
I do not own the Twilight Universe. Stephenie Meyers rocks that out. I'm reduced to pushing my glasses up and spending hours over this keyboard. All I own is my O.C.'s

Chap. 13

So Far, So Good

His features took on that familiar lopsided grin. His teeth were too perfect. He wasn't the same.

But he was. "Maxi, aren't you going to greet your best friend?" I was reminded why I was here after I was able to tear my eyes away from Bo. I growled and lunged for James. I tackled him to the ground and clawed, bit and threw him off. He growled and we started fighting violently. He fought dirty I reminded myself. He kicked and pulled hair and broke my tail. As I jumped away from him, we encircled each other again. I was seeing red again. I wasn't paying attention to James. I heard him get closer and I looked. James went to take advantage of this, but Bo yelled. "No!" James hesitated for one moment. Thats all I needed. I lunged and aimed for his shoulder. I sunk my teeth into his flesh ripped. I heard a nasty wet popping sound, and spit his arm out. He howled in pain, lashing blindly out at me. I took advantage of his blind anger and tore him apart. I didn't stop until his head joined the pile of vampire remains that were wiggling trying to pull themselves back together. I guess I had howled in victory. Cause moments later the pack was there.

I was in my own world. I forgot about Bo. Though he never moved. He stared in horror as his sire's body parts wiggled and thrashed. The other wolves began encircling Bo before I snapped out of my stupor. I growled at Sam who was acting as if he was about to attack. I jumped in front of Bo, un knowing if he'd kill me with my back to him. I didn't care. I was still his friend. I growled at Sam. My teeth bared. He looked from me to Bo. The others remained quiet. Jacob was beside Sam. He looked scared. I could tell they were arguing. Then to my surprise, Jacob snapped. He jumped away from Sam's side and to my front. The black wolf eyed Jacob and barked and snapped at him. Jacob snapped back. The smaller wolves began whining and Sam silenced them with a short bark. They all took off, leaving us three and Bo. Sam looked back from me to Jacob, to Bo.

He looked as if was going to retreat, then went to jump over us to get to Bo. I jumped up and caught him by his leg back leg, slamming him against the ground. Alpha against Alpha. I drew blood. I could taste it. I held on and bit down harder, then let go. He was furious. Then Jacob backed me up. We let him stand, limping. I had felt the bone crunch. We backed him up towards the woods and let him retreat. I shot a look at Jacob. Thats when I heard him.


Jacob, what are you doing! Go back to La Push!

NO! I made my choice, I can't take it back. I wont.

You don't expect me to let you give up what you had in La Push?

SO what, not like I can't go back home. I live there. They wouldn't do anything to piss Dad off.

I growled.

Well, help me light James up before he puts himself back together. Then get out of here. Go wherever. I have to talk to Bo alone.


Jacob phased and slid into the pants he always kept strapped to his legs. He went to the house and got busy as he drug the remains of James into a barrel and lit it. I waited for him to leave. I turned to Bo, who watched me carefully. He was on edge. Nervous. I was still tense, ready to spring at a seconds notice. When I smelt the burning charred smell of roasting Vampire, I also heard Jacob take off as a wolf. He was pissed, I tried to block him out. When I was sure we was alone, I slowly began approaching him. His red eyes were glued to mine. He took a step back when I was a few feet from him, almost as tall as him. "M-Maxi?" His lip quivered. I instantly melted. I whined and closed the distance. I touched my nose to his hand. It was cold. I shuttered. He flinched, but brought himself to stroke my nose. I pulled on his sleeve towards the house. He got the message and followed me.

I led him into the back door, which I opened by pulling the cloth I'd wrapped around it for this purpose of late night runs while dad was asleep. We went upstairs and into the kitchen. He looked extremely sad, and guilty. I whined again before I stopped. He was looking around the house again, the one he had just been in. I calmed myself down enough to concentrate on phasing. When I felt that familiar warm ripple through my body, I opened my eyes and stood. I was me. The me he knew. He looked over me and looked completely shocked. "Oh my god, it is you.." I nodded before I grabbed a dish towel to cover myself. "Hold on." I went to move, and a very sever pain shot through my back. My tail bone to be exact. I growled to myself as I rushed as fast as I could into my bedroom. I threw on a pair of sweats and a teeshirt.

When I rejoined him, I was hit with that pissed/very sad feeling again. Tears welled up and I launched myself at him. He caught me and held me just as fiercely as I held him. "Maxi. God I'm so sorry! James told me you were in trouble, that a coven of vampires had taken you hostage and that he needed me, someone familiar to rescue you." He was bitter. "He manipulated you to take a shot at me below the belt Bo." He nodded and he sobbed, but no tears escaped his eyes. I pulled away and looked him up and down, touching his face. "I can't believe it." I was pained. Why would he do this? "Why did you do this to yourself! Do you realize this is permanent, your never going to die, unless you end up like James?" He nodded. He pulled me to him again and buried his face in my hair, like he used to. "He said you were in danger. You know how scared I was? You wasn't answering the phone or returning my calls? It all fit together! I ain't going to think about me if your in trouble!"

I growled and pushed away from him. That sweet Kentucky accent rang in my ears. "Damn it!" I stared at him, still crying, then pulled him close to me again. "Your so stupid Bo!" He laughed and rubbed my back. "Well you smell like dog so, we're even." I smiled, despite my distress. "So, have you always been this way, and just ain't told me? James didn't tell me about all this. I was shocked. Furious. If you hadn't killed him, I would have." I shook my head. "It didn't activate till I was around my own kind." Recognition donned on him and his pretty face smiled. "Damn." I touched his face again. Cold marble. "Your so cold. Have you...killed?" He looked uncomfortable. "Yes. Only twice though. But it's hard to be around people. I have the urges all the time to just kill." I nodded.

Edward had explained the newborns curse. Constant thirst. I knew I had to get him away from the populace. He was stronger than me, he was a newborn. Extra strength until a year or a little more than that, then it worn down a bit. I couldn't control him if he decided he'd want to kill someone. "We got to go the the Cullen's. But first I got to go retrieve my keys and car. Stay here. I mean it." He was going to protest, until I heard someone pulling up, I panicked then realized it was Jacob pulling up in my car. "Ah, I do love him!" I sighed in relief as he ran up the stairs and tossed me my keys and cellphone. "Here ya go." I smiled. "Thanks I was about to go fetch them myself." He shuttered. "Don't go down there. Everything is in an uproar. Sam's pissed he was brought down to level by you. He'll get over it though. Take us back maybe."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "I'm not going back, but I want you to." He clenched his jaw and nodded. "I will go back if they let me. No offense. But I don't think much of his kind." Bo remained silent. "Thats fair enough, I can understand why after tonight. But Bo here has been my best friend for years. He can change." Jacob nodded and hugged me. "I trust your judgment. I'll call you." I squeezed him. "Love you Jake." He smiled. "Love you too Max." But before he left I remembered something important. "Jake, one more thing?" He looked at me and smiled. "Keep an eye out for Seth. For me."After that he phased outside and took off. Bo looked awkward, rubbing his arm. "So, I guess I'll have to watch my back?" I nodded. "You have no idea. But we are going somewhere safe." He sighed and I grabbed his cold hand. We took off towards the Cullen's mansion. When he saw my car he was thoroughly impressed. "Wow! This looks awesome." I giggled and got in, he followed. "My boyfriend painted it..." My voiced died out, he also didn't know about Edward.

I got quiet. His face fell, then got impassive. Not good. He was hurt. My nightmare I had a while back came back to me. I was suddenly scared. "Bo?" He took a deep breath and touched the dash. "I figured you would snag a lucky guy. Who is he?" I started the car up and pulled out. "Well, he's a vampire." His eyes got huge. "What! Are you crazy! I could kick your ass Maxi Sandalio BROGAN!" He yelled my last name which hurt my ears, it was so loud my passenger side window cracked. He took a deep breath and cussed. "Sorry." He mumbled. He crossed his arms and pouted. "I thought you people hated Vampires! Your dating one! Oh my god..." I smirked. "Ironic huh?" He snorted. "More than ironic. Try fucked up." I frowned.

"Don't you think your overreacting? I'm not that normal girl from Kentucky! I'm a werewolf! I just killed a vampire..." He held his hand up. "I get it! But Jesus! Does your father know?!" I shook my head. "No, Grandpa does though." He sighed, before grinning. "I guess I did get to come up then huh?" I smirked and hit his leg. "Yeah." It was quiet until we arrived at my second house. He looked up amazed. "Wow, who's place?" I smiled. "My boyfriend and his family." He shot me a look, then nodded. "I see why you like him now." I rolled my eyes and got out. He followed and I unlocked the door, walking in. I turned the lights on and he walked in. "You just allowed in?" I nodded. "I spend half my time here. They gave me a key." He nodded and sniffed. "I can smell them. They smell different, like...their scent is lighter than mine or James'." I shrugged. "Hmm I wonder why." I motioned towards the upstairs. "Come on, lets get you upstairs. You need a shower and clothes." He chuckled. "I am a bit scruffy huh?" I nodded. "I will get one across the house. While your taking a shower." Bo followed me into Emmet's and Rose's room. He was closer to Emmet's size. Not as tall, but Bo was very broad shouldered. I grabbed him a pair of Emmet's p.j. bottoms and a white teeshirt.

I ushered him to the bathroom and I rushed of to shower myself. I slid into a pair of sleeping shorts that were baggy, similar to basket ball shorts. And one of Edward's tees. Even though I was furious, I still missed and loved him. We got done around the same time, and we crashed onto the couch in the living room. Bo's eyes were glued on me. I smiled and he grinned. "What?" He sighed and pulled me to him. "I have missed you so much. With these new eyes, your even prettier. And hotter too." I blushed. "Bo..." I pushed away from him gently and he looked amused. "No, I mean your hot. Like feverish." I giggled. "Oh, well yeah. It comes with the wolf thing. I can also see in the dark and a few other interesting bonuses." He smiled. "Wow, I never imagined." I shook my head. "Me neither." I grabbed my cell and turned it on. I have 15 texts and 3 voice mails. I sighed.

Maxi. Pls Answer.

I rolled my eyes and deleted them all. "You mad?" I nodded. "He knew that James was after you. He didn't tell me about it." Bo looked confused. "How did he know?" I continued staring at my cell phone screen, deleting. "His sister Alice can see the future. He can read minds. Jasper can manipulate and sense emotions. Some vampires have gifts." I looked up at him and he wasn't looking at me. "Does energy like balls count?" I felt my jaw drop. "No fucking way." He grinned sheepishly. "Yes ma'am. The moment my transformation was over, I couldn't stop forming them. James was so...happy." He ground out that last name and he shivered. "Ass got what he deserved." He whispered to himself. He held up his hand, palm up. And in fact, a invisible ball hovered. It looked like gas fumes. Then as he shut his hand, it diminished.

"Well thats a bit sci-fi." He burst out laughing, I squinted and he quieted. "Sorry. I got to work on that. But, come on! We live lives where anything is possible." I considered this. "True." I looked at my phone again. "You should call him." I furrowed my eyebrows. "He lied." Bo touched my hand and kissed it. "He didn't tell you to keep you safe, I'm sure." I nodded. "I'll let him chew on it. He'll be back tomorrow, or today." I noticed it was about three in the morning. Where did the time go? He nodded. "I miss sleeping." I smiled. "Why?" Bo shrugged and touched his hair. That wonderful brown hair. "It was peaceful is all." I stuck my tung out at him. "I still sleep. I just don't get as tired." I crawled over to him and put a pillow on his lap. "I'm exhausted though." Bo began playing with my hair. "Go to sleep. I'll stay right here."

I yawned and nodded. "I'll take you hunting in the morning." He chuckled. "Hunting? Are you serious? It's out of season!" I opened my eyes and looked into his Red ones. "Your going to have to go vegetarian. Strictly animal blood." He smiled but looked worried. "Good, I hate killing people. It makes me sick after I come down from the high." I smiled and touched his face. "I'm sorry for not calling you back Bo. I met Edward, and I didn't want to risk you in the world I was in. I love him. He's my soul mate. Its a long story I'll tell you later. I thought it would be simpler with a clean break..." He looked sad for a moment. "I understand. Like I said before you left. I love you. No matter what. I'm happy your happy." He was telling the truth. He kissed my forehead and I drifted to sleep.

About noon I woke up and Bo, like he said, was still there, smirking. "Morning sunshine." I growled and grinned. "You to Fangs." He rolled his eyes, which were dilated and a brighter red. He was thirsty. "Thirsty?" He nodded. "Yeah." I stretched and stood up. "Come on you." He stood up and I walked him outside and explained some stuff. "Theres a boundary. Stay with me, the moment you cross it, the pack have every reason to get ahold of you." He nodded. "What happened with all that last night?" He looked worried. "They wanted to kill you, I left the pack and defended my pack members." He smiled. "For all you knew, I could have killed you though. You didn't know." I agreed. "Thats true, but I knew who you were. I couldn't let them kill you." I sniffled and collected myself before I turned into a teary mess. "Now please turn your head Bo." The man turned and I stripped, throwing my clothes across one of the chairs outside. I phased and took off, him tailing me. With a few moments he had a buck down and sucked it dry. He tagged two more and buried them. I was happy, he seemed to adjust pretty easily.

We got back to the mansion and I dressed again. "So, what do you think?" He shrugged, "Not like human blood, but I'll be fine. Its got an interestin' tinge to it." I smiled. "Wow, your a quick learner. It takes a normal vamp a while to take a liking to it." Bo flashed that million dollar grin and I stood close to him, to see his eyes. They were not dialated, and a deep brownish orange color. "The more you drink animal blood, your eyes will adjust to a beautiful honey color." He raised his eyebrows. "Neat. So when will the others get here?" I shrugged. "I don't know. I miss Edward though, even though I'm pissed." He chuckled. "I'd hate to be him when he gets home. I remember what you did to Bobby when he cheated on you." He winced and I giggled. "He deserved what he got." Bo nodded, "Yes Ma'am he did. Boy didn't walk right for a week."

I was thinking about the old times we shared. Racing. Parties. That goodbye kiss. I smiled. It didn't give me butterflies, just a smile. I really was over him. We sat around and I explained different things to him. Do and Dont's. Bo absorbed it all, then we heard two engines coming. "Thats them." I bit my lip. "Should I hide?" He asked, nervously. I laughed. "No, just stay there. Let me talk m'kay?" He shuddered. Bo played with his shirt, accidentally ripping it at the edge. "Shit!" I heard him utter. I heard them get out, then immediately Edward, Emmet and Jasper burst in, teeth bared. "MAX!" He yelled, then saw me standing next to Bo. I was stonic. I was death glaring him. They stopped realizing there was no danger.

Edward sighed and went to hug me. "Maxi I was so afraid! We picked up his scent and..." CRACK! I withdrew my fist that knocked him to his feet. The family walked in at that moment. Emmet and Jasper backed up. "Don't you dare give me that EDWARD CULLEN! I AM PISSED!" I stalked to him and pointed towards Bo, who was sunk into the couch. "YOU KNEW! You knew!" I hissed. "Bo is my best friend! And you knew!!" He looked at me with shame and I teared up, but swallowed them. "You should have said SOMETHING! I would have told YOU!" Then I looked away from him, to Alice. "And YOU!" I growled and pointed. "I'm mad at you too!" I looked back at Edward. "Why? That's all I want to know!" He swallowed, those gorgeous eyes settling on me. Baby, you hurt me. I thought. He nodded. "I'm terribly sorry. I didn't want to tell you if we was able to prevent it. I know how much he means to you. I know it would have caused you a lot of pain if James killed him." I growled. "Well, he turned him! So technically he's fine."

Alice peeped in, scared. "His original plan was to kill him to use his death as torture." I considered this and relaxed a little bit. I stared at Edward for a minuet, then jumped into his arms. I cried. "Damn it, don't you EVER leave like that again. My heart cant take it!" He squeezed me. "I'm sorry, I should have told you." I shook my head. "Water under the bridge. Though you owe me BIG time." He winked, my stomach flipped. I kissed him for a minuet before I pulled away and motioned for Bo to stand next to me. "Everyone, this is Bo. New vampire." He was shy. Edward grinned. "Hello Bo." Bo smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet ya buddy." He said with that accent. He went through the group and Carlisle questioned him. "So, have you given thought to taking up a different lifestyle?" He nodded. "Yeah, Max gave me the one two. She took me huntin this morning. Not too bad. Easier on the conscience." Edward smirked.

He patted Bo's back. "Well, your a piece of work aren't you. Very talented. I'm impressed." Bo beamed. He's always loved praise. Edward winked at me. "So, I want to know where James is." Emmet piped up. I forgot about that. Bo explained what had expired and everyone was in shock. Edward didn't speak, I'm sure he was seeing it himself. "Incredible." He finally whispered and hugged me close. "I hope I never have to see you do that." He turned me around and felt my lower back. "Healed." I nodded. Emmet grabbed me and hugged me. "Aww, our little warrior princess!" I growled. "Don't make me give an encore performance." He chuckled and put me down. I had Bo on one side, and Edward on my other side. I wrapped my arms around their waist. Within a few days things were back to normal, except the Cullen's had another member. They set him up with all the legal documentation. Esme had taken right to him, charmed by his boyish good looks and the southern accent. Carlisle was fascinated by his ability. And Edward, well lets just say he and Bo were instant best friends. I never thought this would happen.

Bo, Edward and I were in the back yard late at night star gazing. It was a Cherokee midnight. It felt magical. "So, how does it feel to have a new life?" I asked Bo as he rubbed my feet and I snuggled into Edward, kissing his hands. "Good, weird. I'm happy I get to start over. Do anything I want. I'm also sad about mom. Everyone thinks I'm dead. It's hard knowing everyone will die, but I'll live. We will." I winked. "I know what you mean." Edward sighed. "Yes, very true." I giggled. "Bowen Anthony Cullen. Ha ha." He nodded and Edward agreed with the name. "Our family just keeps growing. Though, in an odd way, he does look like Emmet. They could definitely pass for brothers." I studied Bo and agreed. "Yeah, I never noticed that." I kissed Edward and held on too long for Bo's liking. "Okay guys, I'm going to go watch that old Florida Game on ESPN Classic with Emmet." I grunted an okay, as I wrapped myself around my life and heart. Edward.

I sighed and hugged him. "Wow, what a year. Y'all must be running out of room for strays huh?" He chuckled. "Though, we could always use another member." I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah, we should talk to an adoption agency. He kissed me, shutting me up. While I was preoccupied, he slipped the promise ring off and put a colder band on me. I pulled away and looked. It was gold. It had a larger diamond. It was... My mind went fuzzy and tears blurred my vision. "Edward?" His golden eyes found mine and they were happy. "Marry me." My jaw fell open. "I'm serious. We can wait a while. Let you finish school. Or whatever you want to do. But, I want to marry you. When I was away, I went nuts without you." I looked at the ring again. Yes. I will. Oh my god! I'm engaged! I could think but not speak. He grinned and enveloped me in a bone crushing hug. "SHE SAID YES!!" I heard Emmet roar and the house sang out with happy woots and 'hell yeahs!'

"They were in on it?" Edward smiled and nodded. "Yeah, Bo was thrilled. I asked for his permission." I squilled. "I'm engaged? Holy shit!" I repeated it a few times and jumped up to go show the women my ring. Esme, Alice and Rose all gushed and Rose yelled at Emmet for not getting her a big diamond like mine. He looked at Edward and scowled. "Nice going Bro." I caught Bo's eyes, his now light orange ones, another week they'll be honey. He was happy. He smiled and hugged me. "Congrats Max. Love you." I hugged him tightly. "Thank you Bo. Love you more." He pulled away and Alice got an evil grin. "Oh theres so much to plan! The cake! The decorations! THE DRESS!!" She jumped up happily and clapped her hands. "Now Alice...we are going to wait a while." Edward cut in but I shushed him. "I'm thinking next summer. In July. A pretty ceremony outdoors. Can you manage that?" Alice squilled and hugged me. "Yes!! Thank you! You wont be disappointed!" I smiled. "I know I wont be." I felt Edward's arm wrap around me. "We're going to have to tell your father." I sighed. "I know baby. We will. But I don't know what hes going to say. I just want to tell him the truth!"

"I understand. But, the less people who know, the better. There's...others...that would kill him if he knew. I'm not the only one who can read minds." The giddy feeling in the room evaporated. Everyone got stiff, only me and Bo were not in on this. "The Volturi. They are like, the royalty of the Vampires. They have certain rules. They know about me and you, and aren't too happy about it. Alice is keeping her eye on it. So far, so good. Don't get worried okay? Nothing will happen." I nodded. "If you say so. I just want to worry about how I'm goin to handle my father." Bo chuckled. "Me too. Jerry can get pretty nasty, hardly happens, but it's easy over Maxi." Edward shrugged "Yeah, well he wants the best for her." You are the best for me. Edward kissed me.


Schools started up again. Edward is a senior, I'm a junior. I turned 17 a few days ago on September 30th. I wear my ring proudly. I still couldn't believe my luck. We made up our mind's that after the wedding, I would drop out my senior year. Edward protested, and is still not liking the idea, but I am absolute on it. He wouldn't be at school with me. So I promised I would get my GED. Sheesh, werewolf with a GED. We were going to travel for a while after the honey moon. But I wasn't thinking about that now. I was currently watching him taking notes about the board work. Thank god I had Science with him again. A glint caught my eyes, it was his engagement ring on his left hand. A gold band. My heart fluttered. I love you. I thought and he turned around for a second and smiled. Then he went back to his notes. In this classroom was where it all started.

I wasn't going to think about what lies ahead of me and him. I will take it as it comes. We were strong together. Happy. Secure. I was forever his, and he was mine. We have forever. I smiled. It still hasn't sunk in yet. Forever. "Thats a very long time, my love." He whispered so low only I could have heard it. I smiled, he didn't have to look back at me. "I don't think it is long enough." He smiled, and chuckled. The boy beside him looked at him strangely. Edward grinned and continued writing. I giggled as I headed my paper with my name. I got sneaky and wrote Maxi Cullen. I gazed at the name. It would soon be reality. I looked towards Edward once more, he quickly got out of his seat and kissed me! Right there in class! I gasped and the teacher yelled. "Mr. Cullen! To the office!" Edward chuckled and skipped out the door. Mr. Donnelly looked at me suspiciously. "Ms. Brogan? You alright?" I blushed. Everyone was shocked and some of the girls snickered, a few whispered 'they are so cute!'

"Better than ever sir. I do believe I am at fault to." I grabbed my stuff and followed Edward's scent to the office, where he grinned as I plopped down next to him on the couch in the office outside of the principle's office door. "Hey you." I giggled and held his left hand with my left hand. "Hey."

Okay people. There it is.

I'm planning a sequel. I want to get my other story 'Sweets'

mostly done first. Give me a month or so. I might get bored and start early.

I seriously loved writing this, its my lovechild.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!
