
Second Chance


When something precious to you is taken away by someone, the first thing that you want is revenge. You may have been a good person your whole life, but in those first few seconds of complete rage nothing else matters, except make that person suffer. After those seconds that emotion might go away, it might stay, or it'll just go down deep inside you until one day it comes out. The only thing you should worry about then, is how you'll handle it when it does.

J.R slowly came back into consciousness and felt all his senses coming back. Where ever he was, it was dark. When the blurriness wore off, he looked at his surroundings and saw he was in a familiar place. It was Declan's office. The next thing he noticed was that he was tied down by chains onto a chair in the middle of the room. The last thing he noticed were the three figures that had their backs turn to him as they looked at the city. He suddenly remembered what happened.

Beck was the first notice J.R. "Look who woke up." He said turning around. Gale and Lester soon followed.

"You woke up sooner than I thought." Gale said as they walked closer to him. J.R looked at them straight in the eye without blinking.

"You know, you are a very hard person to track." Gale said. "Would you care to tell us your name?" J.R stayed silent.

"Who are you?" Gale asked.


Gale narrowed his eyes. "Okay, how about this? What are you?"


"You see, the reason I ask this is because of what you did to my men and helicopter."


Beck was getting irritated. "Will you answer!"

It seemed like he wasn't going to talk. Gale studied his composure and facial expression. He was calm and emotionless, something that a person in his situation wouldn't be. Maybe he could change that.

Gale walked over to him and reached inside J.R's pocket. J.R stiffen, but kept staring forward. Once, Gale grabbed the detonator, he took a few steps back. He looked at the detonator and then at J.R.

"I must say, I'm impressed. You managed to get through security, steal from Declan without him noticing, and for making your capture longer than it should've been." He said.

J.R didn't like how relaxed they all seemed. Something was wrong and J.R didn't like it.

"You're probably wondering why we're not worrying aren't you." Gale said. J.R didn't give anything away as they stared at him. Lester looked passive and Beck had a smirk on his face.

"You see, Declan has this thing about being prepared. Apparently someone taught him that from what I've heard." Gale turned the detonator to look behind it. "He doesn't like leaving anything to chance and always has a backup for everything." He showed J.R the back of detonator. It was very small, but it was there. It had the number two on it. J.R immediately picked up the meaning behind it.

There were two detonators.

"When my men so you take the detonator from him, I was surprised. You come here undetected and freely walked by him. But anyway, before chasing you around the hotel I gave Declan my detonator. You see, if for some reason or other he couldn't push the button or something stopped him, I would've had to do it." Gale explained.

Suddenly something in J.R's memory clicked. He remembered the conversation he heard Declan have on the phone.


"…you'll finish what I started." That small statement made J.R freeze.

"Like I said before, I'm going to be there, but if the smallest chance that I can't make it, you'll have to make sure everything goes according to plan. I don't want there to be any loose ends."


J.R lowered his head, making them unable to see his face. He had forgotten about that and he was now paying for it. All this time both Declan and this guy had a detonator. Changing fate was already hard as it was. He knew he couldn't make small mistakes or it would've cost him. He had come so far. How couldn't fail now?

He wouldn't.

All he has done has been for her. He will not fail. He wasn't going to fail them. He wasn't going to fail her! And no one was going to stop him!

Beck chuckled. "I think you discouraged him."

Lester looked at his watch. "It's shouldn't be long now." As he finished saying that, the lights in the room turned on and started to flicker. They looked up at the lights. The detonator slipped out of Gale's hands into the air.

"What the-?" Gale and the other two men quickly looked at the floating detonator in front of them. It began to crush itself until it was just a scrap of metal and fell on the ground. Their attention was diverted to J.R as the chains around him began to glow. A few seconds later a wave of energy from J.R, sent them flying while the chains exploded into pieces. The glass windows shattered along with the lights. The rest of the room didn't fare well either. J.R was the only one and thing left standing in the destroyed room.

J.R ran and jumped out the broken window. Right after his feet left the floor his cloak appeared with his hood on. It was a really big fall as he fell. The wind was very strong. The closer he got to the ground the faster he fell. When he was half way down his right hand began to glow. He touched the building he just jumped from and started sliding down with his glowing hand. His hand left a trail of destruction on the building as he went down. He slowed down a great amount, but he was still going kind of fast. When he almost reached the ground he let go and his feet glowed for a second. He came down hard on a car, crushing it. Smoke came out and debris went flying everywhere. When the smoke cleared a little, you could see J.R looking down and kneeling on one leg on top of what was left of the car. He slowly raised his head and his eyes were glowing blue.

He will never stop!


Everything about the party was just as Alex expected. Boring. At first she was excited because she had never been in such a extravagant place before, but after the excitement wore off, she became bored. A couple of minutes after they found a table, the host introduced himself to everyone on the stage. What was his name? Nalson, Jackson, Balson? Alex shook her head. It was something like that. When they finished eating, well everyone except Jerry, he kept eating more, Theresa force Jerry to leave the table to meet people. Her mom always enjoyed meeting new people. This left the kids at the table.

This was where she was now. Sitting in a table with her brothers. Max was trying to see how long he could stick a spoon on his nose. Justin was looking around with his eyes at practically everything, he always found these kind of places a bit fascinating. And Alex was resting her elbow on the table with her head on her hand. She was nodding of. When she was really bored she became sleepy. They were like this for at least a half an hour.

Alex's head slowly began to slip off her hand until her head fell and woke her up. Once some of the sleepiness left she noticed there was music playing and people were slow dancing. Besides that nothing changed.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so bored!" Alex exclaimed.

"Oh come on Alex, it's not that bad." Justin said. Alex looked at him. She was about to say something when she saw the empty seat next to him.

"Where's Max?" She asked.

"He went to the bathroom." Justin answered. Alex looked around the big room they were in and then back at Justin. "He'll probably get lost." She said. Alex rested her head on top of her hands, on the table.

"I'm starting to think does shoes weren't even worth it." Alex said with her head down.

Justin looked at his sister. He was enjoying seeing her like this, but he also felt a little sorry for her. This kinds of things weren't really for her. This was probably torture for her.

"What do you want to do?" He asked. This was his way of suggesting if there was anything he could do.

Alex turned her head slightly and looked at Justin with one eye. Alex stared at Justin for almost a minute before she sighed. Why not? It's not like she has anything better to do. At least, it would help her a little with this boredom and place. Alex stood up and grabbed Justin's wrist. She dragged him to the group of people that were dancing. Justin was a little startled.

"Alex, what are you-" Justin was starting to ask as they got mixed in the crowd, but couldn't finish because she abruptly stopped them.

"You asked what I wanted to do and well this is better than doing nothing." She said as she put his hands around her waist. Justin was feeling a bit awkward as they slowly moved to the music. He wondered how Alex was not affected by this. He got his answer when he a look at her face. Her eyes were half closed and had a far away look. It seemed her sleepiness was coming back. She was so out of it she didn't care she was dancing with him. After a few minutes of dancing she lay her head on his chest with her eyes fully closed. If Alex didn't know any better she'd think she was resting her head on a pillow by how comfortable she felt. The whole world started to fade away. All she could feel was some kind of feeling. She didn't know where it came from or what it was, but she didn't care at the moment. It gave her peace, safety, and something else she couldn't describe. She has never felt this in her sleep before. Maybe, it was because of the music, but she tossed that thought out because she couldn't even hear the music. Whatever it was, she hoped it would never leave her.

A soft voice brought her back.


She recognized that voice. It was Justin.


"They stopped playing." He said.

She half opened her eyes, but didn't lift her head from him. From what she could see, people were leaving the dance floor. She closed back her eyes. Alex felt so comfortable she didn't want to move or even cared it was Justin she was with.

"Alex." He called, again.

She reluctantly pulled herself away from him and started to walk back to their table with him following. Once, she sat down she tried to fall asleep and hoped she would feel that feeling she felt earlier.

"Max isn't back yet." Justin said when he sat down. Alex wasn't listening to him, she just wanted that feeling back.

"It hasn't been that long Justin." She mumbled.

"Alex, we danced through six songs."

From her position Alex looked up at Justin. "Really?" It didn't feel like it. It only felt like a few minutes.

Justin looked around the room, hoping to see him. He was getting a little worried, but he knew Max probably really just get lost. It wouldn't hurt to look though.

"Let's go look for him." He said, standing up.

Alex groaned. "You go look for him."

Justin shook. He grabbed one of her arms with both hands and lifting her up to make her stand up.

"Justin." She whined.

Justin ignored her and started walking to door while making her walk along side him.

Somewhere on the halls…

Max has been walking around for a while, trying to find the bathroom. After a while he completely lost track of where he came from. What was worse…he really needed to go. Max looked at the end of the hall and then behind him.

"Maybe, I shouldn't have made that last turn?"

Inside the Ballroom…

Declan was on one of the balconies in the third floor. He looked down all the people on the first floor. He looked at his watch. It was almost time. He looked around and smiled. It's was a pity though. It was a very nice looking place.

Just twenty minutes to go.


The clouds in the sky were growing. You could hear the roaring of the thunder inside, waiting to come out. With every passing minute it grew.

J.R ran on top of the buildings as fast as he could. He was running out of time and he knew it. If there were something to help him go faster he would take it. Even if it exposed him. It no longer matter what happened to him. There was only one thing that mattered. Back then he couldn't do a thing to save them, but now he had the power and he would not fail them!

He jumped of the building down to the big streets that were full of people. He landed in top of a moving car, which was probably going 47 mph. There were three lanes, all going one direction. The car he was on was in the middle. The streets were very well lit along with the buildings. There was no doubt that anyone who looked could see him.

J.R didn't care. He had come too far for it to matter. He jumped to a car up ahead to the left lane. He then leaped back to the middle lane onto another car. Before he kept going something happened.

His crystal turned red. His glowing eyes looked down at it. His eyes hadn't stop glowing since he came down from Declan's building. Of course they would come at a time like this! He was going to have to use his full power. J.R took out his word. The guardians started appearing as they flew at the same speed as the car.

The first one charged from the front. J.R dodged it by quickly leaning to the left. Another one came from same direction, but instead of just dodging it, he cut it in half right after evading it. He followed by jumping back doing a back flip, avoiding the swift attack that one of them tried to do from behind. J.R landed on top of another car. He quickly slashed to his left as one came flying and then to his right destroying another one. It was so quick it all happened in less than three seconds.

He jumped diagonally to the left, cutting another one in the air and landed on a car in the left lane. He swiftly jumped and did the same thing, killing another one and going back to the middle lane. He continued to do it. He jumped diagonally to the right slashing one more in mid air like the others and landed on another car on the right lane. J.R blocked an attack from the front of him, but the guardian didn't back off, it began to push. They were both struggling to push the other back until J.R swung his sword along with the creature to the side, making it hit a pole. He did a side flip to the left onto the car on the middle lane. He quickly disposed of another one that tried to rush him from the front.

J.R saw one in top of the car in front of him, but he couldn't jumped to it. He wouldn't make with the wind and velocity they were going. He looked to his left and saw a bus, a little ahead of him on the left lane. He jumped towards it, but instead of going on top of it he aimed for the windows. Just as his feet touched the window, two others flew from the side at him. He blocked their attack and held them off for a second as they tried to push him against the window, but he pushed them back and deflected there attack. The split second they were unguarded he slashed them. Not even a second passed after he cut them that he jumped of the window and did a front flip diagonally to the right. He landed on the car on the middle lane and swung his sword down at the same time, destroying the original creature he was after. All this happened in fluent motion.

J.R looked ahead of him and noticed they hadn't stop appearing. They were coming in the numbers. They knew this was the point in time he wanted to change and they weren't going to hold back.

Just like him.

J.R made a five feet size wind sphere and shot it forward. This sphere was different from the others. It had so much more power than the others that it gave off a blue tint glow. As it made its way to the guardians it left a trail of strong wind. The people in the streets were sent flying to walls and ground. All the windows in its path shattered from the force. The wind sphere hit about thirty of them and sent them flying far away into the sky. The only thing left standing on the street were the cars that had stopped. The people that were blown away, stayed on the ground afraid of what might happen to them if they stood up. All the cars were honking their horns, not knowing what was going on.

The clouds began to growl louder.

After the car he was on stopped, J.R got off and ran.


Alex was completely awake by now. She and Justin have been walking on the halls looking for Max. The reason why she was awake wasn't just because she was doing something, but also because there has been this weird feeling that has been nagging her since they left the Ballroom. She didn't dwell on it too much, thinking it would pass soon and because now she wasn't in such a fog, she was a little worried about Max, too.

"You don't think he went upstairs do you?" Justin asked. They had almost practically looked around the whole first floor.

"I don't think Max is stupid enough to not know there's a bathroom in each floor." Justin gave her a look. Okay, she wasn't completely sure herself either.

Alex sighed. "Alright, let's find the stairs." She said, looking between the hallways. They were in the center of a crossroad with four hallways to choose from. Justin looked at all four ways.


Alex closed her eyes. "Don't tell me you don't remember which way we came from." Justin stopped looking at halls and looked at her frustrated expression.

"Want to flip a coin?"

Inside the Ballroom…

Declan came down from the third floor because it was almost time. He began to look around the giant room. He just needed to make sure of one thing before he left. His eyes wandered the room until he found what he was looking for. He put on the nicest smile he had and walked towards them.

He cleared his throat to get there attention. Jerry and Theresa turned around and immediately recognized him.

"Mr. Malson, is so nice to meet you!" Jerry said, excitedly. Declan shook his hand. "I could say the same thing." He then greeted Theresa.

"I'm glad that you could make it to my little gathering." Declan said.

"Yeah, little." Jerry said looking around the room.

"I hope you're enjoying yourselves."

"Oh, we are! We like meeting new people." Theresa said, smiling.

Declan continued to smile. "I'm glad to hear it."

"I think I saw you bring your kids with you earlier." He said looking around.

"Oh, yes. They're around here somewhere." Theresa said. Declan nodded.

"Well, if you excuse me. I have to take my leave." He said giving them a polite smile. They smiled back as he left.

Theresa looked at Jerry. "He is very nice man." Jerry nodded. She was about to say something, when she remembered something.

"Jerry, we forgot to ask him why he invited us." She said making him remember. He looked at the direction Declan left, but couldn't see him.

"We'll ask him when we see him, again."

Main Lobby…

Max didn't know how much longer he could hold it in. He found the stairs and went to the second floor to see if there was a bathroom up there, but he still couldn't find it. He almost got himself lost up there. When he came down he finally found something else besides halls. He ended up in the main lobby. Maybe, now he could get some directions.

Max quickly walked to the front desk.

"Excuse me, can you tell where the bathroom is?" He asked the receptionist.

The man took his eyes off the computer screen and looked down at Max.

"There are bathrooms in every floor."

"Really?" How can that be? He has been looking all over the place! Max shook his head he could think about it later.

"Where is the nearest one?" He urgently asked. He was trying very hard to hold it in.

"In the ballroom, but there is a party-" Before he could finish, Max had already started running.

"Oh, man!" He heard Max yell from far away. Apparently, the boy had been there before. He just hoped he would make it. It would be very bad for business if the boy made a mess in the middle of the lobby.

Inside the Ballroom…

After making sure the main targets were inside, it was time for him to take his leave. Declan was about to walk out the door when a boy suddenly rushed pass him.

"Excusemeexcusemeexcusemeexcusemeexcuseme." The boy kept saying as he ran.

Declan gave the boy a side glance before resuming walking. When he walked out he signaled the two men, who were standing at the sides of the double doors. They nodded.

The man on the right brought up his walky-talky.

"Lock all the exits."

Somewhere in the halls…

"Why does every hall look the same!" Alex said, loudly.

They have been walking for, who knows how long. It was hall after hall, turn after turn. Alex was ready to blow a gasket. Even Justin was becoming frustrated.

"I'm sure will find our way soon." Justin said. They were in the middle of walking on another hall.

"Stop saying that! You have been saying it for I don't know how long!" Alex said, frustrated.

"I'm sorry, I just trying to be positive." He said. They continued to walk in silence. Alex groaned when they made another turn and saw nothing new.

"I wonder if Max is back at the table." Justin said.

"Please, the only way he would be back if someone gave him directions." Alex said.

They came to the end of the hallway they were currently in. There were only two ways they could go. To the hall to the right led to more halls and the hall to the left led to a door. For Alex, the choice was easy.

"Whatever that door leads I'm taking it." She said as she quickly made her way to the door.

"Alex!" Justin called, following her.

When she reached the door she tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Alex tuned to look at Justin, who was looking back at the other hall.

"Give a hand." She said.

"Maybe, we should find another way." Justin said.

"What? You want to go the other way until we find another way out of this maze." She said, looking at him like he was crazy.

Justin hated to admit it, but he didn't want to be stuck here as much as her. He walked to where she was. They both tried to open it, but it still wouldn't open. They tried over and over, but it barely moved.

"That's it! We're ramming it." Alex said, backing up.

"Alex, I don't-"

"Get...over...here." She said, gritting her teeth. Alex wasn't in the mood or had the patience.

"Okay." He quickly said.

"At the count of three." She said. They both got ready.

"One…two…three!" They ran and rammed the door open. Justin was able to stop himself from falling, but Alex wasn't so lucky. He quickly caught her before she fell.

"You okay?" He asked. Alex nodded, standing straight. They took in their surroundings and it wasn't hard to figure out where they were. The breeze was a big give away, along with the night sky. It seems they came out from the back of the building. They suddenly heard a noise coming from behind them. They turned around and saw the door closing. Before they could stop it, it closed and didn't look like they could open it from the outside.

"Great! Just great!" Justin said, turning around to face Alex. "Now we're locked out."

Alex rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, we can just walk around the building and get back in through the front." Alex put her arms around herself from the cold and started to walk. Justin sighed and took off his jacket. He came from behind her and put it over her shoulders.

"Thanks." She mumbled as they walked.

Main Lobby…

"Mr. Malson, your limo is waiting outside." The receptionist said.

Declan made sure he had the detonator in his pocket, before walking out. His driver opened the back door for him. When he was inside he made himself comfortable as he waited for the driver to get back to his seat. As the limo began to make some distance from the hotel, Declan took out the detonator. He his thumb in top of the red button, ready to press it. He smirked.

"Never fails." And then there was light.


The thunder and lighting were beginning to grow inside the clouds.

Running, running, running as fast as he could was what J.R was doing. Running and fighting. The guardians were coming at him like there was no tomorrow. They jus kept coming. J.R saw more cars coming. They were on the way. He couldn't afford to let anything get in his way. He formed another wind sphere just as powerful as the last one and launched it. The people were running around all over the streets. Some cars slid back and an others stopped. A few cars flipped over and came crashing down. The guy that was driving quickly crawled out before it exploded. Every time he did this the streets went into panic. The people were too scared and panicked to find out who was causing all this. Is the sixth time he has done that.

J.R knew he was being reckless, but at that moment he could care less. Besides, he had other problems, like trying not to get sliced in half.

He saw a guardian charging from the front. He jumped over it, but another one tried to take the opportunity that he was in the air by coming straight at him from the front. He swiftly spun his body around to the left, evading it. Like the other two, a third one tried the same thing as he was coming down to the ground. J.R used his momentum from his spin to swing his sword, slashing the creature right before he landed.

They have been like this nonstop. When J.R looked up at the sky as he ran he knew why. There were about hundreds of them covering the sky. He had to do something about them. He had to finish all of them now!

He was getting closer to his destination and they knew it. Because of this, it looked like they were about to attack all at once. They began to form a giant ring in the sky. They were just as desperate as he was and they were about to put all their efforts in one attack. He would have to do the same. It was against his better judgment since it was a very public place, but they left him with no choice.

There were two creatures left that weren't with the giant number of guardians up in the sky and he would need a little time to build his power before they all came down on him. He had to buy some time.

J.R jumped up towards the lowest one. The creature thought he was attacking and was about to attack him back, but instead J.R used him as a stepping stone. He made sure that his foot connected to its claw and then jumped to the other one that was higher. He did the same thing to the other creature and jumped towards to the top of a streetlight pole. He grabbed it and swung himself up making a half circle until his feet touched the top of the pole without ever letting go. He then jumped up into the air and his sword began to glow completely red.

The massive numbers of guardians in the sky quickly descended. As J.R came down he grabbed his sword with both hands and pointed it down. Red sparks surrounded the blade. He lifted the sword over his head and with one hard thrust he embedded the sword in the ground as he landed just as the guardians were over his head.

A tremendous red light engulfed the entire street. The cars, the people, the stores, and most importantly the guardians. When it subsided everything was quiet, except for a few car alarms. There were no more guardians. The only thing left living were the unconscious people and J.R. After all the sword was only meant to harm the guardians, but it was a lot of magic and it had to affect them somewhat.

J.R stood up, breathing heavily and saw he was on an intersection. At this point he was running out of magic. He looked to the street to the left and he could see the Waldorf Hotel at the end of it. It was at least a quarter of a mile away. At the distance his glowing eyes found just who he was looking for.


After looking around the whole room, Max finally found the bathroom. He didn't know how, but he actually made it. He felt so relieved. When he was done he went to wash his hands. He was in the middle of washing them when he saw a blue light coming from the window followed by loud crashing noises and then a tremor that almost made him fall.

Outside the hotel…

The feeling Alex had when they were walking in the halls had come back and it felt stronger. It was also making her feel a little hot. She didn't know what it was, but it felt like something was about to happen. Alex looked at her brother, thinking maybe she should tell him. She decided against it, thinking it was nothing. They were walking by the side of the building after turning on the corner. The building was just as big in the outside like it was the inside. They were almost on the main street were the front entrance was, when they suddenly saw a blue light coming from the street, but couldn't see the source. A second later loud crashing noises could be heard until it stopped. They were only twelve feet away from the street when they started to run.

At the end of the street…

J.R saw Declan as he got into his limo and began to drive off. J.R walked towards the hotel in the middle of the street. He didn't rush because the limo was heading his way. However, he stopped dead on his tracks when glance back at the building. He saw Justin and Alex walking down the side of the building, almost reaching the main street. J.R remembered that was were they were when the explosion happened. That bastard blew up the place from the comfort of his own limo!

He had to act fast before he detonated the explosives. He couldn't make to him with only a few seconds to spare. He only had a small amount of magic left and he would have to make it count. He drew his hands back to his right side and made a twelve inch circle with his hands. A tiny blue light appeared in the center, but it quickly grew until it touched both hands. J.R looked directly at the limo and launched it with both hands.

The driver saw the blue light coming at him he did the first thing that came into mind. He jumped out the door. Declan was about to press the button when he suddenly saw a bright light from his dark windows.

The limo was sent flying backwards and rolled once it hit the ground until it crashed into the hotel.

Alex and Justin came just in time to see the limo crash into the wall. They both gasped with what they saw. Alex covered her mouth with her hand and Justin stared with wide eyes. They watched as a part from the limo began to burn. They slowly walked towards the upside down crashed car. They stared at the wreckage for a few minutes.

"Do you think anyone is inside?" Alex asked.

"I…I don't know." Justin stammered.

Not long passed before they heard the fire alarm from inside the hotel. Justin quickly turned his head to the entrance.

"Come on, Alex. Let's go find mom and dad." He said grabbing his sister's arm. He gently pulled her away from where they were standing. Neither of them noticed the figure that was walking towards the car from the street.

Ballroom's bathroom…

After feeling the tremor, Max ran to the window. He looked through it, but couldn't see much. All he could see was that there was fire. He remembered what his parents always told him, if there was fire. He quickly looked around the room until he found the alarm. He ran to the wall. He didn't know if they meant if it was only in the inside or outside, but just to be safe, he pulled it.

Inside the limo…

Declan was banged up from the crash. He had cuts and bruises and he was bleeding. He didn't know what happen. One moment he was looking at a bright light and then the car went out of control. And now there was smoke everywhere. He was about to try and move when he heard something from outside. A few seconds later the door ripped opened, but nobody was there. It was like it came out by itself. All of a sudden a glowing hand grabbed him by the collar and threw him out of the car into the street.

After throwing Declan, J.R looked back inside the car. He immediately saw what he was looking for. The detonator was just lying there. J.R extended his hand towards it and less than a second it began to crush itself. After that was done he turned around to face the man that was slowly raising back up to his feet. Now, he could concentrate on him.

Main Lobby…

The lobby was full of people that were hurrying out of the building. Trying to get passed the crowd of people was very hard for Alex and Justin.

"Excuse me, coming through." Justin said.

"Watch out people!" Alex said.

There were so many people it wasn't hard to get pushed around. It was hard to keep sight of each other.

"Ow! Alright, who stepped on me!?"

"Sorry." She heard Justin say in the crowd.

Alex emerged from the crowd into the small corridor that lead to the Ballroom double doors. She looked around and saw Justin wasn't with her.

"Justin?" She called. A second later Justin appeared from the crowd, but fell face flat on the ground. He stood up and dusted himself off.

"Those people are ruthless." He said.

Alex rolled her eyes. "Come on." She said, grabbing his arm and walked to the doors. As they got closer to the doors, they heard people pounding on the other side of them.

"Why are the doors locked?" Alex asked as Justin tried opening the doors.

"Open the door!" They heard people yelling from the inside.

"We're trying, just give us a minute!" She yelled back. Alex looked back at Justin. He was trying to force the door open, but hadn't much luck.

"It's no use. We need a key." Justin said, staring at the lock. "Or if I just had my-" As if reading his mind, Alex showed him her wand. Justin looked at her.

"Where did you get-, actually, where have you been keeping it?" He asked.

Alex looked at him. "Don't ask." She pointed her wand at the lock and was about to say a spell when she realized something. She turned her head to Justin. "Um?" Justin sighed.

"Libirus Setris." Justin said in a dull tone.

Alex looked back at the lock. "Libirus Setris." A light shot from her wound to the lock and then they heard a 'click'.

Barely a second passed before they were pushed against the wall as the people stampeded out of the room. They once again had to push themselves through the crowd to get inside.


"Jerry, they finally got someone to open the doors." Theresa said. They were standing near the center of the room. Ever since the alarm sounded, they been trying to find their kids.

"But we still haven't found the kids." Jerry said, looking around.

Theresa was looking very worried. "Maybe, they're already out-"

"Mom, Dad!" They heard Alex's voice. They turned their heads to where her voice was coming from. They saw Alex run the best she could with her dress and Justin following close behind her.

"Alex, Justin!" Theresa hugged them and then Jerry. When they were done, Jerry looked at Justin.

"Where's Max?" Justin and Alex looked at each other. "When don't know. We've looked around for him, but couldn't find him." Theresa gave Jerry a worried look. By now they were the only people left in the giant room.

"Theresa, I'm sure he's okay. We'll find him." Jerry said.

"Find who?" A voice said from behind them. They all turned and saw Max standing there.

"Max!" Theresa quickly went and hugged her little boy. After letting him go she looked behind him to see where he came from. "Where were you?" She asked.

Max pointed over his shoulder. "I was in the bathroom." He said.

Justin was about to say something, when they all suddenly heard glass breaking. They turned just in time to see a body hit the floor that came through a window.

A few minutes earlier, outside…

The thunder clouds had practically covered the entire sky. Random lightning bolts could be seen surrounding the clouds from time to time.

Declan was having a hard time focusing. He had barely recovered from the beating he got from his limo and then he was thrown out of it. He slowly got back to his feet and looked at the person that had thrown him.

Ten feet away, a man stood wearing a black coat. He couldn't see his face because of his hood. He instantly recognized him and felt fear swelled inside him, but didn't let it show.

"I thought Gale took care you already." Declan said, glaring.

J.R's eyes were no longer glowing as he began to walk towards him. Declan saw he wasn't listening to him. "Hold-" He started to say as he was reaching for his pocket, but didn't get a chance.

J.R punched him straight on the face, surely breaking his nose. Declan stumbled a few steps back, but J.R wasn't finished as he launched at him and did an upper cut on his stomach, knocking the air out of him. He then grabbed him by his shoulders and kneed him on his stomach and then again, but on the face. J.R didn't stop. He jumped and did a spinning roundhouse kick, hitting Declan at the left side of his head. Declan fell to the side, right next to the building. J.R walked over to him and pulled him up to his feet by holding his head. He drew his right fist back, ready to strike. He squeezed whatever magic he had left into his fist, making it glow. J.R punched him as hard as he could and sent him flying through the window into the building.

The family saw the body land a good ten feet away from the window. They were all startled by it and gasped. When the body stopped rolling on the ground they saw his face was covered in blood. After a few seconds of silence someone spoke.

"Is that Mr. Malson?" Theresa asked a bit queasy by the blood. They started to walk towards him to see how he was.

"Who could've done this?" Jerry asked.

"Get away from him!" They all turned their gaze to the broken window. J.R had come through the window and was now standing inside. He began to walk towards them. "I'm not done."

There were shocked at the sight of him. He had his coat back and his face has never looked so cold. They were still a couple of feet away from Declan.

"J.R, what are you doing?!" Jerry said.

J.R just ignored him. Before he could say anything else, Declan slowly stood up.

"You…think…you have…stopped me." He said, gasping for air. "Do you think you have beaten me!" He yelled. He reached inside his pocket. J.R narrowed his eyes at what he saw him take out.

It was another detonator, except this one had a blue button. He had a backup for his backup.

"I don't know who you are, but I never lose!" He yelled.

Declan put his thumb on top of the button. He looked over at the Russo family and smiled at how clueless they were. "You have no idea how much I'm about to gain!"

The family didn't know what was going, but they felt something bad was going to happen if Declan pressed that button.

Declan looked at J.R and showed him an insane smile. J.R looked straight into his eyes and in that moment, he knew. Declan was going to do it. Either he had gone completely insane or he somehow thought he was going to be fine.

"The red detonator you took from me was for this whole place to explode and make it look like an accident, but assuming you disabled Gale and destroyed my other detonator, I'm left with no choice." He brought up the detonator he was holding to give him a better view. "This one serves another purpose." Declan looked at the ceiling and then back at J.R.

"I don't know what you have against me and I don't care, but…" He smiled grew.

"I ALWAYS WIN!" He pressed it.

"NOOOOOO!" J.R jumped and kicked him in the chest, sending him to the ground.

But it was too late.

The clouds couldn't hold in the lightning anymore.

Explosions started occurring all around the ceiling. Huge cracks started forming all over the ceiling.

One by one, lightning shot from the clouds. Every second that passed the more came.

The ceiling began to cave in. "Get down!" J.R screamed. Jerry and Theresa brought the kids to them and huddled. J.R raised his hands up and a brilliant blue light shot from his hands, making his hood come off. The light flooded the entire room. The blue light looked liked something in between a giant twister and a funnel. It came from J.R's arms and expanded near the whole ceiling. The light held the huge rocks from falling.

J.R didn't know how long he could hold it. He was already drained as he was.

Outside the whole place was surrounded by fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars. It was surprising as how everyone in the streets that J.R came from were panicking and there were some cars on fire.

The lightning started getting closer to the building.

J.R was getting weak very fast. The debris that the light was keeping from falling was slowly coming down. It was becoming too much for him. His knee gave out and had to kneel on one leg. J.R glanced at the family. He could see their terrified faces. J.R looked back up. He couldn't lose them, again! All his life he has had someone by his side to help him. His family, Alex, Gus and others, but now he had no one.

The debris was getting very close to the ground and was about to crush them all.

J.R stood back up and pushed as hard as he could, but it wasn't doing much. He closed his eyes. He just needed a small bit of help!

The lightning started striking around the top of the building. They began to come very fast until they all stopped coming for a moment. When, suddenly a huge lightning struck the building. It came down through the floors at an enormous speed and less than a second, struck J.R.

With one loud roar, J.R felt the incredible power that filled him and let it all out. The already brilliant light, blinded the entire place and destroyed everything.

Seeing as they were still alive, they all slowly opened their eyes. The first thing they saw was that it was dark. They looked around until they saw the ceiling, or where the ceiling used to be. There was a giant hole.

"Wow." Max said, staring up. The rest had the same expression of astonishment. After partially getting over their shock, they turned their gaze to J.R's direction.

J.R was on his hands and knees panting very hard. They slowly approached him. Before anyone of them could say anything he stood up. He looked over at Declan. Who was on the ground a few feet in front of him. Declan was making noises like he was in pain. It seemed he hit his head on the ground after J.R kicked him. They all followed his gaze.

"I guess it's over." Alex said.

J.R brought his right hand up to his chest and quickly brought it down, making his sword appear. They all were startled by this. Specially, because they have never seen it before and because of what he was planning.

He started making his way to Declan.

"J.R!" Alex ran and grabbed by his right elbow. "What are you doing?!" She shouted.

"What does it look like I'm doing." He said, stopping in front of Declan's body.

Alex shook her head. "Don't kill him."

"Why? Because I've never killed any one before? What makes you think I haven't?!" He yelled the last part looking at her, which made her let go and take a few steps back.

Alex looked at her family's direction and gave them a worried glance. She looked back at J.R.

"Because I know you." She said in a soft voice. J.R didn't say anything and stared at the floor.

A minute passed before his gaze went back to Declan. His cold expression was gone and was replaced with complete fury. That scared her more. She tried, again.

"J.R-" he cut her off.

"He killed my family!" He yelled.

The news shocked all them. Alex didn't know what to say, except just stare at him.

"He killed my dad, my mom, my brother,…my sister." J.R raised his sword. This made everyone panic. She had to stop him.

"Give him a chance!" Alex shouted. She knew he was getting close.

J.R shook his head. "His had plenty of chances. People have been giving him second chances all his life!" He shot back.

J.R had it. "It ends here!" He swung down his sword.

This was her last chance. "THEN GIVE HIM YOUR SECOND CHANCE!" She screamed as loud as she could.

He sword stopped just a few inches away from Declan. Seeing as she was finally getting through to him she continued.

"What he has done to you was wrong. He took everything away from you, but I know you're a good person inside. Don't dirty your hands by someone like him. Give him a second chance to live and pay for what he has done. Not someone else's second chance, but yours."

The room was filled with silence for a while before he dropped his sword and disappeared when it hit the ground.

Seeing as it was over, the rest of the family walked over to Alex. J.R stared at Declan for a long time until he heard a cell phone ring. That caught everyone's attention. They looked at around until they realized where it was coming from.

It was coming from Declan's pocket.

They watched as J.R knelt down and started looking through his pockets, when Justin noticed something.

"Alex?" He looked her. She was breathing hard.

J.R found it and looked at the caller ID, but it didn't say who was calling.

Alex's vision became blurry.

He answered the phone.

"Is it done? Did you eliminate the Russos like I asked?"

Alex fainted.

"Alex!" They yelled.

J.R's was oblivious to his surroundings as his blood ran cold. For the longest time he has blamed Declan for killing his family, but now…

Declan wasn't the one behind it all.


Somewhere far away, an another part of the city where the lightning and thunder were still happening. The buildings and streetlights had no power. It seemed like there was a blackout. A female figure in a very familiar black coat with the hood masking her face, could be seen walking down a dark street.

"It's time you paid for what you did to me…brother."


To Be Continued…


Be honest, how many of you saw that one coming? Well, as you can see there's more, but I don't know if I'll continue it. It depends on how many of you really want to see it. I do have ideas for it. It has always been my intention to have a sequel for this, but it depends on you guys.

P.S. You do know who the girl in the end of the chapter is right?