
It was a glorious sunny morning on Tracy Island. Gordon reclined on a deck chair overlooking the pool, and read a report John had compiled, detailing Gordon's kidnapping and rescue. Nearby, Virgil snoozed on another deck chair, a book covering his eyes. Scott fished leaves out of the pool; from time to time he would glance at Gordon, trying to gauge his younger brother's reaction to the report.

Gordon came to the end of the report and set it down on the tiles next to his chair. He placed his hands over his face and sighed.

Scott dropped the net he was holding and rushed over to kneel by his younger brother.

"Hey, Gordo, you okay?"

From behind his hands, Gordon's voice was muffled, "Yeah, fine."

"Maybe it was a bit soon to show him the report." Virgil had woken, and was looking on at his younger brother with concern.

Gordon sniffed, and took away his hands. "Don't worry, guys, I'm coping. I was asleep for most of it, anyway. I really can't remember a lot of it." The young man sat up straighter. "I must thank Kyrano properly, though. Apparently, he saved me from being a killer zombie."

Scott couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, it was extremely frustrating for me, you wouldn't obey any of my commands."

Gordon let out a loud laugh. A sound which brought Jeff to the window of his office to see what the boys were doing. He smiled broadly at his sons and waved.

Gordon gave his dad a wave in return, and looked to his brothers. "Hey, do you think Dad would mind if I go surfing again?"

Virgil almost choked on the drink he was sipping. "Gordo, you'll be lucky if Dad will let you leave the island for your own funeral, let alone for another surfing holiday."

"Don't worry, Virg, I'm not going to leave Tracy Island anytime soon. I've planned this all out. I thought, maybe, get Brains to help me devise an artificial reef off the island's main beach. A reef that would create the perfect wave. I read about it in a surfing magazine..." Gordon rambled on describing his plans.

Virgil's eyes started to glaze over as soon as Gordon mentioned surfing and he slumped back on his chair, placing the book back over his eyes. Scott started to edge away towards the house.

"Oh, sorry, Gordon. Was that Dad calling? I think Alan and Brains must be returning with Tin-Tin and Gran. Better go." He disappeared.

Seeing Scott scurry away, and Virgil falling asleep, Gordon stopped speaking, and sat back on his chair. The young man looked to the ocean; he needed to keep his mind busy with positive thoughts. He would never let his family know that he lay awake at night, wondering if the serpent was still coiled deep within his mind, ready to strike again.

Elsewhere, on the island in the South China Sea, a man raged. The man's servants cowered in front of him as he rained objects down on them in his fury. Hidden behind a pillar in the temple, Li watched as his Master vented his wrath. Later, he approached the large man with a calming drink. The man snatched the drink from Li and pierced him with his powerful stare.

"My brother will pay in blood for betraying me." The man seethed.

Li nodded but did not talk. It was better not to talk when his Master was angry.

"The Tracys will not escape next time. I will have my victory." The man smiled at his servant. "We have much work to do, the game is not over."

The End

Thanks again to Quiller and to everyone who has enjoyed and reviewed the story.