Knowing Me

Summary: Syaoran's back in Hong Kong, coming back after making himself a name in Japan through protecting Sakura from the world of sorcerers after her power. Now as the leader of his clan, there's just the deal with connecting his time in Japan with his current clan, which is shadowed from his accomplishments in Japan, that and claiming his rightful happiness.

Note: Before you continue to read, just be sure to know that this "story" is more of a little ramble for me, meaning it might not lead to a real, full-time story. For all I know, I'll finish my ramble in a few chapters or worse, don't complete my idea at all. Also, after finish reading it, few might understand how it connects with the summary I put up, unless I'm wrong and I do a better job than I think I will. Oh, and also, this would be my first time attempting to write a story that's not a one-shot or meant to be a one-shot. However, I will try my best and make this work.

Oh, and I hope the summary made sense to you all.


Chapter 1: In Hong Kong.

Syaoran scowled when his cousin decided to hit the brakes spontaneously on again, causing his seat belt to pull him roughly into his seat. Needless to say, as was already evident with his scowl, he wasn't exactly happy; in fact, he was slightly pissed about his current predicament, having to accompany some of his male cousins on a joyride that all but him seem to enjoy.

"Whoo-hoo!" Ching Wang and Ling Min yelled together in the back seat, arms waving wildly, just as Jin Su, the driver, pulled to a stop on a red light, slowly this time, much to Syaoran's relief.

Glad for a moment without worrying about Jin Su's reckless driving, Syaoran turned to the side and leaned against the edge of the car, only to notice a group of females in another car looking their way, also waiting at the front for the green light. Syaoran's cousins, noticing the attention the females gave them, waved at them, suddenly becoming a giant car of arms.

The females in the car looked at each other and giggled, causing Syaoran to cring back into his seat at the possibilities of what they thought of his cousins at the very moment. Thankfully, the green lights flashed, and Jin Su, still grinning like an idiot, stepped on the gas petal, causing Syaoran's back to slam into the seat quite viciously as they zoomed forward in a wave of arms. Syaoran groaned as he hung on for dear life, his moment of peace without Jin Su's reckless driving gone with the wind.


Syaoran finally stepped into his apartment, having thankfully seen the end of his cousin's wild behavior, and threw his keys onto the counter, wincing all the while. His back and chest were slightly pained from all Jin Su's constant sudden stops and acceleration. He let out a few curses thrown his cousins' way, his mind promising them torment the next time he saw them. But then, on hindsight, he suppose he couldn't blame his cousins for enjoying the relaxation after all the stress from the clan duties. After all, it wasn't everyday that they had an excuse to be so free with just a simple "spend a few days with Syaoran while he's in Hong Kong" command to follow. For a moment, Syaoran wondered what his mother was thinking, allowing them to put his life in danger for no good reason with such a command.

Syaoran sighed, getting out some plates of leftovers from the refrigerator, letting go of his thoughts on his cousins and his mothers command for a moment. The point was he was free. His cousins would have to wait at least until tomorrow before they could torment him again. For the moment, he was safe from having to plan his own funeral. He placed the plates on the counter, all except two that was meant for the microwave. Once the two plates were in the microwave with the inter lights on to show that it was heating, Syaoran picked up the phone and with it on his shoulders, he began to slice up the chicken. The phone rang a couple of times before the person on the other side picked up.

"Hello?" Meilin, his female cousin, answered.

"Hey, Mei," Syaoran replied while still slicing up the chicken. "You wanted me to call you?" he asked, not forgetting the voicemail he had gotten earlier only a couple of days ago.

"Oh, right," Meilin answered, apparently remembering the voicemail she had left him a couple of days ago. "I just wanted to spend some time catching up with my favorite cousin. That's all."

Syaoran couldn't help but smile, hearing the "favorite cousin" part. Even if they were no longer engaged and he had already told her his heart belonged to someone else, it still touched him to know Meilin still thought him worthy enough to be one of themore important people in her life.

"Well, there's not much to catch up on," Syaoran replied. "I've pretty much been on business matters like I have been the last time you called. Other than that, everything's pretty much normal."

Syaoran could hear Meilin audibly sigh through the phone.

"Fine," Meilin said. "I'll tell you about my time here then."

Meilin, obviously frustrated from the lack of events in Syaoran's life to talk about, decided to fill it in with with her life story in Japan. And so the next half-hour on the phone consisted of her rambling and Syaoran nodding his "ah-hah"s in response to her tall-tale story about a trip to the mall or a fun night at a carnival, stories that gave Syaoran a feeling of longing in the pit of his stomach, making him remember his time in Japan, times spent with...

"...And then, this bear popped up, and Kinomoto Sakura screamed her head off. I swear everyone in her vacinity turned around, and every bird within fifty feet must have flown away. Turns out the bear was her brother, though..." Meilin rambled on.

...Kinomoto Sakura, or as Syaoran had been allowed to call her, Sakura-chan. Syaoran nearly groaned when Meilin mentioned her name and her actions, obviously oblivious of the affect it was having on him. Kinomoto Sakura, practically the love of his life... the sound of her name sent shivers down his spine and made him remember almost every detail about her features, the scent of her hair, her emerald eyes, her cherry-scented lips... Everything he remembered about her, her personality, her aura, her bubbly love for everyone made him long for her even more. And so, when Syaoran finally hung up the phone, he had to force himself to stand and push her auburn-hair to the back of his mind, giving his head a final shake before getting back to preparing his dinner.

Through his efforts to calm himself down, though, he failed to notice or remember the tone of Meilin's voice over the phone, clearer than the small, dull tone had it been an international call, having been too distracted by something else.


Li Jin Su walked the path of the Li Mansion's gardens nervously, scolding himself on his recent failure. He had been given a rare chance by the Elders, a chance that had been carried out nicely by Li Yelan, and he had ruined it even with his cousins with him. He hadn't gotten the guts to ask and had wasted away his chance in fake merriment, squishing his nervousness with pure reckless fun, and his cousins had in joined in on his account. For heaven's sake, it wasn't like he didn't know the person he was to ask. They were cousins, for crying out loud! They practically grew up together. But no matter, as soon as the thought of what he was going to ask came to mind, everything that reminded him of their relationship just flew out the window and he became a reckless idiot. Oh, how was he suppose to pull this off? But he had to pull it off. Nothing would make him happier than to spend the rest of his life being with her.

"Jin Su!"

Speaking of whom... Jin Su turned around to meet the girl he had spend the day with Li Syaoran, the leader of the clan, for. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips when she came up to him, all smiles on her face. He had only met her for three months, and already he was sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and bring honor to the clan by doing so.

Three months ago, they had met at this very mansion, him to represent his clan, her as an honorary guest presenting herself to the Li Clan and announcing herself to the rest of the world. Through the three months, they had warmed up towards each other and become friends, though he wanted to be more. And it was only a week ago that he had been called in by the Elders and gotten approval from them to ask her for her hand in marriage and bring honor to the clan.

"H-Hi," Jin Su greeted and weakly smiled at the girl before him, the green-eyed, auburn-haired girl named Kinomoto Sakura, the girl given the title of Clow Mistress.

"So, what's up?" Kinomoto Sakura asked brightly, her eyes shining as they usually did when greeting a friend.

"Not much," Jin Su replied.

Kinomoto Sakura girl then delightedly caught him into an animated conversation that made him blessed. Jin Su just knew she would make him happy for the rest of his life. He just hoped that everything would go as planned and Li Syaoran found the girl worthy for their clan. He had already gotten the approval of the Elders. Now he just needed the approval of the clan leader.


Li Syaoran stood patiently by the street for his limo to arrive, occasionally glancing at his watch for the time. His mother had called once again, this time for him to visit the Li Mansion.

Syaoran sighed. He had only been back from his clan business in another place in China about a week ago and already his mother was bugging him to do this and that. Would it kill her and the Elders to give him a rest? He had been on business practically none stop for almost five months already. He was starting to wonder if his father had died from exhaustion and frustration rather than on a random business trip. After all, it didn't seem unlikely. It was possible that exhaustion and frustration had killed him, and the business trip had simply be the time and place. Heaven forbid, he was going to collapse himself from all the exertion if there were more to come after.

Syaoran sighed again when the limo still hadn't arrived and was considering entertaining the idea of suicide or going back when the limo finally arrived. Syaoran let out a breath of relief when the driver finally opened the door to the back seat and took his bags.

Syaoran stepped out of the limo and smiled at the sight of the mansion where he had grown up. Nothing seemed to have changed in his five month excursion. The gardens were still lively as ever and the mansion itself was as it had been before. Even the air, as Syaoran noted while taking a deep breath, felt the same.

Closing the door to the limo, he let the servants carry his bags while he himself walked through the gates, held open by the guards and made his way to the front porch. He opened the door and walked in only to be tackled by his four sisters.

"Cute little brother!!" Fuutie, one of Syaoran's younger sisters, screamed, hugging him around the neck, and Syaoran had to smile despite himself as the rest of his sisters surrounded and hug him. A couple of years ago, he would have freaked out at their display of affection, but now, grown and matured, he felt appreciation warm his heart as his sister hugged and squeezed him.

A couple of minutes passed as he enjoyed the company of his sisters before Syaoran's mother, Li Yelan, cleared her throat.

"Girls," Li Yelan called, and one by one, Fuutie, Fanren, Shiefa, and Feimei returned to their mother's side.

Syaoran raised his head to look up at his mother and then lowered his head in respect. Li Yelan smiled, having seen her dear son lower his barriers for his sister for just a moment. Unlike the Elder, she was proud to realize that he had learned to love and show love after his little excursion in Japan. Losing the cards was a smile price to pay.

"Mother," Syaoran acknowledged in respect and with, what was this, a hint of love.

"Syaoran," Li Yelan returned his acknowledgment, a smile gracing his lips as her warmed at her only son. "Welcome, my son."

A smile graced Syaoran's lips, something Li Yelan was quick to notice, and bowed before passing by to walk upstairs to his former room.

When he was one, Shiefa and Fanren leaned against their mother's shoulders.

"Aw, cute little brother," Fanren whispered when Syaoran went upstairs.


That's it for now. You don't have to but a review but telling me how I'm doing so far would be great. Just, don't flame me. Hehe.