Hayner sighed as he let the sea braes wash over him, it was late. Maybe around 1:00 in the morning. He sat there fiddling with the sand between his fingers. He just wanted to stay there. Just sit there for all eternity. Hayner never really enjoyed company at all. You see Hayner was a 15 year old high school student in the boring old town of twilight. He had plenty of friends including Roxas, Olette, and pence. He also had enemies like Fuu-jin, Tidus, and Seifer. Especially Seifer. The bastard. Seifer bullied him sense 5th grade. They weren't exactly the same age meaning Seifer was already 17. Hayner was a freshmen and Seifer was a junior. They attended a school that had every grade in its curriculum. You know the kind that make you wear a retarded uniform? Well Seifer always had a keen eye on Hayner. Always going the extra mile to make up nicknames for the blonde like chicken-wuss. As much as it defeated Hayner he had to admit the bully did have a body. but the head attached to it defeated the point. His home life though was a problem. One that might explain why he was still sitting on the beach. He took another whiff of the sea salt before a bright glare caught his eyes. He lifted his hand blocking the light only to see the one and only holding a flash light Seifer. Hayner sighed in annoyance.
"Little late for a little girl like you to be out." Seifer snickered.
"What do you want?" Hayner spat.
"Why? It's not like you own it."
"no, but if that tiny brain of yours can remember I work for the town decifle committee." he told Hayner with a bit of glory.
"so that means I have to take on night watch duties in the town and on the beach and your currently in involution of the midnight curfew chicken-wuss." the thug responded.
Hayner groaned in even more annoyance. "oh, come on what's the worse that could happen."
"well for starters there's rip tides, tsunami, and people worse then me."
"like you care if any of that shit happens to me."
"you know… your right I don't-" Hayner did a little victory dance in hid head. 'iSeifer's giving up now all he's gotta do is leave me the fuck alone/i' "but if the west coast beach watcher comes over and catches you I'll get fired so leave."
Hayner glared at the blinding light. "make me."
After a couple of seconds the light flicked off revealing a shirtless bathing suit wearing Seifer. Hayner turned pink a the scared mans body thanking god it was dark out. Seifer trudged over to the sitting blonde and took a long hard glare. Hayner slightly confused returned the face gesture. Without a second even to think a arm swooped up threw Hayner over his bare shoulder. Hayner went into complete defense meaning kicking and screaming. "PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN SEIFER!" Seifer chuckled to himself as he made his way up the beach.
It had been 5 minute walk to Hayner's apartment complex before Hayner ran out of breath. "What number?" Hayner twisted his head around to see that he was almost home.
"H-how did you know where I lived?" Hayner managed to sputter out over his panting.
"I saw you hall out into this place before, now tell me what number?" Thoughts raced in Hayner's head if he were to walked into his home this late of night.
"p-put me down NOW Seifer!" Hayner stuttered.
"no 'cause I know you, you'll just saunter over back to the beach and get me fired."
"PLEASE! I promise you I wont, I'll leave you alone! Just put me down!"
Seifer sighed pushing him down off of his shoulder. Hayner quickly rose to his feet, turned sharply ready to bolt away. Seifer grabbed his collar and pushed him against a near by wall. Hayner screamed in pain, startling the older blonde. Seifer glared into Hayner's pain filled eyes and twisted his shoulders so that his chest was facing the wall. Hayner tensed from the sudden contact with the thugs warm hands. Seifer kept his hand on Hayner's shoulder and used his free hand to hike up the smaller blondes shirt and vest. "Jesus Hayner." Seifer stated in a shocked whisper. Hayner's back was covered in burses, cuts, and what seemed like belt marks. Hayner realizing the thugs actions quickly escaped his grip and pulled down his shirt.
"I-its nothing, ok?" Seifer glared at Hayner who was avoiding his gaze. Seifer let out another sigh before snatching Hayner's wrist and pulling him down the street. "uh…I…huh?" Hayner muttered going a little pink.
"where going to my house."