Chapter 15: Warning!

Gennai had managed to find a way into the real world but didn't know how he would beable to find the rest of the DigiDestined. He knew that they would be somewhere within this city but knew that it would be difficult. He realised that they could also be in the Digital World looking for Matt and Gabumon. He started to walk around the city and people were staring at him and then he realise why. He looked out of place with the clothes he was wearing but ignored the faces and continued on his search. It was starting to get late and Gennai still hadn't found any of them.

Sora was heading towards Izzy's house. Izzy and the others were started to get worried about Matt as it had been several hours since he went to the Digital World. She had decided to make a quick stop in one of the cities shop to get some food for her and the rest of the group. While on her way out she had managed to bump into someone while sorting out the bags in her hands.

'Sorry I didn't mean to bump into you' Sora looked up and then realised the man standing in front of her looked liked Gennai.


Sora was surprised when she realised that it was Gennai standing in front of her. Gennai had asked her to take him to the rest of the group. He had explained everything which had happened earlier and what was expected of them now. Once the two were at Izzy's house, they explained everything and left Izzy's house.

Gennai had a great memory so he could easily remember the way back to the portal. It seemed odd to some people seeing an old man walking around with a few teenagers and not getting any hassle. Once they all reached to the portal, they all felt tired and decided that they would have the food Sora had brought earlier. They knew that they would need all the strength they can get. Once they finished eating, they started to phone their parents wishing them a goodbye. The DigiDestined went through the portal...