Note Passing for the Intimately Bound
A note: Thank you for staying staying with us so far! We really enjoy writing this fic and we love hearing what you guys think. (even if it isn't many of you reviewing. -hinthint- I'm hoping we can get out another four chapters, but it all depends on if you guys would like that and if Ash feels like it.
Authors: Ashley (xhauntedpassionx) and I.
Background: It's Friday. Sirius and Remus have a big weekend planned. The wait is just terrible...
Guide: italics - Sirius or stressed words
bold - Remus
"..." talking
Note Passing for the Intimately Bound
Chapter 4: I'll Have You in Bed
It was Friday; the beginning of the weekend for Hogwarts' dear students. One Sirius Black, as well as most of the student body, was resting in bed, catching their last few winks of sleep before waking. Something that was different though, was that Sirius was not in his own bed, but in Remus Lupin's. Cuddling closer into the warm body beside him, the animagus' eyelids fluttered open, remember the events of yesterday's evening.
He had told everyone. Everyone in the school knew that he and Remus were together, and quite frankly, he had never been happier. Sure, many people would freak out, and jeer at them. But who cared?
He had a wonderful boyfriend, whom he loved, he had wonderful friends, and he no longer had to lie to everyone about why he was off the market. Speaking of which, Sirius' eyes looked over the beautifully scarred face of the sleeping werewolf who laid next to him, taking in the appearance. He was torn between waking him up, and watching him sleep. He decided on the latter, knowing that Remus seemed to lose enough sleep as it is.
That was when he remembered what the weekend meant. Placing his top leg over the other's waist, trying to cuddle in as close as he could, the young Black remembered the promise of romantic weekend sex. No, not just sex. Making love. Oh god, they really did fuck too much in the past few days for a normal healthy teenaged couple. But really, he didn't care, because he knew that Remus didn't care, and since when were Sirius and Remus a normal teenaged couple? Though, his good thoughts didn't last long when he remembered that they still had classes today.
Remus mumbled lightly in his sleep, snuggling unconsciously closer to his boyfriend as the other cuddled closer to him. A little content sigh left his lips as his eyelids began to flutter just a little bit. His warm and comfortable dreams faded, leaving him with the reality of something twenty times better as he twisted his head lazily to kiss whatever part of Sirius' face was closest. "Good mornin', love..." he mumbled sleepily, eyes trying to close even as he tried to keep them open.
"Morning... Have a good sleep?" Sirius murmured, raising his top arm to stroke the other's lightly. Placing a light kiss on Remus' forehead, the young Black smiled, though it fought to leave his face when he realized that he didn't know what time it was. How much longer could he just lay here? Was classes soon? The clock was placed behind him, and quite frankly, he didn't want to turn around and look.
However, Remus was not of the same mind as he suddenly snapped to awareness. Today was Friday. The weekend started right after classes. And Sirius owed him big time. "I slept fine..." he mumbled, squirming a bit to try and free himself from his very comfortable position in his boyfriend's grasp. He had a plan and he was determined to put it into action. "How about you, love?"
"Perfectly fine..." Sirius replied, wondering why his dearest Moony was moving away from him. Placing a pout on his lips and putting his best puppy dog eyes on, the animagus moved closer again.
"Padfoot, I need to get up." Remus said, looking anywhere but Sirius' face as he tried to hold true to his plans. He had to be a Marauder and keep to this. It would make the weekend a lot more fun after all. "I have a lot of things to do this morning..." he mumbled, feeling like a terrible liar.
"I guess..." Sirius said quietly, feeling dejected, and sat up on the bed. It was no fun when it seemed like the other didn't want to be close to him, and Sirius was beginning to think that this was going to be a long day.
"Oh don't look at me like that, Pads." Remus muttered, already realizing how long a day he was going to be making this. Maybe it would be a little easier if he at least laid down the law.
"Sirius." he said softly but sternly, looking toward the other.
Sirius sat up straighter, knowing that Remus was about to tell him something important. "Yes, Rem?"
"You're not going to like this." Remus warned softly, taking a step back so he could kneel down next to his trunk and start getting out the clothes he'd need for the day.
"I am forbidding you from touching me until after dinner today." he finally said, refusing to look at Sirius for fear that he may have misjudged his plan. It just seemed logical that after they'd spent a most of a day restraining themselves that the night would be more fun. And he was expecting quite a night, after all.
"I can't touch you... At all?" Sirius' face resembled that of a confused girl, the way his head tilted and his eyelashes fluttered open and shut, blinking quite quickly. Suddenly, he sighed, and decided to say something a little bit more intelligent. "Well, I suppose it couldn't be too hard... As I can after dinner... And I suppose it will make everything more enjoyable... But god, I'm going to miss youuuu!"
"I'm surprised you figured out my intentions so quickly." Remus said slowly, unable to keep the relieved smile off his face at the fact that Sirius had not had an outburst.
"And don't you dare think you're the only one going to suffer." he added for good measure, sticking his tongue childishly out at his boyfriend as he stood up. He couldn't help but stretch a little bit and be glad that he wasn't nearly a sore as the day before.
"I suppose... I mean, who could not have a hard time resisting me?" Sirius said, a smirk forming on his face. That was when he realized that James and Peter were still asleep. Lovely. Now he had to wake them up as well. After throwing a pillow at Peter's head, Sirius went over towards James', and started poking the messy haired boy repeatedly in the forehead.
"Prat." Remus mumbled, rolling his eyes as he headed into the bathroom to get dressed. He couldn't say he approved of Sirius' waking-up methods, though he was sure he could think of a few he wouldn't mind... Oh marlin was today going to be a long day...
Peter squeaked as he shot up in bed, beady eyes bugging out as he tried to decide what had attacked him. The pillow that had fallen into his lap seemed a good source and he turned his now glaring eyes toward Sirius as his friend poked the young Potter repeatedly.
James wasn't quite as nice. At first his groaned a squirmed before finally swatting at the hand poking him as hard as he could. Maybe he wasn't as asleep as he seemed to be. He surely managed to yell, "FUCK OFF, PADFOOT." at least.
"Morning Pete! And... But Jamesyyy! It's wakey wakey time! You can hardly expect me to give you a nice waking when Remmy decided I couldn't touch him until after dinneeeer!" Sirius said childishly, before he stopped poking his friend, and walked towards his trunk to get his clothes.
"Sod off, Pad-- Remus decided what?" James raised an eyebrow while Peter mumbled incoherently somewhere next to his trunk as he collected his things to get ready for the day.
Sirius sighed, and said once again, just for dear Jamesy and Pete (Honestly, he gave so much), "Remus said I can't touch him until after dinner."
"That's... interesting..." James mumbled, raising one eyebrow as his thoughts ran a muck. He rather wished they wouldn't as disturbing image after disturbing image hit him. Shaking his head slowly, he jumped out of bed and began to collect his own clothing before smiling slightly at Sirius. "Good luck with that." he teased, following behind Peter as he headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
Sirius stuck his tongue out the young Potter, before slipping out of the clothes he had on the night before, and into some clean ones. There wasn't much use in following them to the bathroom to do that. He always changed in the dorm, and now that it was empty in here, it gave him more privacy. Soon, after deciding that he was, indeed, finished getting dressed, he walked into the bathroom, spotting the other three boys.
And so the rest of their day began.
Of course, Sirius was finding it very hard to listen to what Remus had told him to do... or more so what not to do. Even Remus seemed to be having a bit of a hard time. But that didn't stop him from finding a bit of spare parchment during one of their lessons. It was hard to stop talking when you weren't touching the one person you wanted close to you, after all.
Dinner seems so bloody far away,
But you must agree,
That tonight is worth the wait,
This I decree.
We'll just take our time tonight,
Make every touch make you come alive,
After this painfully long day,
I'll give that body of yours a test drive.
-- Padfoot.
Hey wait a minute,
Who topped yesterday?
I think it's my turn,
And you owe me, but the way.
That is, indeed, quite true,
I very much do owe you,
I'm just so addicted to,
All those things you do.
-- Padfoot.
We get the whole weekend,
We'll just see how it goes,
In the heat of a moment,
What will happen no one knows.
I rather do have this hope,
That dearest Prongs and Wormtail,
Will not mind it when them,
Staying out of the dorm comes into the detail.
-- Padfoot.
Remus spent a long minute looking at the note his boyfriend had handed back to him. What the hell did that mean? He wondered as he chewed idle on the edge of his quill. And then it hit him. Basically... Sirius hoped that James and Peter didn't mind staying out of the dorm... Oh. He hadn't thought about them. But chances were that the other two Marauders would split the second he or the young Black mentioned wanting some alone time... He couldn't help his grin as he wrote back.
I'm sure it won't matter,
We'll just drop them a hint,
They'll stay out of the dorms,
They might even sprint.
I do believe you are right,
We won't even need to try,
We'll get the dorms to ourselves,
Where our talents will privately apply.
-- Padfoot.
Our talents indeed,
Maybe I'll make you beg,
Not hard for my little puppy,
Who might get my third leg.
I am not a puppy!
I am a big dog.
You know, besides that insult,
I am rather enjoying our dialog.
-- Padfoot.
You can't be a puppy for me?
That's really quite sad.
I'm enjoying this too,
I thought I might add.
I suppose I could,
To you, I can't say no,
I guess I shouldn't be offended,
Jeez, this day is going slow.
-- Padfoot.
I couldn't agree with you more,
You can't conceive,
I'm undressing you in my mind,
Like you wouldn't believe.
With the way you can,
Map out my body,
I wouldn't be surprised,
Of the accuracy that would embody.
-- Padfoot.
You know it love,
I've studied you well,
But it's not nearly as good,
I'm sure you can tell.
Oh, of course, my dear,
Nothing could be better,
Than what we do in the bed,
My favorite activity center.
-- Padfoot.
Aren't you cute?
Though I can't help but agree.
It's time to go now,
As you can very well see.
Sirius glanced around the room to see that yes, people were getting up and moving around. Finally! Dinner! He could have yelled for joy that it was almost the time he'd be allowed to touch his dearest Moonykins again. But he restrained himself, instead grinning broadly at his boyfriend and saying in a very happy voice, "Almost time!" But the werewolf surprised him. Instead of grinning back and replying Remus closed his eyes slowly, taking several deep breaths. He then pulled their notes toward him as he stood and began walking out the door while trying to write legibly across the page.
Not a sound,
Not a peep,
Or I swear,
It's at the table we'll "sleep."
Sirius raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend, as he stood to follow the other out of the door. It didn't help his naturally over sized ego to be told that his voice could make someone fuck him in the Great Hall, in front of everybody. That note made him happy, yet disappointed... He couldn't talk to the other now? Actually... He couldn't talk at all until the end of dinner. Mmm... The end of dinner... He was pretty sure this was one of the only times he wished he could just skip dinner. Well, Sirius supposed that he would just have to write notes to everyone at dinner... Especially some naughty horribly-written poems to a particular werewolf.
Remus gave him an almost apologetic smile as he watched the other read. He didn't like having to give his boyfriend so many restrictions, but it couldn't be helped.
By now the two had made it to the great hall. Remus cast a roll of the eye in James' and Peter's direction when he saw the two already sitting and eating. Bastards couldn't even wait for them when it came to eating, let alone walking to the Great Hall from class. Oh well. He took his seat quietly, pulling as much food toward him as he thought he could stand. After all, he planned on eating very little over the next few days.
Sirius sat down beside the young Lupin, quickly grabbing pieces of the food he liked to his plate, as though eating faster would make the time go faster. He knew that wasn't the case, but maybe it would work. 'Although, I shouldn't eat too fast... Don't want a stomach ache when I'm supposed to be pleasuring my lover' he thought, bringing his hand back to his plate, slowing down considerably.
He took a couple bites of his food, before taking a small quill and ink bottle out of his pockets.
Before I found you, my love,
I never would have thought,
Anything could be more delicious,
Than the food I always sought.
-- Padfoot.
The note did it. James looked up, raising one eyebrow toward Sirius and then toward Remus. "Okay. Why the fuck are you still passing notes?" he asked quietly. At his tone, Peter looked over, suddenly as suspicious as the stag animagus.
"Well..." Remus began slowly, rather hoping he didn't have a similar affect on Sirius as the other had on him, "If he talks, I'll fuck him right here," the werewolf pointed in the general area of a chocolate pudding that was out early for all those who were not very hungry. "on the table." he finished, pulling the note toward him.
I'm flattered,
Though I must say,
You're far more delectable,
In many a way.
James and Peter looked between the two lovers with wide eyes, almost completely mirroring the other's moves. Not that either of them were disgusted by their friend's relationship. Just... They really really really didn't need the mental image of them going at it right in front of them. Sirius, however, grinned in the direction of his boyfriend, and replied.
My my, my dear chap,
It seems that you let,
The other's understand,
The plans we have set.
-- Padfoot.
My dear little Padsy,
I hope that you know,
We let them get their stuff,
And they'll hurry to go.
Oh, I very well know,
They need to be prepared,
For when they can't come in,
Or else they'll be scared.
-- Padfoot.
How long should we give them?
I can't really wait,
I'm afraid I'm too... ehem... horny,
And it's going to be great.
Now, do you suppose,
One minute would be enough?
I sure hope so,
The waiting is tough.
-- Padfoot.
A minute true,
And true to a dot,
It can't take that long,
In fact that's giving a lot.
You do have a point,
I say ten seconds,
I won't last much longer,
I do reckon.
-- Padfoot.
Sounds good,
Let's do it,
I hope they don't mind,
Though quite frankly I don't give a shit.
I completely agree;
So, it is settled.
This whole long day,
My lust and obedience have battled.
-- Padfoot.
Violets are blue,
Roses are red,
The sooner we're through,
I'll have you in bed.
The werewolf looked around the Great Hall, noting that James and Peter had once again forgotten to wait for them. And probably for good reason. He glanced lustily at his boyfriend before slowly standing up and beckoning to him to get up. He vaguely wondered if James and Peter were done collecting their things.
Sirius looked around the Great Hall with excitement. Dinner was over! Dinner was over! Dinner was over! He could touch Remus! He could talk to Remus! He could now make beautiful love to Remus! Sirius stood up quickly, tugging on Remus' arm. Great, he hasn't touched the other all day, and the first thing he does? Tugs on the other's arm. Not exactly enough contact for him. "Come on, love. I want you so fucking bad..."
Remus smirked lightly, leaning forward to place a small kiss on the other's lips. It was a huge effort to pull away, but he managed. Now he linked hands with his boyfriend, intertwining their fingers as he set off at a brisk pace, almost a run toward the dorms.
After being pulled along for a couple seconds, Sirius began running towards the dorms. He didn't want to wait. His run turned almost into a sprint, before he slowed down, not wanting to tire himself out at all.
Remus sped up along with his boyfriend, unable to hide his smirk as he noticed that their friends had indeed finished getting their things and were haphazardly setting down pillows and blankets in the half-full common room. The two couldn't help but to look at the couple in a slightly annoyed way as Remus stuck his tongue out and finally pulled Sirius up the stairs. This was going to be on amazing weekend.
Reviews are fun for everyone! Tell us if you want more.