A/N: Again, I do not own Moonlight nor it's characters. But If I did, I would show the complete shower scene...ooh, steamy. Anyway, back to the real world (sadly) This is a poem I wrote when I was bored in my Spanish class. While we were learning on how to conjugate verbs, I was pretending to be Beth, fantasying about Mick. XD lol! Well, I hope you like my poem and reviews are still AWESOME!

Dear friend dear friend

I know you're well

But it is I who needs you

Ever since we met that cold dark night

I've felt safe with you for all time

I don't know how to thank you enough

For without you I would be lost

See, I have held you near

But not as close as I would like

And anyone else's touch isn't the same

Why is it that I dream of you at night?

And why do we meet like the twisted branches of fate?

Why do our lips come so close together?

Because they do not do it themselves

Tell me how you can just stare at me without wanting more

Because I can't

Right now, all the hairs on my neck are standing up

Just thinking about your teeth on my forearm

Your husky, yet soft voice that is all too comforting

Whispering in my ear, "It's okay, you're safe"

Those strong arms, molding themselves around me

Caressing my face as longing eyes meet

Desire seen through their depths

The lust for the sweet liquid that runs beneath my skin

My surprising willingness to give in

To others, this would sound crazy

But secretly, I want what you've got

I want to feel the night again

For it was like diving into a freezing river

The adventure you've taken me on has corrupted my mind

And now, I cannot be without you

But why do you refrain yourself from me?

I want you now—to touch, to kiss, and to hold you

Please let me

I just wish our differences will bring us closer together

Instead of keeping us apart…

OOH! Reviews plz! Thank You