First story for this pairing! Wow, what an honor! Request for Ottawa, turned insane. I've got another ItaSaku coming, and a finish to Forbidden Fruit, so be patient. But for now, please everyone enjoy InoSui!

Flowers Bloom

Another day, another flower sold. Always so beautiful, always dying so soon. Ino loved flowers, but hated cutting them just to be flaunted on a table for a day or two before they wilted away.

The door opened, and she cast the customary greeting, not even bothering to see who had walked in.

Elbows rested on the counter, matching her posture, and she saw dark eyes and darker hair on a man who was smiling brightly at her. "Well hello there, Daisy. What's a cute flower like you doing stuck inside the shop on a day like this?"

His smile was infectious. An Uchiha, but one who was much lighter than Sasuke. "It's always work at the flower shop for me. What can I help you with today?"

"Hmm. Well, I need a flower for my mother. It's her birthday. And there's a girl I want to impress."

"Oh? For your mother I suggest a white rose. All women love roses. And for this girl... What does she like?"

He just shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not quite sure. You see, I only met her recently, but I'm quite taken with her. We haven't even properly talked, and I don't know her name."

"Well, a woman usually will accept any type of flower, but if she's unique, she might like something a bit different. My personal favorite is a tulip."

He nodded, and grabbed notecards for each. "Your suggestions are wonderful. I'll take them."

She nodded and wrapped up the flowers, mentally cursing her timing. 'At this rate, Ino, you'll never find one. It's time to get back on the prowl. If nothing else, Chouji would be a good stretch.'

Ringing him up, she smiled. "Thank you very much, sir. And I wish you luck with your lady friend!"

He simply nodded his head, and left with a jingle from the door.

And the rest of her day passed without incident, although her thoughts stayed on her strange customer.


Morning found her getting the shop ready. She stepped outside, broom in hand, and gasped. On the step was the tulip she had sold to the stranger, and on the note it read,

"Pretty Daisy,

Meet me at the bridge tonight. I'd love to have a proper conversation with you. Sincerely, Uchiha Shisui."

She smiled and whispered to herself, "Shisui-san, huh?"

Maybe even this dying flower will hold beauty for her.