A/N: Last chapter everyone. I just want to say thank you those that read and reviewed. It might be awhile until I write another story but keep an eye out.

Calleigh and Ryan stood outside the police department as they watched officers walk Mrs. Dersey out of the building and into a cop car. It took them two days, but they were able to place the murder weapon in Mrs. Dersey's hand on the night of her husband's murder. After confessing she killed him because she thought he was cheating on her, she later found out he wasn't and the woman he was "seeing" was really a second cousin that has been over-seas for nine years and arrived back in the states.

"What's going to happen to the little girl?" Ryan asked, thinking about the five year old that now lost both her parents.

"Child Services will turn her over to the aunt who was named caretaker if anything happened to them," Calleigh said, walking back into the building. She stopped at the small memorial the department had up for Rick. "They say his case is going cold."

"Yeah. Almost like the killer knew how to avoid leaving any evidence behind," Ryan said, a little dryly. He had told Horatio he was going to confess to the murder, but his boss told him it wasn't his fult and not to the blame for someone else. He still felt guilty but all he had to do was look at the small, bearly noticable Cross like scar on Calleigh's cheek and he then remembers what she did to save him. He would forever be greatful to her and his friends that half the time he wouldn't feel guilty. "So what do we have next?"

Calleigh smiled and walked towards the elevator and got on. "Well, Horatio wants us to help Eric and Speed on this one case they're working on."

"Oh yeah? Where are they?"

"Knowing Eric, swimming for the murder weapon as we speak."

"You know, if I were to wager, I would say you're having way to much fun in there," Speed said, kneeling down on the small dock and looking down at the nasty, diseased swamp water. He watched as Eric swam over to him, holding up a hand gun that matched the description to the murder weapon they needed.

"Then how about next time you tell these fugitives not to throw evidence into swap water so I don't have to spend two hours in here looking for it," Eric laughed, handing Speed the gun. "This is the one we need."

"Good. Calleigh and Ryan are going to help us since we need this guy behind bars by the end of the day." Speed stood up walked over to the Hummer to bag the gun when we felt something wet wrap around his waist. Removing the wet arms, he turned around and pulled Eric's goggles completely off his head. "You're all wet."


"Yes, now get out of that suit and let me see your hand."


"You were in there for two hours Eric." Speed gave him that look and watched as Eric striped of his suit, wearing now a black shirt and shorts. He picked up Eric's right hand, removing the bandage that was neatly wrapped around it, and made sure none of the swamp water got into the glove. Last week, the doctors gave Eric the okay to go diving but he had to wear gloves and keep it bandaged at all times while on a case, but they all made sure it was bandaged even outside of work.

"Better?" Eric asked, kneeling down to gather his diving gear. "In case you forgot, but I did go diving down in the Key's five days ago." He smiled at the memory of Speed taking him down to the Key's for a small vacation once the doctors told him he his hand was going to be fine.

"Yeah, but that water was germ infested," Speed said back. "Now come on, Calleigh and Ryan are waiting for us to get back."

Horatio stood outside one of the labs, looking through the glass as his team gathered around the table looking at the evidence they got from the crime scene that morning. It felt good to see his team back at work after giving them a week off to recover and relax. He himself had only taken three days since nothing really happened to him. When they came back from vacation, they acted like nothing even happened to them and went straight to work and did what they did best. Every so often, he found himself thinking back to Ruby and how quiet his house was now. He was starting to get used to the TV turning on and off, the lights turning on before got home and how they turned off when he got ready for bed. The last he heard of Father Newman was the day after the exorcistsim and he had told them he was going to personaly take care of the board so no one could get hurt again. He had tried calling him to thank the Father for everything he did, but the number was disconnected.

"Hey H, we got it," Ryan said, walking out of the lab with his friends behind him.

Horatio looked down and then looked up at them with a smile. "Then lets go and put a killer behind bars."

Somewhere in Ohio

A group of teenagers gathered around a board game, candles surrounding them. Each of them placed their fingers on the pointer that came with the game and began asking questions for someone from the other side to come out and talk to them.

"This is stupid," one boy said, looking down at the Ouija board. "And what's with these red spots all over?"

"I don't know. I asked the owner and he said the man that brought it in said it was a new kind of Ouija board," a girl said, still looking down at the pointer. A smile appeared on her face when the pointer started moving. "It's working."

"It's about time," another girl said. "Okay mister ghost, what's your name?"
