10 years later

Kagome held her sleeping little girl to her chest as she walked towards her house. The two had spent a busy day playing at the nearby pond, and it had tired out both Kagome and Sae. Kagome entered the house, smiling a warm smile at her mate. She lay Sae down, then walked towards her mate and their two boys, Iyo and Izymi, who were younger than Sae.

Inuyasha stood up, and kissed Kagome on her lips. She smiled into the kiss, and raised her arms to embrace him. Inuyasha rested his head in her hair, breathing in her scent.

"I love you," he whispered, holding her tightly.

"I love you too," she whispered back, cupping his face in her hands.

Inuyasha smiled, and stroked her head gently. He raised his hand higher and caressed one of Kagome's dog-ears. He loved that they looked like his.

"I still cannot believe that you did this," he said, looking into her eyes.

"Why wouldn't I want to be a hanyou like my husband?" she asked, then kissed him on the nose. She closed her eyes, remembering that day.

"Inuyasha, the jewel is complete now," Kagome said, a small smile on her face It had taken a long time, but Naraku had been defeated and the jewel restored, but Miroku and Sango had lost their lives in the pursuit. Shippoo had decided to go his own way, as he was a young adult now.

Kagome reached out her hand with the jewel in it, offering it to him. "I know how much you want to be a full demon," she said.

Inuyasha looked into her eyes, and then sighed. "Kagome, all I want is you," he said, grabbing her by her arm and pulling her into his embrace.

"But, Inuyasha –" she started, but was cut off when he placed a clawed finger on her lips.

"I meant what I said, Kagome. Having you is more important than anything in this world," he said, caressing her cheek.

Kagomes eyes glistened with new tears, and she forced herself to look away. "Inuyasha, I am a human. You are a hanyou."

"And?" he asked, confused.

"I am going to die eventually," she whispered. "You have lived for centuries."

Inuyasha flattened his ears. He placed a finger under her jaw and turned her to face him. "Isn't a long, happy life with me enough?"

"So you would love me even when I am 80 years old, all old and wrinkled?" she asked, chuckling slightly.

"Of course, Kagome," he answered, chuckling back.

Kagome believed him, but it wasn't what she wanted. She didn't want to be the old lady who had a young, handsome hanyou as a companion.

She looked at the jewel, and took it from his hand.

"You aren't going to use this?" she asked, looking at it.

Inuyasha looked at it, and then at her. "No, I'm not."

Kagome pushed at his chest, and ran a few steps in the opposite direction. She closed her eyes and held the jewel against her heart. The jewel began to glow, and it engulfed Kagome in it's glow.

Inuyasha stood frozen, staring at Kagome. "Kagome!" he shouted, and began to slowly run towards her. The blinding light caused him to stop, and he struggled to see her.

A few moments later, the glow began to fade, and Kagome slumped onto the ground. The jewel had disappeared, and all she had in her hand was the necklace it had once been placed on. Her breathing was ragged, and she whimpered a little.

Inuyasha began running towards her again, but slowed as he saw the dog-ears on her head. His eyes widened as he walked to her, and knelt down. He picked her up and held her against her chest.

"Kagome? Kagome, please wake up," he pleaded desperately, shaking her slightly. He needed her. "Please, Kagome," he whispered. The girl stayed quiet as Inuyasha picked her up.

Kagome groaned, and shuffled in his embrace. She opened her eyes slowly.

"Kagome, what did you do?" he asked, even though he knew, and looked at her ears once again. They were black, like her hair.

Kagome brought her hand to her vision, and smiled contently at the claws on it. She felt small fangs in her mouth.

"Your eyes are deep blue, Kagome," he said, holding her closely to him.

She smiled at him. "I wanted to become a hanyou, like my mate. I am not going to be an old lady with a hanyou," she said, chuckling.

Kagome snapped back to the present as Inuyasha began talking.

"Can you believe it has been ten years already?" he asked, looking at their three children.

"No, not really," she said, falling into another memory.

Kagome emerged from the old well to her time. The jewel had been completed, but it hadn't been used yet. So far, the plan was that Inuyasha would use it to become a full demon, but that two hadn't talked about the subject much since the death or MIrkou and Sango. Inuyasha had decided to stay on the other side, as Kagome had wanted to do this alone.

Slowly, Kagome began climbing up the old ladder. She was nervous the whole way. She walked to her house, knowing that her mama would be there. She slid the door open, and entered the kitchen.

Mama Higurashi turned around, smiling at Kagome.

"Kagome, I'm glad that you are back. Where is Inuyasha?" she asked, looking past her to see if he was there.

"Inuyasha stayed in the feudal era, Mama," she said, trying to look confident.

"Kagome, is something wrong?" Mama Higurashi asked, walking to Kagome.

Kagome swallowed nervously, looking away from her mama. "Mama, I have decided to stay in the feudal era with Inuyasha."

Mama Higurashi was quiet with the sudden news, but soon smiled at Kagome. "Well, I truly hope that you enjoy it there," she said.

"Mama, when I stay, I won't be able to return," Kagome said, turning to her mama. "You understand that, right?"

Mama Higurashi sighed, then looked away for a moment. "It makes me very sad that I won't be able to see you anymore, dear, but I want for you what you want. If staying in that era makes you happy, that is where I want you to be," she said, and walked to Kagome. She embraced her in a hug, as Kagome quietly sobbed into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Mama," she whispered.

"Shh, don't be sorry, honey," she said, stroking her daughter's hair.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, looking into her eyes. "You spaced out again."

Kagome refocused on Inuyasha, then smiled at him. "I'm sorry, I have been thinking about the past a lot lately."

"Oh," he said, relieved. Kagome didn't usually wonder for full minutes at a time, and knowing that she was just thinking of the past eased him.

"The first ten years, right?" Kagome asked, smiling at him.

"Yes, the first of many," he said, kissing her again.