Andie walked down the streetlamp lit street. Her body still worked up with adrenalin from the streets only an hour ago. The rain had yet to let up, but she didn't care. Her body was still trying to cool itself, and failing. Her heart drummed to the beat in her head. Her soaking jeans in her hips began swaying from side to side with each step she took. Soon she was dancing again, with no music, but since when did music matter. she had a beat in her heart and head. She was the happiest she'd ever been...and nothing could change her mind.
Andie jumped onto a small brick fence, skillfully dancing atop it. She flipped into the air and landed into a puddle. She dropped her knee and rolled on the ground. Her legs brought her chest up first and her arms came into the mix. She gave into the beat she felt completely and lost herself. Any person passing would wonder of her sanity, but any dancer would see the passion Andie had.
She was so caught up in her neat and dance, Andie never saw them coming. She found herself from the lamp pole, on the ground. Meeting the sidewalk with her back and head. The rain poured onto her face, fogging up her vision for a few minutes. but her senses were enough to tell her who had jumped her.
"You think you can just walk away from the streets, D?" Tuck asked.
"Can't you just cut your losses Tuck?" Andie asked.
Tuck grabbed Andie's shirt and hauled her onto her feet. He pulled her close, "Don't think that just because you won tonight, means you can walk around like you own the streets."
"I never wanted to own the streets. That was your dream Tuck. I may've thought that was my dream while I was a 410, but not anymore. No one owns the streets." Andie said.
"We'll see about that, D." Tuck threw her backwards. Andie fell back into two other 410 members. They held her arms tightly.
Tuck swung quickly, his fist slamming into Andie's stomach. Andie gasped in pain, hunching over. The two holding her, forced her upright as Tuck hit her again. Her stomach and chest were bombarded mercilessly by Tuck. Andie tried to break from the grip, but she knew how strong the guys from 410 were. She couldn't get away on her own. And it wasn't looking like anyone around was helping.
Tuck's large fist came crashing down on her jaw. Andie felt her jaw move at Tucker's force. Amidst the thundering rain, a sickening crack filled the air, followed by Andie's muffled screams of pain. She could taste the bitter flavor of her blood.
"Tuck enough!" Felicia called.
"Who's side are you on?" Tuck demanded.
"If you going to treat Andie this why, then not yours!" Felecia answered.
"Fine!" Tuck threw her back into another 410 boy. He turned back to Andie. "I hate deserters."
Andie only groaned. she could move her jaw anymore. The pain was too much, and it was a high chance her jaw was broken now.
Tuck grabbed her hair roughly, "Now listen D, you ever pull another stunt like you did tonight, and this will seem like heaven compared to what you'll get."
"Go to hell!" Andie spat out.
Tuck shook his head and disgust and slammed his fist into Andie's head. The boys let her fall to the ground. Tuck, K-Mel, and Rapid began kicking Andie.
Andie automatically tried to protect her face and chest by pulling her legs up and covering her face. The boys feet thundered against her back and head. Andie held strong, knowing she couldn't keep this up forever.
Headlights flared at the gang. A car horn cut through the air. The gang looked up at the speeding SUV heading their way. THe car picked up speed, showing on sign of slowing down. The gang scattered. Tuck took one last kick to Andie before splitting with the rest of the 410.
Andie exhaled painfully. Her head felt light. She felt something roll down the back of her neck, knowing it wasn't the rain. She tried to look up, only to find she was unable to move much. Then the shock hit her. she had been assaulted by her old family. Not once while she had been a 410 member had they ever hit her. Now here she lay, beaten, bleeding, and left for dead on the street.
She heard the skidding tires of a vehicle. A car door slamming and rushing feet. Her lungs burned in pain and the difficulty she was having breathing. Andie's vision began blurring quickly. Her hands twitched at her side, her body breaking into spasms. Everything around her blurred into nothing. And Andie was enveloped in darkness.