I know. I'm a horrible, horrible person for taking so long to update. I've been having like serious writers block the past copuple of like months and I've had just like no inspiration to write. Also I've been extreamly busy, but that's not excuse. Anyways, here's Chapter Two! Enjoy and please review!!!

Chapter Two: Alice

I do not like Edward Cullen. I do not like Edward Cullen. I repeated those six words endlessly until I finally reached the dinner, trying to make myself sound as convincing as possible. I thought of all the reasons why I hated Edward, and finally, to my relief, I felt that if he would to walk into the dinner right now, I would slap him, just as it should be. Although, I had to admit he was incredibly handsome. Snap out of it Bella! I scolded myself. I've had too much thinking time and now, for once, I couldn't wait to get to work. I ran into the bathroom and changed into my uniform. I threw my hair into a messy bun and dabbed a little bit of make-up on so that if Carlisle and his daughter were to walk in soon, I'd at least look somewhat decent.

For the next half hour, I plunged myself into work, never once giving me a chance to think about Edward. By the time four o'clock rolled around, I was starting to burn out. However, the famous ding-a-ling from my friend the bell sang out and I instantly knew it was Carlisle. His expression was pleasant and calm. Behind him, was as I assumed his daughter. She had jet-black spiky hair and came up to about her shoulder. She wore a huge, dazzling smile on her face that beamed with excitement, and her eyes were twinkling like stars. She was looking around the dinner, her smile increasing (if that was possible), as she 'marveled' at my personal hellhole. Something must be wrong with her…

Carlisle spotted me and smiled, waving me over. I tried to conceal my efforts to neaten my hair as I strode over to them, putting on a shy smile.

"Hello again Carlisle," I greeted.

"Hello Bella," he smiled. "I'd like to introduce you to my daughter Alice," he said, gesturing to the girl.

The second she heard her name she snapped her little head in our direction, her eyes big as saucers.

"Hi! I'm so excited to be here! My dad told me about getting a job and I was thrilled! I know most girls wouldn't be but I've always wanted to have one. I don't know why though…. Anyways my dad told me that you work really hard and I think that that's really admirable! I want to be like that too. Not like my brother. Oh he is so lazy, all he does is sit in his room and blast music. It's really annoying. I don't think he'll ever get a job. But oh! This place is so cute! It's so good to be back in Forks! I missed it so much! Boarding school was awfully dreadful. I-," her father finally cut her short, a bemused smile on his face.

"I'm sorry, she tends to get…over excited," he chuckled.

I laughed to. Alice's happiness seamed to be infectious because her mood instantly made my own brighter, and I didn't even feel the need to interview her. I already felt like her friend.

"That's fine, we need some excitement here," I laughed. "You know what? I'm not going to interview her. Alice seems perfect for the job and she can start working as soon as she can start, if she wants."

Alice jumped in the air and squealed before embracing me in a crushing hug.

"Thank you Bella! Oh, I feel as if we're going to become the best of friends!" she said, practically jumping.

"Me too," I said with a smile, laughing at her little display of enthusium.

"Oh Bella I just had the greatest idea! Can I start working now?"

I was stunned. I still couldn't believe that this girl actually wanted to work here.

"Yes, if you'd like," I replied.

"AH!!" she screamed and hugged me again. "Thank you thank you thank you! I'm SO excited! Hey, do I get to wear an apron too?" she asked, eyeing mine.

"Yes, let me go get you one. Just give me a sec, I'll be right back," I told her. She nodded and turned back to Carlisle. I ran back into the supply closet and grabbed one of the extra aprons. I frowned, it would be a little long on her short figure. Hopefully she wasn't as clumsy as I was.

"Yes, she got the job….of course, it's Alice….okay…I'll see you soon. Bye Edward," Carlisle shut his phone when he saw me coming. Edward… that name could not get out of my head.

"Here you go Alice, I'm sorry, it's a little long."

"Oh! That's no problem at all! Thanks you Bella!" she said excitedly and began to tie it around herself.

"Well, I'll leave you two ladies to it then, Edward is going to pick me up so that you can drive the car back. Bye honey," he said, with a smile, and then retreated out the door.

Alice turned back to me, beaming.

"So what can I do?" she asked.

"Um… you can… set up the empty tables. The untentils and plates are over there," I said pointing towards a rack. She eagerly went off o complete the task. This is how the rest of the day went about. I would give her a task, and she would happily go off and finish it. Her constant upbeat mood actually kept happy, and work was over before we both knew it.

"So I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow Bella," she said cheerfully.

"Yeah, I guess so. Bye Alice!"

"Bye Bella!"

And we parted. When I got home I finished up y homework, took a shower and fell asleep, that was the first night I dreamed of Edward Cullen.

The next morning passed by like a blur. I was so mad at myself for dreaming about him, and a little scared at the same time. It was a known fact that ever since yesterday at school, all my thoughts seemed to be centered on Edward. But, that didn't mean I liked him…. right? I moved in a trance-like state through work, and before I knew it, I was at school.

"Bella!" a shrieking, unforgettable voice sounded.

I whirled around to see Alice running towards me, a hue grin plastered on her face.

"Alice! Hey!" I exclaimed. I had forgotten that she would be going to my school now, and the thought of having around another friend around comforted me tremendously.

"Ah! I'm SO excited to be here! This is so cool! I've never really been to like a 'normal' high school before, it's so exciting!"

"Yeah well, you won't think it's exciting after spending a month here. Come on, I'll show you to the Main office," I offered, and we set off.

Alice got her schedule and it turns out that we had about three classes together, which was good. However, because apparently I had done something to make god hate me, she was in none of m classes that included Edward. I was still alone.

My morning classes with Alice went by in a blur, and before I knew it I was sitting with Angela and Alice, eating my still-hot-from-this-morning sandwich. Alice and Angela had gone off in their own little worlds of shopping fantasies, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I had to spend the rest of the day with Cullen. I was still recovering from yesterday, and the thought of being in the same room together, made me jittery. My stomach churned inside of me with a nervousness that I couldn't explain. I looked around the cafeteria and my eyes met with a brilliant pair of green orbs. Edward Cullen was sitting across the room as always, with his little group of fellow jersey wearing morons. Except instead of being in the center of the table, being the loudest, and completely oblivious to anything but himself, he was sitting a the end, disengaged, and uninterested with his friends. But the weirdest part was that he was staring at me. There was an emotion in his eyes that I could not place. I stared back at him before I turned away, blushing for no reason before I turned my gaze onto my half-eaten sandwich. I got up, and threw it away. I was not hungry anymore.

My heart was fluttering as I made my way to biology, which made me feel completely ridiculous. It was just Edward Bella, calm down. You don't like him remember?

I sat down in my seat and stared out the window, waiting for class to start.

"Hello Isabella," spoke a smooth, velvet voice that sent chills down my spine.

I glared at him; mad that he was making me feel these weird emotions.

"Cullen," I almost sneered. He smirked.

I turned my attention back towards the window. A few moments later I began to feel Edward's eyes on me. I whirled around and glared at him.

"What's your problem?" I demanded.

"Excuse me?" he asked, a dazed expression splashed across his face."

"Why do you keep on staring at me?" I demanded again, irritated.

"I think that you may be mixing up your little fantasies with reality Bella," he remarked. I fumed.

"I am not, nor will I ever have 'fantasies' about you Cullen. Could you get anymore conceited? And it's Isabella to you. Only my friends call me Bella."

"So you're saying that we're not friends?" he asked.

"The day that I'm friends with you Edward, is the day that Jessica Stanly gets an A on the Trig test," I snapped.

He chuckled at that which made me even more annoyed. He was supposed to get mad and ignore me. Instead he freaking chuckles! Ugh!

I turned my attention back to Mr. Ran at that point. However after about two minutes passed, I started to feel Edward's eyes on me again.

"Can you please stop staring at me?" I whispered harshly to him.

"I'm not staring at you Isabella."

"Uh… yeah you were. I could feel you're little green; beady eyes boring into the side of my head. It's extremely annoying."

"I'm telling you Isabella, it's all in your head. I was not staring at you. Try not to get too disappointed over it."

"Disappointed?" I scoffed. "Does that pea sized, imbecilic, lousy excuse for a brain honestly think that I would be disappointed over the fact that you were not looking at me? That is more like a cause for a celebration if you ask me," I stated.

He glared at me and didn't talk to me for the rest of the period after that. Mission accomplished.

In French class Edward continued to ignore me. He kept his back turned to me, and didn't even turn to me to gloat when he got an answer right. He just sat in his desk, with his eyes cast down on his paper the entire class. About after half an hour later, I began to feel…bad. My stupid conscience was starting to get to me. Edward actually looked…hurt over my little comment to him. Instead of being the lively, cocky, arrogant person that he usually was, he just remained at his desk, in a frozen trance-like state, and I couldn't help but feel bad because I was the one that made him like that. I can't believe I'm actually feeling bad for hurting Cullen's feelings. What is wrong with me?

So there I was. I had gotten to English early, so that I could talk to him. I must have looked completely pathetic at that moment. I was sitting down at my desk, with a guilty expression written all over my face, and my eyes glued to the door, waiting for no other that Edward Cullen.

He didn't show up for a while and when he did, my heart starting to flutter in my chest again. Out of nervousness of course…

"Edward," I called out shyly.

He sent me a dull, almost expectant glance.


"I just wanted to say that if I offended you in anyway before I'm-," I couldn't finish.


"I'm…" I looked into his eyes.

There was no sign of hurt in his eyes. There was only amusement, and some sort of twinkling expression of…victory? That was when I realized it.

"I can't believe you!" I exclaimed. A puzzled look splashed across his face before disappointment washed up on it. "I can't believe that you went through that whole little 'act' just to get me to apologize to you for something that didn't even upset you. You knew that I would feel bad, and that I would come and apologize to you." He didn't say anything but he did not object to my conclusion either. "You are such a jerk."

It would be a lie to say that I was not completely, and utterly furious on my way to work. I tired to bury my anger inside of me though, so that I could get through work without eating any of the costumers. Alice however, took immediate notice to my mood and asked me what was wrong.

"It's just this guy at school," I replied hurriedly.

"Well what about him?"

"Well…to start, he's arrogant, obnoxious, cocky, self-obsessed, annoying, ignorant, pathetic, -," I started.

"Whoa there! Okay, okay I get it, you hate him."

"Oh, I don't just hate him Alice. I detest him with every single cell of my being."

"Gosh…that's pretty…intense. What happened that made you, 'detest him with every single cell of your being'?"

"The number of things that he does to infuriate me are endless, but I'll tell you the most recent thing that he did. Today when we were arguing like always, I told him off. So…he acts as if I 'hurt his feelings' for like two periods, just so that he could watch me feel terrible about myself and apologize to him. Ugh, I mean who does that?"

"Well, I sounds to me like he has a crush on you," Alice cooed.


"Guys are idiots Bella. They don't know how to act when they like a girl so they annoy them to the ends of the earth."

"Alice, you're insane. He does not like me. Trust me. Besides he already has like ten girlfriends."

"Whatever you say Bella but trust me. I'm never wrong about things like this."

Thanks for reading!! Please review!!!!