Like a Lion FINISHES:
off, I don't care who you are or if you didn't even contribute to the
story- READ THIS! Yeah, I'm looking at you, the one who's dying to
get out of here. For those named- Don't skip it after you read your
part, please, I worked hard to make this sound good. Sure, you don't
have to read what I wrote for the others (even though you should) but
there's a note at the bottom for you that you must read okay? Please?
It'll mean the world!
Kat: Dearest, Dearest Kat. It has been absolutly lovely having Kat's character as the heroine of this series. (Sometimes the Villian.. hehe) I adore your encouraging reviews and the happiness that I feel when I read them. I don't think you've ever let me down with a review! You always give me that little push to actually continue writing. You explain what you like in extreme detail, such detail that most people cannot describe. You've been an amazing contributer and I hope that I didn't let you down with the ending! For me, as an amateur writer, it was absolutly necessary. I loved the Kat/Nate-ness of the Like A Turtle series-- and I don't think it will ever end. Even though the two are broken up at the moment, in the future, they're bound to give into temptation and mack each other's brains out- falling in love once again. It's a teenage love story, it never ends, I sincerely hope you were not dissapointed. I love you, and you'll always have a place in my heart.
Angelina: Oh Angeline! How odd that I just found out that your name is Angeline! It's a beautiful name, girly. You, my dear, are a fantastic person and have a radiant personality. I love how you review EVERY chapter, honestly I don't think that you've missed one... in EITHER story. You're quite amazing, and dear to my heart. You always have to most up-beat, phenomenal, cheery reviews that make my heart go all warm and fuzzy! I think you win the prize of most enthusiastic, longest, reviewer. It's a great honor! Accept it! Haha, I believe that I am going to continue with Beauty can Hide All Secrets, eventually.. it may not be anytime soon though, so I hope to be hearing from you soon. I am happy that we some-what got to know each other, even through an internet website. You're a great girl, and a fanstastic contributer! Shane/Angelika is my favourite pairing ever- i had SO much fun with it! Love you!
Taylor: Taylor, Taylor, Taylor... Taylor,Taylor,TAYLOR! I am not going to lie, you are my best friend on this thing! would be HELL without you! I've grown to hate this place with a burning passion, i know we both have, so it's good to share that feeling with somebody ahah. You, my friend, are a wicked person. You have this spontanious, hyper personality and it shines through the reviews and the conversations that we sometimes have- hehe. Um, I'm so glad that you were a part of this, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support and reviews. I also have to point out one thing, I kind of... well, maybe just a little... actually a lot- miss RADTASTIC RAWR username. Broke my heart to see it different, but it's all good. Anyways, Jaylor all of the way, right? I'm sorry for making Taylor get run over, become hooked up to an I.V and get completely ignored by her boyfriend. She's had it the toughest this time- I apologize. But still- she got the greatest make-up scene! I know she's still black and blue, but she heals up good, I promise! I also NEED to thank you for sharing my mourning feeling when Like A Turtle was deleted from the site, and our lives. It broke my little heart and I was glad that somebody else was upset about it! Those DAMN Jonai- DAMN JONAI. Anyways, thank you for everything- including ABNY which I hope will continue one day! You're fantastic! and I need you to help me with Mibba- so I can start that! (The layout thing really doesn't like me) Love you, girl.
Sarah: Hey Darling. The Newbie! I'm glad that for some reason, I chose SARAH to be the shit-disturber in the story. You are a great girl and you never fail to review, i hope you don't hate me for making Sarah the semi-villian of the story, even when she turned out good in the end. You've thanked me a number of times through your reviews for placing 'Sarah' as the new character, and honestly, do not worry about it the SLIGHTEST. It's my pleasure! The character, Sarah, made things much more interesting this time around and i'm so very pleased that you were heavily involved with Like A Turtle and even then- your reviews NEVER failed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the cheer ups, you consistently telling me that i'm an amazing writer really helps. I love you girl, and I hope to hear from you even though this is over. Sarah Mopen, the famous actress and soon-to-be sister of Nate HAS to stick around! Don't be shy! Thanks, again!
shout outs:
Jonas, Time-and-Place, The Princess Wolf, OJD9293 &
MoonlitePrincez314 and Torree.
Thank YOU! Your guys' reviews are always dear to my heart and taking into consideration. I do not know if those username's will show up, but hopefully they do so that your special shout out will be seen. I love you guys and i'm happy that you enjoyed the story. Please don't be shy, you can request fics from me and i'll be happy to write them for you. :)
everyone who favourited, alerted, and reviewed this story:
Gracias! I thank you all for reading my work!
an additional note that I HOPE you all read! That means YOU, yeah YOU
the one skipping it!!! READ THIS!:
started this story nearly a year ago. I sped through like a turtle so
quickly through the days of h-core babysitting and sleepless nights.
The second installment took me a great while longer, covering almost
an entire year's time. I've tried my hardest to make this enjoyable
and exciting and have the magic that I hope you feel when you read it
and if it didn't, I apologize. My heart is in the right place, I
LOVED writing this, do not get me wrong. However, something changed,
something in my feel for this website, some of the people who log
onto this website and possibly my own confidence in my writing, and
towards the end I just couldn't enjoy myself.
The last few chapters were that old rush that I felt before, everyone who once participated in this series CAME BACK! It pushed my writing mind into freak-zone again and I felt all of the un-done ties for the story come into place. So, I am proud to say that Like A Lion is actually complete. After a year on the go, the story and it's characters have ended the journey. I am glad you were along for the ride.
The Like A Turtle Series that many of you have reviewed/pm'd about is still a large question mark. I do not think that there will ever be a third installment. Spin-off thoughts are blurring my mind at the moment, but I do not know if I will act upon that. The gang you've seen here will probably never come together again in one story, but I might, just might write some cute little one-shots about them. I haven't yet decided what to do with all of this and I do not want you to hold your breath for another Like A Turtle story.. I will let you know if I decide to write another one, if i've written a one-shot, or if a spin-off is being written.
THANKYOU all of you for making these stories what they are. I'm sorry if i've dissapointed any of you & I love you all dearly!
A final goodbye;
"Just for now," He mumbled into her hair, "Just until... we can try again." - Shameless plug; Line from the story, I thought it fit.