Chapter#6 Bubble Gum Pink

It seemed simple enough to her, to him even, whom she over the past three weeks since the incident at the coffee shop had dubbed arrogant and childish that they were both too old for childish, incompetent games/holidays such as this.

Minnie glared down in horror at the lip stick holder with the words engraved in hot pink "Bubble Gum Delight" She was beginning to regret moving out of Kathleen's house after her healing process, more or less she was beginning to dread life without the high of those pain killers…it made everything simple and fun, but of course as Mr. Scarborough would say "You don't need those stupid pills to have a good time, that's what you got me for!" Minnie was tempted to punch the bathroom tile walls in frustration, one thing she dreaded more than anything…how that cocky, inconsiderate bastard so easily planted himself in her head like he owned the place! To add to the mess, Ville enjoyed pranks, even more, he enjoyed playing pranks on Minnie…whom he still refused to refer to as "Minnie" rather he enjoyed tormented her by calling her "Michelle". To say she was distraught was less than accurate.

'Bastard,' Minnie cursed loudly inside her head, as she clutched the sink counted, trying to relieve her aggravation.

"You horrible, little conniving, deceiving bas---"

"You called?" Ville asked her, his usual cocky wicked grin plastered to his lips like cement as he leaned against the doorway.

"What is this?" she screeched like a baboon, tossing the lipstick case at him and shoving a bubble gum flavored lollipop in his face, sticking to his cheek like snowflakes on glass.

"April Fools I suppose," He stated flatly, hiding the chuckle that dwelled inside his throat as he removed the sticky treat from his cheek and began to suckle on it much like a naive child would.

"Y-Y-you…" Minnie cut herself off, refusing to stoop to his level.

He leaned in close to her, his head hovering above her shoulder as his breath tickled the hairs on her neck and heated her flustered face and ears like fire in a stone oven. "What, tell me, I'm a horrible, childish, worthless, untruthful, ignoramus cocky asshole?" Minnie balled up her fists until her knuckles turned white.

"I hate you…"

"I'm fire, you're ice; learn to live with the heat love," Circling around her, his hands curved her body, near unmentionable places but not close enough to count as perverted or indecent. Oh how he loved teasing her.

Scoffing slightly she tucked her arms to her chest and pouted, but if you looked closely you'd see this wasn't just another stuck up young women, as her cheeks flushed a shade meant for rouge and her nails dug through her porcelain skin like sticks hitting stones. "Whatever…just return my lipstick." She demanded, wrapping a muscular arm around her shoulder he placed his head upon her shoulder blade and smiled coolly into her neck after removing the lollipop from his soiled mouth. "I can't do that Michelle, you promised Kathleen you wouldn't go to parties…and no dating…!" he was right for once, he was like fire, too bad Minnie hated being hot.

"I'm not going on a date, he's my friend." She fought back, furrowing her brow. Digging his nose into the crook between her shoulder and neck he replied rather sarcastically and seductively.

"Oh really, then…" He paused trying to read her expression before he dropped the bomb.

"You won't mind if I should accompany you two on this friendship gathering?"

Gritting her teeth she replied in a matter suited more for Ville's sarcastic part, "Sure," grinning much like the Cheshire cat he lifted himself away from her petite frame and exited the room, but before he tossed back the bubble gum flavored lollipop onto the counter and yelled back, "There's your lipstick princess." Groaning loudly she flung the used candy into the toilet. Collapsing onto the rim of the bathtub she rested her aching head in her hands. Then a thought occurred to the feisty girl…if one can't find lipstick, make lipstick.

Slipping into a myrtle colored cocktail dress that revealed a slim line of cleavage and showed off her long legs, her arms bare but soon would be covered in a deep grey sweater, and brown flats to add to the not-so casual outfit that she had worn previously; Minnie practically skipped into the bathroom, passed the befuddle Ville as he sat atop her bed reading-much to Minnie's displeasure- a new playboy magazine. He himself was dressed overly casual in Minnie's head; his apparel consisted of taupe khaki's and a tight wool black long sleeve shirt. Smirking devilishly as she stared back at her reflection her plan seemed to unfold like paper in falls heavy breezes. Her hazel eyes adorned with different shades of brown and green; it was like a massacre of eye shadows-may they all rest in peace- Minnie was sure to go down at the murderer of all forest eye shadow shades in less than twenty minutes.

Half an hour earlier, while Ville was changing into more suitable clothing, even though he still wore the same type of shirt-which Minnie was beginning to wonder just how many he had-Minnie had wandered around the apartment in search for the treasure she oh so desired for her plan to go on without a hitch. She found her gold under her bed, a small bag of bubble gum flavored lollipops.

"Jackpot!" she hummed to herself, stealing only one of the sticky treats and tucking it inside her bra.

Currently she found herself pulling out such treat, thankfully still tightly concealed in the pink wrapping. She tore off the wrapping and turned on the hot water in her sink, as the water splashed down in the drain Minnie dunked the treat under the water, splattered some of the water until she felt the treat was just right before removing it and turning off the hot water. Dripping hot and wet, Minnie ran the silky hot sweetness across her lips much like she would've done if she had found her lipstick. It was a sweet sensation, not too hot, and not too sticky, but just sweet and warm enough to fill her desires. When she put her mind to it, without interruptions, Minnie could turn a disaster into happiness, maybe even a little humor in between too…as long as someone was there providing her with disasters and poking and prying at her. She wouldn't admit, in her head or out loud-most certainly not- but at times, but only rare occasions actually, Ville provided her with laughter and company.

"Hurry up Mitten, I'm getting bored!" Take that back, he was an aggressive annoying pimple on Minnie's forward always reminded her he's there and he's not leaving.

"It's Minnie!"


Lapping on the last coat of the warm sticky treat she slammed the candy into the sink and hollered back at him, "Alright, alright!" Sauntering out of the bathroom to find a rather Ville sitting upon her bed in his cliché fashion and pose.

"Drama queen," Minnie mumbled to herself, silently laughing.

"Aggressive loud mouth," Grinding her fingers into the hem of her dress Minnie was tempted to fling a vase at his skull. Ever since Ville had become her body guard her blood pressure seemed to rise and her attitude towards even the simplest things seemed to go over edge.

"You're about five seconds away from losing your jewels."

"Is that a threat or a promise?"

Sprinted over to the bed Minnie nearly tore her leg off as she slung her leg in the air aiming for Ville's crotch, but instead of hitting the man's genitals she struck air, caught off guard she nearly lost her balance as her leg fell back down. "Forgot something love," Ville said rather nonchalantly from the doorframe leading into the hallway outside of her apartment, in his hands he clutched her sepia colored faux Prada purse with a tampon sticking out lightly just enough to be seen. He'd crossed the line, she knew, he knew, he didn't care but she did. Taking in a large intake of air she slowly exhaled before approaching him steadily, her features appeared calm, but her eyes held a cold deathly stare meant for a tiger ready to pounce upon his prey. Tearing the strap of the purse from his grasp she whispered bitterly more to herself than him, "Let's just go." She was in no mood to question how he sprinted across the room in less than a second.

"Of course, can't wait to meet the pansy…" Ville muttered the last part to himself as they departed out of the apartment and down the long hallway…

Flash back: Forty eight hours earlier:

Minnie walked through many tables located inside the restaurant she currently was employed to, but this time she was the customer, now normally Minnie would snack on a hamburger from McDonald's or Burger King, but considering the fact that she wasn't paying she decided to splurge much to Ville's dismay.

"Somehow I doubt you actually eat lunch here,"

"Somehow I doubt you actually can afford food." She replied sarcastically.

"Says the woman living in a cheap ass apartment complex?" He bit back.

"Oh bite me!"

"I would but you're blood smells like that of a rodent's!"

"You ass,"

"Takes one to know one, love." now he was beginning to cross the lines…cheesy, childish jokes…oh yes, he was so far beyond the line in Minnie's world that he was miles away, out of eyes reach.

By the time they reached their table, each were glaring daggers at one another every five seconds. The malice in one another's voices and eyes didn't go unnoticed. It was obvious that the 'affection' one another felt for each other was nothing less than hatred; the inexorable spite between one another was almost humorous to watch from afar, like two bicker children in a grocery store with their mother. Only no one dared to interfere; humorous, yet deadly.

"Your table Mr. and Mrs. Scarborough," the hostess gestured towards a booth near the kitchen.

Both had a similar expression stained to their faces, one had a disgusted look; the other had a vein throbbing outside of their head and a twitching eye. Both had a look of pain scarred to their faces when the hostess mistook them for husband and wife. If it wasn't a different hostess than the normal one Minnie worked with on occasion she likely would've either mouthed her a threat, stepped on her toes, socked her in the stomach, or all three; depending on her current mood. They both gradually made their way to the booth and slipped into it facing each other, Ville was the first to break the silence. Annoyance was hinted gravely in his voice, "And it's Mr. Scarborough and Miss. Bessette." Minnie was slightly surprise that he hadn't chosen to give her a childish name like 'loud mouth' but it seemed he was focusing all his aggravation on the hostess. At the mention of her mistake the hostess began to stutter, and seemed slightly off as she stared into Ville's hard eyes, at least she was brave enough to make eye contact before slipping away.

He cursed under his breath as he turned his attention away from the cowardly waitress and stared down at the table cloth, almost testing it as if it'd come to life if he kept staring. "Maybe I should get some crayons and paper to entertain you with?" Minnie said taking a chance to try and harm his pride.

"Maybe I should get some duck tape to silence your forever pie hole of shit." she scowled down at him.

"What happened to that nice polite gentleman you were 'most' of the time around me and aunt Kathy?"

"He died, get over it sweet cheeks."

"Stop doing that!"


"Calling me perverted names like 'sweet cheeks' it's disgusting and annoying!" He flashed Minnie his usual wicked smirk and leaned across the table to whisper into her ear. "Why…does it turn you on?" the sarcasm and seduction was traceable in his voice. Minnie pulled away in disgust and flashed a disgusted and disgruntle look while sticking her tongue out and placed her finger in and out of her mouth signally her need to vomit. "Yuck, you perverted man!" He let out a loud laugh at her, almost a chuckle.

"Minnie?" a male voice awoke them from their little episode as a man in a casual stripped blue and white shirt with white jeans crossed the room towards their booth, at the sight of the man Ville's head began to throb and his nails dug into the table like knives.

"I thought I recognized that sweet voice," Minnie stared up at the man slightly confused and blushing at the same time a honey glazed shade of red.

"Henry…" She trailed off as he gestured his hand towards hers, almost like he was commanding her to shake it, of course without verbal requested she accepted his.

"What are you doing here?" Minnie asked as she arose from her spot on the booth, Ville glaring at the both of them like an over protective dog, "Same as you I assume, stopping in for lunch," Henry answered politely, his voice soft and cool like winter snowflakes in summer. "Well…um, what a coincidence," She responded stuttered off and on again like a school girl. He chuckled at her acts, "Yes, it seems fate has brought us together once again…I was hoping to see you again after all it's not every day you bump into gorgeous girl in this one of a kind restaurant now is it?" His flattery was driving over the edge of Ville's patience. Of course him being in the same room as himself did that as well but still…flattering Minnie? It seemed almost unholy in his eyes.

"As I was saying Michelle, I was wondering, since our last visit wasn't acceptable for your sake I was wondering if you'd join me this weekend so we could get to know one another better." Henry more of stated than asked, of course Minnie accepted without a response of her voice and more of a bob of her head but it was a date.

End of Flash back:

If it weren't for the sour expression on Minnie's face and Ville's rather bored look, you'd think the two were a couple as they walked along the streets of New Jersey, but then again, grey has never been known to be emphasized in the category of green or brown. Mainly nowadays all that matters to people is personality…then again…personality and features didn't fit right for either of them at the moment.

Pausing in front of what appeared to be a three star restaurant; Minnie seemed to drift off as she peered from afar through the large glass windows searching for Henry inside while Ville's attention drifted to the calm but cloudy weather. A smile grimaced its way onto Minnie's face as she began to depart into the restaurant, Ville close on her tail. A host about the same height as Ville greeted them inside, "James party of two," Minnie said as the host handed her a menu and waved her off in Henry's direction. "And you sir," The host questioned, "Give me a table near the James reservation, gotta keep an eye out on that brat." His vocabulary made the Host question if he could even afford anything on the menu. Spotting the host's questionable face and tight grip on the menu Ville rolled his eyes and pulled out a wad of ten dollar bills wrapped tightly in two rubber bands.

"Make sure I can see the brat and the pansy but they can't see me." He slipped the host a ten.

"Yes, right this way sir," ripping the menu from the host's hands Ville escorted himself into the dim lit room filled with couples, groups of friends, and single people waiting. Ville stole his own seat, rather than have the host choose for him, he didn't care if he stole a reservation, he'd throw a fit if he did if someone demanded their table; and most likely cause a scene and get himself kicked out of the restaurant. He's done it before and he'd do it again any day.

Pulling out a squeaking light brown chair with a cushion, her slouched into it and began to nibble mindlessly on a fresh piece of bread; a few tables down he could see the back of Minnie's head, her hair neat, shiny, flowing just right above her shoulders. He didn't know why he bothered to take in her features, but he just reassured himself it was the boredom kicking in again. Like a pill, almost a drug, boredom seemed to haunt everyone including him. Feeling around with his free hand he smirked wickedly as he felt the bulged of his gun concealed in his baggy pants like stolen property. It was almost comical the way he got away with anything, no matter how many years passed he'd never lose interest in this game even if playing pranks would someday for him; getting his way would never dry up.

Then as his grey eyes locked with Henry's aquamarine's he felt a glare glue onto his face and four of his five fingers curl up, leaving his middle finger to remain. He wouldn't flash it, no, he had some manners, but…as he saw Henry glare back at him and clutch Minnie's hands within his, and he found it hard to resist the urge. Sure at times he despised the brat, but it still disgusted him to see the pansy use her in such a manner. Quickly turning his gaze back to Minnie before she got suspicious Henry began to chat endlessly with her; Ville dispatched of his middle finger and uncurled the rest. A smug expression bound onto his face as he ruthlessly tore an end off the slice of bread like fresh meat. He continued to glare with no avail, if looks could kill. Soon he found himself staring off in a distance captured in his thoughts, he forgot about his menu until a waiter awoke him from his bubble.

"Are you ready to order sir?" the waiter asked, he seemed average and a little less than calm, it was almost creepy the way he forced a smile onto his face.

"Nah…gimme a minute," Ville mumbled into his bread, flipping the menu open.

"Certainly," The waiter departed before he could ask if he could recommend anything, but then again, Ville had different taste buds than the average human.

Flipping absentmindedly through the menu he paused when he came to the alcoholic beverages. Whistling and raising his hand while snapping-his way of getting the waiters attention- he tapped his finger against the page until the waiter arrived back at his table. "Your order sir?" his mood was the same but his face still slightly disturbing and almost odd to look at, even from the corners of his eyes. "Half a glass of white wine," The waiter eyed him, "Is that all for you sir," Ville was tempted to rub his temples he had forgotten how frustrating ordering food at a restaurant was. "Yes," he grumbled handing the waiter his menu.

Leisurely Ville bent back into his chair, his cold eyes firm on Henry's perfectly framed peach face…it disgusted him, how someone like him could be blessed to be the way he was forever; Ville didn't care about his features, but more of his healthy glow. It was mocking him, teasing him, constantly pocking and prying at him. He saw it insightfully, he knew he'd never be what he'd use to be and for that he loathed Henry almost as much as the devil himself. Gnawing at his skin much like a cat making itself comfortable on your lap, Ville scarred his nails inside his skin like glass. A perfect death is death by shattered glass slicing through your skull before you ever feel it…but then again nothing Ville did was perfect. Rushing up from his seat causing it to fall backwards Ville stormed off to the bathroom, he didn't mean to, but his dramatic exit caused a scene.

"Ville," Minnie silently whispered to herself under her breath so Henry's ears wouldn't catch it.

Their heads both turned to watch him run off, Henry's eyes scrunched together and glared at the door where Ville had exited, Minnie's eyes however held quite the opposite, they appeared fragile and clouded, almost like she pitied the man. Suddenly her hands felt naked…Henry stood from his seat at the table and gradually walked off, "I'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom if the waiter comes just order something for yourself I'll get myself some food later." His voice was polite and almost patient like, like he didn't want her to worry…or maybe get involved. "Henry," Her voice was louder and less eerie when she had said Ville's name moments ago. He didn't respond as he walked off into the men's restroom, a scowl growing on Minnie's lips, "This is not going to end well…" If only she knew how right she was.

Henry steadily walked through the bathroom, his narrowed eyes scanning every inch of the restroom to find it completely deserted, and he reached inside his breast coat pocket and pulled out a small gun. It appeared empty but that was only half true. The gun was protectively at his side, the hilt clutched between his fingers tightly as he approached the three foot, by two foot windows, something rumbling in the back of his throat, a mix between a growl and a chuckle. "Oh Ville…how cliché…" Henry laughed to himself, with much caution; he slid the window open, without a creek or groan from the window he slipped his gun back into place as he got a firm grip on the window seal and began to climb up the wall.

"Even I'm not that cliché pansy, but I must say, you do know your horror films, eh?" his vicious voice combined with that wicked laugh sent shivers up Henry's spine as he began to growl under his breath like a seething wild dog might.

"Scarborough," Henry growled.

"Pansy," Ville mimicked, he could only hope that the dread and sadness hadn't leaked out in his attempts to annoy the bothersome human flesh.

With a leap Ville jumped to the ground from the ceiling light, he appeared unarmed but first rule when dealing with a vampire: vampires are always armed. In a flash Henry withdrew a Sig Sauer P230 hand gun firing at Ville's head. Stepping aside in a split second at the last minute Ville sidestepped into the wall. He seemed to be almost lazy with his movements compared to other reckless fights that had no plot except to terminate one another. "Stop fooling around and fight me damn it!" Henry breathed; his voice low but rough. A second shot was fired striking just barely above Ville's shoulder slicing his t-shirt but his body went unfazed against the bullet, not so much as a scratch. Narrowing his eyes Ville jumped into the air in a split second as the third bullet was fired, he landed atop a pearl white sink; his weight crushing the pipe line. Both stopped immediately as the sound of feet scurrying towards the bathroom door. Sprinting across the tile Henry quickly jammed himself against the door and just as the footsteps began to sound from right outside the door he locked the door with a silent 'click', he knew he left himself vulnerable but he was willing to take the risk.

As a boot collided with his spine like steal he was regretting the risk. His knees were like jelly, but as he stood there bent over to the point where his knees and shins were almost touching the ground he knew he wasn't going to give in and die that quickly, he had honor. Swiftly, like an eagle, he sprung to his feet and withdrew a dark, metal object, springing forward in an attempt to damage or destroy Ville. Just as the object nearly pierced his skin Ville took a giant leap back and kicked Henry in his jaw sending him backwards and dropping his black metal weapon. The event happened so fast neither blinked. Suppressing a groan, Henry touched a finger to his nose, chin and lower lip; each was rough, sore, and slightly bleeding.

Broken glass…Henry's head jerked up to find the bathroom empty, besides shattered pieces of glass that lay across the tile floor glittering in the lighting like specks of dust. "No…not again," Rising to his feet Henry skidded over to the broken window, acting fast he grasped a bundle of paper towels in his hand and broke off the remaining glass with his fist. He gripped the seal of the window and pushed himself through, with a grunt he leaped onto the floor of the alley way that dwelled outside the restaurant. He withdrew his gun, sweat and blood dripping off his face like rain. "Come out and fight me!"

Silent footsteps from behind sounded him as he turned around gun pointed ahead he came face to face with Ville. "No…" Ville said, Henry's gun still aimed, "No…?" Henry yelled, before he realized Henry had fired the gun, his eyes wide as Ville sidestepped it into the wall and charged at him, his claws aiming for his head. "I'm done playing your games!" he yelled as he gripped Henry's gun and tore it from his hands like ripping paper. His claws lashing out he aimed for Henry's heart region… Holding in a gasp Henry jumped back and fired at Ville's head slicing his cheek open. "I've had enough of this!" he swung a dagger out from his pocket and tossed it at Henry who was momentarily stunned. Pain…injury…those were the first things to cross his mind as the dagger pierced his shoulder blade and cut straight through to the point where he felt he could feel it pocking itself out the other way.

Clutching the hilt of the dagger he fired randomly in the air hoping to hit Ville at least once while he pulled the blade sharp dagger out of his shoulder. In a instance, sharp searing pain was the only thing he felt a knee collided with his rib cage and his back slammed against the brick hard wall, his head bouncing off the wall like a bouncy ball as blood began to seep out down his neck.

"Playtime's over pansy…"

A hand gripped fiercely at his neck, it felt as if a bear was tearing into his flesh as his was held a foot off the ground suspended in the air by Ville's choker hold. Another hand clutched at his wrist slicing open fresh wounds as he tore the gun from his hands. "Go ahead…kill me…there'll always be more of me…" Ville's eyes grew wide as a memory flashed through his brain.

"Go ahead kill me…" a man with a tan complexion and slick black hair stood tall in front of a man near his same height as the other man cocked a gun against the man's forehead. He was held up at gun point. A devilish smirk crowned the other man's lips.

He was awakened from his reverie as shots of electricity shot through him like tiny shards of glass, his grip on Henry vanished leaving him to fall to the ground and yet the pain wouldn't subside until he fell to his knees, his hands, no…his whole body shaking until after ten bloody minutes of the dreadful, spine crushing, agony until he fell backwards and lay there with his eyes closed and his body completely motionless…

"…Finally…Finally…it's over…" Henry gasped out, his voice low and hoarse.

Henry limped away clutching his hand to his shoulder trying to put pressure on the wound. With his shirt torn and soaked in blood like a butcher's knife he knew he couldn't return to Minnie in his condition, this once, just once, he'd leave her unguarded. "You won't hurt her or anyone any longer Ville Scarborough." His silent promised blew away in the wind of the chilled night as he limped along the streets of New Jersey alone and yet as a small smile grimaced it's face to his face he never felt safer.

"Humph," Minnie sighed into her chair, her short dress was beginning to ride up much as her stockings were, and her date was still presumed in the bathroom. Sighing heavily she pulled out her wallet from her purse and lays a forty dollar bill on the table as she begins to slide up from the table and walk out of the restaurant with a hunch. "God…am I that bad that a person as wonderful as Henry would sneak out through a bathroom just to get that far away from me?" She didn't need an answer, her subconscious answered for her…she didn't enjoy the reply. Minnie hadn't bothered to look around for Ville, after seeing him stalk into the bathroom and never exit she assumed he did the same as Henry, bale out on her. Number one rule for girls: have more than one guy bale on her does nothing good for the self esteem.

She held her head down that night as she walked out of the restaurant, hoping to rush home quickly and wallow in her own self pity. It was her pity night, she was going to go home, have a nice relaxing hot bath with vanilla candles, take out her stash of candy, and watch the cheesiest romance movie she could find. However…fate had other plans. Walking by the alley by the restaurant a groan began to sound in her ears, like a ringing. Things never go as planned for her. "Hello?" She whispered as she stepped one foot into the alley way, she knew she shouldn't be taking her chances, she knew the risks, she knew what Mr. Jenkins said, "Maniac…blah, blah, dangerous" but when she heard that helpless groan her heart wretched and sank like Titanic. Some would call her naïve; maybe even crazy would be a more appropriate word, to her, she was bold…maybe a little too bold.

"John, John!" a giddy voice called, rich with sweetness and no hint of sour located anywhere. A girl, maybe seven years old or younger ran up a grassy hill fresh with wild flowers, her long black hair in a loose braid. Her large brown eyes gave her a doe-like appearance, a young boy, no older than eleven was standing there waiting for her, his short black/dark brown hair falling above his eyebrows and straight lines and curling up on the back of his neck. He smiled from ear to ear to her as his hand clasped with hers.

"Let's go pick wild flowers; mama doesn't need any help today!"



"Ville…!" suddenly the image blurred, almost fuzzy…His eyes fluttered open, his eyes blurred but he could make out the image of a woman. Her voice full of concern, "Ville!" a hand was about to smack him across the face.

"…Don't you ever touch me…" he threatened his voice deep, his eyes hollow and seemed oddly…vicious. Suddenly a gasp was heard and as if automatic her hand slipped from his fierce grip like water and then…suddenly a strange warmth lay atop him as two small arms encircle around his back, pressing into the hard concrete from his massive weight. "You're alive!" she breathed, sighing into his chest as she lay hunched over on her knees. Her touch was foreign…but…wasn't all that unwelcome. Scoffing slightly, more like a cough, he whispered harshly, "What'd I just say?"

She ignored him, and lifted herself from him and lightly touched his cheek, her fingers almost hovering above his rock hard skin, "You idiot," She laughed lightly as the tips of her fingers touched his sliced cheek. "You stupid fool." Shaking her head Minnie slowly rose from the ground her stalking torn slightly on the knees, wet, and covered in pebbles and dirt. "C'mon, get up; lying on the ground at this time of day isn't healthy or sane." She laughed gripping his hand and slightly jerked him up. He wouldn't tell her, not to spoil her happiness, though as much as he wanted he didn't, he knew this was probably the only time on her date that made her moderately happy. So he let her think she was strong and made her believe she pulled him to his feet as they slowly walked out of the alley way.

A sour expression taped to Ville's face as they walked away together, he wasn't in pain physically but his pride…he might just need some glue to glue all the pieces back together after the ordeal. Minnie, was unusually bubbly, maybe it was because Ville was alive, maybe because she was lost in the allusion of her own happy world where Henry was forgotten…maybe it was just the feeling of knowing she wasn't alone anymore. Whatever the case she never felt braver, she showed so as she gripped Ville's hand and the two stopped and stared at each other for less than thirty ten seconds.

"C'mon…I'll bake you cookies when we get back."

"I'm not hungry…" She stared up at him, lost in his dark eyes, and then suddenly her arms once again found themselves wrapped around his well built frame, "I'm glad you're okay."

Frozen in his state, he didn't know whether to shove her off, back away or both but it seemed he decided neither as he stiffened at her touch and stood frozen in place until her slim hands found themselves back at her side. Staring up at him, her face soft and gentle, her eyes calm, she gave him a quick almost sad smile and began to walk ahead; him, trailing behind.

It was silent the way back to the apartment, there were no more hugs, no more signs of life in either's eyes, but as they approached the elevator that would take them to Minnie's level, Ville seemed to follow behind slightly closer which each step until he was right behind her. Only then did he realize how small and fragile she was, almost a foot shorter than him and yet she was so hot tempered and…odd. How did she find him? She wouldn't dare in another alley would she? After everything that happened? What girl---woman would do such a thing after an incident like that? Groaning inwardly he tried to keep his mind off the current topic…but damn it, she confused him.

"Ville," Minnie's tiny voice broke through his thick skull, "Hmm," he responded not entirely focused, "The elevator's here." Mentally slapping himself he stepped inside, her following.

The elevator ride was welcomed with quiet; it seemed both were wanted in their heads too busy for human contact or conversation at the moment. It wasn't until a 'ding' awoke both from their subliminal conversations with themselves and they gradually exited, both a little caught off guard. It was like the beginning of a scary horror movie, only both believed in this devil monster called daydreaming they just never realized how awkward it is when you finally come out of it. Skimming down the hallway, scanning each door until finally stopping halfway down the hall; sighing under her breathe she paused for about five seconds before pulling out her key and opening the squeaky door. Stepping inside she didn't bother to turn on the lights, neither did he, she dropped her purse and let her jacket fall from her shoulders, she slumped over to her bed when she noticed a flicker red light on her side table. It was her answering machine. Confused, she stared the device for no longer than half a minute before pressing the button that seemed to tease her with anxiety; it seemed both the machine and her knew how nervous she really was.

'Michelle…I'm sorry about leaving you, I meant to come back, I wanted to, but I have a business call, I didn't want to be a rude gentleman so I excused myself, I thought it was just my secretary reminded me of something ordinary but it seemed much worse. I won't go into detail but I hope to take you out again. To make up for my rude antics…-Henry'

It ended there but as the beat went off she couldn't help but smile and whisper his name. "Henry…" Minnie stared into space, lost in her own world until a slight plop seemed to gape at her attention. Perplexed she scanned the room for a second before her eyes drifted to a shiny oval tube object lying on her bed, glaring. She held in her lightly laugh as she watched Ville disappear onto the balcony, sadness prying at her emotions, she picked up the small object and stared at it then at Ville, then back at the object, tossing it to the floor she walked out onto the balcony and stared out into the sky a light breeze tickling at her exposed skin. Side by side, in the eerie quiet, it seemed to be the perfect harmony. Inside a tube of bubble gum pink lipstick lay abandoned on the carpet flooring, it was no longer a necessary in her life as far as she was concerned.