Text Message Madness 4
Summary: After Shawn Takes a Shot in the Dark, Shawn is in the hospital and can't sleep, so he decides to text Lassiter.
Again, Shawn is italic, Lassie is bold.
He was jittery. And not the normal 'I'm Shawn and I'm full of pineapples and sugar' kind of jittery. Rather it was the 'I was missing for two days, shot, man-handled and had to jumped onto the hood of a speeding car' kind of jittery. He was hyped up on adrenalin and residual panic. He couldn't sleep, despite how tired he was.
Though he wouldn't admit it, he had been terrified. And not terrified by Shawn and Gus standards, where they would be 'terrified' by two people popping up in the back of their car. He had been legit, scared-for-your-life terrified. And it wasn't wearing off.
He glanced at the clock, 3:04 AM.
Why couldn't he just go home? Hospital beds were so uncomfortable, and lacking a certain boyfriend of his with strong arms and a lovely smell.
His eyes wandered from the clock to his phone, which rested on the table beside it. Technically, Shawn wasn't supposed to use his cell phone in the hospital. Technically, it messed with something or another (an explanation he had not bothered to listen to or remember from several hospital trips back). And technically, Shawn didn't care. So using his not-restrained-in-an-itchy-sling arm he reached over and snatched up his phone and quickly typed out something.
I can't sleep.
There was a pause that was, in retrospect, shorter than what one would have expected at 3 AM, but to Shawn it felt like forever. Finally, the phone silently lit up.
Me neither.
Why couldn't you stay here again?
Stupid visiting hours bullshit.
You're an officer of the law, couldn't we say you were my guard or something?
Good idea, let's do that tomorrow night.
Definitely, because I really would like to sleep.
How are all those drugs your on not knocking you out?
I dunno. All I know is I can't sleep without you.
Do you honestly believe you'd still be able to sleep even if I was there?
I'm fantasizing so, yes.
I envy you then, I don't think I'll sleep for a month after these past few days.
You're telling me.
There was a long pause, neither man sent a message for a long moment. Then, finally, Shawn's phone lit up again.
I was really scared, Shawn.
Me too.
I really thought I was going to lose you.
I'd never leave you, Lassie-pop. Not like that.
I promise.
Maybe you shouldn't consult for a while…just until you heal. Completely.
Now I know THAT is a joke.
Shawn, please. For me? Put my heart at ease? I almost went into cardiac arrest several times.
Only if you take the time off with me.
I want to go to Disneyland.
Disneyland, really?
Yes. I want to go and get the full experience. And I want us to do it together.
I think I'd like that a lot, Shawn. I bet you'll get a lot of love with your sling, too.
You know it! Disney people are like fucking angels, and if I have this puppy on we could even go to the front of some lines!
There was another pause. Shawn glanced at the clock again, 3:24 AM.
I feel better now, Lassie.
Me too.
Maybe we can get some sleep now.
Maybe…I'll be by first thing in the morning tomorrow. And I might just bring a pineapple smoothie with me :)
Oh I knew there was a reason I loved you.
Goodnight, Shawn.
Goodnight, Lassie-fo-fassie
With a smile on his lips, Shawn placed his phone on the table beside him and let his eyes slip closed. Before he knew it, he was fast asleep.
So. Yea. I'm tired but can't sleep and it's almost 3:30, so I thought I'd write another quick TMM fic. I haven't written one in forever and this isn't really that great but hey, Shassie is so much fun who cares? :D
Thank you for reading, lovelies!