Chapter 16
Jason couldn't stop laughing. Since Elizabeth had walked in she had not stopped rambling about her day and the bar. Her words were slurred and she stumbled around the apartment.
"And then Kelly fell off her sh-ch-chair."
Jason jumped off the couch when he saw her stumble and fall to her knees. When he got to her she was curled in a ball on the ground, laughing. "And then I fell on my already hurt knee." She managed to get out.
Jason picked her up and carried her to the couch, sitting beside her. "Did you hurt the knee you banged up the other morning."
"Well it was yyyyour fault anyway." She teased.
His eyes widened, "My fault?"
She waved her hand at him but he caught it in his, "How is it my fault?"
"Cause you were all hot and all getting out of the pool." She paused, licked her lips and continued, "The wa-water dripping off… down your ch-chest. Then you were coming toward the house and I diddddn't want you to catch me ssso I jumped and tripped and oops, I dent wown… went down."
Jason laughed, she had just reassured him that she had definitely been having the same feelings on the island that he had. Even though she told him she felt the same, hearing her admit to checking him out gave him a sense of comfort… mainly because he had been checking her out every chance he had and it was good to hear that she was doing the same.
"Oh my god… did I just tell you all that? I said that all out loud didn't I?" she covered her face with her hands.
"Don't be embarrassed because… I'll tell you that when I saw you in that dress when we went to the casino, I wanted to rip it off you." He leaned into her and stopped with his lips an inch from hers. "And seeing you walk around in that little bikini all week…"
He didn't complete his thought, instead he kissed her and pulled her onto his lap. Soon they were pulling apart, both gasping for air and Elizabeth pulled her shirt over her head. "No, wait… Spinelli is upstairs."
"So what, he's sleeping." She slurred as she waved her hand at him and leaned back in to kiss him.
Without breaking the kiss, he stood from the couch, cradling her in his arms and carried her up the stairs to his bedroom.
Jason smiled, thinking back to Elizabeth the night before.
"Maybe we should finish this when you are sober."
"Morgan, you better not be turning me down." She said pushing him back onto the bed. Her arms reached behind her back and after fumbling a few times, she unhooked her bra and threw that over her head as well. Jason laid back on the bed, grinning as he watched her struggling to shimmy out of her tight jeans. He couldn't get over how beautiful she was, even when she was plastered and cursing like a sailor as she struggled with her jeans that were now stuck on the heel of her stiletto. He jumped up and helped her when she stumbled over again while she was trying to pull her jeans off over the 4 inch heals.
She had finally gotten out of her jeans, with his help, and he carried her to the bed. Perhaps it was the alcohol but she was so loud that Jason was afraid that Spinelli would hear her, in the end he didn't care though. He loved when she was showing no reserve. Once she fell asleep he had gotten the bottle of aspirin and water for her to drink when she woke in the morning. The bottle of water was half empty and the aspirin bottle was in a different spot on the nightstand so she had woken up at some point already and taken some.
Jason reluctantly pulled himself out of the bed and Elizabeth instantly stirred from her sleep. "Good morning." She whispered.
Jason walked over to her side of the bed and sat on the edge. "Morning. How do you feel?" He took her hand in his and kissed her palm.
She yawned then smiled, "I actually feel ok, no hangover… yet."
"Good…" he bent down and brushed his lips against hers. "I'll go put on some coffee."
"No." she whined, grabbing his arm to keep him from getting up. "Lay here with me for a little while longer. I don't have to be in work till this afternoon… unless you have to leave soon."
He shook his head, "Max is handling things for me this morning so unless there is a problem I have the morning off as well."
"Well then…" she rolled away from him toward the middle of the bed and pulled back the sheets. "Get back in here."
He quickly complied, laying beside her, his arm wrapped around her back and pulled hr chest into his. Her leg wrapped around his thigh and her arm came up to rest on his waist. "Mmmm, that's more like it."
Jason's fingers were tracing the length of her spine, "Have you decided what you are going to do with the money we won?"
She tipped her head back to look at him, "I don't know. I was thinking about doing what you suggested and getting a more dependable car… since you wont take it."
"Uh uh, it's your money. I took my half, you have to take yours."
"What are you doing with your half?" she asked.
He shrugged, "I will think of something."
"Why do I have the feeling that you know what you want to do with your half and just don't want to tell me?"
He smiled, "I have a few ideas but we'll see. I haven't decided yet. Maybe I'll upgrade my bike."
"Did I thank you last night for sending Max to pick us up?" she asked and he nodded. "I remember Kelly telling me to thank you in a special way, or something like that but I don't remember much after that."
He pulled her closer, "Oh, don't worry… you did."
Her head tilted back so she could look into his eyes. She just laid there gazing at him for a while then spoke before she even realized what she was saying. "I love you." Her eyes drifted nervously away from his as she continued, "I really do… and it's not a friend kind of love, not anymore. It's like a heart racing, dreamy, cant stop thinking about you kind of love." Her stomach was in knots, she was startling herself at what she was saying but continued and started rambling out of nervousness. "And I think it has always been there but now I realize that I want this and I think I always have. Our timing was just always off so I never allowed myself to feel the feelings. We never were single at the same time and neither of us are the type to cheat, we are both always completely committed to the relationship we are in. We just always missed the opportunity. I know it seems so fast and maybe you aren't ready for it but…"
Her last few words were muffled by his lips over hers. She continued mumbling against his lips and he pulled back laughing. "Elizabeth…"
"I'm sorry, you know that I tend to ramble when I'm… when I get nervous."
His hand cupped her cheek, "Webber, you have no reason to be nervous."
Her eyes drifted back to his and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth when she saw his glistening blue eyes.
"I love you too." He whispered.
A smile instantly formed on her face and she leaned into him, burrowing her face into his neck. "Now what?" she mumbled.
"What do you mean now what?"
She pulled back to look at him again, "Do we date?" she asked.
"We can do whatever you want."
"What do you mean whatever I want?"
Jason shrugged his shoulders, "I don't' know, we can just figure this out as we go… but I can tell you what I want right now."
Her eyebrows arched, "and what is that?"
"Well I pretty much have it already, you in my bed but I have one problem with it… at some point you put this t-shirt on." He said grasping the bottom seam of the shirt she was wearing. "And while I must say that you look much better in my shirts then I do… you look even better without it."
She giggled as he rolled her onto her back and did not let her out of the bed until they both had to go into work that afternoon.
Two months later
"So that's it, everything went ok?"
Elizabeth nodded, "Yea, no fight or anything. Diane said everything was filed and complete today… I'm officially divorced." She fell onto the couch beside him.
Jason reached for her hand and held it between his palms. "So… Webber… do you have plans for tonight?"
She smiled, "I don't know Morgan… do I?"
He shrugged, "I don't know… I was thinking that we could maybe go for a ride, grab some dinner and…"
"Jason? What is that?" she asked. She could feel something against her palm that was encased in his much larger hands.
"What is what?"
"Don't play… you have something in your hand. I can feel it."
He slowly drew his hand back, leaving the item in her palm. When she saw what it was she froze, "What is this?"
He grinned nervously, "Well I finally spent the money I won down on the island."
"What does this mean?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the ring in her hand. "I mean are you… is this…"
He interrupted before she finished the question. "It means whatever you want."
"Morgan, don't do that to me. This is an engagement ring." She said as she looked down at the beautiful ring that would be exactly what she would pick out for herself, a petite band covered in rubies and a modest size diamond in the middle.
Jason shrugged, "I guess it is but I saw it and thought it would look great on you."
"So this is just a ring, you aren't proposing?"
Jason wiped his hand down his face and looked over at her, "You know, the past couple months have been amazing. To be honest, if I knew you'd say yes, I'd say let's go get married tonight… but I would never want to rush you. So anyway, I saw it a few days ago when I went to the jewelry store to buy you something. I know it is an engagement ring but the instant I saw it, I had to buy it."
He cupped her cheeks and he noticed tears in her eyes, "So I don't want to pressure you and I was going to wait to give it to you and propose when I was sure you were ready, but I just couldn't wait. I do want to marry you… if or whenever you are ready."
She narrowed her eyes and stood from the couch. "So let me get this straight, you kind of are proposing but not yet, later?" She made it a few steps from him then turned back, looking even more confused and frustrated, "So what is this, a preview? A tease? A maybe later if I want… maybe… or not? Are you trying to fuck with my head?"
He could hear the annoyance in her voice and he grew frustrated. This is not how he saw this going, perhaps he worded it wrong. He jumped up from the couch and walked over to where she was standing, still holding the ring in her palm as if it were burning her skin. "Elizabeth… I… I love you and I do want to marry you."
"Then just freaking propose and don't fill my head with this maybe when I am ready crap." She growled.
Jason took the ring out of her palm and she crossed her arms over her chest. He nervously shifted between his feet then took a deep breath, "Elizabeth… will you marry me?"
"Maybe… when I am ready." She said in a sarcastic tone.
Jason's shoulders slumped down and he blew out a breath as he looked up at the ceiling. "Wow!"
Elizabeth watched him for a few seconds, enjoying the sight of big, bad Jason Morgan looking dejected. It was wrong but he had just tortured her so she figured he deserved a repayment, although it was brief. "Ok Morgan, I'm ready."
He looked at her shocked as she continued, "Yes Morgan… I will marry you."
The end!!
I left some notes on this story and my others in my forum. Thank you all for the great feedback!