mouth as he finished eating. "I'm never considering such an act again."
Temari grinned proudly at her brother. She was glad that he had changed his mind about the alliance, or else she and Shikamaru would be in trouble. Ever since they had begun their relationship about a year ago, Gaara had done everything to ease the tension of their long-distance status. Every mission he had to Konoha, he'd sent Temari. He had even managed to get Tsunade to send Shikamaru all the way to Suna for his older sister's birthday. Surprisingly, the shinobi had made the trip and hadn't complained once.
"Thank you," she suddenly said, smiling warmly at her brother.
Gaara smiled back slightly, but Kankuro had to ruin the moment. "Keep your gratitude for next time you're in Konoha, Temari! We need you here, remember."
She groaned and reached over to hit the puppeteer across the head as she snapped teasingly, "Can't you be more considering, Kankuro!?"
The oldest boy burst in laughter and even Gaara chuckled softly. Temari felt herself smiling warmly as she marveled how much her family had changed over the years. At how much her entire life had changed, actually.
Nothing could break the happy daze she managed to spend her days into.
Kankuro and Gaara then began discussing something regarding a possible hidden shinobi nation, something that held zero interest for the blonde kunoichi. Deciding to somewhat make up for her tardiness, she picked up a few plates and glasses and headed towards the kitchen.
Her thoughts once again began swirling towards Shikamaru as she slowly loaded the dishwasher. Her eyes peered over to the sunrise, knowing that he was surely in a laziness-ensued sleeping state at the moment.
Reluctantly, she stopped filling the machine as she leaned over the marble countertop, staring out into their immense lawn. It was way too big for only three people, but their family had always owned this big stretch of field. It often kept most intruders at bay, since if they attempted anything, they'd have to run for their lives in order to escape from the Kazekage's property.
But it suited the kunoichi just fine. As loud and boisterous as she was, she always knew that when she'd come home, she'd be able to relax as much as she wanted.
"Put your hands where we can see them now! And don't try anything!"
The voice had been so loud, so close, that the glass Temari had been holding fell from her shocked fingers and shattered against the tiled floor. She whirled around to find the source of the shout, yet she was still alone in the kitchen.
Without thinking properly, she hurriedly rushed towards the dining room, where she was greeted with dozens of ANBU members. Two raised their weapons to her and she stopped, slightly confused. But then she noticed that one had his kunai dangerously hovering over Gaara's skin and was unable to contain herself.
"What the hell is this?" she screeched loudly, shaking off a man who had attempted to grab her arm. "Who are you all to come in our house in such a freaking rude way?"
"We have orders to arrest Sabaku no Gaara!" the captain barked roughly.
The aforementioned shinobi tilted his head to look at the man. "Chokichi, nice to see you." He then turned to the group of three ANBU who stood behind Kankuro. "Hisoka, Isas, Yuudai. Good morning to all three of you."
He then proceeded to name every single person who had just entered, all who cringed slightly when the redhead recognized them. As he finished, Kankuro burst into a shot of laughter as he shouted, "Wow, so much for secrecy!"
"Seriously," Temari sighed, shaking her head as the man who had the weapon pointed at Gaara's neck backed up with fear. "Did you all really expect him to blankly stare at you all and wonder who you are? He appointed most of you as ANBU anyways."
Chokichi remained unfazed and took a step forward. "Orders are orders! We are to bring you to the office."
"To his office you mean!" Kankuro snickered, standing up. "Come on, men! This is the Kazekage you're talking about. He's the highest in position through Suna. You have no right to just order him around!"
"Actually, puppet boy, we do," Chokichi chuckled as he approached the blank-faced redhead. "We have a notice, right here, that revokes Sabaku no Gaara's rights to the title of Kazekage."
As soon as he spoke, he produced a legal-style document and first placed it a few inches in front of Gaara's face, before tauntingly throwing it at Kankuro. The older brother stared incredulously at most people present in the room, before bending over the paper. Temari also stomped over to review the document.
Sure enough, the ten signatures of the council where there. Ten signatures proclaiming the men's desires to turn Suna over to the hands of a certain man called Inoue Fumio were brightly scratched down on paper.
"But that's impossible," Temari whispered after reading over the lines. "I don't understand."
Chokichi chuckled. "You're not supposed to, lady. Now if you'll please excuse us, we'll take—"
"Oh no!" Kankuro suddenly roared, "You are not taking my brother away!"
Temari also stood up, but before neither could do anything, the ANBU all surged upon them, immobilizing the two siblings on the wall. The small struggle had knocked the table over, shattering whatever glass there had been left on it and causing a great commotion.
Cruelly, two of the ANBU had grabbed Temari by the hair and had smacked her hard against the wall. Meanwhile, Kankuro had received quite a few nasty blows to the head and had fallen limply to the ground.
But Gaara knew that all of the ANBU, without mentioning the few dozens surely posted outside, were no match for them. They were the toughest shinobi in Sand Village. Knowing he had lost the fight without even starting it, he looked at the captain said, "Let them be and I'll follow you without a fuss."
Smirking, Chokichi snapped his fingers. "He said he'd follow us, men. Let's get out of here!"
A few vanished on the spot, but most remained to clap some handcuffs around Gaara's wrists and ankles. They threw his gourd down besides his sibling's unconscious forms with cruel laughs before heading towards the meeting place with Suna's former Kazekage in tow.
A/N: Y'all surely remember me, don't you?
Yes, this is a cliffhanger?
Ah, so NOW you remember me! XD
Yeah so honestly, I have to give you all my situation.
I currently have four classes, all close to 2h each.
One's Writer's Craft, where I sit and write like crazy (already have four texts due monday!!)
Second is Netowrking, and right now all we're doing is research, so I stare at a computer screen again.
Third is my correspondence course, where I stare at my computer non-stop. Again.
Lastly is Advanced French, where I work like a nutso from when the fist bell ring to the last bell ring.
It's insane. So you all can understand that when I come home, I'm exhausted and don't really want to sit back at the computer. Plus I have a part-time job... So the chapters of this story might not come out as fast as "The Not So Troublesome Woman"'s did... But I'll try my very best not to make you all linger too much!
Take care!