Hello there!

Welcome to my first story that I've written all by myself.

Read and Review pleasee :


I do not own DBSK, I wish I did though x333



To fully enjoy the story listen to the song that being sung in the story.


If a character is singing DBSK's Purple Line, I encourage you to listen to it during that chapter to put you in the mood


Sun-Hee was born in South Korea. Her mother was born in Venice and her father was born in Seoul. She never lived in one place for more than 2 years. She has almost lived everywhere; Italy, Brazil, America, Japan, China, England, and now South Korea. She speaks 4 languages fluently; English, Korean, Japanese, and Portuguese, since those were the places she's lived the longest. She is a very exotic beauty. She has Asian characteristics as well as European. Her hair is dark brown with waves and curls, and her eyes are slanted and are an unusual caramel color. She's about 5'4 and has olive skin. Her friends from school always complained that she had bigger boobs than most Asian girls. She has been dancing ever since she was 6; her mom put her in dance classes as a bribe so Sun-Hee would agree to move, so she has been dancing for 11 years. Now entering her senior year Sun-Hee's life will completely change because of a single person.

"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God." I said as I rushed out of school with 3 of the heaviest books I could find in the school library in my hand. My friends tried to keep up with me but they were slowing down. "Sunny! Slow down, jeez. Don't worry you'll do fine." My best friend tried to console me, but it was clear that her words were said for mere comfort; even she knew that our last exams were my worst subjects. I was frantically highlighting key points in my science textbook while trying to juggle two other enormous textbooks in my other hand. Yet, my best friend just kept on 

blabbering away, as though some switch had been turned on. I supposed she was talking about a new love interest, or whatever. She never noticed that half the time she spoke I was spacing out or not paying attention. "Ohh. Mhmm. I'm sure he does. I have to go, bye." I said running off to my favorite spot. I figured if I was going to cram, might as well do it in a relaxing place like the garden. I quickly started speed-walking, waving and smiling to people I knew who passed by.

As I entered the garden I could already smell the sweet euphoric scent of my favorite flower; wisterias. I found a comfortable secluded spot next to a big tree that was surrounded by wisteria bushes and decided to study there. I placed my bag against the tree trunk and leaned against it. The tree I was sitting against was next to a wooden fence, which gave this little spot a cozy feeling. "Well, time to start I guess. This is gonna be fun" I said with a tone of sarcasm. I decide to study for my math exam first, since it was my 2nd worst subject. I crack open the book, feeling like I was going to be sucked into a black hole of equations and graphs. I was reading over my calculus notes when I heard a voice, but not just any voice; a beautiful singing voice. I looked up from my textbook and turned my head in all directions trying to find the source of the angelic voice. I saw an old man sleeping on a beach and a guard, deciding it couldn't be them I kept searching. I then turned towards the fence and leaned forward, my head almost touching the wood. I could hear the voice coming from the other side. I recognized the song too. It was Dong Bang Shin Ki's Begin. I stood motionless trying to hear the voice sing and recognized the part that he was singing

"Hontowa bokumo onajidayo yoruno yamini obi-eteru demo hitorijyana-I"

"Truthfully I too am the same I am fearing the darkness of night But still, I am not alone"

I sang the last part quietly to myself trying my best to hit every note while I was going over my textbook. I never sang in public, I didn't know if I even had an okay singing voice. Eh, whatever. I thought to myself. No one's going to find out.

"That last note was flat, you know."

My head immediately shot up from my textbook. My eyes widen as I slowly turn to face the fence.

"W-w-Wha?" That was all I managed to say. I wanted to run away but I couldn't move any part of my body.

"You have a really pretty voice, except that last note was kind of flat." The voice explained calmly.

I could've sworn I was starting to twitch. "Oh." I was debating whether I should run away or just stay here to make it seem like I didn't care.

"Oh well." I said deciding to use the 'I don't care option' "I never sing in public so I guess it doesn't matter." I smiled, proud at myself for not freaking out.

"Why not, you have a beautiful voice."

Whoa. I had just realized his voice; sexy, sultry, and deep.

The voice on the other side, which I was assuming was a guy sounded a lot like one of Dong Bang Shin Ki's members; Micky Yoochun.

"You sound a lot like Micky Yoochun." As soon as I commented that he sounded like Micky I cursed to myself. What a stupid thing to say, I thought.

The voice paused as if he was thinking. "Oh y-yeah…I get that a lot."

"I see. My name's Sun-Hee, but everyone calls me Sunny. What's your name?"

On the other side of the fence the owner of the angelic voice scratched his head, he looked around and then looked up to the sky.

"H-Haneul." The voice replied a couple slow seconds later.

"You don't seem so sure about your own name." I said with a chuckle

"Of course I'm sure about my own name. I, uh just saw something." The voice quickly replied back. It seemed like he was hiding something but I decided not to press him on the subject.

"It seems like you know fluent Japanese. You have a really nice voice."

"Thank you, and I do know fluent Japanese, seems like you know Japanese as well."

I blushed. Did he have to remind me about my singing?

We continued to talk for a little while, when we stopped blabbering on about our lives I paused and looked up to the sky. It was getting dark, I need to be home by 5:00pm.

"Well Haneul I should be on my way." I said while glancing at my watch.

IT read 7:30pm. My eyes widen and I quickly stood up picking up all my books and my bag.

"Oh My God. I've been here for 4 hours; my parents are going to kill me.

Haneul chuckled. "I should be on my way too." He said as I heard him get up.

"See you later." He said as he walked off, his shoes making a soft 'click' every time his feet touched the ground.

I turned around to pick up my science book and I saw a small folded piece of paper on it. I looked around wondering if someone dropped it and picked it up. I hesitated to open it but my curiosity got the best of me. I slowly unfolded the paper and saw a drawing. It was a simple drawing; a sun with musical notes surrounding it and the sky smiling.

"Haneul…" I said as I looked at the drawing, Haneul meant 'heaven' or 'sky' and my nickname was 'Sunny'

I couldn't help but smiling. It was a cute drawing. My blissful moment of happiness was interrupted by my cell phone ringtone ; Dong Bang Shin Ki's 'Purple Line'. I already knew who it was without looking at the caller id. I pressed the call button and immediately said. "Sorry mom, I got caught up in my studies." I paused as my mother blabbered about how much I was studying too much. "Yeah, yeah. I know, it won't happen again. 'Mmkay. Love you too. Bye" I hung up as I put the little note in my bag and ran off to my house.