Disclaimer: The Artemis Fowl novels do not belong to me. All rights are reserved by the original copyright holders.
Author's Note: The story was originally written for a friend who suffered from a near-death experience. After some additional work, I decided to expand the story and post it. Expect 12 chapters in varying length. If you like the story, leave a review. If time permits, I always try to respond. Thanks in advance for your constructive criticism! Please enjoy the story and expect chapter 2, Coming in Waves, to be up next week.
-Dying Makes You Think-
"No one can save you now, mud boy!" Opal Koboi shrieked as she advanced towards Artemis Fowl. The boy was currently stranded on the final pillar of rock know as Mother Superior, the largest rock of The Nuns coastal formation jutting out of Hook Head Peninsula. Koboi was right behind him.
Artemis took a cursory glance over the rocky cliff, searching for a way out. "Just as a precaution," he thought, "if the cavalry fails to arrive in time." However, Artemis was not one for sicide, so the jump over the side of the rocky pillar was out of the question. "so much for that brilliant idea."
Artemis took a desperate glance at the sky: no shimmering LEP forces, no shuttles loaded with a rescue team, no Butler for any protection. No, Artemis was clearly on his own. When he returned his gaze to his enemy, Opal was standing on the pillar right in front of his own, balls of dark energy crackling in each hand.
"How sad," the pixie cooed in mock sympathy, "little Artemis Fowl stuck out on a rock all by his lonesome. Nothing to save him from a quick and agonizing death!" The final word rolled off her tongue with a sickening hiss. "I'll admit, it was a fun chase, Fowl, but your location selection could not have been worse! I mean, how did you expect to escape from this? Dive into the sea and hope the spiky rocks would not skewer you? And you call yourself a genius."
Artemis rolled his eyes, "Honestly, Opal, you must not know me very well," his piercing blue and hazel eyes focusing in on his target, "I never do anything without a reason. But then again, we have never faced. You don't even know that I have beaten you once already." With that, he slipped his hand into his torn Armani pants pocket and pulled out a small laser pointer aiming it carefully at Koboi.
The pixie stopped dead in her tracks momentarily, then doubled over with cackling laughter. "A laser pointer?! That was your grand plan, Fowl?!" Artemis smirked. "It's actually quite handy. With a few modifications, I was able to lengthen the projection, increase the power," he took careful aim at his target, "and enable it to cut through the toughest rock." Opal's eyes went wide with realization as she stared down at her feet to see a solid red beam cutting through the rocky crust at her feet.
It took the laser about 2.3 seconds to cut all the through the rock to the methane gas pocket of the 7th hidden kraken underneath, igniting it instantaneously. Artemis had been monitoring the creature for several years now… without the knowledge of LEP officials of course.
"ARTEMIS FOWL!!" screeched Koboi at the top of her lungs. There was pure death in her eyes as the tiny pixie was flung more than 30 feet in the air. As freefall kicked in, Opal launched herself in midair at the teen stuck on the rocks before her. She was bent on crushing him, beating him to a pulp, and then throwing him over the side of the cliff to a watery death… if the 400 pound piece of kraken shell had not landed on her.
Artemis attempted to roll away from the raining debris, watching in utter amazement as Opal Koboi came down with a sickening crunch under the shell piece. "Her magic should sustain her until LEP retrieval arrives… should." Artemis mused. As he was rising to his feet, his train of thought was only interrupted when he felt a sharp burn in his leg, followed by several more in his chest and right arm. Artemis collapsed heavily onto his back, only raising his head to note the crimson blood now leaking through his tattered clothes.