A/N: Okay, so this is my response to the Ipod Shuffle Challenge. Instead of basing them around one pairing, I decided to base them around one Diva, Melina. There will be various pairings through these one-shots; some of them will be happy and some not-so-happy. This is my first attempt at a song-fic, so please be kind in that respect. Anyway, read, review, but please--most importantly--ENJOY! Peace!

The Many Faces of Melina

#1-"The Take Over, The Break's Over" by Fall Out Boy

One Night Stand 2008

John Morrison spotted her before she saw him.

The WWE Tag Team Champion felt his face ease into a smile. Even though Melina Perez was only a few inches above five feet and nowhere near as colorful as she had been during their MNM days, she still stood out in a crowd of people. As he watched, she pressed both hands to the wall, squatting down in a deep knee bend to stretch.

Morrison pushed his expensive aviator sunglasses further up his nose, and easing his blue-and-gold championship belt more securely onto his shoulder, made his way over to his ex-girlfriend.

Baby, seasons change but people don't

And I'll always be waiting in the backroom

The Shaman of Sexy leaned against the wall, clearing his throat deliberately. "Hey, Mel, how's it going?"

I'm boring, but I overcompensate

With headlines and flash, flash, flash photography

Melina glanced up, her brown eyes flashing recognition, but very little else. "Hey, John," she replied noncommittally, before returning to her warmup.

But don't pretend you ever forgot about me

Don't pretend you ever forgot about me

Morrison felt a tinge of irritation, but kept it from registering on his face. That was it? Just Hey John? No How are you or Good luck in that Singapore Cane match tonight? And…John? She couldn't muster up a Johnny for old times sake? True, their breakup at the Great American Bash the year before had been anything but amicable, but still, there were more than two years of history between the two of them.

And besides, what exactly had she accomplished in the past year to make her think she was better than him?

The WWE Tag Team Champion shifted a little, using the awkward silence between them as an opportunity to study his ex. Her beautiful face was turned away from his, her long hair spilling over her shoulders in raven-black waves. Her two-piece wrestling outfit was a combination of deep red, pink and yellow, perfectly complimenting the few red highlights at the ends of her hair.

"So..." he began, trying to put all of his in-ring confidence into his voice, trying not to sound like he was pissed off and confused as hell. "First ever Divas 'I Quit' match tonight, huh?"

"How observant of you," Melina remarked dryly, looking up long enough to shoot him a pointed glance.

Morrison's cocky grin faded. "Geez, someone's on the rag today." he muttered, not quite under his breath.

That comment finally got the attention he'd been seeking. With one fluid motion, Melina pushed herself to a standing position, glaring up at the Shaman of Sexy. "What the hell is your problem, Johnny?"

Not even the familiar nickname was enough to assauge Morrison, however. He met his ex-girlfriend's eyes. "Me? I should say the same thing about you."

They say your head can be a prison

Then these are just conjugal visits

Before he could stop himself, the words were pouring out of his mouth. "I just came over here to say hello, and you blow me off."

Melina rolled her eyes. "John, we've barely spoken in the past year. The last time we had a real conversation, you called me a whore and a golddigger and told me to stay the hell out of your life." She looked into his eyes without flinching. "So what exactly do we have to say to one another?"

People will dissect us til

This doesn't mean a thing anymore

Morrison winced. He had forgotten about the specifics of that particular exchange. But the Tag Team Champion still refused to back down. "I was just trying to be nice." he replied lamely.

The corners of Melina's mouth twitched. "Well, then maybe you shouldn't have broken up with me in front of half the roster a year ago." The petite Diva sighed. "You know what? Whatever. It doesn't even matter anymore. I'm gonna go--" She turned to leave, but Morrison grabbed her arm. Melina glared at him but didn't attempt to pull free.

The Shaman of Sexy stared back at her, and when he spoke, his tone was almost incredulous. "What happened to you?"

But don't pretend you ever forgot about me

Don't pretend you ever forgot about me

"Let go of me." Melina's voice was low and dangerous.

Morrison didn't. "I mean, I look at you and I don't even know you anymore," he continued. "What happened to the girl at ringside, the girl who used to help me win matches?" He lowered his voice, leaning closer to her. "The girl with that sexy little primal scream--in and out of the ring?"

"Ugh!" Melina's face twisted in disgust and she jerked free of the Tag Team Champion. Before he could react, she slapped him across the face. Morrison was so surprised that he didn't even react; only stood there with his mouth hanging open. His ex-girlfriend backed away, her expression furious, her chest heaving up and down with each rapid breath.

"You want to know what happened to me?" Melina shot back. She pointed at her ex. "Number one is that you broke up with me. Number two is that I outgrew you. I mean, look at you." She let out a harsh little laugh. "You may call yourself John Morrison, but you're still playing Johnny Nitro. And you may think you're so cool, with your fur coat and your feathered hair and your Dirt Sheet--but the truth is that you're a joke, Johnny." Melina let this sink in. "You're a joke...you're just the only one who doesn't realize it." She moved back a step. "So don't come over here and try and pretend like nothing happened when the truth is that we have nothing to say to each other anymore."

"Mel, come on, that's not fair--" Morrison protested, but the look Melina shot him was enough to silence him. Her voice, when she finally spoke, was cold as ice.

"When have either one of us ever played fair?"

Wouldn't you rather be a widow than a divorcee?

Style your wake for fashion magazines

Widow or a divorcee?

But don't pretend, d-d-d-don't pretend

We don't fight fair