"Come on! it wasn't that bad!" Rikki exclaimed. "Yes it was." Emma retorted. "You almost let Barren and Zane know that we're mermaids!" Cleo said, still very nervous. "They won't find out." Rikki said clearly not worried, "especially Barren." she said staring mischiviously at Emma. "Rikki!" Cleo gasped. "What? it's true!" Rikki said, trying to sound innocent.
"bu-" Emma was interrupted by a sound coming from Emma's living room. "Let's go see what that sound is!" Cleo said, excited. When the three girls arrived in the living room Emma gasped. "What?" Rikki and Cleo asked Emma at exactly the same time. Emma pointed. Once they saw what Emma saw they gasped as well. A blue police box was in Emma's living room. Suddenly a brown haired, very tall man appeared, along with a blonde girl and another brown haired man. They all gasped again. "Oh...Hello" the taller brown haired man said.