So Cold
Author note: This story was partly inspired by the song So Cold by Breaking Benjamin, the rest just came to me while my Mom was making me do schoolwork, IN THE MIDDLE OF SUMMER! Read and Review, it will make me feel slightly better about being made to do schoolwork during a holiday.
Shadow woke up from a very strange dream, he had been told by Eggman that he had to destroy the Spartans, but that was ridiculous, Sparta was gone, buried, stuff of the past. Like Maria. Shadow winced at that, okay maybe he should pay a little more heed to this, but not too much, or that blue faker would start thinking he'd gone crazy. He looked out the window at the world, it was all grey, due to the polution from wars, they were leaving for a distant planet today. But Maria had... Shadow closed his eyes, thinking of Maria at the moment made him feel guilty, she had sacrificed herself to send him to Earth, she had wanted him to live happily there, be people's friend... Well the friend part hadn't worked out too well, but he had still lived quite contently, and some of the places he didn't really want to leave, but he had to, he'd promised Amy.
When he had said he wasn't going with them she had broken down and cried, they'd almost had a flood, only when Shadow gave in and promised to go did the tears come to a shuddering halt. Speaking of which, she should be arriving soon, she had insisted on coming over to help him pack. Sure enough the doorbell for his mansion rang. He opened the door to see Amy, smiling sweetly, "Hello Shad." He didn't know why, but he didn't mind her calling him that, even though when Sonic called him that it really annoyed him. "So, let's get packing." She said, rolling up her sleeves, she was wearing a red long sleeve shirt, and black pants, Shadow wondered at the absence of blue in her outfit, but didn't comment.