Hello Everyone. First off, this is my second fanfic ever, and its another Mikiley (yay) seeing as we seem to have very few of them these days. I'd also like to encourage those who are thinking about writing a story, or already are to make a Mikiley! Seriously people we are in desperate need of some! Anyway here's the full Summary and briefing of the story:
Mikayla and Miley fell in love at 16, married at 18 and had their first child, Summer Brooke Stewart-Martial at 19. But 11 months after baby Summer was born, Miley takes the cruel words about her mother being disappointed in her said by her homophobic father to heart and abandons her family to try and prove to her dead mother she is 'worthy of loving' and tries to become straight. Mikayla and Summer never stopped searching for the woman they both adored. What happens if they find her? Will she come back? Or will she have a new family to go home to?
Here's the story Hope you enjoy…
Abandoned (yeah I know stupid title)
Chapter One – Leavin'
20 year old Miley Stewart-Martial lay on her back, next to her sleeping wife. She was drowned in complete darkness. It wasn't just the lack of light that was consuming her, it was the horrible string of words her father had hurled at her, merely hours ago, that was cutting deep into her heart.
(8 hours earlier)
Miley drove down the pacific coast highway through Santa Monica, gripping the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles were turning white. She was on her way to her father's house in Malibu, to try and convince him to spend some quality time with his only grandchild, Summer whom he hadn't even acknowledged since Miley had given birth to her 11 months ago. Miley hadn't seen or spoken to Robby-Ray since just after Summer was born when she had called him to say that she and Mikayla had found a doctor who had been able to nurture the two women's embryos into a fetus with the help of a lot of medical equipment and some blank sperm.
This had meant that both Miley and Mikayla were biologically related to Summer. Robby-Ray who had not been as thrilled had snarled into the phone that what they were doing was wrong and he wanted no part theirs or Summer's life.
Baby Summer, was safely strapped in her baby seat in the back, gurgling and laughing to herself happily. Miley smiled as she heard another eruption of giggles from her bouncing baby girl.
Once she arrived, she pulled into the familiar driveway she had once called her own. She glanced at her watch and checked the time. 2:10pm. Her father should have been home any minute. She killed the engine and unbuckled her seatbelt, then climbed over the seat and sat down next to Summer.
"There's my baby" She cooed, un-strapping Summer from her baby seat and setting her down on her lap. Summer giggled in response and turned around to face her mom. She smiled and wrapped her tiny arms around Miley's neck, snuggling up against her. Miley kissed the top of her daughter's blonde head and twirled Summer's short curls with her fingers.
Summer reminded Miley a lot of herself. When Miley was a baby, she had blonde hair up until she was about three when it had eventually darkened. Summer and Miley both shared the same Baby blue eye and, bubbly personality. From Mikayla's side, Summer had inherited her sometimes diva attitude (even though she wasn't even one), her smile and her love for stealing the spotlight.
The slamming of a car door alerted Miley to Robby-Ray's presence. She opened the car door and got out, holding Summer in one arm. She moved around the side of the car and took a deep breath, before making herself heard by Robby-Ray.
"Hi, Daddy"
Robby-Ray spun around on the spot as he heard the voice of his only daughter. He saw her, holding a baby, in front of him.
"What are you doing here?" He spat
"Daddy, I want you to meet your granddaughter" She answered shakily "And I was hoping we could talk"
"I have nothing to say to you" He said curtly "Or to … that"
"Dad, she's your granddaughter! You're her grandpa! Doesn't that mean anything to you!?"
"I have no concern for the brats of lesbians" He sneered "Or, the actual lesbians themselves"
Miley fought back tears and she tried to keep hold of a wriggly Summer
"How can you say that?" She choked "You're my father, I'm your daughter! We..."
"You stopped being my daughter the day you went all… all… gay" He said nastily
Miley took a deep breath and tried to calm herself
"Dad," She said softly "It doesn't have to be like this"
"You think I want it to be like this!" He shouted "Don't you think I'd much rather have a normal daughter than a lesbian one!"
"You think this is what I had planned for you? What your momma had planned?"
Miley froze at the mentioning of her mother
"Momma?" She whimpered
"What do think she's asking herself right now Miley? Where she went wrong? Why she's looking down from the heavens to see you and your lesbian family!"
"Stop it" Miley choked
"Can you imagine how disappointed she woulda been if she'd been here when you told me? How grossed out she woulda been. She would hate you! Could you even imagine, putting everything you have into one child, loving it then raising them to become what, a lesbian!? Everything that's wrong with this world!? Face it Miley, you're a failure, a disappointment, and your mother and I both hate you for it!"
And with that, he turned his heel and walked inside leaving a distraught Miley and gurgling baby standing outside this house.
Present Time
Miley wiped the tears from her eyes as the scene played over and over in her head. Did her mom really hate her? Her dad would know, he was closest to her, apart from Miley of course. If she was, would she block her out of her life too? Miley sat up
'I can't do this' She thought 'I need to prove to momma, I am worthy, I'm not a failure. I am straight! Then maybe she and daddy will love me again'
She got out of bed and hurriedly gathered all of her possessions in a small suitcase then slipped out of her pj's and pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank top. She moved cautiously over to Mikayla's side of the bed and smiled, admiring the sleeping beauty just inches from her touch.
She leaned forward and left and left a lingering kiss on her wife's lips. She buried her tear-stained face in Mikayla's neck and kissed it softly, mumbling and 'I love you'. She got up and caressed Mikayla's face lovingly, then closed her eyes and shook her head.
She moved over to the end of the bed, where Summer's crib was located. She looked down at her gorgeous baby daughter, who looked like an angel surrounded by white satin sheets. Miley leaned down and kissed Summer's head lightly, inhaling her baby scent, wondering if that was the last time she'd ever smell it. Summer squirmed slightly, then opened her eyes.
Miley froze. She hadn't counted on Summer waking up. Summer wriggled around and opened her arms, wanting Miley to pick her up. Miley bit her lip and glanced over to Mikayla, who was still sleeping.
"Go back to sleep baby" Miley whispered stroking Summer's head. "Sleepy time"
Summer rubbed her eyes and held out her arms again "Up, momma, up"
Miley shook her head "No sweetie, go back to sleep"
"Up, mommy"
"Summer, go back to sleep"
"Momma, up!" Summer insisted
"NO SUMMER!" Miley hissed angrily
Summer's big blue eyes filled will tears. Her mommy never got mad at her, ever.
Miley's face softened. "I'm sorry baby, momma didn't mean to get angry"
Summer screwed up her face, as if she was about to start waliling, but Miley quickly picked her up and rocked her back and forth gently soothing her. Summer sniffed quietly into Miley's shoulder, calming down. Miley moved Summer down and held her in a cradling position. She smiled, and started to sing the only song that would make Summer fall asleep
You make the whole world smile
With your little button nose
Your itty bitty fingers
And you tiny little toes
Summer's eyes started to droop
Even in the still of night when you're a little so and so
You make the whole world smile
Miley kissed Summer's cheek gently and placed the sleeping baby back in her crib.
"Mommy loves you" She whispered to Summer. She glanced back over to Mikayla "Both of you"
She quickly scribbled out a note for Mikayla and gazed at the two girls she loved the most sadly, one last time, then opened the door and ran off into the night.
I know that was sad and Robby-Ray was being a dick. Please know that in writing this chapter I did not mean to offend anyone, lesbian or not. I think lesbian and gay relationships are just as beautiful and special as heterosexual ones. Umm anyway, please review and leave your thoughts, It makes my day to here what you guys have to think.
Next chapter will be up soon, so keep tuned in!