Chapter 10

Reed, Sue, Ben and Celia got back to the Baxter Building with Ben carrying a disoriented Owen. Ben set him on the couch as Celia knelt next to him, grasping onto his hands. Ben and Sue stayed with her for protection as Reed went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. While in the kitchen Reed noticed a blinking light on the answering machine, indicating a message. Reed set up the coffee and pressed the button playing the message. General Hager's voice began, "Richards, its General Hager. We were able to apprehend a few of the men who attacked us at West Point. Please video conference me immediately, it's urgent." Reed looked very confused by the message, but put together the coffee for everyone and walked into the living room.

Reed handed out the coffee, noticing that Owen was still pretty out of it. He turned to Ben, "Ben will you come with me. The General needs to speak with us." Ben nodded and got up. Reed then looked to Sue and Celia, "Are you two gonna be okay?" Sue nodded saying, "Yeah, we'll be fine." With that Ben and Reed walked toward the lab.

Just then Johnny burst through the door screaming, "Where is he? Where is that son of a bitch?" Sue stood up and held Johnny back as Celia looked frightened. Sue looked around, very confused, "Johnny… Johnny… calm down. What's going on? Where's Lena?" Johnny pointed to Owen, "Why don't you ask this asshole. His goons took her!" Sue looked at Johnny with wide eyes, "What?" Johnny took a breath, "I went back to get her and she was gone." Owen started to faintly open his eyes as Celia noticed a tug on her hand. Owen gasped out, "Where am I?" Johnny stormed toward Owen screaming, "Where is she? Where did you have them take her?" Owen sat up confused, "Where is who? What's going on?" Celia grabbed Owen's hand saying, "Owen, you're in the Baxter building, and Johnny here is asking about Helena." Owen looked at Johnny, "I honestly don't know what you're talking about." Johnny became seriously angry, "You better tell me where your Matrix-looking goons took her or you'll become BBQ Owen!" Then as emphasis Johnny lit his hand on fire and put it close Owen. Owen became terrified, "What Matrix-looking goons?" Johnny became enraged and Sue jumped in, "Johnny sit down." Johnny tried to protest, "But Sue…" Sue then turned to him and growled, "Just sit down!" Sue walked calmly over to Owen, but kept an angry glare as she said, "He's talking about the ones who attacked us in New York."

In the meantime, Reed and Ben sat in the lab on a video conference with General Hager. Reed looked confused as he asked, "What are you trying to tell us?" The General repeated, "I'm telling you that most of these men are not from the US. We originally thought they were from Hungary, but we were able to contact the family of one of them. They aren't from Hungary." Now it was Ben's turn to look confused, "Then where are they from?" The General took a breath, "We've determined the country of origin is… Latveria." Reed's eyes widened as he softly exclaimed, "No… that's impossible. It must be some sort of a mistake." The General sighed, "It's not a mistake. Three more men that we had captured have ties to the same country. That's too much of a coincidence to ignore."

Helena awoke to the sound of music, holding her head while trying to feel for a bump. A second later she looked around her at the metal room she woke up in, buckets of dry ice surrounding her. Helena panicked, gasping for air as she hugged herself for warmth. She looked around for an exit, and seeing a large metal door she inched her way over on top of the large towel she stood on. Helena knew that if she touched the metal floor that her skin would stick to it.

When she got to the door, she tried desperately to open it with no luck at all. "Shit!" Helena gasped out as she inched her way back while hugging herself. Getting very frustrated she yelled out, "That's it! I'm getting outta here!" but just before she could transform herself into water form she heard a calm voice say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Helena looked to the door after hearing the voice behind it. She saw a small window on the door and tried to look through it but couldn't see. She yelled out, "And why not?" The calm, familiar voice smugly answered her, "Don't you feel that chill? You'd instantly become an icicle." Helena breathed out and watched her breath float in front of her, "What am I supposed to do?" The voice laughed and responded, "Why don't you think about a volcano, or maybe your boyfriend." Helena looked around and judging by the circumstances, her time seemed rather short.

Johnny sat down, rocking back and forth, and as Sue paced back and forth she turned her wedding ring around her finger. Sue glanced at Celia and Owen on the couch, Owen sat hunched over with Celia next to him, her arm around him. Just then, Reed and Ben entered the living room. Everyone looked to them, Reed and Ben looked nervous as they approached the group with news they still couldn't believe. Sue walked over to her husband and held his hand for support. Reed began, "That was General Hager. He said a few of the men that attacked you were captured alive." Sue smiled, as did Johnny, as she said, "Well that's good news, right?" Ben coughed as Reed replied, "Part of it is. Owen," Reed walked toward the hunched over Molecule Man, leaving Sue with Ben, as he continued, "Are you certain you don't know about these men?" After saying that Reed took out a couple of pictures of the men being held at West Point; Owen looked up at Reed, confused, "Why are you being nice to me? What's in it for you?" Reed took a breath and replied, "If these men were employed by who I think they were, then you are the least of our worries." Owens eyes went wide and he took the pictures. Looking over the pictures Owen kept shaking his head, "I don't know any of these men." Ben walked forward a few steps, "You're sure?" Owen looked to Ben, "I've never seen these men before in my life."

Reed breathed deep and rubbed his face, "That's what I was afraid of." Everyone instantly looked at Reed. Ben continued, "General Hager and his team were able to determine the country of origin for the men they apprehended." Celia looked to Ben, "Where are they from?" Reed took the reins on this one, "These men are from…"

Helena sat alone in the dark, cold room, her tears freezing instantly. "I'll never get out of here," Helena shivered out into the dry, painful air. Just then she heard a rumble through the wall to her left and then a raspy voice mutter out, "I wouldn't talk too much, it's a waste of oxygen." Helena gasped, the bitter air filling her lungs as she held her throat in pain, the stranger continued, "Yeah, I wouldn't do that either." Helena smiled and was about to laugh when she remembered the dry air. She asked, "What's your name?" The man sighed, "Okay, I guess we're talking… my name is Peter." Helena smiled, happy for the company, "Hello Peter, I'm Helena. Don't worry we're gonna get out of here." Peter let out a short chuckle, "Yeah, that's what the last guy said." Helena looked around her at all the dry ice, "How long have you been here?" Peter thought for a moment, "It will be one month in two days." Helena responded, "Oh," and thought some more, "Sorry to ask you this, but… how are you still alive?" Peter sighed, "The dry ice thing only lasted about two days for me." Helena nodded, "But why only for you?" Peter continued, "About a day after I was captured, this very large man walked in and told me that as a doctor himself, he respected me too much to kill me. That night I was taken to another room, and when I was brought back here the dry ice was gone. I did overhear a couple of goons talking about how they needed to save it up for some 'big fish' but didn't think anything of it." Helena choked out, "Why not?" Peter thought for a second, "Because beside me, you're the only prisoner I've known of that they've used dry ice on. Now as a doctor, I'm recommending that you conserve as much oxygen as possible." Helena chuckled, "Believe me doctor I'm not your ordinary patient." Peter laughed a little, "The last guy said that too."

Owen sat hunched over, on Helena's bed, crying. Celia slowly entered the room and sat by his side. Celia carefully caressed his back and looked down toward his face. She softly spoke, "I know you didn't have Helena captured, but why would you put your trust in this man?" Owen choked out, "Because I wanted you to notice me!" Celia looked at Owen, completely confused, "What?" He continued, "He told me that he could help me get everything I always wanted, including you. He told me that strong men don't ask for what they want; they take it, by any means necessary." Celia sighed, "Owen… you never needed him at all. I noticed you every day, for years. The way you held the door for any woman, the way you lit up when you thought of a new experiment, the way you looked at me when I walked by. You're a good man Owen, don't shortchange that." Owen looked up and slightly smiled, Celia took that opportunity to caress his cheek, "I think it's time to talk to Reed." Owen gently held the hand Celia used to caress his cheek, he conceded, "I know… I know."

After over-hearing this exchange, Johnny walked down the hallway and peeked into Ben and Alicia's room. Ben sat there staring at the phone on his desk, a picture of Alicia and Ben from Sue and Reed's wedding displayed on the desk. The floor beneath Johnny creaked and Ben looked up, he cracked a smile, "Oh, hey kid." Johnny smirked at the nickname as he responded, "Hey big guy." Johnny walked in further and sat on the bed as Ben stayed seated at the desk. Ben began, "Alicia sends her best." Johnny nodded, defeat showing all over his face, Ben took this chance to say, "Look kid, we're gonna go after him and get Helena back." Johnny shook his head, "Yeah, but are we gonna get her back alive?" Ben nodded in agreement, "Look kid to defeat someone like Victor, you have to think like him. And I really don't think he'll kill her. It wouldn't make good sense, because right now, unfortunately, he has leverage."

Johnny looked at the item in his hand, a very old looking book, before stating, "She just…" at this moment, Johnny breaks down as tears start to form in his eyes, he continues, "She means everything to me. I am the man I am today, hell… I am a man today, because of her. All I wanted to do was make her happy and proud of me, and right now I feel like I'm just falling short. I was planning on giving her this for her birthday today." Ben takes the book and marvels at how old it is, "Johnny, this is beautiful. How old is this?" Johnny pointed to the book, "It's a first edition, and there's an inscription." Ben casually open the book and was blown away by the inscription as he stated, "Look… kid, you're gonna be able to give this to her. But we have to be smart about this. Victor, well, he's expecting us to go after Lena right away, guns blazing, right? Let Reed and I come up with a smart plan and you'll be the first to hear it. Okay?" Johnny nodded as he stood up, Ben stood up with him, handing him the book, "Here kid, she's gonna love this. I think you just need a rest before we go, you know, recharge your batteries." Johnny wiped the tears from his eyes. Ben patted him on the shoulder, but before breaking down Johnny hugged Ben with everything in him. Ben sighed, "Don't worry kid, we're gonna get her back. We can't give up hope."

Meanwhile… "Give up, Water Girl!" the mysterious but vaguely familiar voice shouted from behind the door. Helena's eyebrows furrowed as she shivered. "Water Girl?" she repeated, then her eyes suddenly went wide and a noticeable chill ran down her spine as she quietly breathed out, "Victor?" Peter coughed out, "You know this asshole?" There was a very short silence followed by the sound of a large gun hitting Peter's door. Helena got a hold of her voice again before saying, "Yeah I do… I helped kill him… twice." Peter chuckled, "well, let's hope the third time's the charm." Victor chuckled as well before smugly stating, "Good luck with that."

Owen reluctantly walked toward the lab carrying two coffee mugs, as he overheard Reed and Ben talking about the plan. Owen stood in the doorway and cleared his throat before speaking, "Sorry to interrupt, I was kind of hoping to speak with you." Reed's mouth seemed to be gravitating toward the floor, and was stopped by his desk. Ben stood up and began getting angry, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't clobber you into the ground right now!" Owen handed the coffee to both Ben and Reed, "I made you coffee, and for what it's worth… I'm sorry." Reed took the coffee, as did Ben, who scoffed, "You're sorry?" Reed sipped the coffee and stretched out his hand, stopping Ben from going after Owen, while stating, "It's a start."

Meanwhile, Helena got a hold of her iPod and to soothe herself she played a song that immediately made her think of Johnny.

Just For You ~ William Tell

I can't seem to catch my breath
It's in front of me
Behind your lips

And here I go,
Letting go
Just another, let you go
I never thought I could be like this

I wanna spend every moment here with you
You've shown me a place I've seen but never knew
So here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Just for you
Just for you

Owen smiled and walked forward, looking at the holographic map on the table, a red dot blinking on the map. Owen pointed to the dot, "What's that?" Ben looked and replied, "That's Helena." Reed stood up and followed Ben to the map, "Helena's homing device in her iPod has been silently activated, and her location is known." Owen nodded and looked at the dot, "I know you may not believe me, and I don't blame you, but is there anything I can do to help?" Reed and Ben looked to each other and looked back to Owen as Reed asked, "Owen, how much do you know about your power?"

In the dark
Moving hands to find my way
Reaching for a chance
And the words to say

Helena looked around the room and shivered as she cried. Peter sighed, "Hey kid, don't give up hope alright. We're gonna get out of here." Helena held herself as frozen tears escaped her eyes and she nodded. She choked out, "I just wish… I wish I could tell him that I'm alive." Peter smiled, "What's his name?" Helena smiled, "Johnny." Peter nodded as he replied "He's a lucky man." Helena smiled as she stated, "I'm the lucky one."

And here I go
Letting go
I'm so scared to feel so safe

As Johnny lay on his and Helena's bed, his eyes close as he tries to sleep; thinking about Helena floating within the Niagra Falls, his Italian purchase, and everything that's happened. Sue lightly knocks on his door. She looks at Johnny and breaks down a little as she watches the steam rise from Johnny's body. Sue slowly walks toward Johnny and sits on his bed. She shakes him as he stretches waking up from his dream. Sue finally says the three words Johnny had seriously hoped for, "We found her." Johnny widely grins and replies, "I'll be right there."

I wanna spend every moment here with you
You've shown me a place I've seen but never knew
So here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Just for you...

I've been so quiet for so long
Waiting for the chance to find me
Now I'm finding out
That things have never been so real
Never felt the way they should be
Now they've found me

Peter looked around his room and sighed. The hey that lay in the corner as a makeshift bed, the metal plate with crumbs still left on it, the bent metal spoon near the wall where (on the wall) a lot of tally marks were vaguely visible. He took a deep breath, "I have a wife." Peter looked to the wall, "I know you want to respond to that, but just… let me talk. You don't have to fix everything." Peter pauses and takes another breath before continuing, "I have a wife back home her name is Sarah. Truth is for a while I really didn't know when or even if I would see her again. It's concentrating on the little things about her that kept me alive in this god forsaken hell-hole. I would picture the way she twitches her nose, the way she dances and sings in the kitchen while cooking, the way she stretches her arms in the morning when she wakes up. It's the little things about the one you love that could sustain you for long time, and in cases like this… keep you alive." Helena shivered as she nodded and shut her eyes, before picturing Johnny.

I wanna spend every moment here with you
You've shown me a place I've seen but never knew
I wanna spend every moment here with you
You've shown me a place I've seen but never knew

Johnny, Sue, Ben, Reed, Celia and Owen were all standing around a table with the holographic map displayed on it. Reed continued talking, "Okay, so we've learned the location of Helena. It seems that Victor is holding her in his country of origin, Latveria, more specifically Doomstadt. Now, if we zoom in on her location, here… I will now take this moment to say that because he his holding her outside the U.S. we could be facing federal charges for trying to rescue her. Long story short… this has turned into an international incident. That being the case, I know that to the three of us Helena is family and to Johnny she's so much more. Owen we would like for your help in Latveria, or you can stay here under Sue's protection with Celia. Either way, I understand."

So here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Here I am
Just for you
Just for you...

Owen took a breath as Celia took a hold of his hand. He took a look at Johnny, clearly trying to keep everything within, he finally spoke up "I know I can never truly be forgiven for what I've done, I'd like to be, but I know it's not… possible. You should know though I never intended to hurt anyone." Johnny scoffed, "Right! Tell that to Lena! Or General Hager!" Sue called out, "Johnny, enough!" Ben put his hand up, "Sue! The kid has a point. He did attack General Hager." Reed waved his hand, "Guys, either way, Sue will be here protecting Celia, so Owen could really be a big help. I say we give him a chance to redeem himself." Briefly looking at Reed Owen stated, "Thanks Reed. It would be an honor to help in any way I can." Reed smiled and shook Owen's hand, "Alright, let's get going. Latveria isn't exactly close by." Everyone nodded and smiled looking at the holographic map.