

Disclaimer: Only my stuff is mine.

A/N: This is just a random shipper thing, but in the episode "In the Line of Duty" (besides the obvious shippiness of the episode) when Teal'c is talking to O'Neill in the locker room thing the camera pans to Jack's face after focusing on Sam's dressing area? It says her name on plate by the clothes. Subtly meaningful, yeah?

Also, in another shippy episosde "The Broca Divide" I love it when Sam "attacks" Jack. I mean, aside from the obvious kiss thing, when she asks, "Do you want me?" he says "No…No, not like this." I took that to mean he wants her…just not when she has some weird virus thing. Awwwww! I love that!

And in the same episode at the very end when Sam and Jack are having the "sweet little tank top" talk, did you guys notice that Makepeace keeps watching them? He glances back a few times and kinda wears this knowing smile. Anyone else a little peeved when he ended up being a bad guy? I don't think he was bad…just a little…crooked. Sure, he was a bastard sometimes…but he always wanted to save SG-1 when they were hurt. (Ex. "Into the Fire")

I know, I'm crazy. Heehee. So, my fourth SG-1 fic. I just finished my other SG fic "Her Memory" and this idea popped into my head. I had to write it.

Ugh, school has started.


"Chevron seven…locked." Walter recited confidently into the microphone. He turned to look at the general and nodded his head, signaling the wormhole was stable. General Hammond nodded back and looked at the four people waiting in the gateroom.

"Colonel, you have a go." He said to the man bouncing on the balls of his feet.

The colonel looked up into the control room, an expectant expression on his face. "Aren't we…forgetting something sir?" he continued to bounce on his feet. The blonde woman next to him smiled and glanced up at the general as well.

The general sighed, chuckling silently. "Good luck, and Godspeed."

"Thank you, sir!" The colonel said happily, giving a lazy salute. The blonde continued to smile and shook her head as she looked at her commanding officer then at her other teammates. They too were shaking their heads.

Daniel stepped through the gate first, followed by Teal'c, Sam, then Jack. Bright sunlight flooded their vision as soon as they stepped through to the other side. The air was pungent with the heavy scent of summer. Thick grass and moist dirt, flowers, trees, and heat. Yes, even the temperature had a smell. The mixture was heady and the team couldn't help but breathe deeply. It seemed like they too often went to a world that reeked of blood and death.

"So, kids…what's the plan?" Jack asked genially jumping over the stone steps leading from the gate. He landed on the stone path and turned to look up at them, squinting into the high sun.

"Jack…?" Daniel frowned at his friend.

"What?" the colonel asked raising a hand to shield his face.

"Uh…sir…" Sam said taking a few steps down and resting her hand on the butt of her gun. "You were at the briefing." She gave him a look.

"Yes…well…maybe my body was." He said sarcastically. "But my mind…" he made a flitting gesture with his hand signaling 'elsewhere.'

Sam smiled again and raised her eyebrows. "SG-5 discovered a colony of semi-primitive humans when they were doing recon a week ago."

"Semi…?" Jack repeated.

"Yes, sir. They can walk and talk…and they seem to be able to learn quickly enough. Hence the "semi." She clarified, grinning.

"And the primitive…?" He squinted doubtfully at her.

"No superior technology that we could see, sir." Sam said glancing around.

"That it?" he asked after a minute of silence.

Sam looked around and shrugged. "Uh, yeah…I guess." When he gave her that doubtful look again, she raised her hands in a 'what' gesture. "SG-5 didn't spend a lot of time here. We're working on limited knowledge, sir."

"And we're supposed to…what? Set up some sort of peace relations with them?"

"You could call it that, yes." Sam frowned as she thought about it.

"Isn't this SG-7's forte?" Jack asked as he turned around and started down the path. The three other members of SG-1 looked at each other confused, then hurried after the colonel.

"Yes sir." Carter said as she caught up to him. She fell into step beside him and Daniel and Teal'c walked behind them.

"So…why are we doing it?" he used his pseudo exasperated voice.

"Special favor to Colonel Spencer, sir." Sam smiled genuinely. "His wife just had twins."

Jack looked over at her noting the smile on her face. "Oh?" he couldn't help but smile. Hers was infectious.

"Two little girls." Sam nodded, smile widening. He gave her a look that silently asked how she knew so much. "Oh, Major Nelson and I go way back."

"Major…Nelson?" Jack scrunched up his face in an exaggerated display of thought.

Sam laughed. "His wife. She's the language specialist on SG-10. We've known each other since college."

"Ah." Jack said, nodding. "Carter…in college. What were you…ten?"


"You're a genius, Carter. You could have taught at ten years old." Jack squinted ahead of him.

"Thank you, sir." Sam replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Anytime." He smiled a big, goofy grin and turned around to Daniel. "So, Daniel…how far away is this…colony?"

"Uh," Daniel squinted. "It's right over…there." Daniel pointed to their right.

"Well, would you look at that." Jack said as he stopped and surveyed the scene. About two clicks away a small village lay, complete with thatch roofs and smoke curling out of fire pits.

After a moment they continued down the path and reached the village a little less than ten minutes later.

"Howdy folks." Jack said as they entered the village. Carter, Teal'c, and Daniel stopped a little ways behind him. He turned around. "What?"

"Something's not right, sir." Carter said stepping directly behind him and surveying the scene over his shoulder. Without thinking, he turned around and almost came face to face with Carter. They both took an automatic step backwards and Sam felt a blush in her cheeks.

Jack cleared his throat. "What isn't?"

"Well, sir…where are all the women?" she asked looking around. Jack turned and looked around too.

"Maybe they're inside?" he tried.

Daniel shook his head. "No…if this is a semi-primitive society they may still believe in the ancient laws."

"As in…?" Jack sighed, knowing the answer.

"As in they keep the women hidden. They don't believe they have any rights." Daniel clarified.

"So…it's like that planet we went to six years ago when the natives took Carter…?" Jack waved his hand in a 'so on and so forth' motion.

"Yes, sir." Carter answered, visibly tensing.

"Daniel?" Jack said turning to face him. "Maybe we should get back to the stargate before anyone really sees us…and then come back sans…Carter." He looked apologetically at his second in command.

Carter put her hands up. "No arguments there, sir. I don't want a repeat of what happened…before." She shifted uncomfortably at the memory.

"Right, so let's--," Jack started, but was cut off by an angry shout.

"What is this?" a man yelled running up the path towards them. He stopped a few feet away. Several more men came up behind him. None looked too happy.

"Hi, there." Jack said, half-stepping in front of Carter. He was trying in vain to stop them from seeing she was a woman, but it was obvious that they had already spotted her.

"You have brought a—a woman?" his voice dripped with scandal and outrage. "How dare you disrespect us so!"

"Um…we're sorry…we didn't mean any disrespect." Daniel stepped forward. One of the men brandished a spear at him. He stepped back, hands raised.

"Right." Jack said, still standing in front of the major. "No disrespect…intended. So, we'll just be going now." He took a step back gently nudging Carter. Getting the hint, she too backed up.

"You are going nowhere." A man said icily stepping up and pressing a dagger to the colonel's throat.

"Colonel!" Sam hissed in his ear.

"Carter." He warned. He knew that tone of voice. Before he could stop her she stepped around him and got in the face of the knife-wielding man.

"Stop. I'm the one you want." She glared at him. The man immediately took the knife from the colonel's throat and dug it deeply into her own. She felt the colonel thrash violently beside her and realized that they had all been restrained.

"You are correct. You are the one we want." The man growled in her ear. Sam flinched and threw her head backward, glaring at the bastard.

"Don't touch her." The colonel growled next to her.

The man smiled cruelly. "Does it anger you?" he ran his fingers slowly down Sam's cheek as another man held her head and another, her waist.

Sam's eyes found the colonel's and stared into them hard. She silently pleaded with him not to say anything. Not to do anything stupid. To her immense relief he clamped his mouth shut, but glared at the men as she had never seen him glare before.

The man pushed the knife in deeper and twisted. Blood ran down her neck and onto the blade of the knife. The cut was shallow and it hadn't hit any of her major arteries, but it hurt. Sam kept her face relaxed and no sound escaped her lips, but Jack saw the flicker of pain and fear in her eyes. He wanted to reach out and snap that bastard in two, but he knew it would only make things worse. He held Carter's eyes, his gaze never wavering. 'Dammit.' He thought to himself. He hated being helpless.

"Take them to the chieftain's quarters." The man with the knife ordered. "He shall deal with them," he sneered at Sam. "Accordingly." Sam's eyes widened.

"No!" she said forcefully, understanding what the man was implying. "No! Don't--!" He slammed his fist into her jaw. Her head slammed into the colonel's chest with the force of the blow. "Sorry, sir…" she muttered as stars exploded in front of her eyes.

"Dammit, Carter. Don't apologize." Jack whispered.

Turning her head back towards the man she spoke venomously. "Don't you dare." He smirked at her. "Don't touch them. Please," she avoided the colonel's eye. "I'll do anything."

Jack tried to jump forward, but the three villagers held him fast. "No, Carter--!" he started to shout, but one of the men clamped a hand over his mouth.

"You would undergo the Right of Palak?" the man gazed at her in surprise.

"Yes!" Sam blurted even as Daniel's muffled protests echoed in her ears. She had no idea what that right was, but apparently Daniel did. And he didn't like it. Jack tried to say something that sounded like, "I order you to shut up." But it came out muffled and almost indistinguishable.

Sam took a deep breath. "Yes." She repeated more calmly. The shocked and gleeful look on the man's face was enough to send her insides twisting in fear. "But, you can't kill them. I'll only do it if you don't kill them."

The man thought it over. A slow smile spread over his face and he nodded. "Very well. You shall undergo the Right." He shoved her and she stumbled back towards the village. "Lock them up!" the man yelled. "They shall watch."

His voice was low and animalistic when he spoke. Sam felt the terror and anticipation mount in her and it took all of her self-control not to scream. She had no idea what was about to happen…but, whatever it was…it wasn't good.


A/N: Let me know what you think!! But, please be nice!! I'll update soon!!