Hi, eberybady! Haw da yu du? XDD

No, our english skills are alright. Nothing is wrong, don't worry. We got an A plus on our spelling test. Yay.

"AHH!!" Kirihara screamed. "MURA-BUCHOU!! How could you leave without me?"

...Why did he do this? Because Seigaku gave Yukimura a heart attack and Yukimura died! (For furthur reference, please read our other story: 'The Story of How Rikkaidai Died!')

Just joking.

What Kirihara ACTUALLY said was:

"AHH!!" Kirihara screamed. "MURA-BUCHOU!!"

"What is it, Akaya?" Yukimura asked oh-ever-so-calmly.


"BOO!" Gakuto suddenly appeared out of somewhere.

"AHH! ZOMBIE! ZOMBA! ZONE! CONE! CANE! CANDY CANE! ...Candy cane tastes good! AH! I feeeeeeeeeeel good!" The INNER Sanada said. BUT! The OUTER Sanada STILL did not master the awesome technique of controlling the INNER Sanada, so, what he said was, "Eel's good!"

"ZOMG!" Marui pointed an accusing finger at Sanada. "HE JUST SAID CANDY CANE!!"

"...no, Marui, he just said that eels are good." Yanagi also pointed an accusing finger. BUT! That finger was only INDIRECTLY pointing at Marui, what was DIRECTLY pointing at Marui was... bandages. Why? Because he just injured his finger! OHH! Poor him!

"NO NO NO!!" Marui said. "I'm postive that he just said candy cane. Uh, I mean, he just THOUGHT of candy cane."



"...are you a psychic or something?"

"...uhh... Anyways," Marui pointed his AWESOME accusing finger at the Hyoutei regulars. "Why are YOU guys here?"

"Ahh... we were bored." Gakuto replied.

"...and why are you guys bored?" Marui asked.

"Being bored doesn't need a reason!" Gakuto rolled his eyes.

"... Then go and practice tennis." Kirihara suggested.


"...Why not?" Yukimura asked.


"...WHY NOT?! AHNNNNNNN?" The INNER Sanada shouted. BUT! The outer Sanada only said, "NOT AHNNN!!"




BEEP! Sanada stopped working.



"...what.the.hell.was.that?" Shishido asked.

"Uhh... he... stopped working?" Marui suggested.

"...okay... whatever."

"You people are disrupting our tennis practice." Yukimura said.

"Uhh... as far as I can see, you are not having any tennis practice either." Oshitari pointed out.

"AHH!!" Kirihara shouted. "MURA-BUCHOU!!"

"What is it now, Akaya?"

"Some random dude burned our rackets!!" Kirihara complained.

"Ohhhh...! I see..." Yukimura smiled. "So...where is that dude now?"

"Umm... there!" Kirihara pointed to the Hyoutei regulars, but he doesn't mean that the Hyoutei regulars was the 'dude' because in the midst of the Hyoutei regulars was... Taki. Yay.

"I'll give you three more seconds to live." Yukimura smiled SO pleasantly.

"1... 2..."

Suddenly a gun roared. RAWR!! And... Taki fell to the ground, dead. All heads turned towards the source of the gunshot. And... they saw... Shiraishi Kuranosuke!!

"Ooh... ecstasy!" Shiraishi put his gun away in his pocket. And yes, he KILLED Taki. And Taki DIED. But nobody cares about him so whatever.

"...why are YOU here?" Marui asked.

"Ahh... thats because I was bored." Shiraishi replied matter-of-factly.

"...then go and practice tennis!" Kirihara suggested again!

"...I can't."


"...Because that dude I just killed burnt my racket."



"...ahh... ecstasy!"

"Look," Marui said. "If your rackets got burnt then don't you guys know HOW TO BUY A NEW ONE?!"

"...dude. That dude that burnt our rackets also burnt the dudes in the sports shop, so now there is currently no dudes in the sport shops, but why didn't we just take the racket just like that? Ah... because... That dude that burnt our rackets also threatened that he will burn us if we go and get a new racket... in ANY way!! Ahh... how terrifying!" Gakuto replied.

"... but that dude," Marui pointed at Shiraishi, "That dude just killed the dude that burnt our rackets."

"...ah... ecstasy!"


"So go and get a new racket!"





"...Dude, will you stop saying 'ecstasy'?" Gakuto demanded.

"...Dude, then will you stop saying 'dude'?" Shiraishi demanded back. (Yes, that was wrongly punctuated. Please don't copy us.)

"But like, DUDE! That's like, DUDE! How can you live without saying DUDE??"

"...ahh... ecstasy."

"...go to hell."

"...dude, get a life, go to heaven!"




"...98.46784231590 (Yes, that zero was totally unnecessary, but who cares.) percent that this dude," Yanagi pointed at Shiraishi. "Will say-"

"Ahh..." Shiraishi began.

"-ecstasy again." Yanagi finished.

"...ecstasy!!" he exclaimed.

"...dude...will you stop saying 'ecstasy'?"

"...Dude, will you stop saying 'dude'?"

"...eh... DUDES! Will ya dudes please stop arguing?" Jackal stepped in between the two.



"DUDE... go ta hell." Gakuto and Shiraishi both said at the same time.


BEEP! Jackal stopped working. But! Sanada started working again! Yay.

"Ehh..wait! Dudes of Hyoutei! I seek your captain, where should he be?" Sanada asked. Why did he suddenly sound like that? Because! When he stopped working, somethings broke, and I think that affected him! K O! Super effective!! So!

Beep! Sanada stopped working. BUT! Jackal started working again! Not yay.

And so, the Hyoutei regulars parted, to reveal THE great awesomish-est (Yes, that's not a word.) Atobe-sama... ranting... about what? You wouldn't like to know... but if you insist, we shall tell you. Let's take a look:

"Eels are good! Get it? Eels are guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuud!! Eels are smort so you will become smuert."

"...Atobe, you mean 'SMART'!" Shishido pointed out.


"No, Ore-sama does NOT mean 'SMART', Ore-sama means 'Ore-sama' ! So you will NOT say that Ore-sama means 'SMART', because Ore-sama does NOT mean 'smart'! 'Ore-sama' is a charming being that is used to describe an equally charming person such as Ore-sama! And you ask WHY Ore-sama is so charming? ...Because Ore-sama eats eels, so Ore-sama is SMUERT!"

"Atobe... noone wants to know all that."


"Ore-sama has an idea!"

"...dude, don't just ignore people..." Kirihara said.

"Since ALL of our rackets are burned, let's go to Seigaku!!" Atobe declared.

"Ahh... good idea! Ecstasy!!" Shiraishi said.

"Ah, yeah, let's go!" Gakuto agreed.

"Mura-buchou, can we go too?" Kirihara asked.

"Well-" Yukimura began.

STOP! Whether Yukimura likes it or not, Rikkai has to go to Seigaku so yeah, they went. Yay. That's the power of the authoress(es)!

It got a little out of hand in this chapter... so the actual PK will start on the next chapter. Please stay tuned!