Hey hey! I am back!! According to the poll more people were interested in To Sing A Song, so as promised, here is my new story! Please review and tell me what you think! I would really appreciate it!



Kagome is a struggling singer hoping to get discovered. She gets a gig at a club, where her best friend Sango works at. InuYasha had gotten in a fight with his girlfriend and goes to the same club, he hears Kagome sing, it was as if cupid had shot him with an arrow. But after her performance he never saw her again. 5 years later, InuYasha see's her again but now she's a famous star and he has no way of getting close to her. Can this 'love at first sight' work out? Will love really find its way?

10 years ago:

A 7 year old girl with mid length wavy raven colored hair sat in front of a grand piano. It was a classic looking piano, in the middle of a large music room, which played such wonderful tunes, but only if the player had the passion and had that spark within them, then could they play such beautiful songs of which we speak of. The room was empty; only one person in the room, the students had gone long ago; the sun was setting making the room look like something from a painting. The colors of the setting sun casted upon the room, the windows had no curtains and could not block out the true beauty of nature, the room looked like it was glowing, as if on fire as the color orange and yellow corresponded with the white walls of the room. The sun was just setting, casting a silhouette of the little girl playing on the piano. She played a tune on the piano, it was beautiful, but anyone could tell that the tune was poignant. And from the tune she played, came the poignant lyrics that matched the saddened tone of the piano player. Her lips moved and out came the voice of an angel, her voice as beautiful as the tune she played, maybe even more beautiful.

Ame ni nureta hohowa
Namida no nioi ga shita
Yasashii manazashi no tabibito
Shizuka ni hibiiteru
Natsukashii ongaku
Omoidasenai kioku samayou
Yume wa tobidatsu no
Chiisana tsubasa de
Omoi no kienai basho made
Futari de tooi umi o
Sora o koete
Kurai yoru no naka de
Watashi o terashiteru
Yasashii manazashi no
Anata ni aitai

And so the song finished, her voice had so much passion and the song would've captured anyone's heart if they listened to this little girl play. She opened her closed eyes to reveal, beautiful blue eyes, bluer then the sky and ocean combined, she had a smile on her face, but her eyes showed so much sadness and longing. She got off of the piano seat and grabbed her things that lay on one of the chairs; she closed the door and walked outside to the front of her school. It was getting dark, the sun was already setting and she stood there, waiting. Suddenly a black Mercedes Benz pulled up and a woman with short black hair looked at her, "I'm sorry I'm late Kagome…Souta had to go to the hospital again and—"

"it's ok…I wasn't waiting long…" said the little girl, who we now know is Kagome. She had lied, school ended 3 hours ago, but she knew her mom was busy; she didn't need to say anything that would start an argument. "I just wish…you could hear me play…" she said silently.

"what was that Kagome?" she asked. Kagome looked up and smiled.

"it's nothing" she said. And the way back home…was silent.

Present day Tokyo:

Here we find a pink covered canopy bed that had a lump on it, it moved and strands of black raven hair slipped out. A few more toss' and turns and :THUD!: "itai…" said the feminine voice. She got up from the floor and fixed her blanket that had devoured her while she slept. She scratched her head and stretched; she yawned and went to her bathroom to take a shower. She came out in a towel and got dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a pink shirt that had PRINCESS written in white. She put on some pink flats and applied her make-up which consisted of eye liner, shiny lip gloss and mascara. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed, "well…time for school" said Kagome, walking down the stairs of her house. She walked to the kitchen to find her mother busy with bills paperwork and even more bills. Her little brother was in the hospital once again, he was born with cancer so he had to stay at the hospital a lot, her grandfather was visiting Souta…her father…was still at work, as always. She didn't bother saying goodbye to her mom; they really weren't on speaking terms as of right now, so she headed to the door and walked to school.

"oi! Kagome!" yelled a girl behind her, her long hair tied in a high ponytail swaying as she ran, "wait up!" she yelled, then stopped running and walked as she got close to Kagome, "how was your night?" she asked.

"oh you know, same old same old" Kagome smiled.

"oh…" said the girl, her name was Sango, she was Kagome's best friend since junior high, she knew how Kagome's life went.

"it's ok though Sango, it'll blow over after a day or two, anyway how was your night?" asked Kagome.

"blahh, it's as lame as ever, you know my life isn't exactly what you call exciting" said Sango. They arrived in school and went to their lockers, "well, I'll see you in biology" said Sango waving bye to Kagome. Kagome waved bye and walked to her class.

After School:

"ready to head off to work Kags?" asked Sango.

"yea, lets go" said Kagome. They were working part time jobs for a fancy restaurant as waitresses. They entered the restaurant and said hi to the manager, they went into the changing room to put on their uniforms, which consisted of black dress pants, and a white buttoned down shirt and their hair had to either be in a ponytail on bun. Sango already had her hair in a ponytail and grabbed a small notebook.

"I'll see you out there" she said, already getting orders. Kagome put her hair in a ponytail as well and walked outside.

"oh Kagome, you'll be table 5's waitress" said the one of the other waitresses.

"ok, I'll get right on it" she said walking over to table 5. She took their orders and told them their meals will be coming soon.

"excuse me I heard that Kagome Higurashi worked here, is it true?" asked the man.

"yes, she's right over there, what do you need from her?" asked Kari, she greeted the guests and showed them to the table.

"well, I came here for a meal actually, when I heard Kagome worked her, could you ask her to play a song for us on the piano? I'll pay for it" asked the man.

"well, she's a little busy with other customers and we actually don't have the piano with us, our boss is actually getting it fixed, but I'll ask her" she said

"well, any instrument will be fine, I hear she's very skilled at singing and playing all sorts of instruments" he said.

She nodded and turned to one of her co-workers, "could show this couple to their table?"

"yea, sure" he said and Kari walked over to Kagome.

"hey Kagome, there's another couple who want to hear you play" she said.

"but I'm busy, and we don't even have the—"

"he said he'll pay for it" she persisted.

"alright, but just one quick song" she said.

"great, I'll go tell them" and she left. Kagome sighed, and brought the food to table 5.

Kagome walked over to the light brown wooden acoustic guitar the band used, she sat down on a stool and everyone at the restaurant looked, "ladies and gentlemen, Kagome Higurashi got a special request to play a song for us, and she gladly accepted so, ladies and gentlemen Kagome Higurashi" announced Kari.

Kagome strummed the guitar and began to sing.

And I wanna believe you

When you tell me it'll be ok

Yea I try to believe you

But I don't

When you say that it's gonna be

It always turns out to be a different way

I try to believe you

Not today, today today today todaaaaayyy

I don't know how I feel



I don't know what to say


Tomorrow is a different day

It's always been up to you

It's turning around its up to me

I gonna do what I have to do

Just don't

Give me a little time

Leave me alone a little while

Maybe it's not too late

Not today, today today today todaaaaayyy oh

I don't know how I feel



I don't know what to say


Tomorrow is a different day

And I know I'm not ready

Maybe tomorrow

And I wanna believe you

When you tell me that it'll be ok

Yea I try to believe you

Not today, today today today todaaaaayyy

Tomorrow it may change (4x)

The sound of the guitar fades and everyone was amazed, claps erupted after they got out of their shocked states. Kagome bowed, "thank you everyone" she said. She put down the guitar and walked back to her post.

"you were awesome Kagome!" said Sango hugging her.

"hahahaha thanks" she laughed.

"that was simply marvelous" said a man behind Kagome. "my friend was right about you, you've got talent" he said.

"thank you" said Kagome blushing.

And so the day progressed and soon it was time to go home and get some rest.

Kagome looked at her computer screen and listened to the many songs she's composed.

'what's your dream Kagome?' asked a voice, she hasn't heard in a long time.

Kagome put her head down as she had a flashback of her childhood.


'so, what do you want to become when your older?' asked an elderly woman, whose name was Kaede. Little Kagome tapped her chin with her pointer finger and looked at her grandmother.

"hmm…I wanna become…A SINGER!" she said excitedly.

Kaede laughed and patted her grandchild's head, "well, if that's who you want to become then never give it up. No matter what people say, no matter what comes as an obstacles, follow your dreams, I'll be there to support you one hundred percent" said Kaede.

"thank you granny Kaede, I'll be a singer just for you" she said.

End of flashback:

Kagome sighed and looked at the picture of her and her grandmother; she was only 6 when she passed away. She went to her bed and slept, another night not talking to her mom.

Ok, so how'd you like the beginning? Loved it? Hated it? What'd you think?? Please review! This is only the beginning, and InuYasha will be coming in the next chapter!