Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Author's Note: I got the idea from listening to Chemicals React from Aly and AJ.
"She's tore up plenty, but she'll fly true."-Zoe(Firefly)
Naruto didn't turn as he heard the window slide open, the rain pounding outside, the nearly silent footsteps on the now wet floorboards and the careful sliding closed of the window. He didn't say anything as he got up from his position at the kitchen table and went to the closet, grabbing a small towel and pulling the person into the light of the bathroom by the arm.
Sasuke didn't protest Naruto tugged on his arm to bring him into the stronger light of the bathroom, doubling the purpose of not dripping on the wood. The blonde's landlady probably wouldn't appreciate it much if water began leaking through the ceilings of the people below him. He didn't react when Naruto gently pushed him to sit on the toilet seat and began towel-drying his hair.
"You pick bad times to come back, Sasuke." Naruto's voice was soft as his fingers combed lightly through the ebony locks.
"Not my fault. I can't control the weather." Sasuke would never admit it, but the fingers running through his hair felt kinda nice.
"I know that, teme. You aren't that strong."
Sasuke didn't answer that, keeping his gaze glued to the puddles on the tiled floor. He didn't think he could bear to meet Naruto's eyes right now.
"Something wrong?"
Naruto must have felt Sasuke's confused silence at the question.
"You haven't turned your Sharingan off once since you got in here. Is something wrong?" Naruto repeated, his fingers stopping their constant motions and resting lightly tangled in the damp hair.
Sasuke was slightly surprised by this. He hadn't consciously been keeping it on, but it was just normal now. And he was used to getting the odd stares, so when people became unnerved by his bloodline, he didn't notice.
Sasuke looked up at Naruto, letting his bangs continue to hide his eyes until tanned fingers brushed them away, blue meeting the blood red for the first time in six years.
"People always say it's scary. The Sharingan, I mean, but there's nothing scary or bad there. It's just different. But ya know something Sasuke," Naruto continued, "I think the reason they get so scared is 'cause they ain't seen what your eyes actually look like."
Sasuke never noted the fading color of his eyes, darkening to the onyx that he was born with, so intent was he on Naruto's words.
The blonde smiled. "There it is. I missed that color. I don't think that there's anything that's close to it."
"Why are you welcoming me back like it's nothing?" The question had been bugging Sasuke for a while and nothing in his mind was coming up with any logical answers.
"I guess…because I trust you," Sasuke's head jerked up at that, disbelief written across the pale features. Naruto smiled at him, sitting down with his back against the wall, knees against his chest, "I can't not trust you, Sasuke. I know you too well….among other things."
The elegant eyebrows furrowed slightly. "What other things?"
Naruto shook his head, resting his arms on his knees and setting his head on his arms, looking at Sasuke through golden bangs. "It's nothing."
Sasuke couldn't believe that. Naruto knew Sasuke couldn't but said nothing. He'd tell the Uchiha later, preferably when it wasn't so late and there wasn't the job of cleaning up all the water from his bathroom tiles awaiting him.