DISCLAIMER: I do not own Torchwood or any of the characters. Although that would be cool...I could get Jack to do my bidding...muahahahaha! (: Anyways, read & review? Hopefully you'll enjoy! By the way this was written for my little sister, so hey Katie! :D
Fanfiction- Ianto is cool.
Jack sighed and leant back in his seat. It had been a long day. He reached over for his long-since cold coffee and wished Ianto was still at the hub to make him a fresh cup. It was well known by any one who knew of Torchwood that Ianto Jones' coffee was the stuff of legend.
Rubbing his eyes, Jack almost considered calling Ianto, just so he had something to keep him awake. He had to get this paper done. And who knows? If he finished early and Ianto was there…
Suddenly Jack's phone went off, pulling him from his lewd fantasies.
"Bonjour, you have reeched ze 'ouse of Capitane Jacques 'Arkness; 'ow may I be ov asseestence?"
"Oh very funny Jack." Came Owen's voice. "Listen, I was just leaving this club and there seemed to be some dodgy stuff going on…"
Jack groaned. "What sorta dodgy stuff?"
"Well…this girl collapsed…but they didn't ring an ambulance…they just took her out back…and those who were sober didn't seem to care…and those drunk didn't even notice. I didn't see her for the rest of the night and where they took her is out of bounds to the public. At one point I thought I even heard screams…it's not right Jack."
"I'll be right there…call the others. I'll go and pick them up and meet you there in about 20 minutes…will you be alright?"
"Jack, I'm dead. What kind of a question is that?!"
"Well, be careful."
"Bye, Jack."
Jack placed the phone on the desk and ran over to the invisible lift, pulling his coat on as he did so. He sighed. He would see Ianto, but he didn't think they could do anything…well…not without being arrested anyway. He smirked as he remembered a situation from 20 years before and rose out of the Torchwood Hub and on to the streets of Cardiff.
"OK, what have we got?"
"Alarms on every door, window and I'm pretty sure I saw a heat sensor when I tried to break in to the back rooms." Owen answered.
"Ah. This could be tricky." Jack said.
"And they'll be armed…my guess is they don't want visitors." Tosh added.
"Couldn't we just…?" Ianto began, before Owen interrupted: "Send me in!"
"No." Jack said firmly. "I don't want a repitition of the Galey Manor." Owen hastily hid his fractured arm and hand.
"Pleaseee!!" Owen wailed. "PLEASEEE!!"
"Hey, I'm not used to this from a straight guy, but Owen YOU CAN'T HEAL!!" Jack bellowed.
"But Jack, there's no other way in…" Gwen whispered.
Jack shot Gwen a look. Sometimes she really should just keep her mouth shut.
"Couldn't we..?" Ianto tried again, only to be interrupted by Tosh "Shh!! Someone will here us!!"
The team began to have a whispered argument.
"Jack, you never let m-"
"I said n-"
"Couldn't we..?"
"Jack, he'll be careful!"
"I'm not letting him come out like a peach!"
"But couldn't we just..?"
"I'm with Jack, it's too risky Owen."
"Yeah, well you would say that Tosh…"
"But wouldn't it just be easier if?"
"Tosh is being sensible, something you two can't seem to comprehend!"
"I'll show you..!"
"I RESIGN!!" Ianto screamed.
The group halted to a stop. "What?" Jack asked, trying to mask the fact he had a lump in his throat.
"Nah, just kidding." Ianto said with a grin. "I was just saying, wouldn't it be easier for someone to go in undercover, then have a look in the back rooms?"
"Oh yeah, well…I suppose that would be easier."
"Good idea!"
"Well done Ianto!
"What do you think Jack?"
Jack's eyes were fixed on Ianto in a stony glare. "Yeah." He said, his eyes not moving. "Good idea…" Ianto's grin faded as he looked at Jack's expression. He had not found Ianto's way of getting attention funny.
"…Yan!!" Jack smiled. Ianto breathed a sigh of relief. "So…who wants to go in?"
Owen had barely drawn breath when Ianto said. "Me."
Jack's stony face returned.