Katekyo Hitman Reborn! © Amano Akira JUMP Shueisha

Ths is an old fic I've written almost a year ago. Yamamoto/Bianchi is one of my favorite pairings and I'm sad it doesn't get much fanworks. This was written for LJ's Seven Deadly Sins community, thus you have the seven sins as themes.

Seven Deadly Sins


To say that she was bothered by Yamamoto and Reborn's constant rendezvous would be an understatement.

Bianchi knew very well that Reborn's interest in Yamamoto was purely business. The Arcobaleno thought that the boy, with his fast reflexes and strength, would be benefical for the Vongola. Furthermore, Yamamoto was extremely fond of Tsuna and seemed quite loyal to him. They needed people just like Yamamoto to protect the future mafia Head.

And so, Reborn recruited the frequently jolly baseball freak into the famiglia. However, unlike how he would treat his other recruits, the Arcobaleno would often go out of his way to train Yamamoto and help him sharpen his skills.

Tutor and tutee—that's what they were. Nothing more. Still, it didn't make Bianchi feel nonchalant about the whole situation. For some reason, she just couldn't stop herself from being vexed at the fact that Yamamoto was spending too much time with Reborn. And Reborn, in turn, was showing too much fondness for the boy. (Reborn was never that amiable with Tsuna.)

Bianchi decided it was time for her to do something.

With arms crossed over her chest, she proudly stood in front of a mildly surprised Yamamoto, stopping him in his tracks. "Where do you think you're going?"

Recovering from his shock upon seeing Bianchi (she just came out of nowhere and blocked his path!), Yamamoto gave her a warm smile. "Oh hi, Bianchi-san," he said as he raised a hand as a greeting gesture. "I'm just on my way to Tsuna's house. Thought of hanging out with him for a while since I have nothing else to do. "

Upon hearing the words 'Tsuna's house', Bianchi's gaze turned dagger-like. Reborn was currently at home with Tsuna, which simply meant Yamamoto would see her dear Arcobaleno again, and they would bond like they always did every time they were given the chance to meet.

Bianchi inhaled sharply.

Not if she could help it.

With a stern expression on her pretty features, Bianchi suddenly grabbed the collar of Yamamoto's white polo shirt and began dragging him towards the opposite direction.

"You are not going to set foot in that house, Yamamoto Takeshi," she said firmly as a confused Yamamoto followed her lead. He opened his mouth to ask her for the reason, but Bianchi cut him off before he could even speak.

"Don't ask why."

Yamamoto snapped his mouth close.

"And to ensure that you won't get anywhere near the Sawada home, you, Yamamoto Takeshi, will spend the entire day with me."


"'Don't complain, if you don't want me to kill you," Bianchi warned as she gave the boy behind her a quick glance.

Yamamoto could only grin sheepishly. "I won't."


The first time she forced Yamamoto to go out with her, Bianchi surprisingly found herself enjoying his company. On that day, she had experienced the life of a regular teenager. (Ironically, it was Yamamoto who had made suggestions about where they should go and what they should do even though it was her who had dragged him across the city.)

They did things far from what she would normally do (like playing videogames inside an arcade, or going to an aquatic park to watch the different marine life). And strangely, she didn't find the experience to be as dreadful as what she had originally expected.

She stole a glance at Yamamoto, who was currently busy firing at several wooden ducks up ahead. The boy turned out to be quite…( as much as she hated to admit it) charming. No wonder Reborn liked his company a lot.

Still, she didn't like him that much. He was a rival to Reborn's attention. She could never be fond of the enemy.

"Ah, it seems my accuracy is a bit off today," Yamamoto chuckled as he lay the toy gun down on the table. A short, chubby man came and stood before him. He was Ono Masaki, a long-time friend of his father and the owner of one of the many shooting galleries inside the theme park.

"But you still did quite well. Here's your prize." He placed a small Doraemon stuffed toy beside the fake weapon.

"Thanks, Uncle." Taking the toy in his hand, Yamamoto turned to Bianchi and grinned.

"What?" she deadpanned.

"You can have it."

Bianchi raised an eyebrow as she studied the blue-and-white, cat-like figure for a second or two. Snorting, she grabbed the toy from the boy's grasp.

"Is this the best you can do?"

Shoving Yamamoto aside, she placed the miniature Doraemon down on the table surface and then reached for the nearest rifle. She planned to show off her newly developed shooting skills.

"Watch and learn," she ordered in a very authoritative tone.

Raising the toy weapon, she set her eyes on her moving targets. And then she pulled the trigger.




Nothing happened.

"Useless piece of junk," she grumbled as she slammed the toy back on the table.

"Miss, you need to pay up first before you can start playing."

A few chuckles were heard from some of the children loitering around the shooting gallery. She threw them a venomous glare. The kids were immediately silenced.

Turning to Yamamoto, she saw that he was trying to stifle his laughter. She nudged him on the chest using her elbow. "You heard the man, Yamamoto Takeshi. Pay up."

Yamamoto took some coins out of his pocket. "Here you go, Uncle."

"Your girlfriend is quite feisty, Takeshi-kun," Ono teasingly remarked as he gladly received the money.

Yamamoto laughed. "I think you got it wro—"

"I am not his girlfriend," Bianchi stated a she shot Yamamoto a haughty look.

The man shrugged. "Well, if you say so," he said as he handed a fully loaded rifle to Bianchi. "Have fun."

And Bianchi began.

Twenty minutes and several hundred yens (all courtesy of Yamamoto) later…

"Wow, that lady is so good!"

"Awesome! She hasn't missed a target!"

"Is she planning to take home all the prizes?"

A smirked graced Bianchi's lips as she fired the last pellet. Placing the gun down, she picked up the min-Doraemon that was on the table, turned to Yamamoto and pointed to the pile of stuffed toys (of various colors and sizes) behind her. She had practically emptied the gallery's prize shelves!

"For you."

Flipping a mass of brown-hair off her shoulder, Bianchi walked past Yamamoto, leaving the boy to stare after her with an uncertain look on his face.



"Keep your hands to yourself!" Bianchi snarled as she slapped Yamamoto's hand away, disrupting his attempt to take away the wine-filled cup from her possession. With eyes half-closed, she gave Yamamoto a foolish grin. "This is mine," she declared before she started draining the cup of its contents. She smiled to herself.

Once again, she was successful in her attempts to take Yamamoto away from Reborn. Since she started Operation: Block Yamamoto, the spiky-haired boy had not seen much of her dear Arcobaleno. Frankly, she had not seen much of Reborn either (her time was mostly spent taking Yamamoto to places where the hitman could not be found), and she was already missing him a lot. But this was a sacrifice a woman in love must do.

To her consolation, Yamamoto wasn't such a bad company. He made not seeing Reborn more bearable.

Setting her empty cup down on the table, she leaned forward and reached for the sake bottle. Yamamoto, however, had beaten her to it.

"Bianchi-san, I think you already had too much to drink."

"Silence!" she exclaimed as she waved a hand dismissively. "It is I who will say if I had too much to drink or not." She rose and attempted to grab the sake from Yamamoto's grasp. "Now, give me that damn bottle!"

Yamamoto simply shook his head and gave her an apologetic grin. "Sorry, can't do that," he said as he poured the remaining contents of the bottle into a glass that was half-filled with water.

Irked and defeated, Bianchi slumped back to her seat. "Honestly speaking, I've already learned to like you, Yamamoto Takeshi, but right now," she wagged a finger at him,"I find you very annoying again."

In response, Yamamoto merely gave his usual sheepish smile.

"Stop grinning or else I'll…I'll…" Bianchi stalled, while slowly closing her eyes at the same time. A few seconds later, she just hunched over the table, unconscious.

Yamamoto tapped her on the arm. "Bianchi-san…" Not only once. "Bianchi-san…" Not only twice. "Hey, Bianchi-san…" But several times. Bianchi only responded with a light snore.

Lightly chuckling, he stood up from his seat as he gave the sleeping woman an amused glance. "Well, I guess that's my cue," he mumbled before walking over to the other side of the table to lift Bianchi off her seat. Carrying her on his back, (she was too drunk to stand up, let alone walk), Yamamoto then walked towards the door; all the curious glances that were being thrown in his direction were left ignored.


Yamamoto gave a nervous smile as Bianchi, oblivious to his discomfort, continued to lay several of her specialties in front of him. She looked quite…enthusiastic, he noticed. Tearing his eyes away from the woman's face, he diverted his attention to the so-called feast she had prepared in return for bringing her home safely to the Sawadas during that one time when she got herself excessively drunk. He swallowed hard upon seeing the sight before him. When she told him she'd throw him a feast, she surely wasn't kidding.

The amount of food that Bianchi had cooked simply couldn't be eaten all up by one man alone. Heck, they could not be eaten. At all.

"You know, Bianchi-san," he tried to sound as casual as possible. "You really don't have to do this…"

Bianchi, after placing another plate down on the table, stopped to give Yamamoto a sharp glare. "Are you refusing my gifts of gratitude, Yamamoto Takeshi?" Her eyes narrowed into slits. "If you must know, I don't take rejection very well."

Yamamoto laughed as he waved his hands dismissively. "No, that's not what I me—"

"Good," Bianchi coolly said as she pushed a bowl closer to him. "Now, eat, Yamamoto Takeshi." She gave him a lazy smile. "And I want you to eat everything."

Yamamoto forced a grin as he glanced at the bubbling blue ooze inside the ceramic container. Bianchi said it was soup. Soup made of what? He didn't want to know.

He placed a spoon inside, attempting to scoop a small amount of the liquid. His eyes widened upon seeing a part of the spoon disintegrate. He looked back at Bianchi. She smiled at him.

I've already learned to like you Yamamoto Takeshi.

Now, Yamamoto's beginning to wonder if she really meant what she said that night, or it was simply the alcohol talking.


When Tsuna announced that his class would go on a three-day field trip, Bianchi felt a great sense of relief. After all, to her the class field trip meant that Yamamoto would be several miles away Reborn—which, in turn, meant that she didn't need to do Operation: Block Yamamoto anymore—or at least, for three days.

However, when Saturday came, the day the Namimori students left, Bianchi found herself feeling restless. There was a certain something that was pushing her to follow Tsuna to the seaside resort where their class would be staying. She just didn't know exactly what it was.

Then suddenly, the grinning image of Yamamoto Takeshi popped into her mind.

And Bianchi was greatly bothered by it. It was so…so random.

To distract herself, she went on to search for Reborn. She found him peacefully sleeping inside Tsuna's room. Since it's been a while since she did something for him and she was in the mood to cook, she decided to prepare lunch for him. With Operation: Block Yamamoto on a hiatus, she took this as an opportunity to have some quality time with her dear Arcobaleno; and she planned to enjoy the next three days with him. She was certain she would have the time of her life.

Now,if only the name Yamamoto Takeshi would stop interrupting her thoughts.

Gripping the butcher knife tightly, she forcefully lowered it down, causing it to cut through the large piece of meat that was resting on top a wooden chopping board.

They just wouldn't stop. Over and over, she was plagued by the images of a certain spiky-haired, baseball freak. Was this one of those unwanted side effects brought about by her spending too much time with Yamamoto?

Bianchi tried her best to concentrate on what she was doing. She tried to think of Reborn and the activities they would do for the day. But to her vexation, there he was again: Yamamoto Takeshi with his sheepish grin that she found so annoying…and charming.

And strangely, she was actually craving to see the boy.

Bianchi's eyes widened at this realization.


She delivered another blow to the chopping board.

Damn you, Yamamoto Takeshi, get out of my head!

And she unleashed all her fury on the poor piece of chicken meat before her.


A woman in love would always be where her loved one was.

Ask her why she was on a noisy beach filled with students from Namimori High (and some other tourists) instead of the cozy living room of the Sawada household and that would be her immediate response.

Pushing her dark sunglasses up her head, Bianchi glanced around in search of a familiar face—specifically Tsuna's. He, after all, was the reason why she and Reborn were there. The Arcobaleno just couldn't keep his attention away from his tutee for so long.

When she failed to spot Tsuna amongst the students playing on the shore, Bianchi hoped to find her brother or anyone else she knew. Well, anyone except Yamamoto Takeshi. At that exact moment, she was still very pissed at him for plaguing her mind over and over again. He better not show his face to her or else she would kick the living daylights out of him!

But it seemed meeting him was really inevitable.

"Yo, kid, Bianchi-san."

Slowly, hesitantly, she turned to her right upon hearing that familiar cheery voice. She clenched her fists. Yamamoto would regret that he had ever crossed paths with her! She had to make him pay for invading her thoughts and making her stressed out the entire morning.

However, as soon as she had come face to face with Yamamoto, Bianchi found herself strangely pacified. She tried to gather any remaining feelings of resentment that she had for the boy, but there was nothing. Zilch. Nil.

It was weird. Very, very weird.

"What are you guys doing here?" Yamamoto asked as soon as he got nearer to where she and Reborn were standing.

Bianchi kept her lips closed as she fervently stared at Yamamoto. It was Reborn who answered his question.

"We came to see Tsuna."

"'Hmmm…is that so?" Yamamoto smiled as he picked up Reborn and placed the Arcobaleno on his shoulder. "Well, Tsuna's in our cottage right now. Come, I'll take both of you there." He glanced at Bianchi. "I'm sure he'll be as happy as I am to see you." He gave her his usual goofy grin.

Bianchi lowered her sunglasses down to her eyes and moved her head to the side, avoiding Yamamoto's gaze. For some reason, she felt elated by such simple words. She, however, didn't give Yamamoto the satisfaction of knowing that.

"Enough talk," she said, trying to sound as impatient as possible. "Start walking and take us to where Tsuna is."

As always, her proud demeanor didn't affect Yamamoto. He continued to grin at her, as if she had just told him an amusing story. "Sure, no problem," was his friendly response and then he signaled her to follow him towards the far end of the beach.

Lagging behind Yamamoto (who was currently having a nice chitchat with Reborn), Bianchi released a sharp breath as she sharply stared at the boy's back.

Damn you, Yamamoto Takeshi. Why am I so happy to see you, too?


Bianchi was fully aware of the attention she was getting as she walked along the crowded beach with nothing on but a skimpy, red swimsuit. A few women threw her an envious look; the men, meanwhile, followed her ever movement with their part-admiring, part-lustful gazes. She didn't pay interest to any of them, though. To Bianchi, they might as well be invisible, nonexistent even. After all, they were not him.

Indeed, she was determined to seek the attention of one person and one person alone. He was the only person who could make her heart race like no other, the only one who could make her believe that the world was full of flowers, sunshine and butterflies. Her body, her love, her everything belonged only to him.

Amidst the crowd, she saw him. He simply stood out from everyone as he sat there unmoving on someone's shoulder. She smiled as she felt that familiar light, warm feeling she would experience every time her eyes laid on him.

Reborn had never failed to have that effect on her.

Her eyes wandered to the person carrying her dear Arcobaleno. Strangely, she continued to feel that light, warm feeling that she thought she would only feel for Reborn. Suddenly, her heart raced, and raced even more when the boy grinned. Bianchi's own smile faded.

Turning to her right, she focused her eyes on the people playing in the water. She took several deep breaths in order to ease her rapidly pulsating heartbeat. When she felt everything was back to normal, she gave him another glance. She had to be sure of one thing.

The light, warm feeling returned; her heart raced again.

And Bianchi could not stop herself from muttering a curse.

This couldn't be happening to her. She was loyal to Reborn, for chrissakes!

Bianchi took a sharp intake of breath. She began convincing herself that this was nothing but a test. Yes, this must be one of those trials she had to go through to prove that her love for Reborn would be forever loyal and true. Now, all she needed to do was keep herself strong.

"You cannot tempt me, Yamamoto Takeshi." she muttered under her breath. "I will not allow you to tempt me, even if you look so fucking good and even if you are so fucking adorable."

A moment after she had said these words, Bianchi blinked. A realization had dawned on her. "I did not just say that…" she mumbled in disbelief.

"Hey, Bianchi-san!"

Bianchi narrowed her eyes as a grinning Yamamoto waved and moved closer and closer to where she was. She clenched her fists tightly. And as soon as he was only a foot away from her…

"Damn you, Yamamoto Takeshi!" she exclaimed as she hastily walked past him, leaving him to stare after her in wonder.

"Eh? What did I do?" He turned to Reborn.

Reborn smiled. "Women–they are so hard to understand."

"You sound as if you had lots of experiences with women." Yamamoto grinned.

"I do," Reborn replied casually. "I had several lovers. In fact, Bianchi is," he raised four of his fingers up, " My fourth one."

After hearing this, Yamamoto simply stared at Reborn blankly. But a second or two later, he laughed heartily like he had just heard a very good joke. "You are really funny, kid."
