A/D: Hi, fans! Here is a new story of TMM. This is very similar to our favorite story but I changed it a bit. I do NOT own TMM and I'm a heaven/hell and light/dark fan. This is inspired by a picture from the YouTube video on /watch?vtKMgEnL02Io . For the record, I was roaming and I was just watching this. I loved the pictures on it!
This is not for Masaya/Ichigo. This is completely a Kisshu/Ichigo story but it has some Ryou/Ichigo moments. Everyone at first is human, even the aliens but they will appear with ears soon enough.
I also do NOT own the songs I will use in this story. I am defiantly certain to use songs in this story. The songs are the most important for the story and I will ask of what kind of type of songs that would be good. Further questions will be asked about the subject later.
If this sounds like a story that you probably heard before, I probably haven't read it before. Enjoy!!
Heaven and Hell
A New Tokyo Mew Mew Story
'When something affects your life, how do you take it?'
Ch. 1: Not the First Day I was Hoping
"Ichigo! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!"
The young fourteen year old red head girl just moaned on her bed, not getting up to her mother's calls. Her mom was starting to get a little irritated.
"Ichigo Momomiya! Get up this instant! I thought you had something to do before you go to school?" At the reminder of that, Ichigo looked up at the clock and it was 7:15. Time is a shocker.
"Ahhh!! I'm late!" Ichigo jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, leaving her mother in her room.
Ichigo Momomiya, a red head with dark red eyes and perfect skin. For a fourteen year old, she had a wonderful body. There was barely any fat on her tall skinny body. Ichigo lives in a three bed room house with her two parents. They have a third room in case of guests visiting.
In her rush to get ready, Ichigo thought, 'I can't believe I over slept and on my first day of school too! I'm supposed to do something before I even start the school year anyway!'
After that thought, Ichigo quickly flossed, brushed her teeth, mouth wash, brushed her hair, put her short red hair into two side ponytails, and ran out of the bathroom to her room. Her mother wasn't there anymore, but Ichigo was in too much of a rush to think about it. She ran to the closet and grabbed her school uniform. It was a short grey puffy skirt with a short sleeve puff sleeves sailor shirt and a red bow on her upper chest. On the back of her skirt, there was a ribbon bow on the top of it. After she changed, she grabbed her school bag and rushed down to the kitchen. She grabbed a toast and put it in her mouth and ran to the door.
"I'm leaving!" she yelled, her voice muffled from the toast.
"But don't you want breakfast?" her mother asked from the kitchen. Ichigo put on her shoes and opened the door.
"I'm late, mom! Bye! Love you!"
"Love you too! Have a good first day!" Then Ichigo ran out of the house, closing the door behind her.
Today is Ichigo's first day at Sakura Middle School at the eighth grade. The reason why Ichigo is in such a rush on her first day is because she would like to start the day off with a boyfriend.
Ichigo was running towards the park as fast as her feet could carry her. She couldn't believe that it has come to this. When she finally arrived at the park, after passing confused or angry people, stores, and restaurants, she saw who she desperately wanted to see. A boy that looked just about her age that had dark blue glossy hair and his skin tone made him look very healthy; it is really dark. He was wearing her school uniform; black long pants and a white buttoned up short sleeve shirt.
"Masaya!" she called. He turned around and Ichigo could see his 'beautiful' brown eyes.
He answered, "Hi, Momomiya-san!"
Masaya Aoyama, one of the most popular boys in school who is in the 'nice, gentle, smart, and very athletic' group of popularity. To Ichigo, the best part is that he really cares for the environment, endangered animals, and he's the captain of the kendo team.
She ran up to him, a pleasant smile on her face and he smiled back at her. He asked her, "You needed to speak to me before school, Momomiya-san?"
She nodded her head but thought, 'After today, he won't call me that anymore.'
"Listen, Masaya. There is a reason why I wanted to talk to you," she said. He gave her a questionable glance when she started turning red. She looked down, still smiling. Her hands were in front of her and her right foot was making a small hole under it. She was embarrassed but she confessed, "You see, I really liked you for a long time and… and…I…would…like it if….you would go out with me." She said the last part in a softer tone but he heard her.
"I'm sorry, Momomiya-san," he said. Her blush was gone and she relaxed. He calmly answered, "I'm actually seeing someone else so I'm afraid that I can't. I'm really sorry!" He bowed down to her and she let out a sigh.
"It's okay, Aoyama-kun. I understand."
He stood up and smiled. He asked her, "We can be friends though, right?"
She smiled back and answered, "Yep! Friends!"
"Thank you. Good bye!" After that, he ran right past her and she was left to be swallowed up by her depression. Oh really…
She looked up at the sky like she was bored and said out loud, "So much for that. Let's see, that was the fifth boy this year and I was so hoping that I could start the school year with a boyfriend. How disappointing."
"It's still not too late," a voice called out. Before Ichigo could react, two arms wrapped around her neck, gently. The owner of the voice had his mouth next to her ear and his warm breath breathed on her ear. "You can always go out with me. I'm still single." His lips soon moved to her cheek and he gave her a sweet kiss. She elbowed him away.
"Nice try, buddy!" she told him, pushing herself away from him. "I would drop dead before I go with you, Kisshu."
Kisshu Takokujin, a dark emerald hair, amber golden eyes, and pale skin boy. He's the same age as Ichigo and he's one of the bad boys type. He's known Ichigo for a while and he's been after her heart just as long. Apparently, he's still after her.
He was wearing the same uniform as Masaya except, he also had the coat on as well. Usually, students don't wear their long sleeve jackets, but Kisshu doesn't like being the same as others. His black jacket however had its sleeves pulled up half way up his arms. His shirt had its first two buttons unbuttoned and half of it wasn't even tucked in. On his left ear, he has about three piercings and on his right he has two. He had on black shoes, and his short hair was almost boy cut except for two areas; the hairs in front of his ears. They were at least an inch or two inches longer than his other hair length.
Kisshu smiled at Ichigo and said, "Come on, honey. You know you want too."
"I wouldn't date you, even if you became the only male on earth!" Ichigo yelled; he didn't look fazed by her words at all.
"Playing hard to get as always. That's what I love about you." Ichigo turned a slight red at that and glared at him. He only continued. "Besides, that tree hugger didn't deserve you. He was just making up that girlfriend story to stay away from you. I swear! The guy doesn't see a fabulous woman when he sees it." Ichigo realized something.
"Wait a minute! How did you know that I would be here?" she asked him.
He answered, like it was no problem, "I heard you giggling about meeting some boy at the park so I decided to meet you here. I had no idea that you were going to confess your likes to a loser like him."
She got embarrassed. "Stay away from my neighborhood, you lying stalker!"
"Lying? I never lie to you, love," he whined like a little angel.
She glared at him again and said, "You're lying again. You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with Aoyama-kun rejecting me, did you?" She had her arms crossed and her left foot was tapping the ground. She was pissed off hard.
He didn't make it bother him. "I would not lie to you, love but do you want me too?"
"What's the lie?"
"Nope, I did not take any part in your rejections."
"Rejections?! You mean to tell me that you made every boy that I asked to go out with to reject me?"
"You want me to lie again?"
"What's the lie this time?"
"No, I took no part in your rejections. I did not threaten each guy that you asked out to say no. I didn't tell them that I would stalk them and one day, kill them."
Now, Ichigo is beyond pissed off. "You did WHAT?!"
"You said that you wanted the lie." Kisshu was still as calm as ever.
"Kisshu, you asshole! I'll kill you!"
"That's no way to talk to the man of your fantasies."
"My only fantasies are me beating you to a bloody pulp!"
Ichigo raised a fist and she got ready to punch him, but he duck when she went in. She tried again, but he kept dodging. For the fifth time, Kisshu dodge by ducking lower and then went straight under Ichigo. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed the back of her head when he got a hold of her.
"You smell just like your name, honey. You smell like strawberries and trust me. Blue underwear does not work for you," he told her. She only got redder at that comment.
She turned around and slapped him straight on the face. He faced the direction he was hit towards but he didn't let go of her. He did us one hand to touch that area where he got slapped at and he looked at her. He only smiled at her.
"You're so feisty. It just makes me want you more and more." He hugged her and her skin was crawling at his cold touch.
"Get off me!" she yelled, pushing him away. He didn't completely back away from her.
His let go of her but he had on hand grab hers and he raise it up. "There was a reason why I did that, Ichigo." That caught her attention for her to listen. He raised her hand up higher again and brought it to his mouth. He lightly kissed it. "It's because no one else can have you. You are mine and mine alone. I love you, Ichigo." She turned red again, but she pulled her hand away and turned around.
"Whatever! Just leave me alone, I don't have time to play with you." She started walking away, but Kisshu stayed right where he was at.
"That's okay, honey. We can play afterwards or when we're in the principal's office when he's not looking." That was confusing.
She stopped and asked him, "What do you mean?"
He looked down at his wrist to look at his watch as he said, "The reason why that tree hugger left is not because he has to see his 'girlfriend', but because we're late. It's about 7:50 and it's about a twenty minute walk from here to school."
"What!!" Ichigo freaked. Before there was another word being said, Ichigo ran towards the school and Kisshu fallowed behind her.
"Hey! Wait up!" he called, but she didn't listen. They are in so much trouble.
"We are on a bad start on your first day, Ms. Momomiya and Mr. Takokujin," the principal told both Ichigo and Kisshu.
They both arrived at school late and to report to the principal's office for trying to sneak in class. Their teacher, however, caught them and told them to go to the principal's office since they already marked them tardy. The two chairs that are in front of the principal is where they sat for this, but only Ichigo was standing up straight nervous while Kisshu was leaning back, his left on top of his right knee.
"This is a very academic school that needs to have its students to be paying attention, work diligently, and to come on time! We are very serious about that and if you two can't fallow it, then I might have to expel you for about a week," the principal continued.
Both Ichigo and Kisshu thought, 'Talk about strict.'
"Mr. Takaharu, I assure you that this will not happen again, I promise," Ichigo said in her sweet innocent voice.
Kisshu mumble from under his breath, "Not while I'm here."
"Kisshu!" Ichigo whispered/yelling. The principal raised a brow.
"Seeing that you two both know each other very well, I'll give you both a chore and an extra credit to repay for the missed class." Ichigo looked confused and Kisshu looked bored and annoyed. "After school tomorrow, you both will go to the back of the school and clean it up. I want every leaf picked up, new or old, I want the weeds picked, and I want the courts swept. There is also a dance show coming up in about two months as well."
"A dance show?" Ichigo questioned.
Kisshu sarcastically said, "Sounds like fun." Ichigo elbowed him again.
Then Mr. Takaharu blurted out, "You two will both participate in it for extra credit and the only dance open is the tango." Both of them got tensed at that. Seconds later, they exploded.
"I don't dance!" Kisshu yelled.
Ichigo yelled, "And I can't dance! When I did the maraca, I sent five people to the emergency room! Besides, I can't dance with him!"
Kisshu thought, 'Well I wouldn't mind dancing with her and the tango is one of the most passionate dances, but still!'
Mr. Takaharu simply ignored their whines and said, "Classes start next week after school in the studio on the third floor. You will learn the dance from three to five. You both may return back to class now." Since it doesn't seem to work with just complaining to him, both Ichigo and Kisshu picked up their bags and left the room.
When they got back to their classroom, their teacher gave them each two buckets and told them to fill those up with water. They ended up filling them up and standing outside of class while holding both of the buckets. Ichigo's arms are ready to fall off after just ten minutes but Kisshu looked completely fine. They didn't talk at all since they weren't supposed too, but someone decided to bend the rules.
Kisshu bend over to Ichigo's ear and whispered, "Looks like we're going to be seeing each other for a while, huh?"
Ichigo growled at him to back off and he did. She glared at him and said, rather loud, "I already have to see you no matter what. You live about two blocks away from me and we've been going to the same school at the same classes for the past five years!"
"Momomiya-san! Be quiet out there!" the teacher yelled.
Ichigo yelped and yelled back, "Sorry!"
"Another ten minutes!" Ichigo's shoulders bend over in depression and Kisshu smiled in pleasure.
"Maybe you should whisper instead of talk. I'm not the one who's making us stay out here longer," he whispered in her ear. She glared at him again.
After another ten minutes, they were allowed back in and it was hard for Ichigo to write. Her arms were too tired and Kisshu was barely paying attention. First day of school went on as it does like every other school day: listen to the teacher, write down notes when needed, answer questions that you are asked, and listen. Ichigo was dreading it all completely. She did not want to start the new school year like this.
"Leave me alone, Kisshu! I don't want to deal with you, forever!" Ichigo yelled behind her. Kisshu was walking right behind her.
"I know you don't mean that, honey and besides, I have to go through this way to get home," he reminded.
"Well find another way!"
School was finally over, for Ichigo's relief but she wasn't freed from her problems yet. She still had an annoying pest fallowing her around. It's about three in the afternoon and both of them are inside the park, taking the usual path down to their road.
"Also!" Ichigo stopped and turned towards him. He stopped right before he could bump into her. She continued, "I thought you don't go home! Don't you have some gang meeting with your brothers?!" Ichigo asked, pointing the finger at him.
He grabbed her hand with both of his hands and asked, "Is that what you think of me, honey?" He was staring at her with soft, yearning eyes and Ichigo was turning red from just looking at them.
Unlike Ichigo, Kisshu has siblings. He has two siblings; a younger one and an older one. His older brother is about seventeen and his younger brother is about eleven. Kisshu is three years younger than his older brother and he's three years older than his younger brother.
Ichigo pulled her hand away and yelled, "Don't you try that trick with me!" She turned around and clarified, "They don't work on me-EEEEEEE!" Ichigo tripped and she started falling to the ground.
She closed her eyes, ready for the impact of the hard ground, but it didn't come. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes and she was staring straight at Kisshu's face. He was holding her bridal style.
He asked, "You okay?" She was really heating up. She nodded and he smiled. "That's good. You scared me there, honey." She got mad at that name.
"Don't call me 'honey'!" She pushed him away and she got off of him. The moment she stepped with her right leg, she yelped and winced.
"Is there something wrong?" he asked her again.
She answered, without meaning too, "I think I twisted my ankle." She was lifted up again by Kisshu and she asked, getting embarrassed, "K-Kisshu? W-What-?"
He didn't answer her or let her continue the question. He laid her down on the soft grass hill and he took a look at her ankle. He took off her shoe and he started pushing at a few spots at the foot. Ichigo couldn't control the blush that is forming on her cheeks.
Not looking up at her, he told her, "Just because I get into fights doesn't mean that I don't know how to take care of injuries." It was if he was reading her mind. Ichigo was just about to ask him of how he knows how to see if an ankle is twisted or not. When he pressed her ankle, she winced. "Yep, it's twisted." He put her shoe back on and he stood up. "You stay here, okay?" he asked her. She looked up and he said, "I'm going to go get some cold water for your ankle. You need something cold for it. I'll be right back." She nodded and he was off in search of a vending machine.
Ichigo's heart was still pounding and she was still red. She placed a hand over her heart and she wondered, 'Why is my heart pounding so much? There's no way I like him. I've known him since third grade but he's never more than an annoying pest? Is that really what he is?'
"Uh?" Ichigo wondered as the ground started shaking beneath her.
Not far from her, Kisshu just paid for about two bottles of waters and he felt the rumble under him as well. He nearly tripped but he kept his balance.
"An earth quake?" he questioned. Remembering Ichigo, he gasped and looked towards her direction. "Ichigo!"
He started running towards her but something stopped him. A small black ring dropped and landed on the ground in front of him. It looked like the ring was made of pure Satin and in the middle of it is a green jewel that sparkled like a diamond.
"A ring?" he questioned.
Ichigo was holding her head between her hands and her legs curled up close to her body. She was starting to get scared as the earth quake continued.
'What's happening?' she wondered. In fear, she called out, "Kisshu! Kisshu! Where are you?!"
Next thing she knew, she saw a black light shine not far from where she saw Kisshu head towards. After the light, she heard his cries.
After she called for him, a bright white light shined from under her this time. She looked down in confusion and suddenly felt this warm feeling. She closed her eyes to relax in its warmth and she let a few moans of pleasure escape her lips.
When she opened her eyes, she saw a bright, white light. It felt so warm and in the air, she could hear a faint sound of music.
'What the? Where am I? Did I die?' she wondered, looking around. All she could still see is white light. 'Wait! If I died, then that means Kisshu…' She didn't try to think about the worst. Getting to that thought alone was causing her whole body to shake in fear.
"Kisshu! Kisshu! Where are you?" she called, but there was no answer. The only sound was still that soft, soothing music. "Where is that music coming from?"
Ichigo turned around and she looked down. About a few feet away from her is a little black cat with white angel wings. But there is something different about the cat. It didn't look like a regular house cat that you usually see. The cat had light grey legs and from its thighs to its back, the cur got darker into a dark grey. On its back and face, it has black spots on it. It's tail is also about half way shorter than regular cats. Ichigo seen a cat like this before.
"Are you an Iriomote wildcat?" she asked. As if the cat understood her, it looked like smiled and meowed. Ichigo, feeling much more calm, smiled at it and bent over. "Come here." The cat approached her and Ichigo picked it up. "You're so pretty, kitty. Are you an angel?" the cat meowed again and Ichigo smiled.
Then the amazing happened. The cat jumped from Ichigo's arms and it went inside of her. Ichigo looked confused at the bright pink light that is now shining from her chest. "That cat went inside of me." The pink light only got bigger and bigger, engulfing Ichigo in it. She closed her eyes and she was starting to feel the most wonderful feeling. The light was making her body feel this warm, nostalgic feeling. It felt so nice. So….heavenly.
"Ichigo? Ichigo! Wake up! Ichigo!"
'That voice? It's so familiar but who is it?'
After that call, Ichigo tried to open her eyes. Her vision was blurry, at first, but slowly images started to clear out and she could see the shapes and the colors of it all. The first she could see when she opened her eyes was a pair of golden eyes staring right at her. She knew those eyes all too well.
She saw him softly smile and he breathed out, "Thank goodness you're awake. You got me worried there, honey. Don't scare me like that." After the name, she huffed and sat up.
"I feel just fine, Kisshu! Thank you for caring," she told him. She looked away and she started to remember what happened. Even his screaming came back into mind. She turned towards him with a worried glance and asked, "Are you alright? I heard you screaming when the earth quake started!"
Kisshu looked confused by that fact, "I'm fine. What earthquake? I didn't feel anything. I actually don't remember what happened. I was getting some water for your ankle and the rest is all fuzzy."
Ichigo raised a brow. 'Well that's weird. I was sure that there was an earthquake and there were lights too. Was I having a dream?'
"But when I did remember what's going on, I came back and you were lying on the ground, unconscious," he told her, getting her out of her thoughts. Then he grabbed her and pulled her into a soft hug. "You scared the life out of me, Ichigo. Don't do that."
She started turning red from his closure and his warmth from his hold. She gained back her composure and pushed him away. "Thanks for your concern, again. But I'm completely
fine." When she pushed him away, she noticed something. There was a ring on his ring finger on his left hand. "Hey! What's this? You married or something?"
He looked at his hand and stared at the ring. "I don't remember this and if I was married, I would be married to you, of course."
"Kisshu! This is no time for love commitment jokes!" she reminded him.
He smiled at her and apologized, "Sorry. I couldn't resist." He looked back at his hand and pulled the ring off. "Well whatever it is, it's not mine. So good riddance!" He tossed the ring behind him and it rolled all the way down to the cement sidewalk.
"Kisshu!" Ichigo scolded as she got up. She started hoping down towards the sidewalk, towards the ring.
"What?" Kisshu questioned. "It's not mine so might as well get rid of it! What if some sicko put that on me?"
He followed her down and Ichigo was bent over towards the ground. She got ready to pick it up but the moment she touched it, she got a terrible pain ring through her body like lightening. She stood up and yelped, "Ouch!" She held her hand that touched the ring and started rubbing it.
'What was that?'
"Ichigo? Are you okay, honey?" she heard. She didn't look behind since she knew who it is. She felt Kisshu's hand grabbed the one she was rubbing and he was analyzing it. He asked, "How did you get this burn?" She looked at her hand and there was a small burn on all three of her fingers that she used to pick up the ring.
She answered, "I don't know. The ring, maybe."
"The ring?"
"I think so. I just touched it and I felt this pain."
Kisshu looked back at the ring and bent down to pick it up. He started at it and he was waiting for the same pain that Ichigo got, but he didn't. He waited long enough and threw it into the bushes and trees. It went as far as thirty meters or more.
He huffed and dusted his hands together. "Well I am defiantly not keeping that thing! If it hurts my Ichigo then I don't want anything to do with what could hurt her," he said, determined. Ichigo turned red from that determination, but pushed it aside.
"Who said I was ever yours?" she asked him, hopping away to the top of the grassy hill.
He fallowed, answering, "Well no one else will take you, so might as well have you for myself!"
Ichigo picked up her bag and yelled, "The only reason that is, is because you keep threatening all of the boys to reject me! Now if you don't mind, I want to go home!" She hopped her way down and Kisshu fallowed again.
"I'll walk you home," he offered.
"No! I can go home by myself." She started hopping again and her leg got too weak. She was ready to fall head first into the ground. Then two strong, supporting arms wrapped around her waist and caught her.
"Yeah, right," Kisshu said. Ichigo looked up and he was really close to her face. The heat rise up to her cheeks again and her heart was pounding. He helped her stable herself and then he kneeled down. "Get on!"
"I-I can walk," she shuttered. He looked up at her and stared. Giving her the 'Shut up and get on. Ichigo let out a sigh and hopped to his back. She got on and he picked her up like that. He got both of their bags and started walking towards their street.
Ichigo turned red from this and she asked, "Am I…too heavy?"
He answered, "Not at all. You're as light as an angel with wings." She really got red at that comment. She always thought she was too heavy or she that she was getting fat but hearing that from him made her heart pound another mile faster.
Then Kisshu said something to ruin the moment. "Now I know that I don't have to worry about carrying you on our wedding day." She got red out of anger.
"Who said we're getting married?!"
"I did and you did just now."
"We are NOT getting married!"
High up in the sky and deep below the earth's mantle, there are two places that are watching both Kisshu and Ichigo bicker.
The one above in the sky was watching over Ichigo from a white hand mirror from his desk in the clouds. His bright, boy cut, blond hair could be mistake for the sun's rays, his blue eyes looked like the depths of the ocean, and his dark tan skin looked so smooth and it gave off a healthy glow. He's wearing a very white outfit. He had on a long sleeve mid evil shirt and long white pants along with a white cape made out of the purest of all the cotton a cloud has to offer.
The boy had on a small smile from the picture of a red hair girl. He even let out a small chuckle in delight.
"Please, Prince Ryou?" a voice asked.
The boy, Ryou who could be no older than about sixteen, reverted his eyes from the mirror in his hand and he looked up at the one who called him.
The one who called him looked no older than twenty. He has long dark brown hair that's up in a low pony tail. He has kind, gentle brown eyes and his skin was a normal tone; not too dark and not too pale. His outfit is just as white as Ryou's. He had on long white pants but his top made his outfit look like it's Indian wear (and I mean India, not native American Indians). The guy came holding a tray of a tea pot, two tea cups, and a small basket of cookies.
"Keiichiro, did the infusion go smoothly?" Ryou asked his smile turned into a serious look.
Keiichiro answered, "As you can see, Prince Ryou, the infusion became a success." He put the tray on Ryou's desk and he got himself a chair to sit.
Ryou picked up his tea cup and asked, "Did he create a transfusion as well?"
Keiichiro lost his pleasant smile and his looks hardened. "Yes, but instead of five girls. He infused three boys. We haven't found who his victims are yet. He must have put up a protective barrier around them to hid them from us."
Ryou nodded. "I see." He took a small sip of his tea and put the cup on the small plate. "This is one of the girls that have been infused." Ryou gave Keiichiro the mirror and Keiichiro accepted it. He observed Ichigo as she was still yelling at Kisshu and he was just calmly talking to her.
Keiichiro's smile came back and he said, "She's a beautiful girl. What's her name?"
"Ichigo," Ryou answered. "At least that's what that human calls her."
"Have you found the others?"
"No. That's her job now."
"Does she know?"
"No yet. We'll see her tomorrow and then tell her."
"But if he finds out who she really is, then there's no doubt that he'll try to destroy her," Keiichiro warned.
Ryou took back his mirror and reminded, "I know, but we have no choice. We can't leave this kingdom now. It takes us about twenty-four hours before we arrive on earth as humans. Hopefully, he hasn't found out about her and decides to pay an early visit."
"You should review your studies again, Prince Ryou. Have you forgotten that he can't leave his realm, no matter how hard he tries?" Keiichiro asked.
Ryou smiled and told him, "I was joking. He hasn't left his realm for thousand of years."
But he did find out.
The one below the earth's mantle, deep in the grounds was watching Kisshu from his blood red throne. His long hair is pure black and could be mistake for the shadows you see behind you, his light blue eyes are by far the only thing that could stand out, and his pale skin is as white as bone. He's wearing a blue outfit. His outfit could be a dress but it isn't. It has long sleeves and the collar resembled that of a turtle neck. There was something very interesting about him. He had big elf like ears that could be about five inches long.
He had on a wide smirk on his face as he continued to watch the scene through a crystal ball, flouting before him. He just kept smirking at Kisshu and apparently his feelings towards Ichigo.
"That girl is special to him, uh? She could easily accept him and declare her love to him. But what if we change that a little? After all, it's always fun to torture an angel."
After Kisshu walked Ichigo home, he nearly got killed by her father because, well let's just say that he's very over protective when it comes to his daughter seeing boys or even being nice to boys. Not to forget to mention that he know Kisshu well and now that he's probably a bad influence and should be someone who you don't really want to hang with. Ichigo yell her father a few times about both of them not dating and that he was only helping her get home. Kisshu left after saying good bye to Ichigo and kissing her cheek. Her father did not like that at all. He actually chased him about a block before coming home, tired.
Ichigo's mom help with Ichigo's twisted ankle and they did the regular normal routine; eat dinner, clean up, watch a little TV, and then go to bed. Kisshu's house was similar to that; eat, get cleaned up, and then go to bed. But there was something different about how both of them were sleeping through the night.
The night turned into a storm and there was thunder and lightning was dancing outside. Ichigo didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, she looked like she's in a deeper sleep from the rain outside. She was curled up into a ball on her bed and she had her hands folded like a cat. She had on a comforted smile and she looked like she was enjoying a very pleasant dream. Then as a laugh, one sound came out of her mouth. "Nya!!"
Kisshu however was having a hard sleep.
He was tossing and turning all over the bed. Sweat was pouring down his face and he was awake. His eyes showed that he's in pain and he tried to hold it in. His hands gripped over his chest and he was moaning in pain. He was curled up into a ball too, but he was trashing his bed with his feet. Something hot is in his chest and it was burning. It was hurting him at every blood cell in his body and it spread as the blood flowed through his body. It was hurting and it was hurting him at every limp of his body.
In his pain, he kept hearing a voice calling for him.
'Kisshu……Kisshu…Kisshu…It's time.'
'Time for what?' Kisshu asked in his thoughts, but the pain only continued. There's a battle going on in his body and he was losing to the pain. It was way too much for him to handle. His whole body felt hot but he was shaking like he's freezing cold.
"Ichi…go!" he softly called. But that one name that escaped his lips made the pain give out an explosion in his body.
He stopped trashing and he stopped shaking. In fact, he stopped moving. Seconds later, he moved. He went to the side of the bed and sat up. He stood up and headed for the door. He walked out of his room and out of his house. He still walked even when he was in the middle of the city.
"No, stop!" a young woman cried.
Two guys were on her and they were pushing her against the wall. They reeked of alcohol and they were laughing in delight from her screams.
"What's wrong, girlie?" one of them asked.
She looked terrified and that only fueled them up. The second one said, "Don't worry, sweetie. We'll take good care of you. We promise."
"No!! Let go of me!" she cried, but it was useless. They were too strong and she had no strength at all. But maybe, it's not her that will take care of them.
"Hey, look!" the second thug told the first one.
Both the woman and the first thug looked up in the dark alley and walking towards them is Kisshu. The lightning revealed his features to them. His hair looked messed up and wet as his bangs were shadowing his eyes. His face had no expressions at all. All he was doing was walking, ignoring the scene that was happening in front of him.
"Hey, kid! You better get out of here or you'll get hurt!" the first thug threatened. Like he just noticed them, Kisshu's faced rise up a bit like he was looking at them.
"No! Please don't hurt him! He's just a kid," the woman pleaded. The second thug pulled her hair and she winced in pain.
"Shut up!" he told her. She yelped and stayed quiet until she looked up at him again.
"Please, get away! Run!"
Kisshu just stood there.
"You should have listened to her, kid!" the first thug said. Then he charged Kisshu with a fist ready to cream him. Kisshu still didn't move.
The thug punched him and the woman got nervous for the boy's safety. Kisshu was still standing but he bent over to the left from the hit. He didn't let out a cry or anything. He just stood there and all three of them got confused.
'He's a human. He's below you and yet, he hit you.'
"You …hit me," Kisshu mumbled, standing up straight.
The first thug looked confused. He said, "Yeah, I did. Didn't that hurt?"
'You hate him, don't you? Of course you do. No one treats you like that.'
"No one treats me like that."
'It's okay to hate. This world is full of it anyway. Look at these humans. They're full of hate towards one another and towards you. Hate is all you need to feel.'
"I hate you," Kisshu mumbled. The hug looked even more confused, then terrified.
Kisshu's whole body started to give off a red aura and his hair was starting to rise up in the aura. The other thug and the woman saw his aura and they started getting scared of that too.
"You humans are pathetic. You're all full of hatred. Hatred towards each other, hatred towards the world, and hatred towards yourself. Hatred…Hatred is the only feeling we ever feel. Hatred is the only thing left if the world is destroyed."
When Kisshu looked up, the thug saw his eyes. They were his usual color but they looked almost cat like and they looked sharper. Then he saw something else about his eyes. Kisshu closed his eyes and when he opened them, they were blood red. He opened his mouth and they revealed two sharp, long canine fangs. He jumped up and landed on the thug. The thug was taken off guard so when he fell down and Kisshu had his hands on his head, Kisshu took that chance to twist his neck with tremendous strength. The first thug's neck broke and he died right there. The other thug and the woman stared at the scene in fear.
"I take that back. Once the world is destroyed, hatred will be the only feeling we ever feel and that will last on forever!" Kisshu corrected, still having his longs fangs and his blood red eyes.
His eyes sharply looked up at the other thug and the woman and his claws grew long and sharp. The thug freaked out and threw the woman to the ground. He tried to run for it and Kisshu noticed. At incredible speed, he appeared in front of him and he stabbed his hand right through the second thug's chest. The woman let out a terrifying scream as Kisshu threw the body to the ground. He stared at her and her body started shaking. She got up and she tried to run for it too, but she wouldn't get up. There was something wrong with her ankle and he noticed that.
The woman put her hand on her ankle and she started crying. "Please…….don't kill me….Please! I-I don't want to……die," she pleaded. She's terrified but that wasn't the reason why Kisshu's eyes are wide. Her ankle is twisted, that was why his eyes widen.
'I…I can't kill her. I should…let her go.'
"If you let her go, then she'll call the police and tell everyone what you did. She hates you because she's terrified about what you can do. So in return hate her. You don't have to kill her, but you can do something. Free her from her hate filled life.'
Kisshu's eyes' size return back to normal and she approached the woman. Her eyes widen in fear and her body shakes with fear. She even reeked of fear. Kisshu offered his hand to her and she looked confused. When she looked up at him, he had on a small smile that is not complimented by his eyes.
"Don't worry. I promise you that you will be free," he assured her. Her feared expressions relaxed a bit and she accepted his hand. There was something about him that allowed her to trust him a bit. He helped her up and he leaned in closer towards her neck. Hs left hand rubbed against her right arm and he said, "This…won't…hurt…a bit." She closed her eyes and relaxed. He opened his mouth and his fangs pierced her neck.