Disclaimer: I do not own them, I simply play with them before I have to give them back.

I thought the story needed a prologue. Just a short one, no big deal. First chapter will be posted tomorrow. I do have the second chapter written too, it'll be posted later. I'm also working on chapter three. Enjoy


Facing the Supernatural


Finally, he'd get his revenge. Those Winchester-boys had killed his sister, had killed his father and had also killed him. When he was in hell he'd sworn to kill them, even if they took him with them, somehow. But since they had been stupid enough to open the gate to Hell, he'd managed to escape. But it hadn't been easy.

He looked around, searching for a host. Coming to a town, he spotted a man outside, walking his dog. Pathetic humans. He moved towards the man, who stopped when he saw the lights flicker.

The dog growled when it sensed him approach, but he didn't care. He could kill the dog, it wasn't worth it. The man spotted him, and started running, letting go of the dog, who barked at him and ran after the man.

The man ran, but stupid humans could never keep their balance. The man tripped and rolled onto his back, staring in fear up at him as he shot towards the man's face. It didn't take long before he was inside the man, pushing him deep into himself - so deep he could no longer control himself. The dog barked, and he sighed irritated.

With a sharp movement of his hand, there was a crack as the dog's neck broke, and it fell lifeless to the ground.

He grinned slightly. Now, time to get those Winchesters...