Hello again,

Once again this is another story about Sara and Grissom set in my own alternate universe and follows no story line...The first chapter is long to get you into the suspense of it and as always please leave a review for each chapter.

Take care,


Alone Together:

"I hear congratulations are in order," said Catherine as she sat down for a cup of coffee.

Grissom smiled and poured her a cup of coffee.

"Is it true you and Sara will be going to San Francisco?" asked Catherine.

"I don't think it would look good if we opted not to receive the award in person," said Grissom.

"How is Ecklie taking all this?" asked Catherine. "Sara is not on his list of favorite employees."

"She's getting the award…not just me," he said.

"Still, I'm surprised Ecklie would allow both of you to go together," she said.

"It's both of us or neither of us," said Grissom.

"I guess Sara is anxious to see her old friends," said Catherine.

"I haven't talked with her much," he said.

It was the truth.

They had been too busy these days.

They had been notified just the other day that they had won the prestigious award for their recent research in the forensic field of science. They had a moment of accomplishment before they were back in the field on a crime scene. Few details of the award banquet had been given. If it had been a year ago, he would have panicked at the idea of traveling alone with her. Things had changed. They had come to a better place in their relationship.

The past year had been difficult. They rarely spoke to one another, and Sara had seemed out of sorts. Her altercation with Ecklie had destined her to leave Vegas, but Grissom did not want to lose her. He refused to fire her and did something he had not done before. He faced a confrontation with her, refusing to back down; and in the end, she had divulged her past.

He sat there and listened to her speak of her father's death; and with each word, he wondered how he had let so many years get between them without any mention of their past. It certainly explained a lot. He felt guilty for not noticing the problem sooner. He worked more closely with her after the incident, and they soon began doing research together. He had enjoyed working with her, and now they would soon receive recognition from their field for their work.

"I was just notified of the location," he said.

Sara strolled in and smiled.

He had gotten used to seeing that smile again.

"I booked us flights for the award banquet," he announced.

"Chicago?" she asked.

"San Francisco," he said.

He noticed how her smile faded.

"San Francisco?" she asked with her back turned.

"You'll get to see your old friends," said Catherine.

I'll have to see him again…

I never wanted to go back there…

Even when things were bad here…

I never thought I would go back there…

"I haven't kept up with many," she said quietly.

"We leave tomorrow," he said.

She tensed for a moment but forced herself to turn and smile.

"Listen, I'm sure Ecklie doesn't want us both gone at the same time. You go," she said.

He looked surprised.

Catherine looked suspiciously at her.

"The award is for both of us," he said.

"You can receive it for both of us," she said.

"It's both of us or neither of us," he said.

Catherine glanced at Grissom.

It was not like him to push to go to one of these functions.

She knew it had to be he would be spending time away with Sara.

Catherine smiled.

He's finally ready to make that move…

It's about damn time!

"What are you all smiles about?" asked Grissom to Catherine.

"Have a good trip…don't forget to enjoy yourselves…it's not often you get a paid vacation," she said as she left the break room.

Sara hid her face from view.

It's not going to be a vacation…

It's going to be the nightmare from hell…

"I suggest you pack," said Grissom as he headed out of the break room.

She turned and gawked when she heard him whistling.

He met her at the airport.

She wore a smile.

It was the only thing he noticed.

"Aisle seat," he announced.

"Middle seat," she said.

They sat there quietly while they waited for the flight.

"Looking forward to seeing your old friends again?" he asked.

"It's been awhile," she said. "I haven't kept up with many."

"You should drop in," he said.

"They'll be at the banquet," she said "I'm sure I'll see them sometime."

The conversation ended.

The awkwardness began.

He watched the passengers coming and going while she sat there and tried to recall the last time they had ever gone out of town together.

"We've never done this," she said.

"No, we haven't," he said.

They boarded the plane and took their seats.

Grissom looked a bit annoyed when a young man came and took the window seat. He pulled out his magazine he had been saving and began to read.

"Hi, I'm Paul," said the young man.

"Hi," replied Sara.

Grissom grinned.

"You like the window seat?" he asked.

"No," she said.

Grissom smiled again.

"Me either," said Paul.

Sara leaned her seat back and closed her eyes.

"You tired?" asked Grissom.

"I uhm hate take offs," lied Sara.

"Me too," said Grissom.

She smiled.

It belonged to him.

She had meant it for him, and he felt warm inside.

He stared at that smile and returned it.

Paul frowned.

As the flight continued, the knots in her stomach tightened. She dreaded the banquet. She had buried herself in research in order to spend time with Grissom. She had no idea it would bring her back to San Francisco. The stewardess came for the drink order, and she envied Paul.

He ordered alcohol.

She wanted to.

She ordered water instead.

Grissom ordered juice.

Take his orange juice and add some vodka…

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

"No, uhm no," she lied again.

The knots continued in her stomach until she could barely breathe.

"You uhm have problems with flying?" he asked.


He glanced down and stared at her hands as they gripped the seat.

She hid them under her legs.

"Looks like you could use a drink," offered Paul. "Could I buy you one?"

Grissom tightened the hold on his magazine.

Her hesitation scared him.

Yes, a shot of tequila….

"No thanks," she said softly.

He loosened his grip.

She closed her eyes and tried to shut out the urge to grab Paul's drink and finish it.

Five years…

It's been five years…

Everything has changed…

I've changed…

Not really…

I'm the same…

It's as if I've been stuck in some time warp and everything has changed except me…

I'm still me…

Plain Sara…

Still single and screwed up as ever…

Jenny will be there…

I'll get to see her again…

I stopped calling…

Lost contact with her…

She tried to continue the friendship…

I didn't…


She opened her eyes and saw that he was standing.

She hurried and gathered her things.

"Short flight," she said.

"You must have dozed," he said.

She was surprised when she noticed their rooms were next to one another. She stepped inside, and he brought in her luggage. "We have an hour or so before the meet and greet."

She swallowed hard.

"Is it necessary?" she asked.

"Yes," he said. "Are you feeling well?"

"I'm fine," she lied.

She wasn't fine.

"I'm going to get some paperwork done. Tap on the door when you're ready," he said motioning for the door between their rooms.

He unlocked it and stepped through into his. She noticed how he did not lock it on his side. It was a bold move. She could easily step through the door at any time. Any other time, she would have spent the next hour daydreaming about stepping through that door and into his bed.

Her daydreams would have to wait.

She needed to prepare herself in case she ran into him.

She stepped out of the shower and dressed. It was a formal meet and greet.

She knew he would be wearing a suit.

She loved him in suits.

Of course she loved him in anything.

Why San Francisco….

I could be enjoying this…

Instead I'm dreading the moment I run into him…

She looked up when she heard the tap on the door.

He stepped in and stared at her.

She glanced down at the gown and suddenly felt very self conscious.

"You uhm don't like it?" she asked quickly.

He searched for the right words.

He had taken too long.

Her shoulders slumped.

"Sara, it's beautiful," he stuttered out.

"Right," she said. "Look, I don't care for these meet and greets."

"Me either," he said with a slight grin. "We'll make an appearance and then leave."

"Good," she said as she sighed.

They were not prepared for the instant notoriety as they stepped into the room. Sara watched as he was led away from her as an old colleague began to chat. He glanced at her when a man began talking with her.

They both frowned.

"We met on the plane," said Paul.

"Yes…we did," said Sara now wishing she had taken that drink.

"If I had known who you were, I would have asked you about your research," said Paul.

She was glad she did not offer her name.


Sara turned and smiled when she saw Jenny.

"It's great to see you again," smiled Jenny.

Jenny pulled Sara away from Paul.

"If you want to go back…"

"Keep walking Jenny. Keep walking," she whispered.

Jenny giggled.

"So how've you been?" asked Jenny.


"You stopped calling…didn't return emails."

"I know," said Sara.

"We have a lot to talk about."

"We do?" asked Sara.

"Ran into any of the unit yet?"

"You're the first," said Sara.

"David is here with his fiancé," said Jenny.

Jenny waited for a reaction, but there was none.

"You did that very well," said Jenny.

"Did what?" asked Sara.

"You didn't even flinch," said Jenny.

"I would have to care. I don't," said Sara.

"That means you're either married or engaged," said Jenny.


"I am," said Jenny.

Sara stared.

"I got married two years ago," said Jenny. "I tried to get you to come, but you didn't return my phone calls."

"I've been busy," said Sara quietly.

"I'll introduce you to him. He's dropping in to get me," she said. "He doesn't like me staying out too late these days."

Sara frowned.

"We have a six month old son," said Jenny. "He cries if I'm not home to tuck him in. He's a momma's boy."

"You have a son?" asked Sara.

"I told you we have a lot to talk about," smiled Jenny.

Grissom appeared.

Sara made the introductions. Others came and joined in the conversation. Sara could tell that already Grissom was ready to leave. She was also. She was not prepared for David's entrance. He scanned the room and came directly to them.

"Mr. Grissom, it's good to see you again," said David.

Sara felt the air leave her lungs.

"I'm not sure we've met," said Grissom.

"It was several years ago. Sara and I attended a lecture of yours," said David not bothering to look in Sara's direction.

"I remember Sara. I don't remember you," said Grissom.

Sara smiled inwardly.

David then turned his attention to Sara.

"You haven't changed Sara."

"Neither have you."

She purposely held her gaze as did he.

Neither budged.

It was the voice of a young woman that caused them to break the silence.


He turned and smiled at the woman.

"Sara, this is Rebecca, my fiancé. Rebecca, this is an old coworker of mine."

Grissom caught the flinch as Sara stepped back.

"Sara, I've got some photos to show you," interrupted Jenny. "Sorry, David, but she's mine tonight."

"You two were always thick as thieves," said David.

Jenny grabbed Sara, and Grissom followed as she led them out of the room.

Grissom stepped into his room as Jenny and Sara disappeared into hers.

Jenny pulled out the baby photos and showed them to Sara.

"He's beautiful," said Sara softly.

"It seems strange," said Jenny. "You were so convinced you were going to be married first."

"Things change," said Sara quietly.

"How've you been really?" asked Jenny.

"I'm fine," said Sara.

"David still gets to you. Some things haven't changed," said Jenny.

"This Rebecca..."

"Her father is a district judge. He sees it as a step on the career ladder. He doesn't plan to work for the DA's office much longer."

Jenny's phone rang.

Sara sifted through the photos while she spoke.

"I hope you don't mind, but my husband is on his way up here with our son. He got a little fussy."

"No. Of course not," said Sara.

"You and Grissom did a wonderful job on the research project," said Jenny.

"Thank you."

"I kind of thought there was something between the two of you…" She stopped when there was a knock.

Sara was glad for the interruption.

She opened the door.

"Hey, come on in," said Jenny as she took the baby.

"Sara, this is Brad, and this little one is Scotty."

Sara smiled.

The baby whimpered for a moment as Jenny patted him on the back.

Her phone rang again.

"Sara, could you take him for a moment?" asked Jenny.

The baby was thrust into her arms, and she felt awkward as she sat there holding him.

"It's a problem with a case. Brad, it involves you," said Jenny. Sara sat there as the baby stared at her. She smiled. He smiled back. She patted his back, and he cooed. It made Sara's heart skip a beat. He reached for her hair and grabbed it. She let him. He smiled. She smiled back. He tried to put her hair into his mouth, but Jenny snapped her fingers and shook her finger at him. He frowned. Sara grinned. He glanced at Jenny and tried once more, but her finger was back in the air.

Sara remembered the stress ball in her brief case, and she pulled it out. She handed it to him, and he smiled.

She sat there mesmerized by the baby.

Jenny got off the phone and smiled.

"I can see he already has you wrapped around his finger," said Jenny.

"He's beautiful," whispered Sara.

"He's going to be very manipulative like his father," said Jenny.

"I never was…"

There was a soft tap, and Grissom appeared.

"Sara…" he stopped the moment he saw the baby in her arms.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know…"

"We were just leaving. It's past his bed time," said Jenny. "Call me tomorrow."

Sara watched as she took the baby from her arms.

"Call me… promise?" asked Jenny.

"I promise," she said.

Grissom waited until they left.

"Sorry, I didn't know she was still here," he said.

"It's fine," she said.

"I was going to go down and get something from the restaurant since we skipped dinner," he said. "You uhm hungry?"

She seemed strange.

He did not think Jenny's visit had upset her, but she suddenly seemed sad.

"I think I'll stay clear of downstairs," she said.

It was not going the way he had planned.

I wanted to have dinner with you…

I had hoped you would have asked, and I could have said yes this time…

"Room service," he offered.

"I'm not hungry," she said quietly.

He was not prepared for her to turn him down.

It was not like her.

He stepped back into his room but purposely left the door open between the rooms. He heard the shuffling of drawers and then the sound of a shower running. He called room service and ordered enough for two in hopes she would change her mind. The vision of her sitting there in the gown holding the baby seemed to rattle him. He had never imagined Sara with a child until that moment, and he wondered if there was more to what had transpired that night than he was willing to admit.

He knew about David Hollister. He knew that he and Sara had dated. There was still something between them. Grissom felt it. He had watched as David purposely did not look at Sara unless her head was turned. He knew that game. He had played it for years. He knew that David Hollister was still attracted to Sara. He wondered if Sara was having regrets. Room service arrived. He tapped on the open door and looked around the room. He found her standing by the window.

"I ordered extra in hopes you had changed your mind," he said.

When she did not turn, he grew concerned and stepped into the room.



"I ordered soup and sandwiches. Interested?"

"I'm sorry. I was…"

"A million miles away," he finished for her. "Are you alright?"

"Just tired."

"Mine or yours?" he asked.

She looked confused.

"Come with me," he said.

The tray sat on the bed since the table was covered with papers.

"I was trying to get caught up with some paperwork," he said.

She slid down onto the floor taking a pillow to support her back. He handed her a sandwich when she declined the soup. She smiled when she saw that it was pimento cheese.

"Not much on the menu for vegetarians," he said.

"Thanks," she said.

"Glad you came?" he asked.

They both knew the answer to that.

"Ready to go home," she said. "We have cases…"

"Sara, everyone needs to get away sometime."

"You don't," she said.

"Actually I'll be gone for two weeks this month. I'm going to a convention," he said.

She tried to hide the disappointment.

"You should take some time off," he said.

I have no place to go…

Besides if I did, I would end up alone…

I can stay home and be alone…

At least when I work, we're alone together…

You'll be gone for two weeks…

He watched as her mind drifted off once more.

"Your friend Jenny seems very nice," he said softly.

"I didn't stay in touch," she said.

She sat the half eaten sandwich back on the tray. "I never imagined Jenny married. She often said she never would. She's married and has a baby." "He uhm wrapped his hands in my hair…I didn't know babies smelled so sweet. He smelled like…she seems happy. I'm happy for her," said Sara quietly. "Her life went on while mine…"

She stopped and for a moment he saw the sadness in her eyes.

"I think I'll turn in now…maybe I can get some rest," she said.

He nodded and said nothing as she disappeared into her room again shutting the door between the rooms.

He felt helpless.

She obviously was sad.

Maybe she wishes she was David's fiancé…

She would be getting married and could start her own family…

She wants to be married…

She wants children…

I never knew any of this…

I never asked…

Sleep did not come nor did the rest as she found herself pacing in the room. She glanced at the door between the rooms. He had purposely opened it ,but she had shut it.

Stupid, stupid, stupid Sara…

You could have just strolled in there…

You could have sat down on the bed…

Probably even laid down and watched him work…

Maybe he would have sat down beside you…

Maybe he would have let you touch him…

It's what you want to do….

Reach out and touch him…

See how your head feels against his chest…

Your arms wrapped around him…

Your lips touching his…

Your body next to his…

Giving your body to him…

Stop it, Sara!

He doesn't want you…

David didn't want you…

As soon as he found out about your past…

He dropped you…

But then, he was cruel and mean and…

Grissom isn't like that…

But then, Grissom considers you a friend…

Nothing more…

For five years…

There's been nothing more…

Never will be…

You'll spend the rest of your life suspended while the others go on with their lives…

Yours stopped the moment he…

There was a tap on the door, and she started to open it when she realized it was not the adjoining door.

It's Grissom….

He doesn't think he's welcome since I shut the door…

She opened the door and found David standing there with a smile.

"Hello, Sara. Missed me?"

Note from author:

Welcome back. This idea came to me in a dream…I am so in need of therapy. LOL

Take care,
