Not sure how I feel about this last bit, it was suggested in a review and I really liked the idea, but I'm not sure I've written it right, please let me know, and thank you!


Sam awoke to sunlight streaming in through the window and Dean mumbling and thrashing beside him.

"Dean, wake up man." He nudged him gently and Dean woke with a start, blinking as if to reaffirm his arrival back into the waking world.

From that moment on, Dean kept up a steady stream of chatter, subjects ranging from, what their bacon used to be called before it had its throat slit and was tossed in a frying pan, to more suitable driving music, between AC/DC and Metallica, in his pretty much one sided conversation, AC/DC won, mainly because well Metallica don't have Highway to Hell, do they Sammy?

After doing his best to tolerate the one man radio that was Dean, Sam eventually called him on it, and instead of receiving some wise ass remark, Dean chewed on his bottom lip thoughtfully and then blurted out.

"I want to go back."

Sam nearly, physically jumped a foot in the air in shock.

"Back? Dean man, I know you're still feeling bad, but it's gone, it's torched."

"What? No, not there, I want to go back and see her."

"Her? Who's... oh. Whoa, Dean I really don't think that's a good idea, I mean think about it, what if she's called the cops, and you might upset her."

"Sam, I need to do something about it, I can't just carry on, I need to talk to her, apologise."

"But...Dean you did try to rape her." He lowered his voice dramatically

Dean rolled his eyes "Yeah thanks for that, I know and that's why I need to apologise, have you not been paying attention?"


Dean swung the car door open and hurried over to the girl, he was fairly sure her name had begun with a C, or maybe it was a G, he really wasn't sure. She was walking towards the motel room, earphones in, oblivious to his approach.

"Excuse me, miss?" he touched her shoulder and she whirled round, eyes widening and mouth open to scream.

"No, wait," he held his hands up, trying to show her he didn't mean any harm "Please just let me explain."

"Explain?" she whipped her earphones out "You're a rapist, get away from me I'm calling the cops!"

"No, I'm not. Please if you'll just let me explain, we can stay out here, in full view, we could sit or... is that a taser?"

She nodded her head "Talk fast."

"Um..." this really wasn't going the way he intended it "I uh, just wanted to apologise. I... I never meant to hurt you, I know it doesn't make what I did any better, but I just want to let you know how sorry I am."

"How the hell would you know what it's like?"

"I was raped."

She looked incredulous "In Iraq?"

"Um...Yeah." Sure, why the hell not.

"Oh." Her expression softened slightly, but she kept the taser at arm's length, ready to shock him if he tried anything.

"I uh... I guess I was just desperate to have sex again, to feel normal, you shouldn't have had to pay the price for that." He dropped his head "I'm so sorry."

She didn't respond, just stared at him, unmoving. Dean turned and headed back to the Impala and Sam.

"I didn't call the police."

He turned around; she'd dropped the taser slightly, but was still holding it out, protecting herself.

Dean nodded "Thank you. Now forget me. Forget everything that happened, it wasn't your fault, it was my own shit that you got caught up in, I'm sorry."

Dean slipped into the car as Sam turned the key in the ignition and took them away from the town, away from more bad memories.

"Did it help?"

"I don't know, but at least she might be able to move on."

"She'll be fine Dean."

"So will we Sammy."

Dean flicked his gaze to the wing mirror, watching the town roll away behind them, as the Impala took them far away, along dusty roads, where the days might get easier, but the memories and nightmares would always follow.

The End

I love you all for reading, and all the reviews, thank you so much for your time, I've had a blast I hope you have too!