Could this possible be love?

Chapter 01: How everything started!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Not the characters, not the anime. Just the story.

It had been a month after the events of the Etoile election. The students hadn't stopped talking about it. They couldn't believe that the glorious yet mysterious Shizuma Hanazono had found someone at last and that someone was the new girl Nagisa Aoi. And not the fact too that Shizuma had given up her name and her pride to get back with the girl she loved. But things happen in the name of love right?

That morning our young almost new Etoile and famous around the Hill poet was up as usual. She yawned a bit and looked at her side. Nagisa's bed was empty like every single day.

She's at Shizuma's bedroom. Maria-sama one of these days she's gonna get in a serious trouble with the Sisters. And I'm gonna be the one to save her ass I'm afraid. Geez, thought Tamao.

She sighed. After the events her friendship with Nagisa went back to her old good days. Slowly she was accepting the fact that Nagisa would never be hers. She couldn't do otherwise. She didn't want to lose the most important person for her cause of her selfish feelings. She slowly stood up, picked up a towel and went to the bathroom closing the door behind her.

Suddenly, a soft click could be heard and the bedroom's door opened. A redhead girl came inside. She looked at Tamao's bed. It was empty.

Tamao-chan must be up. Thankfully, the Sisters haven't waken up yet. Maria-sama my body hurts. I shouldn't have stayed up till early hours. It was Shizuma's fault though. She's so irresistible. Maria-sama, thought Nagisa.

She let a sigh escape from her mouth. She sat on her bed and waited for Tamao to come out.

A few minutes later Tamao came out fresh and cleaned. She saw Nagisa sitting on her bed.

"Nagisa-chan. Good morning" said Tamao.

''Good morning Tamao-chan" said Nagisa.

"You can use the bathroom if you want"

Nagisa nodded and stood up. She picked up a towel and went to the bathroom. Minutes later she came out too and saw Tamao preparing herself for the day or better to say she was taking care of herself!

Wow. It's the first time I've seen Tamao-chan taking care of herself. You would expect her to do the usual stuff but today she seems different. I wonder why, thought Nagisa.

"Cough" said Nagisa.

Tamao turned around.

"Is something wrong Nagisa-chan?" said Tamao.

"You seem very different today. I wonder why" said Nagisa.

Tamao's eyes wide and turned her back to her best friend to hide her blushing cheecks.

"It's your imagination. I'm always the same" said Tamao embarrassed.

"Iie. You indeed look different" insisted Nagisa.

Nagisa walked close to the young poet. Tamao hearing footsteps behind wished the floor could open so it could shallow her. Nagisa looked at her friend from a close view.

"You have something different on you. I know it. But I haven't found the reason for it yet" said Nagisa suspicious.

Tamao gulped.

"It's nothing. Really. I'm the same as usual" said Tamao.

"Mmhm" said Nagisa thoughtful. "Could it be admire someone?''

Tamao's wide again and turned around the face her friend.

"WHAT?" said Tamao surprised.

"That's it!" said Nagisa excited. "You like someone!"

"No, no, no. No! No one. No!" said Tamao blushing again.

"Dont try to fool me. You DO like someone"

"No! I don't like anyone. And that's final!"

"Mmhm" said Nagisa thoughtful again. "Could it be Chikaru-sama?"

"What? No way. I don't see Chikaru-sama that..."

Tamao stopped middle sense. Nagisa smirked.

"Is that so?" said Nagisa.

Shit, thought Tamao realizing what she had just said.

"Then, is it Tomori-sama?" said Nagisa.

"No!" said Tamao slightly irritated.

"Mmhm" said Nagisa thoughtful for the third time. God, is she trying to work overtime today? "Could it be...Could it be...Uh huh! Could it be Rokujo-sama?"

Tamao hearing Miyuki's name turned into four shaped of red and felt her heart beating madly.

"I knew it! You like Rokujo-sama! I should have expect it. No wonder you almost fainted when you saw her in her summer uniform a week ago" said Nagisa excited again.

Tamao turned redder if she could.

"And there is evidence. I saw a picture of her hidden in one of your books" said Nagisa.

Tamao lowered her head.

"It's...It's true. I l-like R-Rokujo-sama" said Tamao embarrassed for the second time that day.

"Yay!" said Nagisa very excited.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Nagisa walked to the door and opened it.

"Good morning Nagisa" said Shizuma.

"Shizuma-sama! Good morning" said Nagisa smiling.

Shizuma walked in the room and hugged Nagisa from her waist. She gave her a light peck on the lips. Nagisa blushed. Even though they were together for only a month, Nagisa hadn't got used in Shizuma's affections yet. Everything was still new for her.

"Good morning" said Miyuki appearing from behind Shizuma's back.

"Good morning Rokujo-sama" said Nagisa.

Hearing Miyuki's voice Tamao turned to look at her. She felt weak. Her cheeks turned red. Her heart beat fast. Miyuki saw her and walked to her.

"Good morning Suzumi-san" said Miyuki smiling.

"G-Good m-morning R-Rokujo-sama" said Tamao with a tremble voice.

Suzumi-san. Whenever I look at her it warms my heart. Plus, her eyes look so attractive. I wonder why, thought Miyuki.

Maria-sama she's here. Whenever I see her I feel so weak. I can barely hold myself and not touch her...hug her...kiss her, thought Tamao.

"How are you Suzumi-san?" said Miyuki.

"I'm fine Rokujo-sama" said Tamao. "And you?"

"I'm fine. Thank you"

"You are welcome"

"Is everything ok with your lessons?"

"Yes. Sometimes I find some difficulties but I think I can manage"

"Good" said Miyuki smiling again.

"So, are you ready to have some breakfast?" interrupted Shizuma.

"Hai" said Nagisa happily.

Shizuma giggled.

"Of course Shizuma-sama" said Tamao.

"Shall we go then?'' said Shizuma.

"Hai" said both girls.

Shizuma let go off Nagisa and went out. Miyuki followed her. Tamao and Nagisa did the same.