This idea kinda came to me driving late one night. A song came on that I've heard a billion times before, but for some reason the lyrics just leapt out at me. Then my brain took over and came up with this. It's a spin off from Holding onto Forever, but it wont spoil anything if you haven't read it yet and it should stand on it's own. It's kind of a mix between Death Note and Initial D. :) Both of which I don't own (but love!). Oh and I'm not British, but I like to pretend I am. :)

Oh and the song is "Drive" by Assemblage 23.


As I rocketed up the M1, London's bright lights became nothing but a dim glow in my rearview mirror. I had to get out of there for a little while, and the farther I got away, the more I felt the weight lifting from my shoulders. Fuck James and his bloody football game and obnoxious mouthy girlfriend. Fine, I cant watch what I want on the telly, even if it's only once a week. And fuck Aaron too for eating the food I had saved in the fridge. Sometimes I'm convinced my flatmates actually hate me.

None of that mattered now as my eyes were fixed ahead at the black ribbon of tarmac before me, the dark landscape flashing with colour through my yellow lenses, and even with the top down on this brisk night I could feel his warmth next to me.

When chaos reigns without a purpose
When the swell of sound becomes too much
Crushed between the cogs that work us
When I feel I'm slowly losing touch

"Matt, I like this song. Turn it up."

I raised the volume on the radio, the pulsing beats and minor keys tickling our ears as I exited the motorway, reaching my favourite midnight playground. I steered the MX-5 onto the dark winding road and picked up speed. He likes it when I drive fast, making his white hair whip around in the wind. He understands the feeling, the freedom. With our pale faces nearly glowing in the moonlight I spotted the first corner in the distance. I accelerated harder towards it, feeling my bloodstream fill with adrenaline as I approached almost dangerously.

"Matt! You're going to fast!"

I heel-toe downshifted, and then lifted sharply from the throttle as I turned in towards the apex, swinging the arse-end around, then planted my foot back into the gas and balanced the car sideways throughout the whole corner before straightening out and riding the swell of power to the rev limit. I could hear Near's laughing over the delicate wail of the motor, like the solo of a violin dancing playfully to it's own tune along the backdrop of a full orchestra.

Sometimes I drive to run from all my demons
Sometimes I drive so I can be alone
Sometimes I drive to see the world in different light
Sometimes I drive for no reason at all

This continued on and on. I wondered if every house we passed could hear our laughter. If the glow from our spirits shone through anyone's windows, letting someone know that we were there, enjoying each other like the only two people in the universe.

The night plunged onwards. The sky started to take on a curious purple hue, signifying the impending dawn. I turned around, knowing like all things, this would end eventually.

When the walls close in around me
When the ceiling's caving in
When anxiety surrounds me
When my patience is wearing thin

"Lets take the long way home." Near said.

I complied willingly, and by the time I crossed the River Thames, the sun was burning our eyes. I pulled up in front of the house, switched off the motor and lit up a cigarette. Reluctantly I turned my head and stared as the empty passenger's seat mocked me. I removed my goggles to let the tears built up inside out, letting them stream down my face and onto my jacket. God I miss him so much.

The open road unwinds before me
An onyx ribbon spreading out
No idea where I'll be going
Sometimes the journey is what counts

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